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Oct 25, 2017
Randy Pitchford seems like a real piece of work, and I wouldn't mind seeing him fail.

But at the same time it cannot be fun to be working on BL3 at gearbox right now, and I want those devs to do well.
I'm hoping Randy falls hard next year and has to leave the game industry in general. However, Borderlands is one of my favorite AAA IPs and despite how old Borderlands 2 is nothing has remotely come close to recapturing the feel of the Borderlands IP.

Some games have tried, but they fell so far into loot boxes and cosmetic drops to try to milk people of money that they just weren't enjoyable to play. I played base Destiny 2 (shortly after the first expansion came out) and the story had no meat to it, and after I was done with the story which took like 10 total hours (and got me to max level) all that was left for me was to grind the same few missions over and over again hoping I would get slightly better loot. There was a raid, but my gear wasn't good enough to properly do it and everything else in the game is set up for 3 people and that requires far more.

and there was PVP but I hate PVP so that was useless to me lol.

I won't deny that the melee felt a million times better in Destiny 2, but in general I prefer the gunplay in borderlands 2 over Destiny 2.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
I really hope that Blizzard keeps its shit together re: diablo 4


Oct 25, 2017
I really hope that Blizzard keeps its shit together re: diablo 4
I'm hoping that for Diablo 4 a large chunk of the WoW team isn't thrown on it.
I've played through diablo 3 twice. Once when the real money auction house was a thing (I actually grinded with a friend and made a few hundred bucks off it)
and earlier this year.

While I appreciate a lot of the changes they made to get to this year, I honestly think I preferred the time with the real money house as trying to earn real money was at least a legitimate goal to go after.

The game isn't properly balanced anymore. They made it more likely for good weapon drops to fall, and because of that even turning up the game as hard as I can the main campaign is a cake walk now. I don't think the necromancer class was very well balanced either because I was able to do a build that basically one shot 95% of the bosses tanks to skellies that did like 3000% weapon damage.

We did some of the rifts but those also failed to prove to be a meaningful challenge.

I mean... I typically play games on low difficulties to get through the story, but if I'm going to be grinding for better gear I need something to chase after such as in Disgaea where every 100 levels or so there is a new boss and chunk of story.

I recall playing a ton of diablo 2 with my friends as well... but I can't for the life of me remember what I was trying to do after I got to level 70+


Oct 25, 2017
If there wasn't so much coming out this month along with the huge sale PSN is having (I got Contra & Castlevania collections), I'd probably get it, but no online kinda hurts it & makes it a "wait for $15-20 sald" purchase, especially in this busy month.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking about how outside Gundam The Origin I couldn't care less about the current Toonami lineup. I figure at some point they're gonna at least announce a Golden Wind dub so I'll have that to look forward to, but then I remembered that we still haven't gotten the Mob Psycho 100 II or OPM season 2 dubs. I'm surprised they got Fire Force and Dr. Stone on air before these older series.
I personally don't think the problem is necessarily the lineup. It's just like there's like 2 hours worth of garbage between the shows that are worth a damn. 2 and a half if you count Fire Force, which I am seriously considering, good animation notwithstanding. I would totally watch lupin and Gundam every week if they were at the front of the block.
Oct 25, 2017
saw vic is still sabo, i wonder how long funimation sat on the dub of this special till it released

They released it in March 2019 but announced it months beforehand. Funimation didn't officially severe ties with Mignogna until February 2019.
The fact that Stampede is being dubbed now (confirmed by Bonney's actress) means Sabo is getting his new voice.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
I'd offer extended deals to Obi and Arthur, a short term contract with the Lieutenant, and trade the rest for new draft picks. Time to rebuild Fire House 8.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
I heard that he actually recorded Sengoku's lines up through Dressrosa before dying though that might be false information.


Oct 25, 2017

Episode 167 "Shinomiya Sr."
In this episode Grexeno, B-Dubs, ckohler and Zonic discuss Jiren's backstory, electronic brains, bombs, Scanlation Man, anime New Jersey, Vangeance's origin, ninja justice, Texan accents, and Mark McGuire.


0:00:49 Dragonball Super
0:05:09 gen:LOCK
0:12:21 Dr. Stone
0:16:24 Fire Force
0:22:00 Food Wars!
0:28:53 Black Clover
0:31:12 Boruto / Naruto
0:38:29 Gundam: The Origin
0:46:15 Lupin Part 5
0:49:50 Favorite episodes of the week
0:50:46 Sign offs

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Oct 25, 2017
......crap, you weren't kidding about my audio. I upgraded my phone to a LG G8 ThinQ & thought the audio quality would be better. Guess I'll get an USB-to-USB-C adaptor to plug in the microphone I got for my laptop.


Oct 25, 2017
Four episode into the new season of Stranger Things.

It's good, but I gotta kinda wonder why the cast isn't more suspicious of oddities by this point.

Also somewhat questioning the decision to again add more characters to the main cast. (Who thought this series needs more of Lucas's sister?)

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
Going to restart the BC character of the day tomorrow morning with everyone's favorite Lightning Boi.
Oct 25, 2017
Four episode into the new season of Stranger Things.

It's good, but I gotta kinda wonder why the cast isn't more suspicious of oddities by this point.

Also somewhat questioning the decision to again add more characters to the main cast. (Who thought this series needs more of Lucas's sister?)

I got like 3 episodes in and I enjoyed it, but I ended up watching the first season of Doom Patrol instead and that's one of the best decisions I've ever made

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
It's been slow this week so I almost started something new (or old in the case of the list of shows I want to watch) but never decided on anything and just went grocery shopping instead.


Oct 25, 2017
I got like 3 episodes in and I enjoyed it, but I ended up watching the first season of Doom Patrol instead and that's one of the best decisions I've ever made
Doom Patrol is great.

it was also nice to see Brendan Fraser in a proper role again as I've always enjoyed him as an actor (yes he is cheesy, but it's a charming cheesy), and it sucks that he was basically blacklisted for a long time because he was a victim of sexual assault :/


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown

Makes me unreasonably happy. I'm glad they haven't lost sight of some of the things that made the original game so charming.


Nov 27, 2017
Also, the Facebook post has multiple comments from people who seem absolutely CERTAIN that Funimation is going to lose the Dragon Ball license. LMAO. Why are these people so delusional?
Oct 25, 2017
130 is a good episode to air twice

probably to stall for new shows to be ready like usual lol. Aren't there like 3 shows ending back to back.
If they really want to stall they should air the Broly Super movie after Super is done.

Also, the Facebook post has multiple comments from people who seem absolutely CERTAIN that Funimation is going to lose the Dragon Ball license. LMAO. Why are these people so delusional?
Vic stans are everywhere and it's going to be pretty funny to watch them cope when his lawsuit fails.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Toei is so mad at Funimation that they just gave them the license to the most recent movie of their biggest anime
Oct 25, 2017
Toei gave Funimation the license to Dragon Ball in the first place because Funimation's creator had an uncle that worked at Toei.

It's not going anywhere no matter how much Vic's fanbase cries.


Oct 25, 2017
Funimation was literally founded to get DB sold in the US.

The company was founded on June 14, 1994 by Japanese-born businessman Gen Fukunaga.[9] Fukunaga's uncle, Nagafumi Hori, was working as a producer for Toei Company; Hori approached Gen about licensing Dragon Ball to the United States. He proposed that if Fukunaga could start a production company and raise enough money, Toei Animation would license the rights to the franchise. Fukunaga met with co-worker Daniel Cocanougher whose family owned a feed mill in Decatur, Texas and convinced Cocanougher's family to sell their business and serve as an investor for his company. The company was originally formed in Silicon Valley, California as Funimation Productions in 1994, but eventually relocated to Flower Mound, Texas, located near Fort Worth.[10] They initially collaborated with other companies on Dragon Ball, such as BLT Productions, Ocean Studios, Pioneer and Saban Entertainment. By 1998, after two aborted attempts to bring the Dragon Ball franchise to a U.S. audience via first-run syndication, it finally found success through Cartoon Network's broadcast of the Dragon Ball Z series on its Toonami programming block, and the Dragon Ball phenomenon quickly grew in the United States as it had elsewhere. This led Funimation to license other anime to the U.S.

granted companies evolve beyond their initial purpose all the time and it's not impossible they could lose the license. But it's not going to be over the Vic thing.
Oct 25, 2017
Toei is so mad at Funimation that they just gave them the license to the most recent movie of their biggest anime

VicCrazies: Any minute now, Toei is going to pull the plug on Funimation and they will DIIIIIE!
Toei: Hey Funi, you ready to run One Piece Stampede in North American theaters? Our latest hit that made over $46 million in a fairly limited run?
VicCrazies: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! *cries into body pillow*
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