
Oct 25, 2017
Good grief that was a horrible finale, who could have known that when they introduced Deathstroke he'd be a no nothing character that would go out like a bitch.

And Donna's 'death' was embarrassing. Should have had DS kill her, we already knew he could beat the shit outta her and it would have given his character something to to fucking do instead of sitting around and doing absolutely fuck all.

And those episodes where they built up Gar and Conner being brainwashed? Fixed in five mins. The hell even happened this season, I'm struggling to think of any progress they made as a team or what warranted their big reveal to the world at the end.
Oct 25, 2017
There are three main outcomes from the season first obviously Starfire has to go deal with blackfire

Dick got the Nightwing suit

And Dick apparently has very serious psychotic breaks on occasion to the point of abnormally violent behavior and highly vivid auditory and visual hallucinations, seriously somebody needs to talk to him about that.

oh and gar got the back of his head cut off and people literally poking in his brain but I guess that's not something to worry about too much.


Oct 25, 2017
One last thing, what the hell was Conner doing when that thing started to fall? Why couldn't be just speed over and grab it? Y'know, seeing as though he's pretty much invulnerable to everything. Dude stood like that a dimwit. Hell, Krypto should have leapt in with the save.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
One last thing, what the hell was Conner doing when that thing started to fall? Why couldn't be just speed over and grab it? Y'know, seeing as though he's pretty much invulnerable to everything. Dude stood like that a dimwit. Hell, Krypto should have leapt in with the save.
They even showed earlier in the episode he was fast enough to stop a bullet.

Maybe Donna's actor wanted out last minute or something, that death was just so poorly done. Like we already know Deathstroke can take her out, or why not just give us this?

Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the old write a character off by having them walk into the mist and possibly never be seen again maneuver is actually underrated
May 10, 2018
The finale started out fine but then went bad towards the end. That was straight up horrible. If the actress wanted out or they wanted to write out the character they could have come up with so many better ways to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
One last thing, what the hell was Conner doing when that thing started to fall? Why couldn't be just speed over and grab it? Y'know, seeing as though he's pretty much invulnerable to everything. Dude stood like that a dimwit. Hell, Krypto should have leapt in with the save.
They probably just wanted her dead. Could be the death stroke scenes where done before they knew. Or they just wanted that to be a nightwing, rose, Jericho thing.


Oct 25, 2017
This show fucking sucks. Season 1 was like a (slightly) elevated CW show, and this one was basically just a CW show.

Cancelling my sub until the GOAT superhero show Doom Patrol comes back. Won't be tuning in for the next season.


Oct 27, 2017
This show fucking sucks. Season 1 was like a (slightly) elevated CW show, and this one was basically just a CW show.

Cancelling my sub until the GOAT superhero show Doom Patrol comes back. Won't be tuning in for the next season.
Can't be. CW has amazing Deathstroke. It is more like a DCEU movie.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, that was disappointing. The season had a good start, especially with the Conner Eps. Then it just went to hell. While S1 was mostly good with some bad sprinkled in, I feel like this season was the opposite. The Finale seemed rushed, the Donna scene was terrible (Conner?), completely unearned sacrifice. most of the choreography and cinematography was bad. Hoping they have a new showrunner next season.
The CG is pretty bad, too. Whenever someone gets shot or stabbed, its like YouTuber level graphics.
I still think this is the worst Bruce Wayne, but I guess he's going for a mature Adam West thing?
I was starting to like Jason Todd, hope he grows even more next season.
Connor and Gar are the best.
As a huge fan of the Geoff Johns era titans, I am rooting for this show, but this was just not a great season.


Oct 27, 2017
Donna falling looks like she should wake up the next scene to complain they should be less loud and let her sleep.


Oct 29, 2017
One last thing, what the hell was Conner doing when that thing started to fall? Why couldn't be just speed over and grab it? Y'know, seeing as though he's pretty much invulnerable to everything. Dude stood like that a dimwit. Hell, Krypto should have leapt in with the save.
Didn't they capture Krypto again too? If so where did he come from at the end?


Oct 27, 2017
If the actress wanted out or they wanted to write out the character they could have come up with so many better ways to do so.
Yeah, this was just a mystifying choice. Like, even if this was a late decision and it wasn't possible to film the obvious choice of Deathstroke killing her, they could have gone for brainwashed Conner killing her instead (giving him something to get over next season) or maybe Raven's powers killing her (giving some kind of payoff to that plot arc that otherwise went nowhere, and also creating a proper reason for Raven to go back to Themyscira). Or have Blackfyre kill Donna to set up next season's villain.

Even having her collapse due to an undiagnosed heat condition would make more sense than what we actually got.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this was just a mystifying choice. Like, even if this was a late decision and it wasn't possible to film the obvious choice of Deathstroke killing her, they could have gone for brainwashed Conner killing her instead (giving him something to get over next season) or maybe Raven's powers killing her (giving some kind of payoff to that plot arc that otherwise went nowhere, and also creating a proper reason for Raven to go back to Themyscira). Or have Blackfyre kill Donna to set up next season's villain.

Even having her collapse due to an undiagnosed heat condition would make more sense than what we actually got.

Basically NONE of the plot arcs went anywhere except "Dick gets over his shit, kinda, and calls himself Nightwing now". It's incredible how messily they finished off the season.


Oct 28, 2017
Damn that was rough.

Is Slade really just... dead? And Donna too? And Gar and Conner are just fine again, with no repercussions for all the innocent people they killed? It was all so anticlimactic. And that final scene by the supermarket, lmao it was just so badly done.

dead souls

Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much, it's amazing that even at their worst those shows have been more competently produced than this despite Titans having what should be a bunch of advantages.
Yeah, the people saying that Titans is better than any of The CW shows are either ignorant or just have bad taste. The best arcs of The Flash and Arrow obliterate anything Titans has ever done in its two seasons.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
It's like the writers all of a sudden they are nearing the end and needs a cliffhanger

Dove didn't really do anything so let me get this doll for you and kick off the cliffhanger.
While Connor and the rest just stood there.

Bruce is now Arrowverse Tech guy. 😂

5/10 Season 2 5 being the first half was good
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this season was abit all over the place. This finale was just so bad. How'd Deathstroke die so easily? He should be able to regen like Rose.

Donna's death was just pathetic lmao. That was so bad.

I liked how they explained that Bruce could in fact not pull all that shit off and it was some manifestation of Raven's powers. They also gave her her classic haircut at the end which was neat.

I turned it off when Donna died. I can't imagine much happened after but holy hell that was bad.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
And Dick apparently has very serious psychotic breaks on occasion to the point of abnormally violent behavior and highly vivid auditory and visual hallucinations, seriously somebody needs to talk to him about that.
For real. I actually wouldn't mind the content of his hallucinations as much if he had his actual personality. One of the most interesting things about Dick is that he puts on this outward appearance of being very well put together and cheerful, but his mind is capable of going to very, very dark places. The whiplash between his usual demeanor and the demons he is fighting (particularly at this age, which I think is probably when he feels most 'lost') could be effective. It's just really hard to care because this Dick is so unlikable.

And they should have made the hallucinations be because of something Deathstroke gave him.

I still think this is the worst Bruce Wayne, but I guess he's going for a mature Adam West thing?
Now I know how the Dove and Hawk fans feel. :P I really like this Bruce. He's appropriately weird but not in an angsty way. Of course, 90% of my enjoyment comes from the fact that we finally have a live-action Bruce Wayne who is a father.

This show basically made Dick some unholy mix between Tim and Bruce with all of their worst attributes.
I'm just going to keep agreeing with you. It's so unfortunately. Dick is such a good character. Why pull this shit?


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, the people saying that Titans is better than any of The CW shows are either ignorant or just have bad taste. The best arcs of The Flash and Arrow obliterate anything Titans has ever done in its two seasons.
It is a showcase why we need more episodes, so each story has time to grow.


Oct 27, 2017
I quite enjoyed season one. It was messy but showed a lot of promised. Finished season 2 tonight and found the entire season to rather awful. I would call it watchable and nothing more. Really disappointing. Like I would expect this from a free CW show but not for a paid premium show. I'd even say that shows like The Flash are better handled then what we got this season with Titans. I really hope season 3 gets majorly retooled and is a better season for it. Was excited for season 2 and now I don't even care about season 3 currently. :( Lots of drawn out drama. It's the same shit that really killed Arrow for me when they brought in the "B Team" and had them constantly fighting with Oliver and such. Does anyone actually want to watch characters constantly fighting? Not sure why these shows keep shoehorning this kind of drama in constantly.


Oct 25, 2017
They would have been stumbling around for 3 more episodes and just as messy.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 29, 2017
This episode felt like they had a script, shot it, then changed it all during the edit. Horrible.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, that was bad and mostly the worst episode of Titans. Like, only I would save the Jason cameo in the airport.

Probably I'll pass to watch the next season if there're other shows to see.
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Oct 27, 2017
But so, if they bring back Donna by the end of the next season, it is going to be the Sacred Grounds thing.

More episodes wouldn't have fixed this season. They need a better showerunner and/or writers
They clearly needed more room to space things out, not have to force both Superboy and Deathstroke into one episode while finishing the episode.
May 10, 2018
I doubt more episodes would have helped. They would have probably been more needless flashbacks or something.

I doubt next season will be any good. Will they actually work as a team and go on missions?

More than likely they'll break up again because of something stupid and come together right at the end to fight Blackfire.
Oct 25, 2017
I've generally liked the series, but the finale was just bad (for the reasons people have given on this page). The dialogue around DS's death was lame, and Donna's death was just stupid with Superboy standing right there.

Also, I loved Iain Glen on GoT but he's a terrible Bruce Wayne. He can't do the accent! Ugh.


Nov 13, 2017
For real. I actually wouldn't mind the content of his hallucinations as much if he had his actual personality. One of the most interesting things about Dick is that he puts on this outward appearance of being very well put together and cheerful, but his mind is capable of going to very, very dark places. The whiplash between his usual demeanor and the demons he is fighting (particularly at this age, which I think is probably when he feels most 'lost') could be effective. It's just really hard to care because this Dick is so unlikable.

And they should have made the hallucinations be because of something Deathstroke gave him.

I like that aspect of Dick's character, that he's kind of crazy, he has all these anger issues because of Batman but he keeps it all quiet beneath this put together demeanor that fools everyone.

Donna calls him out on this last season. Earlier in the season, people were calling out his BS, how he forms the teams just because he wants to mentor people even when it turns out horribly. Then we find out that Garth got killed by accident, and the big secret he kept from the team was... he was there when Jericho got killed? Like they all knew Jericho was killed, but the fact that Dick saw it even though he didn't directly cause it made everyone break up a second time.

And then we get a Batman who is like the least dark and angry and most reasonable Batman we've ever seen, and we wonder how the heck this Dick Grayson rebelled against cool Grandpa Bruce.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this show needs new showrunners. More than any other show I can think of, it feels like they're just making it up as they go. Like they write one episode and then write the next without thinking of how the overall season is going to play out. Why else would you try to shove Cadmus so much in to this season other than the fact that they teased Superboy in the stinger of last season? As if we didn't have enough plot threads to follow already. Why else would you kill the main villain of the season so anticlimactically and matter of factly less than 15 minutes in so you can move on to another threat?

Cadmus's big plan was to brainwash Garth, then waste him on some stunt to prove Superboy can beat up tigers? What?
Yeah, lol. You just showed he's capable of catching a bullet that he fired himself and your big plan for one upping that and showing what he's really capable of is to show that he can beat up a tiger in public? What?


Oct 26, 2017
Some good eps, but a pretty disappointing season in general.

Those deaths in the finale, big oof.


Oct 28, 2017
Glad I stopped watching this season 2 or 3 eps in. It was bad at the start and looks like it finished worse. I really liked the first season. Hope Doom Patrol stays good.


Oct 27, 2017
Season had its moments but overall it was a hot ass mess. Idk why things in this show irk me so much more than all of the CW stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
This season was not helped by 3 different storylines going on throughout only 13 episodes.

They need to split up their season into mini-arcs instead of stretching every mini-arc out over 13 episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally found time to finish the finale. While my feeling there needs to be more consistency overall still stands, I think a new show runner would be good and may still even be needed, the finale was no where near as bad as some made it out to be. There are for certain far stronger episodes this season easily. It's not horrible though just disappointing. I think the worse offending aspect is the last death. Honestly I get what they were going for in having it be an selfless act of putting your life on the line. As for why others didn't do it I think that should be pretty damn clear. Experience hero that sees the problem vs two young, inexperienced, who were clearly had their attention elsewhere . So honestly I don't get the complaints on that front unless one is looking for someone to pile on about. There are more valid things to take issue with.

The issue I feel ultimately is a lot of the carnival sequence could have been a LOT better. Obviously so. If you put much of that to the side and take the Nightwing/Deathstroke opening, Dick and Conner's talk, and the aftermath I feel the finale was okay to good. The problem again is this is the second time they've botched the season finale. Honestly I don't think they even needed to move the season 1 finale to the opening of season 2. I actually thought what they did was fine. I thought it was clear Trigon was not killed but very likely sealed away. Big bads like that are never killed. Yet moving the episode was the botch. The episode we did get to end the season was really good.

The botch here is writing and execution on a different level because we know the show this season can do better and has done better. So I think that's what makes it feel like a bigger issue. The carnival sequence feels almost thrown together at the last minute in a way that this show doesn't do and hasn't done before. I would like to know what happen with those 15 minutes cause that's how long that part of the episode is.

I'm not walking away from the show. Cause I do like it and really enjoy it. It's FAR stronger then this finale. I would say the entire season is far stronger then this finale even with the issues I had in the last few episodes.

I just hope we don't have a repeat of this again with season 3 regardless if it's the last season or we get a season 4. They can't do this a third time.