
Oct 27, 2017
Am I crazy?

Perhaps, but it's more that no other AAA game since Inquisition has offered the anount of roleplaying freedom as does DA:I. I've put a similarly amount of time into TW3, but in that game you can only roleplay Geralt. In DA:I, I can be a noble human warrior, an apostate knight enchanter, a proud dwarven rogue, and more. The conversations can actually be quite varied as can be your relationships with your party. All wrapped up in a pretty decent story that attempts to deconstruct the hero myth and question the influence of religion alongside the long term sustainability of grand institutions.

Anyone else have an absurd amount of hours put into this game? Why are you also so obsessed with the game? Am I crazy?


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I have 1000+ hours in Team Fortress 2. Not playing much now but couple of years ago I used to just hang with online friends on our server and play every single evening.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I didn't like 90% of the story segments or characters, but I put 100+ hours into it just because I like getting ticks or something lol. That game made leveling feel good, and constantly made me want to grind or do (mostly) boring quests associated with it. I enjoyed the combat a lot though (dual-wielding rogue with the grapple chain move was incredibly OP).


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I've thought about going back to that game a bunch but I remember the combat not clicking with me at all.


Oct 25, 2017

Jk ,enjoy yourself dog


Oct 25, 2017
I put nearly 100 and can't even go back for a second play through with Inquisition, but I have put almost 500 hours into The Witcher 3 so I'm with you there.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
I put in like 20 hours in da:i and almost died of boredom. You're a madman.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know but I couldn't stand that game when I played it. Picked an archer and found it to be incredibly monotonous


Feb 16, 2018
I really enjoyed it too OP, and put quite a lot of hours in...played through 2 times, not sure the final tally. I think it was underrated really.


Oct 25, 2017
I put around 10 hours into it on two separate attempts and just couldn't get into it. I quite liked the first entry, and did wind up having some fun with two despite it's flaws but Inquisition just did nothing for me. Though I do admit I'm tempted to try again.

Though I've put probably put quite a bit more than that into Dark Souls 2, which I think quite a few people would scoff at.

And no, you're not crazy. At least, not for this.

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
400+ hours into Persona 4 with multiple playthroughs. I just really love that world and the characters in them.


Oct 27, 2017
I've put that many hours into Witcher 3, but not DA:I. The lore in DA:I is decent and the characters are interesting but I kept putting the game down because quest system is wonky and the story has lost me a bit. I've actually gone back to it this weekend and started playing for the first time in about 2 years because of the recent teaser.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Could you maybe break off a bit of that vigor for the game and give it to me?

I really wanted to like this game, and the story/characters had me intrigued. I could never really get into the mission design and fetch quest type stuff. Only made it to the second big area before giving up. The stuff with your keep seemed cool, and definitely showed potential. Maybe I should try it again on PC one day, the first DA is one of my favorite RPGs.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Do you like the Elder Scrolls games, TC? If yes, how much hours have you put into Morrowind and Skyrim?


Oct 31, 2017
I've spent a total of 800 hours in to monster hunter games that that's basically just hunting the same monsters over again and getting better gear.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Am I crazy?

Perhaps, but it's more that no other AAA game since Inquisition has offered the anount of roleplaying freedom as does DA:I. I've put a similarly amount of time into TW3, but in that game you can only roleplay Geralt. In DA:I, I can be a noble human warrior, an apostate knight enchanter, a proud dwarven rogue, and more. The conversations can actually be quite varied as can be your relationships with your party. All wrapped up in a pretty decent story that attempts to deconstruct the hero myth and question the influence of religion alongside the long term sustainability of grand institutions.

Anyone else have an absurd amount of hours put into this game? Why are you also so obsessed with the game? Am I crazy?

You're not alone! My 2014 file clocked around 125 hours. But my 2017 file, 100%ing it + playing the DLCs, clocked 200 or so, almost on the dot.

Fantastic game. One of my very favorites. Cannot frakking wait until 4.

Rapon Tran

Nov 8, 2017
I played 239 hours (on PC, not count console yet). I love it because it actually let your companions go adventure with you, hearing them banter with each others. Then when at your castle, you can kiss your romance character even after the main story end. Also, the game had some weirdly secrets but kind of entertain when you solved it.

That is what missing in TW3 (base game) when I finished, my friends disappeared. I can't even find my Triss/Yen to kiss them or something.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure I had like 150 hours in that game. I did everything. I know it got ragged on for various reasons, but I loved it. I enjoyed all of the Dragon Age games to some degree. The hinterlands was the worse designed aspect of DA:I and turned a lot of people off, but there really is a great, great game in there.


Oct 25, 2017
It's one of two current-gen AAA games I've played more than once, for what it's worth. Although my second playthrough was years later on PC where I was able to mod away some of my criticisms.


Oct 27, 2017
I did maybe 250 in two playthrough a getting every trophy including DLC. It has its flaws but overall it's a great game I really enjoyed.


Oct 27, 2017
Could you maybe break off a bit of that vigor for the game and give it to me?

I really wanted to like this game, and the story/characters had me intrigued. I could never really get into the mission design and fetch quest type stuff. Only made it to the second big area before giving up. The stuff with your keep seemed cool, and definitely showed potential. Maybe I should try it again on PC one day, the first DA is one of my favorite RPGs.

If you like roleplaying, characters, good lore, and a decent story then it's not too hard to get invested. Just don't try and do all the little side quests.

Do you like the Elder Scrolls games, TC? If yes, how much hours have you put into Morrowind and Skyrim?

An embarrassing amount of hours in those games. Shit, I've got 100+ hours in FO4 and that game is actual dogshit.

BossAttack, have you left the Hinterlands yet?

With the amount of characters I have, one could say I'm perpetually in the Hinterlands. I also like the Hinterlands.


Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I put about 140 hours into DAI in one playthrough. I always meant to go back and try it as an apostate mage but I just never had the time.

It's a great game with a great story and an incredible world. Despite it's good sales and critical reception (It won a whole bunch of GOTY awards) you will find Era and the Old Forum didn't take kindly to the game. You'd think it was an indie GACHA game for mobile the way some people on this forum talk about it haha.

Hell I even spent 20 hours or so on the multiplayer which was fun in its own way. The RNG put me off too much.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
Everyone has these sorts of games with crazy hours where most people would turn their heads.

For me, I put 400 hours in Fallout 4 which to most is crazy.

edit: and currently 100 in Fallout 76. lol


Oct 25, 2017
I have almost 2000 hours in Garry's Mod because of Trouble in Terrorist Town. I don't even know the actual purpose of Garry's Mod


Oct 28, 2017
I love the game. All the banter between the characters was great.
Call me crazy but I still consider it one of the better looking games and it came out in the beginning of this gen.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Took me 150 hours as well. I think if you're a fan and obviously love the world? Go for it.
You do you. Do whatever makes you happy.


Oct 27, 2017
See, now this all makes so much more sense. You just like bad games!

How dare you sir! DAI is actually really good. Whereas FO4 is admitted trash. I feel like a battered spouse in relation to that game, I keep coning back pouring mod after mod into the game, hoping the game will change and suddenly become good. It never does.

Andrew Lucas

Nov 27, 2017
You're not crazy. It's one of the best games of this generation, listening to the god-tier soundtrack, especially "Journey To Skyhold", always gives me goosebumps as I recall the good times playing it.



Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I love the game. All the banter between the characters was great.
Call me crazy but I still consider it one of the better looking games and it came out in the beginning of this gen.

Nothing crazy about it. :D The diversity and quantity and quality of the game's banter is one of its best features. And I don't think many would argue Inquisition isn't a gorgeous game. It holds up really damn well for an early current-gen title that was also cross-gen. Frostbite is at its peak here.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I put about 140 hours into DAI in one playthrough. I always meant to go back and try it as an apostate mage but I just never had the time.

It's a great game with a great story and an incredible world. Despite it's good sales and critical reception (It won a whole bunch of GOTY awards) you will find Era and the Old Forum didn't take kindly to the game. You'd think it was an indie GACHA game for mobile the way some people on this forum talk about it haha.

Hell I even spent 20 hours or so on the multiplayer which was fun in its own way. The RNG put me off too much.
Some portion of ERA people would also say W3 combat is dog shit , literally unplayable or ubisoft open world games are objectively bad , or that RDR 2 is a bad game pretending to be a movie and so on.


Alt account
Dec 5, 2018
Strange game it is equally interesting and uninteresting at the same time.


Dec 19, 2017
I'm just gonna post this because the Hinterlands still makes me chuckle and shake my head in bemusement to this day.


Fucking Hinterlands man...