
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, bottomless pit of pure idiocy, malignancy and corruption...that this guy is still alive is astounding. Not that anybody should want him to become a martyr, making things even worse than they're right now, but still.

A functioning democracy should be preparing to get his ass kicked out of the White House right now, that's some serious revisionist bullshit!


Oct 27, 2017
Trump supporters on the board should be forced to respond to this or be banned.

The next time you see an economy thread pop up, link them to this.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmmmm, i was just trying to discredit the silly "3000 people died of old age point" and was looking up the Demographics of Puerto Rico .

Now, and this is not me doing some "just asking questions" shit and thereby trying to muddy these conspiracy theory waters - but what's the science behind the fact that PR "only" saw an increase in deaths of roughly 1.300 people?

Maria hit in September / October, right? - Have those 2017 numbers not been updated yet, or have there been that many deaths in the aftermath of Maria way into 2018, that aren't part of these statistics yet?

edit: Oh, the death toll was just adjusted from 64 to 2.900something last month - i thought there would have been a gradual increase in reported deaths connected to the Hurricane.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
The "Mayor of San Juan was arrested for withholding supplies!" responses on Twitter... What kind of alternate reality do these shitfucks live in? They're a cancer on actual society.

Trump supporters on the board should be forced to respond to this or be banned.

The next time you see an economy thread pop up, link them to this.

But my paycheck is bigger!

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
Must be very comforting for those in the path of Florence to hear this despicable human being talking about this now.


Oct 25, 2017
The Puerto Rican Governor's office reported 64 DIRECT deaths as a result of the immediate impact of the hurricane, with possibly up to 1,400 deaths in the aftermath, attributed to loss of power to hospitals and nursing homes for patients on life-supporting machines that had no power, as well as people who died in the following days due to hurricane-related stress illnesses like heart attacks and strokes.

Trump is only recognizing the initial, direct casualty report and has completely ignored all follow-up reports, citing political bias.

He's an asshole, folks. Doesn't give a shit about anything but himself.
Oct 27, 2017
The way I read this, he's saying that those 3000 people didn't die. Not that they died after the hurricane, but that they didn't die. That they are "fake news" created by the Democrats.

And there are people who actually defend this piece of shit excuse for a human being.

The government of Puerto Rico intentionally withheld supplies from their people to make Trump look bad. They are guilty of sacrificing their own people for political gain. I'm sure Soros gave explicit instructions.

Don't spend time defending yourself and giving them more ammo. Intelligent, hardworking Americans know the good you are doing! Keep cleaning up corruption, holding people accountable and making our country strong. Results matter to those who matter. #BestPresidentEver #WalkAway

I hope there's a Hell and a special place in there for him and his people.
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And think of all the brain-dead people nodding along with these. I have to wonder how many actually truly believe in what he says vs how many are playing along for their own benefit?

As always, it's never the dictator. It's the people who support the dictator.

Look to the republicans who will stay silent as the script to 1984 plays out.

Look to the citizens who willingly shut their eyes to reality in order to believe whatever the dictator says, because they still hope to gain the rewards he promises his faithful servants.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to be shocked, but this is the same man that made the Orlando shooting about himself.

Fucking embarrassing. I hate this man so so much.


Oct 26, 2017
About as many people died in Puerto Rico because Trump didn't help with shit afterwards as there were deaths on 9/11. Think about that one for a while.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, Puerto Rico so needs to become a state, so they can send a big "fuck you" to Trump and the Republicans with their votes. Or at least that would be the hope, that they would hopefully have a memory that last longer than the five minutes most people here in the CONUS have and wouldn't forget about the aftermath of Maria.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
He's said some shit before but this feels like the absolute worst.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
The follow up is something else. Even with how crazy and ridiculous his campaign and administration has been.

That second tweet is disgusting.
Oct 25, 2017
Got to be thankful in a way for President Dipshit highlighting this issue because it was being woefully underreported by the media up until now. Hopefully this is a YUGE own goal


Oct 25, 2017
The way I read this, he's saying that those 3000 people didn't die. Not that they died after the hurricane, but that they didn't die. That they are "fake news" created by the Democrats.

And there are people who actually defend this piece of shit excuse for a human being.

I hope there's a Hell and a special place in there for him and his people.

Maybe i'm misreading it, but that last quote doesn't seem to be defending him.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this the same dude that left a bunch of FEMA supplies just sitting there? Then took that money and gave it to ICE?


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Trump and every single person that voted for him. Especially those who voted for him. You people have little, if any, respect for the lives of your fellow man. Having the country suffer this madness so you could entertain broken promises.

Fuck non voters in currently republican held states and districts too for their hand in fostering a republican congress that wont do what needs to be done in PR and many other issues.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Hey, all you Trump nuthuggers on this site, explain this shit. The motherfuckers that only wander into OT to post unemployment numbers, I'm talking to you. Explain how you can see your man use tragedies for self-aggrandizement and you bury your fucking heads in the sand because of an anemic tax break. You fucking cowardly scum. Tell us why you really voted for this fucking cumstain. You racist pieces of fucking shit.