
Jun 9, 2018
Ah yes, the old rob you blind and give then give you back some of it, followed by the celebration of how well you are doing strategy. Works every time.
Oct 26, 2017

I swear you are the parties cheerleader on this site. "Never criticize them! Don't be mean to the Democratic Party when it does something dumb!". I can't imagine being so bought into a party that only some of the time cares about its constituents.
The funny thing is they even admit in their post it's a stupid tweet. I guess they just don't want anyone to point out it's a stupid tweet.


Oct 28, 2017
its not enough to vote for dems but you must also never criticize them because the upcoming election is too important
Mar 10, 2018
They fucking want to lose and you'll never convince me differently.
You're right, probably factually so. It goes: Cartoonishly evil Republican candidate gets power ———> Democrats present most moderate, status-quo-upholding candidate possible, warning that if you don't vote for said candidate, the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate will get power again ———> moderate, status-quo-upholding Democratic candidate gets power, but due to how little things change, the people lose enthusiasm and so the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate gains power the next election cycle ———> rinse and repeat.

This way, the American status quo remains safe and sound. You want "progressives" in power? Don't be silly. You don't want the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate to win, do you?


Oct 25, 2017
Yikes. This is as out of touch as that times Republicans bragged about their passing a working class take cut to the tune of a Costco membership.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess their thinking was it's showing a lowering trajectory, not "yay 2 cents saved"

but yeah it's dumb


Oct 27, 2017
He can´t control gas prices, WTF! All they did was lend credence to the GOP´s argument when it goes up again. They have to be secretly working for the GOP! Nothing else makes sense.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
You're right, probably factually so. It goes: Cartoonishly evil Republican candidate gets power ———> Democrats present most moderate, status-quo-upholding candidate possible, warning that if you don't vote for said candidate, the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate will get power again ———> moderate, status-quo-upholding Democratic candidate gets power, but due to how little things change, the people lose enthusiasm and so the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate gains power the next election cycle ———> rinse and repeat.

This way, the American status quo remains safe and sound. You want "progressives" in power? Don't be silly. You don't want the cartoonishly evil Republican candidate to win, do you?
If people constantly need enthusiasm in order to keep authoritarians out of power, I'd be blaming the people. At the same time, this is also super reductive.
in the past 20 years, gay marriage was legalized and we finally have some form of universal healthcare and many democratic controlled states have legalized marijuana for recreational use, doubled the minimum wages in comparison to the federal minimum, and expanded access to Medicaid. In addition, they've codified legal protections on the basis of sexuality and gender identity in many states. Oh also, they've expanded tax credits for working class families and took unemployment from 14.8% to sub 5% along with a massive uptick in salaries because the incentives they offered due to Covid gave people the chance to evaluate the money companies were offering.

those are all pretty big things done in record time considering it took 150 or so years for women to vote, took 190 years before black people were able to vote without poll taxes or harassment tactics, and took some 240 years to get to a state that gay marriage would be legalized and it was under the term of the democrats.

But I guess it's easier to ignore history and that progress has been relatively fast under Dem leadership to say "fuck Dems" and not realize the government is structurally setup to go slow. Thus, any failure to vote responsibly can be absolved. That is, people should be voting enough people in state and federal governments in order to potentially change how the senate and house are setup. Can't do that with a slim majority as it requires 2/3 of the senate and house plus 3/4s of the states' governments to change the setup constitutionally. As long as the senate exists or is not a supermajority, progress will be slow.
Last edited:


Jul 23, 2021
If people constantly need enthusiasm in order to keep authoritarians out of power, I'd be blaming the people. At the same time, this is also super reductive.
in the past 20 years, gay marriage was legalized and we finally have some form of universal healthcare and many democratic controlled states have legalized marijuana for recreational use, doubled the minimum wages in comparison to the federal minimum, and expanded access to Medicaid. In addition, they've codified legal protections on the basis of sexuality and gender identity in many states. Oh also, they've expanded tax credits for working class families and took unemployment from 14.8% to sub 5% along with a massive uptick in salaries because the incentives they offered due to Covid gave people the chance to evaluate the money companies were offering.

those are all pretty big things done in record time considering it took 150 or so years for women to vote, took 190 years before black people were able to vote without poll taxes or harassment tactics, and took some 240 years to get to a state that gay marriage would be legalized and it was under the term of the democrats.
You think it was the Democratic Party driving those changes?

Obama, Clinton, Biden and nearly every Democrat openly opposed gay marriage in 2008. Their recent support is purely a reflection of shifting public opinion. The majority of issues that they are "right" on they stumbled into when the winds of public opinion changed.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
You think it was the Democratic Party driving those changes?

Obama, Clinton, Biden and nearly every Democrat openly opposed gay marriage in 2008. Their recent support is purely a reflection of shifting public opinion. The majority of issues that they are "right" on they stumbled into when the winds of public opinion changed.
I mean who selected most of the sc judges responsible.
RBG (Bill Clinton)
Stephen Breyer (Bill Clinton)
Elena Kagan (Barack Obama)
Sonia Sotomayor (Barack Obama)


Oct 26, 2017
You think it was the Democratic Party driving those changes?

Obama, Clinton, Biden and nearly every Democrat openly opposed gay marriage in 2008. Their recent support is purely a reflection of shifting public opinion. The majority of issues that they are "right" on they stumbled into when the winds of public opinion changed.
I am old enough to remember how in 2004 after Kerry lost the election the main takeaway the party (and the media) had was that it was gay people's fault.
Mar 10, 2018
If people constantly need enthusiasm in order to keep authoritarians out of power, I'd be blaming the people
I'd be blaming the system that facilitates authoritarians so frequently rising to power in the first place. The things is, all the societal advances you listed are indeed noteworthy, but - as we're seeing now with what's happening with Roe v. Wade - what's the point if they can just be eroded when the other party gains power? We're made to think that the current pace at which the Democrats make progress warrants nothing but the utmost gratitude, when in reality, it could be being made much faster. But anytime you suggest such, you're immediately shut down with accusations of wanting some "pie in the sky" utopia or what not. But that's just the American political system working as intended. Making you believe that it's outrageous to not be absolutely content with gradualism (the fruits of which are not even guaranteed, seeing as how easily conservatives can chip away at any progress made).


Oct 27, 2017
Thinking mean thoughts about the Democrats will make the orange man come back, so if you aren't maintaining constant mental vigilance 24/7 then Mr Trump thanks you for your vote, sweetie.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
If I rolled my eyes any harder I could see my brain seizing from how stupid this is.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be blaming the system that facilitates authoritarians so frequently rising to power in the first place. The things is, all the societal advances you listed are indeed noteworthy, but - as we're seeing now with what's happening with Roe v. Wade - what's the point if they can just be eroded when the other party gains power? We're made to think that the current pace at which the Democrats make progress warrants nothing but the utmost gratitude, when in reality, it could be being made much faster. But anytime you suggest such, you're immediately shut down with accusations of wanting some "pie in the sky" utopia or what not. But that's just the American political system working as intended. Making you believe that it's outrageous to not be absolutely content with gradualism (the fruits of which are not even guaranteed, seeing as how easily conservatives can chip away at any progress made).
i see nothing to prove progress can be made much faster in the US. The senate is designed not to allow it. Rather, I see it to take nothing for granted as dismantling things in the government is super easy with just being able to not do what you're supposed to do as the constitution has no penalties if the president chooses not to enforce, the legislature refuses to legislate, or the SC becomes partisan. Truth is if Trump hadn't have won: the course of the pandemic would have been wholly different, Supreme Court would not be on the verge of overturning Roe, and we likely would not have had an insurrection on Jan 6th. US constitution makes it easy to regress and difficult to progress, and we need a majority strong enough to change the constitution otherwise a partisan SC can knock it down including technically knocking down the ability to pack the court.


Apr 23, 2021
Thinking mean thoughts about the Democrats will make the orange man come back, so if you aren't maintaining constant mental vigilance 24/7 then Mr Trump thanks you for your vote, sweetie.

Hey, there's nothing we can do against the psychic haze slowly fracturing our minds into splinters through pure, charged fear.
Maybe if you weren't so mean to us.


Oct 25, 2017
Senator Toadstool

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
What kinda returns financially do you get sleeping for a job? Is it usually an ongoing thing(weekly, monthly) or is it kinda one and done then just being amiable with the slimeball

I'm not going to out anything that isn't mine to publically disclose but let's just say there should be a bigger #metoo for campaign staffers. but it gets you up to d.c. faster where these do nothing jobs grow on trees because campaign staffers on a winning campaign can place people because they know the winning candidate and there's implied fact that it'll make lobbying easier.


Dec 6, 2020
I'm not going to out anything that isn't mine to publically disclose but let's just say there should be a bigger #metoo for campaign staffers. but it gets you up to d.c. faster where these do nothing jobs grow on trees because campaign staffers on a winning campaign can place people because they know the winning candidate and there's implied fact that it'll make lobbying easier.
No worries gotcha, I'm too old for a staffer career I was just curious. I don't truly know how I'd feel sleeping for a job but I can understand doing it as just one more indignity in getting ahead. Sounds like for politics staffers it's questionable risk or cost for medium reward.
Senator Toadstool

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Very much true in my limited experience (which is all outside looking in and friends) but I want to drill down a bit on one point -

Not randomly work a campaign, you need a campaign position where you get to work directly with the candidate or maybe senior people in the campaign.
I want to make that distinction because I've met people who believe you can get into politics by knocking on doors or phone banking. And seriously, that ain't it. But the campaigns half sell it as such.
oh yeah. but lots of times with basic jobs you can get time with senior people. especially in house of rep races. if you're a pretty girl its not hard to flirt with he 28 year old running your office and get some sweet gigs.

No worries gotcha, I'm too old for a staffer career I was just curious. I don't truly know how I'd feel sleeping for a job but I can understand doing it as just one more indignity in getting ahead. Sounds like for politics staffers it's questionable risk or cost for medium reward.

people who work campaigns are all middle-class true believers who will have their parents take care of expenses. they really just get high off being close to "powerful people" its not about money. its about saying you work on the hill. even though you're job is to give tours and go get flags that "were flown over the capital" for vets and other people and log calls from people who have nothing better to do than call you at 2pm even though the congressman isn't gonna even look at them.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not going to out anything that isn't mine to publically disclose but let's just say there should be a bigger #metoo for campaign staffers. but it gets you up to d.c. faster where these do nothing jobs grow on trees because campaign staffers on a winning campaign can place people because they know the winning candidate and there's implied fact that it'll make lobbying easier.
So I know anecdotal hearsay is like bad², but fwiw pretty much every person I know who worked on political calpains in the US told me similar stories, and like, waaaaaay worse, though as you said, not mine to tell.


Oct 27, 2017
The 👏 President 👏 doesn't 👏 control 👏 gas 👏 prices

Except when they go down, then he did it personally.

soul creator

Oct 27, 2017
I am old enough to remember how in 2004 after Kerry lost the election the main takeaway the party (and the media) had was that it was gay people's fault.

along with that, there were plenty of liberal Democrats blaming black people for the results in California with Prop 8.

Needless to say, I also find this revisionist history on gay marriage that paints the Democratic Party as institutionally being these brave trailblazers to be quite weird. They went along with the way the wind was blowing, and obviously didn't blatantly fight it the way that Republicans did, and that's fine, and I'm glad it happened, but we don't have to pretend like they were these brave heroes dedicated to justice who handed down gay marriage to us from on high, lol. (and even if someone wanted to do that, wouldn't that more directly apply to like...Anthony Kennedy?)

anyhoo, somewhat OT, but I do see this constantly come up as a defense of the Democratic Party (I think maybe the issue is that some people identify "activists who sometimes vote for Democrats" as the center of power in "The Democratic Party" as opposed to other traditional markers of wealth/power/influence)


Apr 1, 2019
I keep telling everybody. Only the progressive/socialist Democrats cares about us & this country. We should've had Bernie Sanders running against Trump, but nope, everyone wants Biden all because "He's the safest person for to beat Trump!".

The current Democrat party is nothing more than a party that's moving further right with these neoliberal, corporate Democrats in charge.


Oct 26, 2017
along with that, there were plenty of liberal Democrats blaming black people for the results in California with Prop 8.
I'm so glad you mentioned it because I remember thinking at the time - this is the exact same playbook from '04 and it was to a pretty large degree pushed by the same people.

You know, I sometime get forum angry on here and like type in all caps, but to be perfectly honestly this is almost always just an act I do for dramatic effect.
But I remember getting honest to god blind mad, like I have to walk away from the keyboard because I'm gonna punch through my screen mad, talking online on the aftermath of prop 8.
Oct 25, 2017
at least the graph is hilarious

someone should shop the infamous mario kart pie chart with this data for maximum coping through humor