Pyros Eien

Oct 31, 2017
It's probably like other Rite heroes and he can only uses his ability and do nothing else, so not worth it unless you need to colonize a ruin, which honestly doesn't really happen. I'm not too sure why it's there, I guess if you get sacked maybe, or if you pick Necrotect in the early hero choice and unlock it really early when there's still ruins around.

Cities did help with research. I only started expanding on turn 70. Until that, I was sitting on Khemri and the little province that had savage orcs the entire time, wasn't much of an issue but it did give me terrible research rate. I unlocked tier5 in Khemri around that time too and built all the tier 5 buildings at once since I had some saved gold because I had no cities to spend it on. Now I'm fast expanding with powerful armies and just rolling over everything. I'm using a taxi army to recruit the good units and deliver them to my good armies and I still have an army sailling around for treasures. I'm about to finish Arkhan and then I'll be waging war against the other TKs to take control of the desert.

The "good" thing about how the autoresolve seems broken with TKs is I still have to fight stuff, even though I completely stomp them, but it's still fun and doesn't take long.

Construct spam is pretty broken though. There's I think too many ways to increase their limits, other than the expensive tier 5 buildings. Like you can recruit a Necrotect that has +1 base, and they themselves can be spec to give another +1 and then you have some lords in the dynasties with +1 and then you just end up with a ton of constructs which are free. And while they weren't as good in 1vs1 unbuffed, with a Necrotect in the army it easily gives them an advantage.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
Cities did help with research. I only started expanding on turn 70. Until that, I was sitting on Khemri and the little province that had savage orcs the entire time, wasn't much of an issue but it did give me terrible research rate. I unlocked tier5 in Khemri around that time too and built all the tier 5 buildings at once since I had some saved gold because I had no cities to spend it on
damn, how

my freaking starting city still needs 17 turns to reach the required pop. I'm building lots of food buildings everywhere now`

I'm fairly certain that I'll lose a tier 4 city next turn, because Vampire Coast was allied with Arkhan, and he just invited the Sotek dwarfs to join in the war against me ... somehow, two turns before I was ready to take them out. I guess that's what the Necrotec rite is for
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Oct 27, 2017
damn, how

my freaking starting city still needs 17 turns to reach the required pop. I'm building lots of food buildings everywhere now`

I'm fairly certain that I'll lose a tier 4 city next turn, because Vampire Coast was allied with Arkhan, and he just invited the Sotek dwarfs to join in the war against me ... somehow, two turns before I was ready to take them out. I guess that's what the Necrotec rite is for
you don't need food. you need growth buildings in the green sector.

Pyros Eien

Oct 31, 2017
damn, how

my freaking starting city still needs 17 turns to reach the required pop. I'm building lots of food buildings everywhere now`

I'm fairly certain that I'll lose a tier 4 city next turn, because Vampire Coast was allied with Arkhan, and he just invited the Sotek dwarfs to join in the war against me ... somehow, two turns before I was ready to take them out. I guess that's what the Necrotec rite is for
Hmm I think around turn 70 is standard for tier 5.

First building everywhere is growth, every settlement, every faction(unless there's a specific need for say, walls right away, that happened pretty often during normal vortex due to impending army spawns). After that public order/money/whatever depending on the faction, for TK I mostly did ressources(since so many of their settlements since to have some) with a lot of trading partners, although gold building is fine. Never public order, as Settra public order is completely useless, even on VH(-4 from taxes and -4 from VH), there's the dynasty upgrade for +2, one of the dynasty lord for +1 and settra himself is like +7 or something dumb, I did a few money buildings in Khemri too since the main building in Khemri gives like +40% income from them and I built some during reduced cost so they paid for themselves very quick. Then the rest were a few army buildings, not many of them since I didn't need them.

Mostly I had skeleton warriors armies, since I didn't declare war on anything and just spent a lot of time sailing around to get the book up in the north and back, I didn't really need better armies nor more cities.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
you don't need food. you need growth buildings in the green sector.
I mixed them up, but all food buildings happen to be growth buildings anyway afaik
Hmm I think around turn 70 is standard for tier 5.

First building everywhere is growth, every settlement, every faction(unless there's a specific need for say, walls right away, that happened pretty often during normal vortex due to impending army spawns). After that public order/money/whatever depending on the faction, for TK I mostly did ressources(since so many of their settlements since to have some) with a lot of trading partners, although gold building is fine. Never public order, as Settra public order is completely useless, even on VH(-4 from taxes and -4 from VH), there's the dynasty upgrade for +2, one of the dynasty lord for +1 and settra himself is like +7 or something dumb, I did a few money buildings in Khemri too since the main building in Khemri gives like +40% income from them and I built some during reduced cost so they paid for themselves very quick. Then the rest were a few army buildings, not many of them since I didn't need them.

Mostly I had skeleton warriors armies, since I didn't declare war on anything and just spent a lot of time sailing around to get the book up in the north and back, I didn't really need better armies nor more cities.
I go for economy and public order first regardless of which race I play, and usually ignore growth (but used the growth commandment when I had enough order, though now it's all on extra tax). I like to expand rapidly, so balancing the PO is always a major concern. Haven't built a single defense building in this campaign, with no invasion forces there isn't really a need for it

I find the military buildings to be extremely expensive, until you earn several thousand gold per turn, so I keep all the military buildings in newly captured settlements as TK. With the tech, one tier 2 obelisk in a minor settlement per province is enough


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding chariot tactics, I've seen videos that suggest it's better to punch straight through an infantry unit rather than hit J to disengage like you would with a shock cavalry unit. Chariots are harder to get turned around than horses, after all.

Punching through vs J turns is dependent on what enemies are you fighting. If they are light units (archers etc) then punching through is easy cause the chariots will out-mass them, but if there are medium to heavy inftranty, you want to do J turns, because the chariots dont have enough mass to push through all the units before the charge ends. Then they get bogged down and instantly killed.


Oct 26, 2017
Punching through vs J turns is dependent on what enemies are you fighting. If they are light units (archers etc) then punching through is easy cause the chariots will out-mass them, but if there are medium to heavy inftranty, you want to do J turns, because the chariots dont have enough mass to push through all the units before the charge ends. Then they get bogged down and instantly killed.
It might be a matter of mass, Armor, or charge bonus. The Ithilmar and Tiranoc chariots can punch clear through a unit of heavy infantry with enough momentum. The Skeleton chariots are incredibly fragile by comparison.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm playing with the tomb kings faction, and I've noticed that every battle leaves some kind of trash pile behind. But it seems I can't interact with it. Anyone knows what's the meaning of this?


Oct 26, 2017
I'm playing with the tomb kings faction, and I've noticed that every battle leaves some kind of trash pile behind. But it seems I can't interact with it. Anyone knows what's the meaning of this?
Battles with a significant number of casualties and/or certain victory types leave battle markers. If you hover your mouse over it you should be able to see the battle, number of casualties, and who won. Don't know what the exact mechanics are, but I've seen them spawn after Decisive and Close victories where I've wiped out a full stack.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Those things are for really high-casualty battles, usually Pyrrhic victories and the like. I think Vampires interact with them a little.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing with the tomb kings faction, and I've noticed that every battle leaves some kind of trash pile behind. But it seems I can't interact with it. Anyone knows what's the meaning of this?

As others have said, there are kind of monuments for places where legendary battles have been fought. If a vampire army uses their ability to resurrect troops while standing on such a place, they usually have access to more and better troops than usual.


Oct 27, 2017
Made the mistake of raiding some wood elf settlements who then responded by sending a full stack. God damn was that maddening. They have at least 10 units of poison glade guard with some higher tier archers and glade riders as well. It was like charging a nest of machine guns.


Jan 12, 2018
The TK system of military buildings unlocking a set number of each type of unit seems a much better way of doing things, this should be applied to all races!

Maybe have basic infantry, archers and horsemen be unlimited but all Tier 2+ stuff be capped by the number of military buildings you have. Two problems I've had with TWW are: 1) All my military structures are in one or two provinces and the rest of my empire is a gold farm. 2) Army composition can get silly once your economy is strong enough. The unit caps mean that deciding what buildings to put in each settlement, and what units to put in each army, is much more strategic.

Now I'm only 30ish turns into my first TK campaign so I can't say how the system will play out in the end game, but in principle it seems like a better way of doing things.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
The TK system of military buildings unlocking a set number of each type of unit seems a much better way of doing things, this should be applied to all races!

Maybe have basic infantry, archers and horsemen be unlimited but all Tier 2+ stuff be capped by the number of military buildings you have. Two problems I've had with TWW are: 1) All my military structures are in one or two provinces and the rest of my empire is a gold farm. 2) Army composition can get silly once your economy is strong enough. The unit caps mean that deciding what buildings to put in each settlement, and what units to put in each army, is much more strategic.

Now I'm only 30ish turns into my first TK campaign so I can't say how the system will play out in the end game, but in principle it seems like a better way of doing things.
yeah, I really enjoy their system as well. The low income (until you hit 14k per turn, anyway) and high cost for recruitment building effectively replaces upkeep, and it's just more enjoyable to me. I run around with 8, and soon 9 pretty powerful armies and it perfectly mirrors my playstyle from game 1 pre-supply lines of having lots of decent armies with mixed units from various tiers instead of one or two doomstack with 20 dragons. It's far less restrictive in your army composition. Even with that many lords, I barely have any tier 1 units (just a few archers and spears) - the t3 infantry recruitment building gets you 3 units of TG (with 1 turn global recruitment), and 2 Nehekhar Warriors if you need to fill up the ranks. The chariot buildings chain in comparsion just give you one catapult and 4 units of chariots that aren't all that useful late game, since all your chariot heroes replace them. I wouldn't recommend more than one catapult per army, and even that is propably pushing it when you could also get two Ushabti in a t3 slot. The full cavalry chain is really useful, however. I think it will get you one of each knight variant, a stalker unit, and the Nehekara horsemen can be an okay filler as well. Most of my settlements are still pretty empty. If I used every slot, I might be able to field a full set of pretty beastly armies

I'm pretty certain that they got the idea for the unique TK economy from the Necrons in Dawn of War, which used a very similar system, if memory serves right

I think that you should expand relentlessly aggressive with the TK. More settlements means faster tech, which equals free armies, which you use to get more settlements and more free armies and gold and building slots and jars, and you basically snowball out of control between turn 50-100. You can keep the tech rate nearly consistenly near or even above 100%. One tier 5 city just gets you one of each monster, wheras all others races can recruit as many of their top units from one building as they can afford. Man, the TK are just really my style, which is cool because they were the first WH miniatures that appealed to me and that I bought and then never did anything with them

each turn takes quite long in the late game, when you micro-manage everything, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. I could have already finished the campaign by now, but I want to collect all the books. Imo the TK might actually probably be better suited for ME, since late game they really shine with lots of income every turn, and all the customization you can do with item crafting. They don't quite reach their power ceiling on the Vortex campaign map, I still haven't even used any of the t5 monsters or scorpions in battle

I also got a quick question - can you recruit any more heroes after exhausting the dynasty trees?
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Oct 27, 2017
Best thing about Tomb Kings DLC so far is that it has made Kroq Gar's mortal empires start actually fun now with all the Tomb Kings to liquidate and no Vampiric corruption to muddle through. It helps that autoresolve loves my lizardmen when fighting tomb kings. And when I have to fight battles the tactic of using Kroq Gar to take out enemy lord ASAP has made it pretty easy.


Oct 27, 2017
Man I can hardly wait to demolish Kroq-gar with Grimgor 2.0. I'm waiting for the Norsca to blight Mortal Empires before I jump back in, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys have you fought a small walled defensive battle with the tomb kings? i feel like the garrison is too small/weak to beat a good army with 13-15 units. What do you think?

I'm playing with the tomb kings faction, and I've noticed that every battle leaves some kind of trash pile behind. But it seems I can't interact with it. Anyone knows what's the meaning of this?
Battles with a significant number of casualties and/or certain victory types leave battle markers. If you hover your mouse over it you should be able to see the battle, number of casualties, and who won. Don't know what the exact mechanics are, but I've seen them spawn after Decisive and Close victories where I've wiped out a full stack.

Not sure if it became clear but those markers are for the vampire counts faction. This faction has a special ability that lets any of their armies to recruit units using those markers. The bigger the battle the better units you get (do note that the late tier vampire counts units are locked until X ammount of turns; to prevent VC from recruiting a late tier army in the early game)
The markers spawn whenever a big battle occurs (i think it is around 3000 entities?).


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure if it became clear but those markers are for the vampire counts faction. This faction has a special ability that lets any of their armies to recruit units using those markers. The bigger the battle the better units you get (do note that the late tier vampire counts units are locked until X ammount of turns; to prevent VC from recruiting a late tier army in the early game)
The markers spawn whenever a big battle occurs (i think it is around 3000 entities?).

Thanks for the explanation. Perhaps the devs should only show these markers when playing a vampire faction? I thought I missed something while playing with the tomb kings.


Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for the explanation. Perhaps the devs should only show these markers when playing a vampire faction? I thought I missed something while playing with the tomb kings.
The battle markers have been around for ages. I remember seeing them in Empire or Napoleon. They're just there for flavor, because if a massive battle is thought you'd expect there to be a marker commemorating it. It's just with the VC who turned these battle markers into a game mechanic.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
I'll do the final battle tomorrow. Leveled two continents on the way to all the books

I have experienced what might have been a bug, where I couldn't craft the +1 army slot when I was at 8 armies, despite having the materials. After doing the last tech in the tree, I could click it again. I now ended up at 10, wonder how many you can have. Feels like being the AI. You could probably spam endless armies with the one turn global TG recruitment

and when you get the book that triggers a sandstorm every time you attack a settlement, the storm actually damages any book-guarding army that stands in the area, and the dont heal

e: I only now realized that I forgot to finish her quest. I tend to kind of ignore those
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His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
The battle markers have been around for ages. I remember seeing them in Empire or Napoleon. They're just there for flavor, because if a massive battle is thought you'd expect there to be a marker commemorating it. It's just with the VC who turned these battle markers into a game mechanic.

They were even present back in the original Rome: Total War, but only for Heroic Victories if I remember correctly.


Oct 27, 2017
Guys have you fought a small walled defensive battle with the tomb kings? i feel like the garrison is too small/weak to beat a good army with 13-15 units. What do you think?

Not sure if it became clear but those markers are for the vampire counts faction. This faction has a special ability that lets any of their armies to recruit units using those markers. The bigger the battle the better units you get (do note that the late tier vampire counts units are locked until X ammount of turns; to prevent VC from recruiting a late tier army in the early game)
The markers spawn whenever a big battle occurs (i think it is around 3000 entities?).

are you defending or attacking the garrison as a tomb king? their initial tier 1 units are complete fodder. i literally do not care about units that get wiped out whilst i was playing as TK in contrast to when i was playing as the high elves or lizardmen (i would restart and save scum).

a whole stack of tier 1 and 1.5 units can't effectively take on a major settlement garrison, a smaller settlement yes.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
I lost an army because of misclicking and landing in a one-sided battle, a couple turns later I had it all back. Only losing heroes hurts, until they get immortality

about their combat effectivness - I took all of Lustria with tier 1 and 2 units, they're not that bad. Can't help with the garrison question, never needed walls, too expensive. Be the aggressor
e: to clarify, I think their economy is really weak for a long time, you have to conquer. I broke the 20k mark at turn ~150 with all of Lustria and 2/3 of the Southlands, and lots and lots of trading goods. You have free troops and unkillable lords
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Oct 27, 2017
My favorite thing about the Tomb Kings is that they captured the feeling of being an undead horde better than the Vampire Counts. I just crash a full stack against the walls, don't even have to care if they get smashed because I can rebuild them. Just wave after wave of fodder wearing down the enemy. Like I was attacking Numas and was outnumbered 2:1. Almost eked out a victory but we lost so I just immediately started rebuilding those stacks while also sending in my agents to constantly sabotage their unit producing buildings. I don't know if that did anything but my stacks are back to full strength and ready for round 2. It just imparts a feeling through the game mechanics so well.


Oct 26, 2017

Pyros Eien

Oct 31, 2017
Finished my Settra playthrough. Last quest battle was disapointing, similar to the usual vortex last battle, not balanced for endgame armies, or even just decent army really. Pretty sure I would have done it faster with my 2nd army that was 100% Ushabti+heroes+Ushabti dynasty king and all the various bonus and that's just tier 3/4units. I conquered all the desert then just went and grabbed the rest of the books ignoring the other races. 122turns, much shorter than normal vortex campaigns, and honestly I could have ended a lot earlier if I just went for books instead of conquering all the desert. Really enjoyable army though, I'll probably pick my Khalida playthrough back up and do that after, this time not abusing constructs too much.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
the arrow under the banners during the enemy turn. You can also change the camera settings (how fast the AI moves, show/hide AI army and hero movement, and so on) with the camera symbol
Finished my Settra playthrough. Last quest battle was disapointing, similar to the usual vortex last battle, not balanced for endgame armies, or even just decent army really. Pretty sure I would have done it faster with my 2nd army that was 100% Ushabti+heroes+Ushabti dynasty king and all the various bonus and that's just tier 3/4units. I conquered all the desert then just went and grabbed the rest of the books ignoring the other races. 122turns, much shorter than normal vortex campaigns, and honestly I could have ended a lot earlier if I just went for books instead of conquering all the desert. Really enjoyable army though, I'll probably pick my Khalida playthrough back up and do that after, this time not abusing constructs too much.
oh, that's unfortunate. I'm bringing a hand-selected elite army to that battle, with my highest-level heroes and the best items


Oct 25, 2017
the arrow under the banners during the enemy turn. You can also change the camera settings (how fast the AI moves, show/hide AI army and hero movement, and so on) with the camera symbol

Sorry I didn't explain what I meant. I have to press that button every single time. Is there a way to lock it?


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
okay, I lost 12 soldiers in the battle. That was fun, but really easy indeed

the TK are my new favorite race in this game. Each new race is getting better and better, the game 1 races can't compete with all the cool new campaign mechanics


Oct 27, 2017
are you defending or attacking the garrison as a tomb king? their initial tier 1 units are complete fodder. i literally do not care about units that get wiped out whilst i was playing as TK in contrast to when i was playing as the high elves or lizardmen (i would restart and save scum).
a whole stack of tier 1 and 1.5 units can't effectively take on a major settlement garrison, a smaller settlement yes.
I meant defending a small tomb kings settlement. My experience has been that the tomb king garrison is much weaker then other races. I'm talking about the garrison of a small settlement with walls. With most races i can beat up to tier 3 and 16 units of most other factions. With the tomb kings i haven't been able to win a single "hard" defensive battle, the garrison units just don't trade better then 1 for 1. For example VC grave guard can wipe 2 or 3 low tier units while nehekara warriors have a hard time with lower tier units, they "barely" win 1 vs 1.

There's currently a bug where garrisons don't get their intended heroes. This mod fixes it partially:
But the minor garrisons will be weak even with heroes, yes.
Oh! good to know, a hero would certainly help a bit.

Now I get it... thanks and sorry.
Don't be sorry! feel free to post anything, while we might be a small community i think i can speak for all when we say that we enjoy helping anyone that is interested in total war.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
started a Pestilense campaign, got declared war by Skyre, Sotek Dwarfes, Teclis and Khalida in the first twenty turns

the real problem is that Khalida died and respawned and attacked again in 3 turns with an full army that already includes TG, against my secondary army that barely, just barely won the first encounter, after losing the first battle, with the help of a garrison. The follow-up battle is not really winable since Skaven can't hurt TG without catapults, which are in my main army fighting the other 3 wars. Going up against Khalida is extremely frustrating, she wrecks infantry and the army healing is really tough to beat - never mind that she should still be dead for a lot longer and not be able to recruit an entire army in 2 turns


Oct 25, 2017
Khalida is only weak really vs armor (watch out for the RoR archers with armor break), her poison wrecks everyone else.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm new to the series and not sure if I'm playing it right.

Is it normal to use the auto-battle option? I use it alot, mostly on Army's that I'm obviously going to wipe the floor with. But I think I've used it on some big fights too and it worked.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm new to the series and not sure if I'm playing it right.

Is it normal to use the auto-battle option? I use it alot, mostly on Army's that I'm obviously going to wipe the floor with. But I think I've used it on some big fights too and it worked.

I pretty much always use it unless a) the battle is going to be particularly epic b) the odds aren't particularly favorable or c) I need to ensure I take very few casualties (I find that I'll often have a unit or two wiped out in autoresolve that could be easily avoided if necessary in full battle).


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
I mostly fight myself in the beginning, when you need to keep you army is good shape for multiple continous battles, and for especially tough battles. Late game, you can 95% autoresolve. I try to avoid doing siege battles in particular, even tough they are easy against the AI

I had to resort to reloading autosaves a couple times in my Pestilens campaign, but on the other hand, being at war so early with nearly freaking everyone in Lustria on VH, with just enough income to afford half of a second army, would end in a failed campaign otherwise. By some miracle, Itza is the only one that has no axe to grind with me yet, while my entire territory is completely exposed to them to the right with no army to defend it. Skolk went through the Dwarfes, Skyre and Elves on the western coast to get to Khalida, while my army has been keeping her away from entering my main provinces for a a number of turns, after she took my settlements on the southern coast. I tried battling her 3 times with the second army now, but they just break and run all the time with the low food debuff. This campaign is worse than Empire


Oct 27, 2017
I've already done a campaign with Settra and another with Arkhan and my conclusion is that ...

Arkhan is a thousand times more fun
Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much always use it unless a) the battle is going to be particularly epic b) the odds aren't particularly favorable or c) I need to ensure I take very few casualties (I find that I'll often have a unit or two wiped out in autoresolve that could be easily avoided if necessary in full battle).

Am I correct in thinking the combat isn't the main point of the game? The way you build out your land, armies, talents, treaties, etc. seems to be more important.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Just picked up a copy of Total War: Warhammer 2 after procrastinating for months and omg guys, the Tomb King designs are so fucking cool. I'm never really been into undead factions, but how can I not play a faction with units like this:

So fucking cool.

Big Tex

Oct 28, 2017
Khalida's ME campaign is fun, except when she gets attacked by KroqGar and ends up in a 30-40 turn war! KroqGar, I thought we were getting along so well...


Oct 25, 2017
Khalida's ME campaign is fun, except when she gets attacked by KroqGar and ends up in a 30-40 turn war! KroqGar, I thought we were getting along so well...

Kroqar basically requires Khalida to invest in lots of chariots to keep punching his flanks, also spam her archers vs unshielded units, they have moderate stats but very high unit count, so lots of arrow spam.

It's also RNG depending on how he reacts to you, super early agression can be GG. Sometimes tho, getting your two armies and just blitzkrieging him is a good plan

She steamrolls the rest of the game if she can survive the early fight vs him tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
it turns out that "great power" is actually a diplomatic bonus with AI Khalida, and we're now best buddies after I took one of her cities and arranged peace. Then why did you attack me and torture me for so long, Khal? :(

the really cool thing with Skaven is that they tech super fast to tier 3 (turn 2), and then 5. I'm about to start pumping out Hellpit Abos and get my sweet revenge

is untainted important for the rats? It's really tricky to keep the corruption down

the food mechanic becomes more manageable once you get going, but it was a real challenge balancing the public order to keep them juuust short of starting a revolt. And that's with the faction that has the easiest access to food, by far. And I'm still running out of more sources