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Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Yeah, but the OP also wrote this:

So it's kinda moot what are they actually trying to say.

Yea, the framing of it bothers me. It brings back a certain and unpleasant memory for me from the past. And yea, it is true that China is challenging Western hegemony. I just wished it would have been on a better path than the one that has been laid out by CCP.


Oct 26, 2017
What do you think about your country's human rights atrocities they are committing as we speak? I think most people here just take issue with that stuff.
Why not answer the question instead of dodging?
You know, only now do you start having Muslim Americans really talk about how humiliating it was for them to have to swear that they don't support terrorism and Sharia Law before they were allowed to open the mouth and talk about their country and culture.
Try not to find yourself in a Chinese Hasan Minhaj netflix special in 20 years.


Oct 25, 2017
when people say "Free Hong Kong" in this thread, what do they mean? Just curious if they understand what the people of HK are protesting for, or if they are just doing a knee jerk "FREEEEEEEDOOOOM" kinda chant with no actual context.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My country? I'm Chinese Canadian fuck nut.

OP you can't make a thread like this then go

when the questions start getting intense


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
edit: nvm
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Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No one here hates the Chinese people. We all hate the Chinese Communist Party and the overall government of the People's Republic of China.

As such,
Free Hong Kong
Free Tibet
Free East Turkestan
Free Inner Mongolia
Recognize an independent Taiwan
Destroy the Nine-Dash Line


Jan 12, 2018
Yeah, not feeling super cool about there being a special litmus test Chinese posters have to pass to be able to have opinions on racism on


Oct 25, 2017
You know, only now do you start having Muslim Americans really talk about how humiliating it was for them to have to swear that they don't support terrorism and Sharia Law before they were allowed to open the mouth and talk about their country and culture.
Try not to find yourself in a Chinese Hasan Minhaj netflix special in 20 years.
lmao, this is a take. Last i checked that questioning occurred literally after that same community proactively came forward immediately to speak out against radicals. China has a bit of an opposite problem, where the people literally can't for fear of retaliation.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
All good, I didn't mean any offense.

Maybe you're right, but they are still assuming we're all a bunch of racist bastards simply because of a moral stance most here have taken.
This thread isn't about Era, unless you somehow think that Era members are going to threaten the other Era members of Chinese descent.

But again, ironically, people in this thread are proving OP right.

Hong Kong wants to be free, you're afraid of anti-chinese sentiment. Get over yourself.
And is this wrong? Can we not be both against the CCP and worried for our safety? My Muslim friends didn't leave the house for a week after the Boston Marathon bombing. Should they not have worried?

these exchange student dicks who are making the news starting shit with other asians outside of china arent poor.
Are they representative of all exchange students? Because you're being awfully discriminatory right now.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You know, only now do you start having Muslim Americans really talk about how humiliating it was for them to have to swear that they don't support terrorism and Sharia Law before they were allowed to open the mouth and talk about their country and culture.
Try not to find yourself in a Chinese Hasan Minhaj netflix special in 20 years.
I get the issue with my gut reaction, I just find the premise a bit odd since I haven't seen any of the racism here that he's describing(it probably exists, maybe I'm just not sensitive enough to it). It reeked of conflation and accusation to deflect from China's issues. If I got that wrong I sincerely apologize.
This thread isn't about Era, unless you somehow think that Era members are going to threaten the other Era members of Chinese descent.


Oct 27, 2017
I concur with some points by the OP. It has been a problem on this forum and the old one for a long time. A lot of posters don't actually care about the issues and threads become an excuse to say just who can shout 'Fuck China' the loudest.

At the same time, while the level of discourse in OT can be better, I don't see much wrong in the recent threads. There are a lot of things happening at the same time.
There are a shit ton of reasons to shout "Fuck China". The organ harvesting and concentration camps are sadly just another tick in checklist of China being evil.


Oct 25, 2017
France / san francisco
This very thread is about people conflating what the nation of China does with how they treat the diaspora. The OP does not mention supporting China, or any country at all. You're ironically doing exactly what he's afraid of.

Yep. So far this is what I'm seeing.

My wife is Chinese and this is what I observe very regularly.
People, coworkers, etc. criticizing her as if she played any part in the politics of her country... that she left 17 years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I...just haven't seen any of that anti-Chinese people sentiment anywhere, in real life or on the Internet. Is there non-hillbilly racist sinophobia for real out there publicly?

It definitely is real, but generally speaking criticism towards the Chinese government looks a lot different than racism against Asians, having experienced that racism myself first-hand.


Oct 27, 2017
when people say "Free Hong Kong" in this thread, what do they mean? Just curious if they understand what the people of HK are protesting for, or if they are just doing a knee jerk "FREEEEEEEDOOOOM" kinda chant with no actual context.
Democracy? To not get swallowed up by a country that's committing cultural and actual genocide on Uighurs? Who's to say HKers won't be subjected to the same 50 years from now?
Oct 25, 2017
so is ops generalization of this forum. i wont deny that this forum has a racism problem against asia but people have plenty of reason to be shitting on china rite now with what they (the gov't) and their people have been doing lately around the world.
I have no problem with you calling out OP for his generalization, but what you did when you started in this conversation was make a vast generalization of a large group of people and that's not OK.


Jan 17, 2018
Yea, the framing of it bothers me. It brings back a certain and unpleasant memory for me from the past. And yea, it is true that China is challenging Western hegemony. I just wished it would have been on a better path than the one that has been laid out by CCP.
China definitely challenges Western hegemony, by trying to create their own. Both are shit ways to live, especially for a 3rd world countries that barely established shaky freedom from the metropoles not even a century ago.


Sep 21, 2018
The OP specifically calls out that the CCP doesn't define our heritage yet it's amazing how people like Bleu jump in with accusations of "paid posting" and people like Wazzy discount the difficulties we face.
I was not entirely serious, however i have a hard time giving the benefit of the doubt to people that spin being critical of a country or a government into racism and anti-<insert country> agenda.. (be it israel, turkey, russia.. or china)
too much internet i guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Free Hong Kong.

This thread is trash. Literally the same argument dipshit republicans make when people rightfully criticize Israel.


Oct 30, 2017
Chinese people ≠ Chinese government

I don't think most people have any issues with the people.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread isn't about Era, unless you somehow think that Era members are going to threaten the other Era members of Chinese descent.

But again, ironically, people in this thread are proving OP right.

And is this wrong? Can we not be both against the CCP and worried for our safety? My Muslim friends didn't leave the house for a week after the Boston Marathon bombing. Should they not have worried?

Are they representative of all exchange students? Because you're being awfully discriminatory right now.
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing


Oct 30, 2017
Keep telling yourself that bud. You got weirdos on this very forum advocating for a complete ban of Chinese international students. Fucking kids wanting a better education. But I guess they don't count as "people" to you? Whose to say y'all won't be advocating to ban ANY person of Chinese ethnicity regardless if they were born in the west.
Gonna need to see some receipts on this.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
OP has some truth to it. It can be difficult to determine some people's motives and true intentions when they post anti-China stuff. I don't think the problem is as widespread as OP is making it out to be (at least on this forum), but we must stay vigilant. It's disturbingly easy to find oneself agreeing with ideas put forth by Sinophobes when you are caught up in the enthusiastic anti-CCP climate we are in these past few weeks. And you better believe that Sinophobes will be using this to push their beliefs without being called out on it.


Jun 3, 2019
OP is mostly right, and all the "Fuck China" or "Free HK" posts in this thread are dumb as fuck and ignoring the main issue OP is talking about. Muslim and jews have to deal with this shit all the time too you know.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing
The OP is Canadian, why should he have to represent China?


Oct 25, 2017
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing
To be fair, I think the OP is talking about diaspora, which would be people who aren't even Chinese citizens/born in china getting the backlash.

which is what happened/happens with muslims who have nothing to do with Iraq/Afghanistan
Oct 25, 2017
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing
My dude, this thread is about the Chinese diaspora, we don't have any way to discourage what chinese people from China are doing...


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care for the Chinese government challenging Western hegemony because they are a god awful replacement and a serious downgrade for all of us.
Oct 27, 2017
It's good that people brought up westerner Muslims, because it's the same shit. There is lots of hate on everything Islamic because of horrible theocratic Islamic governments and movements, and everyone and everything remotely related to Islam is automatically suspect, and guilty until proven innocent, of being part of a broader Islamic conspiracy trying to destroy the West.

At least the left has somewhat abandoned that train of thought with Islam, but surely in America they are full steam ahead in this new yellow peril.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Nazi concentration camps, Millions of people. Organ harvesting, forced abortions, brainwashing and killings. No not 80 years ago in Germany, today, in China. Nobody needs to be tolerant of that shitting govement.

But no let's keep handwaving that away. Smfh.


Oct 25, 2017
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing

You're painting quite a picture of Americans right now, you dont even have to go to another country. Please just stop posting.


Oct 25, 2017
I...just haven't seen any of that anti-Chinese people sentiment anywhere, in real life or on the Internet. Is there non-hillbilly racist sinophobia for real out there publicly?

It's not overt but there was a meme on /r/hongkong yesterday glorifying British colonialism with some commenters arguing for the "positive things about colonization" which was fucking ridiculous. Not sure if that OP's intention was to do that but I've noticed a lot of small things like that throughout Reddit regarding this topic. Alot of people are also upset about the CCP's influence in Australia and NZ and some of those conversations may come off xenophobic.

Regardless, the Chinese government deserve all the scrutiny. Fuck them and fuck the corporations that lick their boots.


Oct 27, 2017
A Taiwanese author has a saying:

Please use enlightenment and culture to convince me.

If you are proud of your heritage, then grab the good stuff and promote it to others. Literature. Science. Visual arts. Climate action. Infrastructure. Soft diplomacy as they call it.

What causes disdain is using other means such as wealth or numbers to flex your muscle. Bullying. Censorship. Hostile takeovers. Religious patriotism.

I haven't seen any racists so far, but if folks keep abiding in the second type of behavior, the backlash will continue to grow.


Oct 26, 2017
lmao, this is a take. Last i checked that questioning occurred literally after that same community proactively came forward immediately to speak out against radicals. China has a bit of an opposite problem, where the people literally can't for fear of retaliation.
You just accused a Canadian of dodging a question about "his country", aka mainland China.
This is a take indeed.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
no but whether you like it or not they represent your people. just like when i go to another country i represent america and all the stupid shit i do paints a picture of americans. want the image of chinese people to improve? discourage that shit and all the horrible things china is doing
Y'all, if there was ever any doubt about the OP's message, this guy right here is your validation of his fears.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
People should always place blame on countries they disapprove of on the govt. rather than the people. This is even moreso in countries with dictators/lifelong leaders like Pooh Bear.
Blaming Chinese people, either living there or overseas, is absurd.
With all of that said, I don't think deterring people from saying "fuck the Chinese government" is valid as there are so so many reasons to think that and want to express it, particularly in the face of them flexing their muscles to stifle any opposition to them.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Well intentioned but low effort internet "activism" can veer into bad takes and broad unfair attacks, sure. Not the same as pushing back against legitimate criticism by making it about bad faith actors and ignoring the human rights elephant in the room that the majority want to focus on and discuss.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
People should always place blame on countries they disapprove of on the govt. rather than the people. This is even moreso in countries with dictators/lifelong leaders like Pooh Bear.
Blaming Chinese people, either living there or overseas, is absurd.
With all of that said, I don't think deterring people from saying "fuck the Chinese government" is valid as there are so so many reasons to think that and want to express it, particularly in the face of them flexing their muscles to stifle any opposition to them.
While normally true, the Chinese people (I mean those living there, not ones who have fled) overwhelmingly vote in favor of the CCP.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
OP has some truth to it. It can be difficult to determine some people's motives and true intentions when they post anti-China stuff. I don't think the problem is as widespread as OP is making it out to be (at least on this forum), but we must stay vigilant. It's disturbingly easy to find oneself agreeing with ideas put forth by Sinophobes when you are caught up in the enthusiastic anti-CCP climate we are in these past few weeks. And you better believe that Sinophobes will be using this to push their beliefs without being called out on it.

I've seen some plenty of casual racism towards Asians here, so yeah, I find it amazing that people here could doubt that racists are using legitimate concerns as an excuse to push their own views.


Oct 25, 2017
All good, I didn't mean any offense.

Maybe you're right, but they are still assuming we're all a bunch of racist bastards simply because of a moral stance most here have taken. As others said it's basically like the anti-semite/Israel conflation.

Not all, I'm from HK and I can be critical of CCP all day long, but even before this summer, at the same time I can feel some casual racism around even before this summer. This is not to say all here are racists or the general tone is racist, but it make a lot of threads hard to take seriously.

This thread demonstrate some of the problems, people jumping in not reading the OP properly. I want to believe that everyone shouting free Hong Kong genuinely caring about the protestors, what they facing and what they're struggling against, but it would be naive to do so.
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