Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Just terrible design that there is this much confusion


Oct 27, 2017
It's actually honestly impressive that bungie has managed to make a loot shooter new player experience worse than Warframe's. I thought it couldn't be done.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's bizarre that they got rid of leveling and story progression. A normal game eases players in by introducing systems and mechanics piecemeal. In D2 almost everything is now available right off the bat. It does the game such a disservice.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the new player experience is...not great, beyond the first mission. They should have made early progression much more focused, directing players to all the important things one by one, rather than just opening everything up early on.
What they should have done is to start the Red War (Vanilla D2 campaign) immediatelly after the Cosmodrome mission. Hell, the prologue mission even ends in a way you could tie with the start of D2 rather nicely, i was surprised Bungie didn't do that to begin with.


One Winged Slayer
What they should have done is to start the Red War (Vanilla D2 campaign) immediatelly after the Cosmodrome mission. Hell, the prologue mission even ends in a way you could tie with the start of D2 rather nicely, i was surprised Bungie didn't do that to begin with.
Yeah for sure. Putting the year 1 campaigns on Holliday [?!] was also a super weird thing to do. (Though at least she finally has a purpose beyond the occasional transmat effect conversion...)


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't aware of the changes so when I saw the thread title I was like "what the hell are you talking about". That sounds pretty terrible.


Oct 26, 2017
It's worse than that. The 'legacy' story that new light players do go through is a truncated version of the campaign. They don't even get access the free class exotics that you earn or the exotic engram from Zavala at the end.

I get that a certain subset of players want to have to the option to skip the story (and it should simply be that:an option) and immediately start playing with their higher light friends but what you get is this and most people are just gonna get confused and overwhelmed when dropped right in.

Forsaken was an incredible expansion and I hope new light players can experience that in full.
That's completely fucked and a way bigger deal than making the starting point for the campaign obtuse imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good example. I just did The Invitation and the quest item says "Claim your reward from the Menagerie Triumph". I looked everywhere and had no clue what to do. I looked it up online:

Here's how you claim your reward from the Menagerie Triump in Destiny 2. First you're going to want to have completed your first run through the Menagerie. Once you've completed this run the game will tell you that you need to claim your reward, but simply heading back to the Barge on Nessus to see Werner 99-40 nor accessing the quest item through the Pursuits menu doesn't allow you to complete it.

What you need to do is to head into the start menu and select Triumphs > Destinations > Minor > Menagerie > Flair for Drama. Once here you will be able to collect your reward for completing your first Menagerie run. This is 500 Imperials and access to the next quest step in the Invitation. The next step following this will be to upgrade the Chalice yet again.

It feels like every little system is presented in such a needlessly obtuse fashion.


Oct 29, 2017
I downloaded D2 for the first time, logged in with a D1 character, and then had multiple gold and silver trophies popping off for level and class unlocks before even finishing the rehashed D1 opening.

Weird as fuck design choice.


Oct 28, 2017
I've just gone through the opening for the first time and I'm super baffled how they could make a game which is literally just straightforwardly shooting things so inaccessible. I feel like every piece of text I read is noun soup. It's like trying to read a novelisation of a Marvel film except it's got a steep learning curve because it's written by Steven Erikson.
Oct 28, 2017
I played Destiny 2 years ago on PS4, and haven't played since. Got the F2P PC version and holy crap, no clue what's going on. Bungie needs better onboarding, pronto.

The Gentleman

Oct 27, 2017
It's the equivalent of being given a free car which is delivered in its constituent parts along with a foreign language instruction manual.

It is a bizarre way to jump back in. I haven't played since D1 vanilla. I figured out the campaign thing but it wasn't the most straightforward.


Oct 25, 2017
Haha, I went to the OT with this exact issue today. I was halfway through the Forsaken campaign, kind of dropped off Destiny a few months ago. I bought and installed Shadowkeep, and when I loaded it up i had absolutely NO idea how to pick up where I left off in Forsaken (which I wanted to finish before starting Shadowkeep).

Not only did I find out they wipe progress of unfinished campaigns, so I had to start it over, but they give you absolutely NO indication of how to do so. Forsaken especially is super obscure, because the one random woman in the tower who you go to for legacy content (which itself is never explained) only offers up the D2 vanilla, Warmind, and Osiris campaigns. Starting Forsake from scratch means going to Tangled Shore in the map screen and selecting the first quest, all of which is not explained at all to players.

It's really one of the most baffling moves, Bungie is usually quite good about layering new content on top of your current game state. This just resets everything and, if you're not there explicitly to start Shadowkeep, essentially just leaves you stranded without a map


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I created a new character and goddamn it was a mess to see what was going on. It was weird as hell going from Cosmodrome to Tower 2.

I was gonna knock out the quests but they're so haphazard. Hey do a game of crucible! Try a strike! Gambit? Can't imagine how rough it must be for new folks

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
I found this Amanda person and I still honestly haven't a clue what order this stuff is meant to be done or where it actually is.

Call me an idiot but frankly this is confusing as fuck for a new player.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha, yeah. I uninstalled both for the same reason. Shitty on-boarding that made me too aware that I'm wasting my time.

At least with Warframe the community sees the issue and is happy to help. In this thread you have Destiny 2 vets dropping in to deliver hot takes that people aren't reading the quest text properly.

These players hammering through tutorial pop ups then blaming the game are likely the same that want matchmaking for raids hahahaha

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
I already played the original D2 campaign. Where do I go to play the new stuff for the F2P update? I'm not buying Shadowkeep.


Oct 28, 2017
You are too kind on the Red War story. I'd have ranked it even lower.

But yes, the artists were picking up the slack. Gorgeous set dressing and visuals.
i thought the beginning was pretty good and Ghaul seemed compelling. but then he never really showed up again until the end and they for some reason played the same cutscene with him, the speaker and the consul twice at different points in the story, giving me a big dejavu experience. why they did that i dunno (maybe a bug?)

also the comedy by clayde 6 feels so forced its not even funny in a bad way. one of the rare cases where i wish they played it straight


Oct 25, 2017
I found this Amanda person and I still honestly haven't a clue what order this stuff is meant to be done or where it actually is.

Call me an idiot but frankly this is confusing as fuck for a new player.
No it definitely wasn't implemented well at all. The order of the campaigns would be: Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken, and then Shadowkeep.
They're supposed to mark them on the destinations with a logo/descriptor for the corresponding campaigns.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember trying to play Destiny 1 and never finding out what was the correct order to do the missions or whatever, they were all over the map and never understood if there was a story at all in that game.

D2 for newcomers looks pretty fucking horrible, but I'm glad I got done with those campaign missions so long ago.


Oct 31, 2017
I had a charecter who I played all the year 1 content for and bought Forsaken but never got to it.

Should I start over at this point with a new charecter?


Oct 25, 2017
Destiny has always confused me and I've been playing since release. I bought Forsaken on the PS4 and didn't play it. I thought I could could jump into that on my Xbox one, but realized I can't. But, beyond that I just always find myself confused with what I'm supposed to do when playing destiny. Stopped playing because my friends moved on so I didn't finish Forsaken. Think I played more multiplayer than story or coop gameplay. The game is fun and when I'm playing I enjoy it. I just hate that I really don't know what the hell im doing most of the time. I want to buy Shadowkeep, but, I also want to play the previous expansions before I do. I need a group of friends to play with although I know most ppl have moved on to the new content...


Oct 25, 2017
i thought the beginning was pretty good and Ghaul seemed compelling. but then he never really showed up again until the end and they for some reason played the same cutscene with him, the speaker and the consul twice at different points in the story, giving me a big dejavu experience. why they did that i dunno (maybe a bug?)

also the comedy by clayde 6 feels so forced its not even funny in a bad way. one of the rare cases where i wish they played it straight
The same cutscene never played twice. If it did for you, it was a weird bug.


Oct 25, 2017
The same cutscene never played twice. If it did for you, it was a weird bug.

I had it happen on two quests that were amped up versions of story missions. Very odd. I assume something's bugged in the flags and it doesn't recognize said mission is not the "story version".


Oct 27, 2017
Destiny was never good at facilitating the telling of its own stories, and it's frankly baffling how little Bungie has learned after all these years. Hiding all the story campaign content for new players behind a relatively obscure NPC now with New Light is a new low, somehow.

But stuff like using items in your inventory to track quests, the way quest givers are handled, Destiny 1's complete lack of overarching narrative structure, etc. It's never been good at anything but the shooting and looting. Hopefully they'll use their newfound freedom to actually improve these things, but I also fear they've wasted their big launch and turned away a lot of potential players.

It's supposed to happen after the main story of Destiny 2 (Red War). The problem, of course, is that the Red War campaign is supposed to happen immediately after the events of Destiny 1, and supposes that your character was there to begin with. So if you didn't play Destiny 1,started a Destiny 2 character but never completed the story and now try to go back to it, it's going to be all jumbled. They tried to alleviate this by remaking the Destiny 1 tutorial as the new intro mission for entirely new characters, but situations like yours just aren't covered.

My pragmatic suggestion would be to make a new character (your first alt!) and do that tutorial mission. It explains ghosts and the tower and all the basic stuff. That doesn't excuse how bad the game is at onboarding people, though.

Yep, exactly what happened to me. Started D2 a long time ago and never came back to it. I still have character, but now everything has been completely gutted, campaign wise. Like, WTF!!??

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
The major issue I've had with coming back to Destiny 2 with each of the yearly expansions is that trying to figure out what the new stuff is how it's different from before can be really hard to parse since they rarely explain anything. They really need to add some sort of FAQ to the game to help explain what's going on.


Oct 27, 2017
The D1 campaign level is basically a throwback to D1, a little "tutorial" for a new player and also is used in a mission for veterans where you actually go back there (and can see and interact with newly started guardians!) to get an exotic gun and a "blast from the past".

Are you referring to the New Light quest that's given to you? Is that the one with references to D1 or do you mean the cosmodrome bit at the start?


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I picked those up. But there's no indication how to pursue them, or in what order.

The order is whatever you want. Bungie made that clear that they want you to play the game however you want.

Canonically they are Red War -> Curse of Osiris -> Warmind -> Forsaken -> Shadowkeep


Oct 4, 2019
@op thanks for making this thread and letting me know there is a campaign. i was just doing random stuff with random people and wondering if that's what the game is all about. i also tried to google for things like "destiny 2 guide" but all i was getting were walkthroughs for specific missions.

Sutton Dagger

Oct 27, 2017
It was definitely confusing and I've played D2 vanilla. I'm currently going through the original campaign (which unfortunately has been severely reduced), will then do the warmind and osiris stories. After that I'm worried cause I've got so much stuff unlocked that I don't even know what it is... I have forge, gambit, menagerie which I've never played. Which is both good and bad in a way, heaps of stuff to play but it's overwhelming.


Oct 28, 2017
This makes me really curious how Bungie will handle story content in the future.

There's so much dumb shit, like going to Titan and having access to the indoor arcology areas immediately. Yet if you do the Red War missions later on, the same area is closed and you have to cut open the door to get in.

The sense of immersion has completely left the game at this point. I don't feel like my character is part of the world and story of Destiny.

Which is a shame, because the Shadowkeep campaign has been pretty good so far in the story department.


Oct 27, 2017
I played Destiny 2 years ago on PS4, and haven't played since. Got the F2P PC version and holy crap, no clue what's going on. Bungie needs better onboarding, pronto.

Same here. Spent first 20 minutes wandering aimlessly. Even in the middle of a (story?) mission it kept stopping me to clear hive areas with randoms. So bizzare. Lots of fun but much of the time is spent going wth is happening right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Destiny's onboarding experience has always been a little whack. They really want the player just to figure it out themselves I guess.

wig split

Nov 1, 2017
I like to think I can pick up games quick but this is on another level of obtuse design. I have no idea where to go, there's no obvious "main" quest line to start. Just a lot of fluff daily radiant quests. I deleted it.


Oct 25, 2017
As a new player, I stopped playing after around maybe an hour. I felt so lost and I had no idea what was going on. Kinda disappointing.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Why is everything to do with story in this franchise almost always so underwhelming and disjointed?

Sutton Dagger

Oct 27, 2017
This makes me really curious how Bungie will handle story content in the future.

There's so much dumb shit, like going to Titan and having access to the indoor arcology areas immediately. Yet if you do the Red War missions later on, the same area is closed and you have to cut open the door to get in.

The sense of immersion has completely left the game at this point. I don't feel like my character is part of the world and story of Destiny.

Which is a shame, because the Shadowkeep campaign has been pretty good so far in the story department.

Totally agree. Luckily I've played through the campaign so I've had that experience but they could have worked it for new players differently. Why wasn't there an option when creating a new character to experience the campaign and progression as originally intended? Unlocking skills, exotics, quest steps, cause as it is it's all so overwhelming.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This makes me really curious how Bungie will handle story content in the future.

There's so much dumb shit, like going to Titan and having access to the indoor arcology areas immediately. Yet if you do the Red War missions later on, the same area is closed and you have to cut open the door to get in.

The sense of immersion has completely left the game at this point. I don't feel like my character is part of the world and story of Destiny.

Which is a shame, because the Shadowkeep campaign has been pretty good so far in the story department.

They really should've treated New Light like a completely brand new entry to the series instead of a continuation of 2. "All this other story stuff happened at one point, but this is where the world is at"

Shadowkeep by itself isn't strong enough of a story to carry that, but I feel like it would've made things a lot more confusing.
Oct 27, 2017
For what it's worth, I'm enjoying my time with the game so far. Even if I was confused at first.

These campaign environments and cutscenes look expensive. Not sure why they would try to hide them from new players.

I still don't understand why the pilot is who you talk to for legacy content. Shouldn't there be a historian who could frame previous missions?


Oct 25, 2017
This makes me really curious how Bungie will handle story content in the future.

There's so much dumb shit, like going to Titan and having access to the indoor arcology areas immediately. Yet if you do the Red War missions later on, the same area is closed and you have to cut open the door to get in.

The sense of immersion has completely left the game at this point. I don't feel like my character is part of the world and story of Destiny.

Which is a shame, because the Shadowkeep campaign has been pretty good so far in the story department.
It's disjointed because you are reliving things that the world already moved past.
Your character was created and exists "canonically" in the post-Forsaken world. Shadowkeep and everything after it will be "happening" with your character around and the world he is in now will change with that.