
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the funny thing is, I'm not a TROS hater at all, I quite like the film, and in general, I can "check my brain at the door" where escapist cinema is concerned, particular sci fi/fantasy- its not real, just go with the fiction and whatnot.

But that dagger does make me a little nutty to think about.. so this stupid sith dagger was made for the purpose of standing at some specific spot in front of the death star wreckage, where it will line up with the death star wreckage (IF you stand at the right spot/perspective, which the heroes manage to literally do first try- they very well could have stood at some spot with respect to the wreck where NONE of that shit would have lined up) and some point on the hilt or whatever points to where in that wreckage the stupid sith wayfinder can be found -which then gives whoever finds it directions to the secret sith world. And this wayfinder was kept in the death star, presumably in the OT times before it was blown up, for someone to find? I guess.

Who is to say the stupid thing would still be intact, let alone still in that spot after the death star blows up and crashes onto the nearby planet/moon. And again, someone THEN made a Sith dagger for the purpose of leading someone to this wayfinder, located in the wreck which would lead them to the secret sith world. Why would there even need to be a secret sith world in the times of the OT, or a wayfinder to lead someone there?

So, it does kind of beg the question- why even bother? With all of it.. (other than making for a convoluted series of quests for some "heroes' to pursue throughout a movie).

Like I said, check your brain at the door and you will be fine.....

My thought is that Palpatine was bringing the Wayfinder around with him, as an artifact too precious to ever leave his side. When the Death Star fell and he managed to raise his consciousness back on Exogol he then instructed one of the acolytes in the making of the dagger, which he gave to Ochee, presumably should Ochee ever need to go see him in person on Exogol (probably after retrieving Rey or some other target?)


Oct 27, 2017
not so much "details" that throw me off but little tropey nuances.... like, characters meeting at a diner (they really couldn't handle matters over the phone?) and then storming off without paying or eating/drinking anything. also the whole somebody tells somebody off then the offending character drops "but hey ....wait" dialogue as the other walks off

it's like every screenplay no matter how good or bad is obligated to this and i feel like throwing beer bottles at my tv


Oct 25, 2017
Aliens "is this another bug hunt sir?" "We believe a xenomorph may have been involved" does this imply that the colonial marines have fought xeno's before the events of aliens? In which case youd think they would be better prepared. What about arturian poon tang. Other alien species are almost never mentioned in this series besides predators (non-canon) and engineers. am i supposed to believe that humanity and the weyland yutani corporation have met other friendly alien species and the colonial marines have had sex with them!?
Arcturian could just be referring to human colonists in the Arcturus system.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
According to the newest movie, Jesus Christ exsists in the Grinch universe.

I don't know why I was caught up in that factoid, but I remember it being the only thing that stuck with me about the new film.


Sep 18, 2018
My interest in "The Conjuring" died completely when I realised the 'based on a true story' movie wanted me to believe that the Salem Witch trials involved actual witches. You don't get to 'based on a true story' against historic facts/the deaths of innocent people.


Nov 2, 2017
Captain Marvel. In the first 20 minutes or so, the alien villain says something along the lines of 'that's a trip' or 'that's trippy' and I was like ????? These aliens have done acid????


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Why? Just... Why invent a coast in this 100% landlocked region?

Jeff Albertson

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
At the end of The Greatest Showman PT Barnum turns up at his daughters ballet show riding and elephant, he's then inside watching, what did he do with the elephant?

Do they have elephant valet parking?


Oct 27, 2017
the last jedi had that hyperspace kamikaze move, took me right out of the moment thinking why they didn't do that for two death stars, or why they didn't have hyperspace torpedoes with mass enough to take out planets.


Oct 26, 2017
I remember watching that awful Max Payne movie with friends and we were riffing on it in an empty theater.

There was one particular scene where two goons get shot from off-screen with what's obviously some kind of semi-automatic weapon, then Mark Wahlberg comes storming around a corner holding a damn shotgun and I just lost my shit.


Nov 1, 2017
The logic of the entire space fleet chase in TLJ, it completely made no sense in so many ways, the whole idea of it is stupid and even with folks trying to explain why, it doesn't fix that it was incredibly stupid and illogical to have even happened. The entire chase is one "why" after another.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
To this day, I still don't know how the math shakes out on "5 dead, 2 of them cops" in The Dark Knight.


Mar 16, 2018
To this day, I still don't know how the math shakes out on "5 dead, 2 of them cops" in The Dark Knight.
I always took that to mean Two-face killed more people then what we were shown.

Speaking of, it always bugged me how Two-face flips the coin and spares the mob boss because of it but kills the driver to kill the mob boss. Way to weasel out of following your own rules, dood.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
The logic of the entire space fleet chase in TLJ, it completely made no sense in so many ways, the whole idea of it is stupid and even with folks trying to explain why, it doesn't fix that it was incredibly stupid and illogical to have even happened. The entire chase is one "why" after another.

While we're on that subject, the First Order in the entire ST. Just, ALL OF IT. Not one lick of that organization, how it was formed, and how it got so powerful makes any fucking sense at all. And yes, I know there's like 20 books in the new EU that tries to explain it. I don't care. As presented in the films alone, it makes no goddamn sense.


Nov 6, 2017
Inception lost me the moment they said they had to go deeper into the dream, so they pulled the same device they used in the real world into the dream and somehow they used it while inside the dream to go another level deeper. You don't just do that and don't explain it.
They probably shouldn't try to explain it. The whole concept completely falls apart if you think about it too much.


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
I got hung up on the trailer for the Purge. It seemed to indicate that due to the purge, crime the rest of the year was more or less nonexistent, and I was just like ...but that wouldn't stop crimes of opportunity or crimes of passion. Like no one is waiting 10 months to fulfill their road rage.
I know it's just the premise to get to the fun parts of the movie, but I just couldn't take the idea seriously. (Though I do consider it more my failing than the movie's.)

If I remember correctly, in the fourth movie, The First Purge, which depicts the original test purge on Staten Island:
the woman who came up with the idea realizes she was wrong as it wasn't working as she had planned, so she is murdered and foreign mercenaries are sent in the get the result the government wants.
and then in the recent second season of the TV series, which mostly takes place in the year between two purges:
one major storyline involves a professor who had completed a study on violence and the effects of the purge, proving it was all nonsense and so she was murdered by the government. Another storyline featured a college kid who didn't want to be out during the purge but was forced to kill someone to defend himself, then he became obsessed with killing and couldn't wait till the next purge.

not so much "details" that throw me off but little tropey nuances.... like, characters meeting at a diner (they really couldn't handle matters over the phone?) and then storming off without paying or eating/drinking anything. also the whole somebody tells somebody off then the offending character drops "but hey ....wait" dialogue as the other walks off

What gets me is when two characters meet up and one asks what's going on and the other explains nothing. "Just trust me."

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Blade 2.

Why do the vampires in the Blood Pack have flashlights on their guns? They're goddamn vampires! Yes they're being stalked by more dangerous creatures, but it shouldn't change their basic power set.

Uh, it specifically said they put a filter on it so it doesn't burn them, which they can take off when they encounter the Reapers.

Deleted member 42472

User requested account closure
Apr 21, 2018
Inception lost me the moment they said they had to go deeper into the dream, so they pulled the same device they used in the real world into the dream and somehow they used it while inside the dream to go another level deeper. You don't just do that and don't explain it.
That has two major explanations and both, to my recollection, were explained in the movie

  1. Leo and Ellen are magic or some shit and can control other people's dreams. They can go deeper because they are controlling the dreams. In theory they could do a DX crotch chop to go deeper but they themselves need to believe what they are doing so they follow patterns and systems they themselves have internalized.
  2. Everything is Leo's dream and he can do whatever bullshit his subconscious wants.


As for myself: The Matrix Revolutions. They have made mechs to fight squid robots with knives. Squid robots attack by getting all up in there and cutting you up.

Why the fuck don't they have bullet/stab proof glass on the canopies? And why do they all have arms that can't even be moved to attack something close in? Those mechs are specifically designed to get people killed.

And yes, I realize that might be the point because The Machines. But how the fuck did nobody ever think about that?


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I can't remember which movie it was, but I vaguely remember the bad guy was introduced in a scene where he's eating a carrot and kind of using it to exaggerate his villainous mannerisms. I just thought it was such a stupid, distracting, corny thing to do.


Oct 27, 2017
I always took that to mean Two-face killed more people then what we were shown.

Speaking of, it always bugged me how Two-face flips the coin and spares the mob boss because of it but kills the driver to kill the mob boss. Way to weasel out of following your own rules, dood.

I may be wrong but isn't that the point of Two-Face's character in general as he gets crazier and crazier? He'll start to do whatever he can to find a loophole to his own rule.

Like in Batman Forever when he just kept flipping the coin until it landed correctly.


May 20, 2019
The tale of two windows. One good, one bad, by Stinkles. P. Stinkles.

1. GOOD:

The Village, M. Might Shyamalan

While watching I was irritated at how wrong the costumes and set construction were. "They didn't have that kind of glass and stitching in the 1600s! Those windows look manufactured!" Then the twist, then I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Probably the only time being irritated massively improved a movie ending for me.

I'm right there with you about the Village.

I saw it with my ex-wife who is an actress/dialect coach. She was super pissed off at the beginning and kept saying, "Why the fuck do the older actors have such shitty accents? Their dialect coaches must have been fucking horrible. Their accents sound so manufactured. But the young actors sound amazing. Then the twist happened and she was all, "Oooohhh...that's awesome."


Oct 27, 2017
In Aquaman, they find a clue that will reveal their destination when in the hands of a true king at a certain location. They interpret this to mean a statue of Romulus, founder of Rome. The clue was left behind by an aquatic civilization that died off when the Sahara dried up. The Sahara became a desert at least 8000 years ago (to say nothing of when it would have been too dry to have an inland sea). Romulus, if he was real, lived less than 3000 years ago. So we're supposed to believe that an ancient civilization predicted where a statue of a man who wouldn't be born for 5000+ years would eventually be built and based their clue on that.


Aug 22, 2018
I'm right there with you about the Village.

I saw it with my ex-wife who is an actress/dialect coach. She was super pissed off at the beginning and kept saying, "Why the fuck do the older actors have such shitty accents? Their dialect coaches must have been fucking horrible. Their accents sound so manufactured. But the young actors sound amazing. Then the twist happened and she was all, "Oooohhh...that's awesome."
Okay, both of these are actually pretty cool if they are intentional.


Oct 25, 2017
So it can transport bodies during the day when a giant bat man flying through the air would raise concern

As my own example. In the Platinum Dunes Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the main cast picks up a survivor who is implied to be walking away from the house, but she's walking in the direction of the house.

Also in Texas Chainsaw 3D, Alexandria Daddario's character was a baby at the time of the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the 70s. The film takes place in 2013, meaning she should be bordering on 40

Does she look 40 to you?!
I hated that 3D and hey you killed all my friends but I'm going to save you because we're cousins.
Oct 25, 2017
If Buzz really believed that he was a space ranger, then why did he freeze when Andy walked into the room?

Yeah that's something that bothered me when I rewatched Toy Story again for the first time in ages.

I guess you could argue there's some sort of instinctual, Weeping Angels thing going on with toys in the universe but the more you think about the actual sentience of toys stuff, especially with Toy Story 4, the more horrifying things get.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
The Amazing Spider-man 2, when "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" is played on the power plant towers. That's all I remember from the scene and I cringe when I do.
Oct 25, 2017
This might be more that I don't understand theme park construction (or I'm forgetting something) but in Jurassic Park when they take the car of the tracks and one of the computer guys says "I said we shouldn't let them get off the tracks." Why is this rail car still a functioning car? Wouldn't taking the engine block out be step one in turning a car into a rail operated attraction?
That's not a thing that happens. Mr. Arnold says that the tour vehicles' headlights shouldn't be running on the car batteries, and later Muldoon, the game warden, remarks that he's said numerous times that the tour vehicles need locking mechanisms. Those are the closest to what you're describing. The tour vehicles never leave the tracks during the movie, lol (with the exception of the rex destroying one, obviously).

Edit: already covered, lol


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that's something that bothered me when I rewatched Toy Story again for the first time in ages.

I guess you could argue there's some sort of instinctual, Weeping Angels thing going on with toys in the universe but the more you think about the actual sentience of toys stuff, especially with Toy Story 4, the more horrifying things get.
Yeah, I always assumed with Buzz there's just an unwritten toy rule that they freeze up no matter what, even if they aren't aware that they're toys.

I mean, we see a whole aisle of Buzz toys at Al's Toy Barn in the second movie who all (seemingly) also think they're the real Buzz, and it's not like they're all attacking the human customers during the day.

Lionel Mandrake

Prophetic Lionel Mandrake
Oct 26, 2017
In The Dark Knight, Bruce tells Lucius "I'm playing this one pretty close to the chest." Then later in the movie when Dent is rescued he tells Gordon "You DO play things close to the chest." With the inflection, it feels like a callback even though nobody was in both scenes. I don't think the phrase is THAT common; using it twice in the same script is already kind of distracting, but the inflection makes it that much weirder.


Dec 13, 2017
In Suicide Squad, they were introducing the members and I forget the character's name, but all she says is something like, "He can climb anything"

Like okay? How is this to anyone's benefit? goddamn i hate that movie so much it's so awful


Oct 25, 2017
In Legendary's Godzilla the main dude destroys all the monster eggs by breaking open a container of some sort of flammable liquid, designated by the hazard sign. Only the hazard sign is labeled with a "2," which would be flammable gas. Flammable liquid would be a "3."


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
In Alien, when Ash goes on his rampage, the camera man backs into a wind chime like decoration. Ash reacts to the noise as if someone is there. How did that make the final cut?



Oct 25, 2017
I love the Lion King (1994) - but the stampede sequence where Scar throws Mufasa off the cliff was always confusing to me as a kid, because it always seemed like Simba should have also caught Scar in the act. Then there's the zoom-out on Simba's 'NOOOOO', but I don't understand the point of reference for where he is, because he was climbing up the cliffside in one of the previous shots. It's a weirdly directed sequence.

Basically, I never bought how Simba accepted the blame for Mufasa's death.
Nov 1, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Basically everything about the final battle in Endgame.
  • Why was Captain Marvel the only one late?
  • How did Thanos throw his weapon into the time portal faster than the rate Captain Marvel was flying?
  • When Thor had Thanos distracted toward the end, why didn't Captain America take the Gauntlet and run away? Instead he made a vain effort to restrain Thanos despite the obvious risks of such a maneuver.
  • How do Cap and Thor organically manage their weapons during the final battle? Does Mjolnir pick one if both are calling out to it? How would Cap and Thor know the weapon is free for summoning given all the chaos going on?
  • How in the world did an unshielded Spider-Man survive the ship's lasers?
  • How did they all communicate with each other despite all the chaos going on?


Oct 25, 2017
The entire ST is a real good example of this, that exponentially gets worse with films.

TFA - So we have empire 2.0 who build a planet size death star somehow and the good guys... no army, no government, and an even smaller Resistance.

TLJ - The Resistance from TFA, is even smaller. The FO is endless again. We end where The Resistance can fit entirely into the Falcon. Yet the FO for this entire movie kept talking shit and getting smacked.

TROS - A secret hidden fleet of thousands of ships, all on a planet where only a single satellite tower can lead them through... might as well make a giant fucking target


Mar 6, 2019
The Stand.

They were all in a perfectly clean power plant control room. They tell everyone to cross their fingers. They flip a light switch looking thing on a "control panel" . All the power comes on and the town has power. Everyone cheers.

I work in a power plant. That is not how it works.

Amen, bro! Me too. It's like that in so many end of the world movies. Hell even the book version of The Stand, if I am remembering right after all these years, was guilty of it. There was some throwaway line like, "Jim used to work at the power plant, he's got it up and running now."

By HIMSELF?! 😂😂😂


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Amen, bro! Me too. It's like that in so many end of the world movies. Hell even the book version of The Stand, if I am remembering right after all these years, was guilty of it. There was some throwaway line like, "Jim used to work at the power plant, he's got it up and running now."

By HIMSELF?! 😂😂😂

James Montgomery Scott.


Mar 6, 2019
Have not seen the movie but in the previews for Shazam it shows a city bus plunge off a bridge and Shazam saves everyone by stopping it with his hands at the bottom of the bridge. His hands are on the windshield. First, wouldn't the windshield have shattered and the bus basically swallowed him up while it crashed? Secondly, wouldn't the shock from the sudden stop of the bus cause massive trauma to everyone on board?


Jun 9, 2018
The end of the Dawn of the Dead remake where the guy is standing at the edge of the dock and infected, as they are leaving. He has no gun in his hand or at all, it pans to the boat, then it pans back to him in the same pose but he now magically has a gun. Snyder omg buddy.