
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Just last month:
People attacked for wearing kippah in public as well as telling Jews to hide themselves :

Is there old-style anti-semitism in the UK?
You never replied to my reply. Do you really think this qualifies as being the most oppressed minority?
And wasn't the person warning Jews to hide Jewish themselves? It's absolutely awful, but I'm not certain I agree there is a lot of oppression of Jews happening.

My other post:
First of all, when we're talking about antisemitism and islamophobia, I don't think coming up with a "ranking" is easy or even possible. Both include racial and religious discrimination, in very different ways, with very different histories. Making direct comparisons seems hard, and honestly unnecessary.

Secondly, that's not what the person you responded to was talking about, I believe.
They talked about oppression, which, in the case of Islam, is everywhere. People want to deny Muslims citizenship, force them to stop practicing even the most harmless ways of religious expression (not eating pork, not drinking alcohol, observing Ramadan,...), and try to deny Islam a place within European society in general.
Is it the same for Jewish people? Because it doesn't appear so.
Oct 28, 2017
You never replied to my reply. Do you really think this qualifies as being the most oppressed minority?
And wasn't the person warning Jews to hide Jewish themselves? It's absolutely awful, but I'm not certain I agree there is a lot of oppression of Jews happening.
if you need army protection for your religious place, museum, school, etc as well as hide your appartenance in public. Your are clearly an oppressed minority in that country, how can you turn it the other way?
Also in other european countries, old fashion anti-semitism is back be it in France where Jews are attacked because they have money or Hungary where ZOG type propaganda is paid by the government.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
if you need army protection for your religious place, museum, school, etc as well as hide your appartenance in public. Your are clearly an oppressed minority in that country, how can you turn it the other way?
Also in other european countries, old fashion anti-semitism is back be it in France where Jews are attacked because they have money or Hungary where ZOG type propaganda is paid by the government.
Guess I just don't get why you think the systemic oppression of muslims is less than that. But like I said, not a competition anyway.


Oct 29, 2017
Fuck Tommy Robinson but, the fact we can't even correct the thread title and one of the few places place reporting on what happened subsequent to his arrest is gatewaypundit/cassandra fairbanks is mental

It was said in another thread how good the Alt-Right are at framing arguments and with this one they're going to hit another winner for the dumb masses

Edit Actually can we say what happened if Reseteras domain is in the US?


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
Fuck Tommy Robinson but, the fact we can't even correct the thread title and one of the few places place reporting on what happened subsequent to his arrest is gatewaypundit/cassandra fairbanks is mental

It was said in another thread how good the Alt-Right are at framing arguments and with this one they're going to hit another winner for the dumb masses

Edit Actually can we say what happened if Reseteras domain is in the US?

I just used the title of the article, the other one I linked is pretty much the same

I'm not entirely sure what's up with some places not reporting on this, a few well known British news websites seem to be able to report on it just fine while there's nothing from places like the BBC or Sky News. I imagine that the restriction would only apply to British sites though.

It's sort of a lose-lose situation, the right gets to go on about how this is some mass cover up or conspiracy to silence Robinson whereas the reporting of this story by more mainstream places (such as the BBC) could compromise the integrity of the trial, which is exactly what Robinson was trying to do


Oct 29, 2017
I just used the title of the article, the other one I linked is pretty much the same

I'm not entirely sure what's up with some places not reporting on this, a few well known British news websites seem to be able to report on it just fine while there's nothing from places like the BBC or Sky News. I imagine that the restriction would only apply to British sites though.

It's sort of a lose-lose situation, the right gets to go on about how this is some mass cover up or conspiracy to silence Robinson whereas the reporting of this story by more mainstream places (such as the BBC) could compromise the integrity of the trial, which is exactly what Robinson was trying to do

No one has reported on what happened beyond that he was arrested

Can you rephrase? No idea what that means, but curious, of course.

There is a court order in place (for England and Wales) that no reporting of what happened to Robinson (after his arrest) can be made till the end of the trial he was "reporting" on. If you want to find out what happened hit the hell/rabbit hole that is the freetommy hashtag



Oct 25, 2017
Get fucked Robinson, you waste of oxygen.

"The mainstream media won't report on these peadophile rings because they're scared of being called racist", except that they literally do report on them, you cunt.

He jeopardised the court case. Could've ended up filming the jurors or anybody else. He was warned many times about this kind of behaviour.

Don't let this prick become a martyr.
Oct 25, 2017
Get fucked Robinson, you waste of oxygen.

"The mainstream media won't report on these peadophile rings because they're scared of being called racist", except that they literally do report on them, you cunt.

He jeopardised the court case. Could've ended up filming the jurors or anybody else. He was warned many times about this kind of behaviour.

Don't let this prick become a martyr.

Bastard made it about himself instead of getting justice for the victims(obviously since he doesn't care about them).
13 months is a good amount of time, I'd have given him more.


Oct 25, 2017
Just a quick bump as I've seen a few stupid posts on social media supporting him.

How can people state that he's 'exposing' them, when they're in a court of law being prosecuted?

Wilful ignorance or just plain idiocy?


Oct 28, 2017
He's a fucking asshat and was warned specifically about this previously under caution

Screw him and especially fuck his pig ignorant supporters who do absolutely zero due diligence into his claims...or just propogate them anyway because they reinforce their bigoted world view


Oct 25, 2017
He's a fucking asshat and was warned specifically about this previously under caution

Screw him and especially fuck his pig ignorant supporters who do absolutely zero due diligence into his claims...or just propogate them anyway because they reinforce their bigoted world view

I liked the BBC's take on his impending sentence:

"This is not some new form of censorship directed at Robinson. These are rules that apply to us all, equally. If he is unsure about that, he's now got time on his hands to read a copy of Essential Law for Journalists."


Mr Delabee

Oct 25, 2017
What's even worse is he's been arrested, charged and jailed for doing the SAME THING he did last year and got a suspended sentence for doing so.

How can you even defend that or how can he plead ignorance?

Why are you arresting me?
Same thing you got arrested for last year mate.

Once again though people defend him by spinning it into some big conspiracy, yes people hate Tommy Robinson, yes he's racist and stirs hate movements but he broke the law, when you break the law you get punished that's how it works.

Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Some of his low life rat supporters are rounding up on the woman who reported on it, some absolute disgusting stuff on twitter.


Oct 27, 2017
I really like it when people say that if you don't support Tommy Robinson it somehow means you are pro-muslim rape gangs.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Tommy Robinson is such an opportunist and his followers eat every word he says as gospel.

Problem I've always found is, he isn't actually stupid. Whenever he appears on TV, it'll be with somebody like Piers Morgan, someone the public probably hates more so Robinson looks good. But then that influences central minded folk who do start believing that every Asian rapist is being protected by our government and poor Tommy boy is being oppressed. When in fact Robinson is just sticking his nose in in things he has no idea about, or will use anything to try and prove he's correct, like when people of colour try and throw a punch at him to show that people of colour are barbaric and not infuriated at all the lies he spouts and the damage groups like the EDL which he founded have done to race tensions in this country.

He was banned from Twitter a few months back for apparently mentioning Asian rapists again, and of course everyone said the same thing. Nobody bothered to look into his past tweets, some of which were troubling and downright racist, like mocking somebody of Asian descent at his local gym. He tries being this "reporter" but he ignores the law and reporting restrictions. We don't discuss every rape trial, because there's victims to consider who don't want to be indentified, so judges set injunctions in place so reporters can't report on it but Tommy thinks he the saviour of free speech and mouths off and starts getting his followers standing outside the courtrooms, with no thought to the victim, just to scream at every non white person walking in and out of the courthouse.

The man just pisses me off because he's good at playing his game, and has a lot of the white public on his side. A fucking protest in London to release a fascist is one of the saddest things I've seen. And then there's a petition to Theresa May with over 100,000 signatures to release him. He's not fucking Nelson Mandela, you stupid twats!

He and Anjum Chowdry are two sides of the same coin.

I really like it when people say that if you don't support Tommy Robinson it somehow means you are pro-muslim rape gangs.

Which illustrates the rot in these peoples head where every Muslim is a threat and therefore not worthy of basic rights and should not be seen as equals.

I also read Conservatives were called out today by Muslim Council of Britiain to start proving they're purging Islamaphobes within their ranks, I was shocked at the list of MPs they presented and the material they shared and broadcasted.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck me, some of the replies to that FAKE NEWS picture tweet are unbelievable. One person saying "It's unfortunate that someone chose to use the incorrect photo. That doesn't change the message. i understand the frustration tho, really I do."

It's unfortunate that people deliberately misrepresent facts to push their own agenda. It's unfortunate that so many people are blindly credulous and see what they want to see rather than critically analysing what they're being fed. It's unfortunate that cunts like Tommy Robinson and his cunt supporters take advantage of that. It's unfortunate that social media can be a fucking cancer on truth and accuracy.


Jan 8, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Spreading conspiracy theories about 'political correctness', history of Islamophobia and racism.
Two wrongs don't make a right, folks like this twatwad are given a platform by what is seen by many as over reaching political correctness.

I.e. in this case the newspapers being gagged from covering a story because of the risk of racial tensions it could cause. Pretending that the crime doesn't exist is pretending the victims don't exist


Oct 28, 2017
Two wrongs don't make a right, folks like this twatwad are given a platform by what is seen by many as over reaching political correctness.

I.e. in this case the newspapers being gagged from covering a story because of the risk of racial tensions it could cause. Pretending that the crime doesn't exist is pretending the victims don't exist
Nope, the gagging order was to try and ensure a fair trial could take place, which is what Tommy Robinson was jeopardising and why he went to prison. It's fuck all to do with political correctness, and no-one is pretending that the crime didn't place or that the victims don't exist. In fact, the point of the gagging order is to give the victims the greatest chance of justice by ensuring that they got their day in court without prejudice. If there's anyone acting like they don't give a fuck about the victims then it's Tommy Robinson.


Oct 27, 2017
Two wrongs don't make a right, folks like this twatwad are given a platform by what is seen by many as over reaching political correctness.

I.e. in this case the newspapers being gagged from covering a story because of the risk of racial tensions it could cause. Pretending that the crime doesn't exist is pretending the victims don't exist

What are you on about? The trials were subject to a reporting restriction to ensure justice was served. It was nothing about "racial tensions".


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
Two wrongs don't make a right, folks like this twatwad are given a platform by what is seen by many as over reaching political correctness.

I.e. in this case the newspapers being gagged from covering a story because of the risk of racial tensions it could cause. Pretending that the crime doesn't exist is pretending the victims don't exist

seemingly the ban was lifted after being "challenged by the media":

in this case, I don't think the ban was to prevent an increase in racial tensions but rather to ensure the trial was carried out fairly, i.e. the jury and others involved were not biased by reporting from robinson and more mainstream news sources

tommy's actions were irresponsible in that he could have potentially jeopardized this case and the chance for the victims to get the justice he claims to be fighting for (irresponsible is generous, I think Robinson knew full well what he was doing)


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
Two wrongs don't make a right, folks like this twatwad are given a platform by what is seen by many as over reaching political correctness.

I.e. in this case the newspapers being gagged from covering a story because of the risk of racial tensions it could cause. Pretending that the crime doesn't exist is pretending the victims don't exist
They can cover it when the court case has concluded. Are you really trying to spin that crimes committed by Muslims and other minorities don't get reported on? If anything, they get reported on and emphasised more, see the way that western media over-saturates on stories of radical Muslim terrorism while basically ignoring the radical terrorism of other groups.

Plenty of cases have gagging orders until after the trial. Some are permanent, which can be troubling depending on the context, but a lot of those seem to involve protecting the identity of children caught up in the crimes of adults, so are understandable.
Talk about over-reaching political correctness all you like, but cunts like Robinson only care about this when there's a minority group to beat over the head. You didn't hear of him protesting when Ryan Giggs got a gagging order to help cover up his affairs. If a Muslim footballer did the same though? He'd be screaming from the rooftops. The ones talking about everything being too PC are usually the ones who want to say the most offensive, derogatory, hateful shit imaginable because they have axes to grind.