Do you want more from the TLOU IP?

  • Yes, I want a sequel featuring Ellie and Abby

    Votes: 413 20.9%
  • Yes, I want a sequel focusing on Ellie

    Votes: 414 21.0%
  • Yes, I want a sequel focusing on Abby

    Votes: 146 7.4%
  • Yes, I want a new game in the series with new characters

    Votes: 267 13.5%
  • No, I don't want any new game based on this setting

    Votes: 736 37.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017

I don't give a single shit about story, protagonist or anything of that nature though. I just want more of that exceptional gameplay and level design.
Feb 5, 2018
"Healing and forgiveness" is going to be a difficult theme for a game that largely seems to be about stabbing people in the throat.
That's alot easier to do when you make the villains (whomever they will be) irredeemable. It was very easy to not feel bad for any of those gang members in the last portion of the game. Next game can just have a group like that with very little redeemable qualities, or just make it the perception that Ellie is defending herself again (not going on a blind rampage killing everyone), then it'll probably be fine.

Plus, you have now possible issue of Tommy turning on Ellie because she let Abby live. If he's still fueled by revenge, he may work with a group of people that are willing to go and attack Abby or something. If we play as Abby again, then we should have no problems defending ourselves from those people.

There are ways around the "hate" theme of the second game, while still making the 3rd game more intense, yet hopeful/ending on a more positive note..

Like nothing in the 2nd game explcitly states Ellie isn't going to still brutally murder people, or defend herself, it just showed that she got over Joel.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Maybe I'll mellow out overtime but if I could hypothetically play what TLOU3 ends up being *right now* I absolutely would not bother. TLOU2 is a good game but TLOU was an excellent game from a story perspective and the direction the sequel takes the series on makes me completely uninterested in a continuation the series.


Oct 31, 2017
No, it's nice to have restraint and not just give fans things all the time.
They're going to sell like 20 million copies on this and if Factions blow up, the SP and MP may make like two billion dollars. There's no way in hell they're stopping, the only question is do they take a break or not.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017

Just one more game please. There is still a story to tell (not up to me, up to the creators but Part II really expanded this world).

If there was a Part III I would like for them to stop there. This would be a great trilogy.


Apr 14, 2020
Ellie sacrificing herself at the end of a long road would be the natural conclusion.

What does this tell us about Ellie that we didn't know until that game, though? In the first game, she'd have been willing to sacrifice herself. In the second, she's angry at Joel because he took her chance at that. So what, third game she learns that there's still a way, goes and does what could have happened in the first? Where's the growth?

Having her fulfill the survivor's guilt she's been living with since the events of Left Behind by willingly dying seems much less interesting to me than having her finally overcome that guilt.

As I've previously stated I'll be down for whatever journey a sequel would take us on, but I've been done with caring about any cure stuff since halfway through the first game.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
What does this tell us about Ellie that we didn't know until that game, though? In the first game, she'd have been willing to sacrifice herself. In the second, she's angry at Joel because he took her chance at that. So what, third game she learns that there's still a way, goes and does what could have happened in the first? Where's the growth?

Having her fulfill the survivor's guilt she's been living with since the events of Left Behind by willingly dying seems much less interesting to me than having her finally overcome that guilt.

As I've previously stated I'll be down for whatever journey a sequel would take us on, but I've been done with caring about any cure stuff since halfway through the first game.
I'm in agreement there. Any conclusion to Ellie's story that ends with her sacrificing herself would be a poor decision. Plus it's a pretty bad message for people with PTSD.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
A cure ending is also incredibly depressing because it basically makes the whole series just a lesson in meaningless pain and suffering. Despite "saving" humanity from the cordyceps virus it would put a huge damper on everything that happened in Part I and II as a colossal waste and a mistake. You'd come away with a story about how Joel ruined countless people's lives, for nothing, and needlessly subjected Ellie and many others to horrible psychological and physical trauma, along with leaving innumerable people dead in his wake. Everything they went through, everything that happened to them was pointless and a waste of time and only served to make these people suffer.

You may be able to argue that it would be "realistic" that an incredibly selfish and self serving act like that would be a waste and nothing more than harmful to everyone else in the end, but this is still fiction that is trying to convey something more and something hopeful. As much as Neil and co want to be authentic and true to the world and setting I very much doubt they want the conclusion of the series to be "love makes you capable of horrible things, that ultimately don't matter and just cause everyone around you immense pain and suffering only prolonging the inevitable because it was obviously a mistake they'll eventually rectify anyway despite your efforts." That's not poetic, that doesn't provide any meaningful lesson, it's just depressing, fatalistic, oppressively cynical and futile.

The series will never be able to ignore or soften the fact that what Joel did was wrong and caused tremendous harm to everyone, but they can choose to not remove any semblance of hope from it and show that out of that selfish act something good could still come of it without resorting to sacrificing Ellie for a cure.

And the alternative of "well why not have the cure not require Ellie to die" just sounds like a Marvel film. It's so unbelievably cheesy and convenient. In its own way undermining a great many other elements and themes in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
If the team have another story they want to tell in this world, then go for it. But I'd be satisfied if this was it, which is also how I felt by the end of Part 1.


Apr 14, 2020
A cure ending is also incredibly depressing because it basically makes the whole series just a lesson in meaningless pain and suffering. Despite "saving" humanity from the cordyceps virus it would put a huge damper on everything that happened in Part I and II as a colossal waste and a mistake. You'd come away with a story about how Joel ruined countless people's lives, for nothing, and needlessly subjected Ellie and many others to horrible psychological and physical trauma, along with leaving innumerable people dead in his wake. Everything they went through, everything that happened to them was pointless and a waste of time and only served to make these people suffer.

You may be able to argue that it would be "realistic" that an incredibly selfish and self serving act like that would be a waste and nothing more than harmful to everyone else in the end, but this is still fiction that is trying to convey something more and something hopeful. As much as Neil and co want to be authentic and true to the world and setting I very much doubt they want the conclusion of the series to be "love makes you capable of horrible things, that ultimately don't matter and just cause everyone around you immense pain and suffering only prolonging the inevitable because it was obviously a mistake they'll eventually rectify anyway despite your efforts." That's not poetic, that doesn't provide any meaningful lesson, it's just depressing, fatalistic, oppressively cynical and futile.

The series will never be able to ignore or soften the fact that what Joel did was wrong and caused tremendous harm to everyone, but they can choose to not remove any semblance of hope from it and show that out of that selfish act something good could still come of it without resorting to sacrificing Ellie for a cure.

And the alternative of "well why not have the cure not require Ellie to die" just sounds like a Marvel film. It's so unbelievably cheesy and convenient. In its own way undermining a great many other elements and themes in the game.

Superbly put.


Lately I've been going back and forth with the idea that maybe the "glimmer of hope" for humanity in the next game should be the Fireflies successfully maintaining scaled-up version(s?) of the Jackson model. On the good side, it seems like that would be the best case scenario for humanity if a miraculous cure doesn't appear but I fear it would build up the Fireflies as too good an entity?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in agreement there. Any conclusion to Ellie's story that ends with her sacrificing herself would be a poor decision. Plus it's a pretty bad message for people with PTSD.
Ellie can sacrifice herself when we flash forward to old Ellie after she lives a long fulfilling life

So around 87 years would do, then humanity can get their vaccine or whatever


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be up for a Part 3 at the end of the PS5 life. I'll be in my Early 50's by then or thereabouts. Plenty of time to digest this game lol


Nov 13, 2017
I loved Part 2 and i had a similar feeling after the end of the first game but even moreso now. I do not think that the characters we know and are still left alive need further stories told and some things should be left open ended. On the other hand i do not need more similar stories with other characters in this world as that would not work multiple times so what i am essentially feeling that these stories through part 1 and 2 have been told so well that anything else would pale in comparison and wouldn't have this emotional impact again.... and then if that is so why bother trying. Rather focus on developing a new IP that is just as impactful and good as they have done here. I would love to have a sci-fi themed game from the Naughty Gods.


Oct 27, 2017
Really not sure where they could from here. I think building up a whole new plot involving Ellie to finish a trilogy would be weird. Usually a part 3 would be where everything from the previous entries comes to a conclusion


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017

Even i came up with a kind of possible "plot" today in another thread.

Lev heard Ellie talking to Abby about being imune (in the theater standoff).

13 years down the line Lev works his way up in the Frieflies and overhears some Firefly bigwigs talking about the one chance they had with Ellie and the dead doctor. Turns out they found a former research partner of the dead doctor alive and well. She would be able to create a vaxine if they find Ellie. Lev outright tells them about Ellie being alive (against Abbies wishes). New bigger and stronger Fireflies scout Jackson and try talking with Maria to give them Ellie. She refuses (she doesn't know were Ellie is, noone knows exactly). The fireflies lay siege to Jackson. No pulled punches. They see it as the last hope for humanity. Abby tries to stop them. Gets caught and publicly executed as an enemy. Lev changes his viewpoint after that and volunteers for a scouting mission into Jackson to find Ellie. He doesn't find her but gets a good clue from Tommy after he realises Lev tries to save Ellie. Tommy and Maria try to stall for time and brace for the Firefly attack.

Ellie gets wind of the huge number of Fireflies forming around Jackson and tries to stop them (she doesn't know what they want). Lev stops Ellie from making a mess and takes her away from Jackson (as planned with Tommy).

Ellie and Lev have to work together to survive against an infected horde (first time in the series we get to see that kind of numbers) and get to know each other, Lev realises that Ellie wants to do the right thing and helps her to reach the Fireflies. Ariving at jackson they realise to their horror that the horde they survived walked right into the siege of jackson (walls are down in some places) and both the fireflies and the people of jackson barely hold their own against the huge horde.

Ellie and Lev try to get into Jackson to save Tommy, Maria and a few others but find them at deaths door. Maria survives and tries to get as much people to safety as possible. Maria explains to Ellie where she can find Dina and the child. Ellie and Lev are able to save them both but can't help the city against the horde. Jackson is lost and the surviving Fireflies pull back and try to escape the persuing horde.

Ellie, Lev, Dina and the child (14 at the time) try to reach the Fireflies. On the way Dina dies saving Ellie. Ellie, Lev and the child makes it tothe Fieflies. Marlene greets them. (She survived Joels atempt to kill her but is missing an eye and has a big scar were joel hit her).

Ellie chooses to take the operation. It's a success but as predicted, Ellie dies. Creating the vacine will take months or even years but it's the one chance humanity gets. It's not known to the player if it will work.

Lev and the kid leave the Fireflies and go on their way back to Jackson to find Maria and other survivors. The end.

I'm sure it's not that good but i would love to see something like this just made by really great writers like Druckman. They could create such a good ending to Ellies journey.
Jan 11, 2018
I absolutely want one. New IP first from ND, then do part III with a focus on Abby/Lev and some new characters. Keep Ellie's involvement to a minimum, much like Joel in part II.
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine a sequel is a long way off - and could even skip next gen. I feel like whether or not I want a sequel will change before then. My own inclination is I'm happy with TLoU2 being the last one, but that in 7+ years I'll also be excited to revisit this world.


Oct 26, 2017
Ellie's story is complete, there's really nowhere else to go and no loose ends from the current games to tie into a part 3.

Any new story would need to either focus on Abby, and have a different thematic feel.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
New game with new characters & settings.

The story now zombie & horror focused instead of human drama again, as Part II already proven some certain parts in the game was terrifying.

The new Clicker types also good; albeit not many in this game...

The Rat King is great design wise; I want more of these grotesque & gross designs.

Sony have their own Resident Evil potential on their hands, but that depends if Naughty Dog wants it or not...


Nov 5, 2017
I'm the complete opposite of the guy above. I want more human v human action, at least gameplay wise. It takes a lot more strategy compared to the infected. I feel like it definitely hits peak gameplay during certain spots where you're just taking out human enemies. Or at the very least human v human with infected distracting them. I liked those moments too.

Idk if I want a new game though. Right now I feel like I want to play the campaign again just for the gameplay but that story was so long that I have no desire to jump back in so soon. That's kind of what I feel about the series right now.

Not really looking forward to the multiplayer either because the OG was literally one of the most toxic mps I've ever played.


Jul 16, 2018
Yes. And in any way. Id prefer a lost legacy style with Lev actually. Or Maybe even just a nice dlc like part 1 had with ellie. But I want more.
however, I also want new IP's from Naughhty dog too.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the direction. I think the writing was great in TLOUP2, but like a Cormac McCarthy novel I have no desire to revisit it. They're going to need to give me a little hope next time.


The Fallen
Jul 26, 2018
I'd like a new IP first. But I definitely want more of The Last Of Us. I have faith that whatever journey Ellie goes on next will be another great one.


Oct 25, 2017
TLoU is Ellie's story. There are currently four pieces of media about the series, American Dreams, TLoU, Left Behind and Part II. She's the only constant in every single one of them. It's a long story of us watching her growup in an extremely fucked up world. We've seen her first kiss, first love, first kill, losing a loved one, her fall etc. If/when Part III comes it really could only be a continuation of that journey.

Majora's Mask

Oct 26, 2017
From a gameplay perspective, hell yeah. They have one of the tightest, most fun combat in this generation.

From a story perspective? I don't know. I definitely wouldn't mind playing as Abby again as long as the main protagonist continues to be Ellie. But whatever interesting story they could have told on Part 3 died when they killed Joel (hell, Part 2 story went to a very predictable conclusion once you know how the plot will develop 3 hours into the game). I loved Part 2, but not because of its overarching themes about revenge and what not but about the journey both characters go through (if that makes sense).

TL;DR: I wouldn't mind Part 3 and I'm pretty sure it's coming after this one sells >15 million copies, but I don't think they will have a very interesting story to tell.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
With the way they treated Ellie in Part II, I can see Part III being about Abby or a new character and in one part of the game we find a body and then later find some notes that tell us what happened to Ellie after the ending of Part II and reveal that the body we saw was Ellie's.


Oct 27, 2017
Played through the game again and replayed the first game again (for the 10th or so time). I'm changing my answer to a sequel with Ellie. I want her to get a better ending.


Oct 27, 2017
I never want to see Abby and that boring-ass kid of hers ever again. I'd take a sequel with new characters or back to Ellie and/or Just Jackson.


Oct 27, 2017
Ellie deserves a bit of redemption and purpose. I wouldn't mind the next and last game ending with her giving her life for the vaccine.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Voted No.

I'm just not interested in seeing how much more miserable their lives can get.

I might be open to a new set of characters, in a different state though, but even then, the series just keep getting more depressing with every entry.


Oct 25, 2017
With the way they treated Ellie in Part II, I can see Part III being about Abby or a new character and in one part of the game we find a body and then later find some notes that tell us what happened to Ellie after the ending of Part II and reveal that the body we saw was Ellie's.
Lol no, Neil has always said this is Ellie's story. Abby's arc is done, Ellie's isn't.


Oct 27, 2017
Ellie is an irredeemable psychopath and I really hope they don't make any more games with her, unless it's just her volunteering to be dissected.

A game with Abby and the Fireflies would be good, though.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't care what they make. I just want another game in the franchise because I think the game is a technical masterpiece. I wouldn't mind a Joel and Tommy prequel game or a new WLF versus FEDRA story prequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in the exact same place as I was after the first game's ending.

I don't feel the need for a direct sequel. Part 2 was a complete package, just like its predecessor. I'm completely satisfied.

However, ND have managed to live up to the task of making a worthy sequel to one of the most critically-acclaimed game of all time. So whatever their next game is I'll instantly be on board. If there is a Part III, I'm 100% confident it'll be born from a great idea and not a desperate need for a sequel.

So basically I can't cast a vote with a poll like this.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I want an Ellie sequel to close the trilogy. I don't know if it's really needed at all, because how can you top that amazing part 2, but i'd be glad to see what they can cook.

Regarding Abby, i'd love to know more but the final scene tells us she managed to get to the fireflies so it's ok. She suffered a lot so my headcanon is she found purpose and lived happily with Lev in the fireflies HQ.


Oct 27, 2017
Not really.

In fact, when I finished TLOU I 7 years ago, I thought: I hope this game doesn't get a sequel because it really doesn't need it. And TLOU II confirmed that I was right.

Nah, it was worth making a sequel just to see Joel get his brains bashed in for the horrific crime against humanity that he committed.


Oct 27, 2017
Abby, and Ellie are basically the same. Not sure how you can root for one over the other.

They would be the same if Ellie had stayed at the farmhouse with the woman and the baby Abby spared a few hours after seeing the corpses Ellie made of Owen and Mel.

Forcing Abby to fight her barehanded by putting a knife to the throat of an innocent child who had just been crucified was beyond sickening.
Oct 25, 2017
I was in the "no" camp because I don't want Ellie to continue to suffer and just have a happy ending for once, but I wouldn't mind a third one after that part in Santa Barbara, California. It felt SO MUCH better being in Santa Barbara compared to Seattle and the Rattlers were so refreshing.


Oct 29, 2017
Yes please, I expect to see Abby come back in some way , the fireflies having another proper appearance and having a conflict with WLF (hey look instead of Ellie vs Abby it's FF vs WLF, that would be sort of lame). The issues of abby being branded a traitor but also not really being one... Ellie having to do what she did. Shit, have you read the notes left around the world about what the WLF did to people? They're just fireflies v2. I expect Ellie to sacrifice herself knowingly having a second chance at something she had no choice in before but this time, it's her choice; Dina etc won't want her to, but she will.

I was in the "no" camp because I don't want Ellie to continue to suffer and just have a happy ending for once, but I wouldn't mind a third one after that part in Santa Barbara, California. It felt SO MUCH better being in Santa Barbara compared to Seattle and the Rattlers were so refreshing.

Yeah I really enjoyed that section, shame it was so short. The summer feel, the beach, how bright it was instead of drab city grey.
I'd love more in that area.


Oct 25, 2017
They would be the same if Ellie had stayed at the farmhouse with the woman and the baby Abby spared a few hours after seeing the corpses Ellie made of Owen and Mel.

Forcing Abby to fight her barehanded by putting a knife to the throat of an innocent child who had just been crucified was beyond sickening.
So was torturing another human being to death. Abby was also ready to kill Dina even after Ellie told her she was pregnant.

If it wasnt obvious, theyre both basically the same character just at different stages of the same journey.


Nov 24, 2017
I'll take a sequel that focus on new characters, while giving a glimpse on Ellie's future, couldn't care less about Abby and Lev though

New IP from Naughty Dog would be preferred by far though


Oct 25, 2017
They would be the same if Ellie had stayed at the farmhouse with the woman and the baby Abby spared a few hours after seeing the corpses Ellie made of Owen and Mel.

Forcing Abby to fight her barehanded by putting a knife to the throat of an innocent child who had just been crucified was beyond sickening.
Did you not pay attention to the game? Calling Ellie a psychopath when she is going through severe ptsd....yikes.