Divinity: Original Sin 2 v. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Switch

  • Divinity: Original Sin 2

    Votes: 371 65.7%
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2

    Votes: 194 34.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 4, 2019
Looking for a new RPG for Switch. Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 look like some of the best RPGs for the console according to reviews, etc.

Divinity looks like it reviewed A LOT better and is cheaper. However, I haven't played many CRPGs, probably the closest I've gotten is Skyrim. I tried The Witcher 2 but found the combat/gameplay extremely crusty, so I stopped it. I generally like JRPGs; DQ XI is probably my favorite. Solid gameplay is important to me.

Suggestions between the two?


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on what you enjoy in an RPG. They are very different games. What kind of RPGs have you enjoyed in the past? Do you enjoy WRPG? JRPG? CRPG?

You say you like JRPGs so XBC2 is probably more up your street.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Well Divinity is not really comparable to Witcher or Skyrim in how it plays, its a turnbased game with a lot of focus on choices (as far as I'm aware). And really good.

XC2 is a fantastic JRPG with a very particular battle system thats sadly explained via bad tutorials. It's anime af if you don't like that.

They are both great in what they do ... so the choice is yours.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Do you want a well crafted narrative in a great RPG or do you want a generic anime tropefest that has bas sexualization of the women characters and one character that's literally an underage looking sex doll belonging to a potato man that he got from his uncle?


Oct 25, 2017
One of them has fun dialogues, a lot of freedom on the choices, no handholding and deep gameplay. The other is Xenoblade 2.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Feb 21, 2020
Not really comparable at all to all the shenanigans you can do in DoS.

Oh yeah that wasn't a dunk on Divinity. Haven't played 2 but I really enjoyed what I've played of the first game game. Just pointing out that Xenoblade 2 has complex mechanics. I do prefer how Divinity plays tho.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Divinity OS2. It's a very tactical, rewarding and thoughtful RPG with a wide variety of choice in how to proceed. Xenoblade 2 is everything wrong with what modern JRPGs are targeted at made manifest. If you want to go down the XB route, the remaster of XB is out later this month.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I played XC2 for almost 300 hours and its still not a game I would recommend to anyone blindly. You need to tell us a little bit more about what you value in games.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 16, 2018
Hate thread against Xenoblade! Fun!

They couldn't be more different. Watch an youtube video and decide. Asking that here is asking for a war.


Oct 25, 2017
Divinity but by far.

It has a wonderful and addictive turn based combat, choices, better narrative etc. And I personally think it's a game that fits better for theSwitch, especially if you usually play in handheld mode.


Oct 31, 2017
XC2 has been explained to me as an extremely annoying good game. If you're craving that kind of game you might find some value there.

Divinity 2 is just an extraordinarily good turn based game and while it is a CRPG, I would say it's much more accessible than alot of its brethren because it's turn based instead of real time with pause. Highly recommend.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
How I do love the XC2 hate in here. I mean I get it with the widely different options presented by the OP ... but yeah kinda sad.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
DOS2 is one of the best games I've ever played. It's like a giant, dense sandbox that constantly rewards you for exploring what you can do within it. That said, it has a pretty big learning curve, especially since you said you don't have much experience with CRPGs. But I think it's worth pushing through to see what it offers.

XB2 is a much safer recommendation but it's EXTREMELY anime. I personally prefer Xenoblade Chronicles 1 over it but I had a good time with 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
guys, you can recommend Divinity without being dicks about it.

Do you want a well crafted narrative in a great RPG or do you want a generic anime tropefest that has bas sexualization of the women characters and one character that's literally an underage looking sex doll belonging to a potato man that he got from his uncle?
I get where you're coming from with this kinda but ... no.


Oct 28, 2017
Tampa, FL
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a solid game. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a better game.
Do you like anime? If so, then the former might be more suited for you.


Jan 28, 2019
Yeah xenoblades is your typical impressive big jrpg adventure with a lot of exotic locations, impressive views and tropey story. Its naive but with a lot of heart. The gameplay is deep and rewarding if you have the patience to stick with the game beyond the 10 first hours.
Os2 gives a lot of agency to the player in the story and problem solving, it has loot, inventory management, deep lore, strong design and a very very engaging gameplay. Its turn based, slow paced and its asks the player to sometime think outside of the box.

I liked a lot my time with X2 but I can't see myself to play ot again. Now I learned to value more the quality of the freedom given to the players in well crafted crpg and os2 is basically the king right now.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Play Divinity, then wait for Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition to come out at the end of this month and forget about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. XC1 is a much better game than XC2 and it avoids most of the extremely annoying and cringey anime tropes.

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
I enjoyed Xenoblade for what it was but its your typical anime crigefest in places, Divinity OS 2 on the other hand is maybe one of the greatest games ever made, so I say go with that.


Oct 28, 2017
XC2 has been explained to me as an extremely annoying good game. If you're craving that kind of game you might find some value there.

Extremely annoying good game is a solid explanation for it. The highs are really high. The lows are extremely low. Very uneven game. Really hard to recommend without knowing the player more.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you like turn based strategy games like xcom or Mario+rabbits? Divinity OS2 has MUCH more in common gameplay wise with those games then Skyrim or Witcher 2. It's also one of the best games in it's genre.


Nov 14, 2017
Haven't played Divinity 2, but I can tell you that I found Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to be terrible. After loving the first game, I figured it was an easy assumption that I'd love the sequel.

I was very wrong.
-Gatcha mechanics around every corner
-A story that takes forever to pick up
-Dialogue that feels straight out of a bad anime (With tons of bad line reads repeated over and over)
-A poor technical showcase for the Switch, which is distractingly bad in handheld mode due to how low the resolution is
-And character art that looks like it was done by a horny teenager, but was sadly probably done by some adult otaku.

I was so incredibly disappointed by XC2. If I can save someone else from that experience, then maybe it was worth something.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Play Divinity, then wait for Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition to come out at the end of this month and forget about about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. XC1 is a much better game than XC2 and it avoids most of the extremely annoying and cringey anime tropes.

They are both anime af. I dunno I think peoples memory on 1 is super warped.


Oct 28, 2017
I played both extensively enough (20-30 hours) to be able to at least judge both.

Xenoblade 2 is good, but it's a little slow and grinding on some parts, and the combat system never really works cohesively (It's overly complicated). I got stuck at some mission, and rather than continue decided to just stop playing it. I did not mind the anime style at all, actually preferred it to previous Xenoblade games.

However, Divinity OS2 is a masterpiece. Combat is excellent and diverse, story is epic, and the choices on each fight are amazing. Played though it twice, once solo, another with 3 friends online coop. Outstanding game.

Recommend Divinity Original Sin 2.


Oct 27, 2017
Xenoblade 2 has
- one of the best worlds ever made, full of breathtaking scenery, deep and complex level design full of secrets
- THE best OST ever made
- a great story and cast with incredibly emotional moments
- a deep and satisfying combat system
- maybe most importantly, a lot of heart. It never stops having cheerful and funny moments even during its pretty depressing story arcs, and isn't made for people who are too insecure to enjoy media that doesn't constantly take itself too seriously like it has a stick up its own ass
- an amazing prequel expansion fleshing the story, lore and characters even more with even a new combat system with unique mechanics compared to the main game

All in all it's my favorite game on the Switch. A true gem that has an extremely loud vocal minority that constantly resorts to hyperbole to shit on it at every chance. Please OP don't let them cloud you and give it a chance!


Apr 26, 2018
I mean, technically they're both RPGs, but they're so far to the extreme of of the Japanese-Western RPG divide, they're pretty much completely different genres. I would consider both of them top of their field though.