Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
The Hollywood Reporter has published this article reporting that Fox, National Geographic and the producers for Cosmos is currently investigating Neil DeGrasse Tyson:

Cosmos host Neil deGrasse Tyson is under investigation by Fox, National Geographic and the producers of his scientific docuseries following new allegations of sexual misconduct, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Two women came forward with claims of inappropriate sexual advances in a story in Patheos on Thursday. In 2014 a first accuser, a former classmate of deGrasse Tyson's at the University of Texas in Austin, accused him of rape in a blog post.

"We have only just become aware of the recent allegations regarding Neil deGrasse Tyson. We take these matters very seriously and we are reviewing the recent reports," Fox and National Geographic said in a statement.

The producers of Cosmos added in their own statement, "The credo at the heart of COSMOS is to follow the evidence wherever it leads. The producers of COSMOS can do no less in this situation. We are committed to a thorough investigation of this matter and to act accordingly as soon as it is concluded."

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey aired in 2014 on PBS as a miniseries; Fox and National Geographic have ordered a second series, which is slated to premiere in 2019.

[Mod Edit (Response via
For a variety of reasons, most justified, some unjustified, men accused of sexual impropriety in today's "me-too" climate are presumed to be guilty by the court of public opinion. Emotions bypass due-process, people choose sides, and the social media wars begin.

In any claim, evidence matters. Evidence always matters. But what happens when it's just one person's word against another's, and the stories don't agree? That's when people tend to pass judgment on who is more credible than whom. And that's when an impartial investigation can best serve the truth – and would have my full cooperation to do so.

I've recently been publically accused of sexual misconduct. These accusations have received a fair amount of press in the past forty-eight hours, unaccompanied by my reactions. In many cases, it's not the media's fault. I declined comment on the grounds that serious accusations should not be adjudicated in the press. But clearly I cannot continue to stay silent. So below I offer my account of each accusation.

The 2009 Incident
I am asked by thousands of people per year to take pictures with them. A flattering, time consuming, but delightful chore. As many in my fan-base can attest, I get almost giddy if I notice you're wearing cosmic bling – clothing or jewelry or tattoos that portray the universe, either scientifically or artistically. And I make it a priority to point out these adornments for the photograph.

A colleague at a well attended, after-conference, social gathering came up to me to ask for a photograph. She was wearing a sleeveless dress with a tattooed solar system extending up her arm. And while I don't explicitly remember searching for Pluto at the top of her shoulder, it is surely something I would have done in that situation. As we all know, I have professional history with the demotion of Pluto, which had occurred officially just three years earlier. So whether people include it or not in their tattoos is of great interest to me. I was reported to have "groped" her by searching "up her dress", when this was simply a search under the covered part of her shoulder of the sleeveless dress.

I only just learned (nine years after) that she thought this behavior creepy. That was never my intent and I'm deeply sorry to have made her feel that way. Had I been told of her discomfort in the moment, I would have offered this same apology eagerly, and on the spot. In my mind's eye, I'm a friendly and accessible guy, but going forward, I can surely be more sensitive to people's personal space, even in the midst of my planetary enthusiasm.

Summer 2018 Incident
While filming this past summer, I had a (female) Production Assistant assigned to me, to ensure, among her countless tasks, that every ounce of my energy was efficiently allocated to the production needs of the show. As part of this, she was also my driver, to and from the studio, ensuring that I arrive on time. In the car we would review details of the shoot and she would help me anticipate parts of the shoot to come. Across the many weeks of shooting she and I spent upwards of a hundred hours in one-on-one conversation. We became so friendly that we talked about all manner of subjects, even social-personal ones, like the care of aging parents, sibling relationships, life in high school and college, hometown hobbies, race, gender, and so forth. We also discussed less-personal topics in abundance, like rock lyrics, favorite songs in various musical genres, concert experiences, etc. And we also talked about food – I'm kind of a foodie, and her fiancé was a chef. In short, we had a fun, talkative friendship.
She is a talented, warm and friendly person -- excellent traits for morale on a high pressure production. Practically everyone she knows on set gets a daily welcome-hug from her. I expressly rejected each hug offered frequently during the Production. But in its place I offered a handshake, and on a few occasions, clumsily declared, "If I hug you I might just want more." My intent was to express restrained but genuine affection.

In the final week of shooting, with just a few days left, as a capstone of our friendship, I invited her to wine & cheese at my place upon dropping me off from work. No pressure. I serve wine & cheese often to visitors. And I even alerted her that others from the production were gathering elsewhere that evening, so she could just drop me off and head straight there or anywhere elsewhere. She freely chose to come by for wine & cheese and I was delighted. In the car, we had started a long conversation that could continue unabated. Production days are long. We arrived late, but she was on her way home two hours later.

Afterwards, she came into my office to told me she was creeped out by the wine & cheese evening. She viewed the invite as an attempt to seduce her, even though she sat across the wine & cheese table from me, and all conversation had been in the same vein as all other conversations we ever had
Further, I never touched her until I shook her hand upon departure. On that occasion, I had offered a special handshake, one I learned from a Native elder on reservation land at the edge of the Grand Canyon. You extend your thumb forward during the handshake to feel the other person's vital spirit energy -- the pulse. I've never forgotten that handshake, and I save it in appreciation of people with whom I've developed new friendships.
At that last meeting in my office, I apologized profusely. She accepted the apology. And I assured her that had I known she was uncomfortable, I would have apologized on the spot, ended the evening, and possibly reminded her of the other social gathering that she could attend. She nonetheless declared it her last day, with only a few days left of production.

I note that her final gesture to me was the offer of a hug, which I accepted as a parting friend.

Early 1980s
I entered astrophysics graduate school directly out of college in 1980. It's a grueling adventure-marathon, and many people do not finish the PhD. In fact, it was not uncommon for half the admitted students to leave after two or three years, finding some other kind of work in their lives. While in graduate school I had several girlfriends, one of whom would become my wife of thirty years, a mathematical physicist -- we met in Relativity class. Over this time I had a brief relationship with a fellow astro-graduate student, from a more recent entering class. I remember being intimate only a few times, all at her apartment, but the chemistry wasn't there. So the relationship faded quickly. There was nothing otherwise odd or unusual about this friendship.
I didn't see much of her after that time. Our student offices were on different floors of the building and we were not in the same classes. A few years later, I ran into her, pregnant, with who I think was the father by her side. That's when I had learned that she dropped out of graduate school. Again, this is not itself an unusual fact, but I nonetheless wished her well in motherhood and in whatever career path would follow.
More than thirty years later, as my visibility-level took another jump, I read a freshly posted blog accusing me of drugging and raping a woman I did not recognize by either photo or name. Turned out to be the same person who I dated briefly in graduate school. She had changed her name and lived an entire life, married with children, before this accusation.

For me, what was most significant, was that in this new life, long after dropping out of astrophysics graduate school, she was posting videos of colored tuning forks endowed with vibrational therapeutic energy that she channels from the orbiting planets. As a scientist, I found this odd. Meanwhile, according to her blog posts, the drug and rape allegation comes from an assumption of what happened to her during a night that she cannot remember. It is as though a false memory had been implanted, which, because it never actually happened, had to be remembered as an evening she doesn't remember. Nor does she remember waking up the next morning and going to the office. I kept a record of everything she posted, in case her stories morphed over time. So this is sad, which, for me, defies explanation.
I note that this allegation was used as a kind of solicitation-bait by at least one journalist to bring out of the woodwork anybody who had any encounter with me that left them uncomfortable.

I'm the accused, so why believe anything I say? Why believe me at all?
That brings us back to the value of an independent investigation, which FOX/NatGeo (the networks on which Cosmos and StarTalk air) announced that they will conduct. I welcome this.
Accusations can damage a reputation and a marriage. Sometimes irreversibly. I see myself as loving husband and as a public servant – a scientist and educator who serves at the will of the public. I am grateful for the support I've received from those who continue to respect and value me and my work.

Respectfully submitted, Neil deGrasse Tyson, New York City
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Oct 25, 2017
Well I guess we will see where the evidence leads

Men need to fucking adapt and fast. And shit an allegation of rape in 2014 sounds particularly awful

What excuse is there if this ends up true


Oct 27, 2017
The producers of Cosmos added in their own statement, "The credo at the heart of COSMOS is to follow the evidence wherever it leads. The producers of COSMOS can do no less in this situation. We are committed to a thorough investigation of this matter and to act accordingly as soon as it is concluded."

I wonder if Seth wrote that, he's gotta be pretty pissed right now (if he didn't already know/suspect)


Oct 26, 2017
Im fucking GUTTED right now. This has to be the hardest MeToo yet if its true.

Glad they're following a process for it. Neil.. goddamn man. Say it aint so


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Later, dick head. Fade from the public consciousness as fast as you can plz.


Oct 25, 2017
That blog post was hard to read but it sounds like he was coercing people with quid pro quo for sexual acts

Thats pretty fucked up and abuse of the highest order if true


Oct 26, 2017
As a reminder to myself and my follow penis-havers, from Master Willem:

"We are born of penis. Made men of penis. Undone by penis. Fear your own penis and control your penis!"


Oct 25, 2017
This needs to happen

Otherwise how can I ever feel confident my daughter will be treated with the respect and dignity she deserves

I know I likely was inappropriate as a young man in the 90s myself but some of the shit influential men pulled back then was fucking heinous


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Well I guess we will see where the evidence leads

Men need to fucking adapt and fast. And shit an allegation of rape in 2014 sounds particularly awful

What excuse is there if this ends up true
Adapt? Not sexuality assaulting people should not be a hard ask!


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
How can one investigate a rape from 2014?

Serious question, I'm curious.

Witnesses, maybe?

Same here. Gutted for sure
Rape is very hard crime to prosecute. Usually there are no witnesses other than the parties involved. Moreover, if there is no physical evidence it becomes a battle of contradictory testimony.

We, society that is, has outdated views on consent as well. Many view rape as some violent alleyway encounter. The possibility that rape can occur in dating situations or even marital situations is unheard for some in out society.

And forget about sex workers. They get raped (and killed too) all the time, but since they have huge stigma on their work, they get even less protection and forget about them going to the police and being heard.

Rape is also one of the few crimes where we put the alleged victim on trial. Additionally many victims don't report due to the public nature of being put on trial.

Society needs to figure this out.


Oct 29, 2017
I just want to say, people can be rightly pissed off at NDT, but don't jump on people who are saying that they're "hurt" or "disappointed" by this news. A lot of people enjoyed NDT for his scientific contribution. It doesn't mean that they don't believe the women, you can believe the victim and still be hurt that someone you look up to committed such a crime.


Oct 25, 2017
Adapt? Not sexuality assaulting people should not be a hard ask!

Well thats more towards his interactions as far as inappropriate adavances. Thinking its ok to engage in physical touch even if its on the shoulder or something

The rape allegations are fucking heinous and I am not talking about that shit

There is no "adaptation" there. Just straight up wrong and abusive

Rape is very hard crime to prosecute. Usually there are no witnesses other than the parties involved. Moreover, if there is no physical evidence it becomes a battle of contradictory testimony.

We, society that is, has outdated views on consent.

Rape is also one of the few crimes where we put the alleged victim on trial. Additionally many victims don't report due to the public nature of being put on trial.

Society needs to figure this out.

True but that said

Testimony doesnt end with the victim. If he exhibited a pattern of behavior that corroborated by peers then that will likely come out as well

If not more women themselves telling their stories. We will have to see


Oct 26, 2017
I really don't understand how people liked him even before the allegations of rape(which is not the first time it surfaced mind you). The guy acts like he is the next Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein. Always had weird condescending tone to the way he talked, and his tweeter account clearly shows how highly he thinks of himself.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Well thats more towards his interactions as far as inappropriate adavances. Thinking its ok to engage in physical touch even if its on the shoulder or something

The rape allegations are fucking heinous and I am not talking about that shit

There is no "adaptation" there. Just straight up wrong and abusive
Yeah. I don't get why people don't basics like physical boundaries. Even outside the workplace.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
When news like this always comes up, I get very pissed because this gives decent men a bad reputation since my experience is the actions of the few affects the rest. I've never been accused of anything sexual, I was brought up by my parents to be respectful to everyone and to treat others the same way I would like to be treated. I knew how to treat everyone with respect and I've never done anything inappropriate, I don't get why other men can't be decent.


Oct 30, 2017
Waiting for the due process. I hope the truth comes to light however hard it is.


Dec 6, 2017
I've heard and read some stuff over the years to make me think this is likely true. I never fully bought into Neil's good guy persona anyway.

It won't taint my affection for the new Cosmos tho. I still think it's one of best docuseries ever made.


Oct 25, 2017
When news like this always comes up, I get very pissed because this gives decent men a bad reputation since my experience is the actions of the few affects the rest. I've never been accused of anything sexual, I was brought up by my parents to be respectful to everyone and to treat others the same way I would like to be treated. I knew how to treat everyone with respect and I've never done anything inappropriate, I don't get why other men can't be decent.

Hetero Culture and power structures that were cultural pervasive in previous decades were likely treated as "normal" I guess?

At least for the small stuff

The whole... roofie women, or trap and black mail them, or coerce and abuse them angle..... Ill fucking never understand how that shit flew outside of Rich Powerful men exert whatever influence they have without fear of consequences

Its fucking sad that justice has come for them so slowly but I am still grateful since at the very least it can hopefully pave the way for a better future for women of today
Oct 25, 2017
True but that said

Testimony doesnt end with the victim. If he exhibited a pattern of behavior that corroborated by peers then that will likely come out as well

If not more women themselves telling their stories. We will have to see

You would hope so, but considering how people still seem to be trying to find ways to dismiss allegations many still may be afraid. FFS we just watched a woman stand up in front of a US council on the appointment of judge to retell a terrible moment for her and people STILL thought it was wrong/false/etc.


Oct 27, 2017

I'm not even shocked or fazed by any of this. I have very few "heroes." Unless Mark Hamill turns out to secretly be a monster, I don't think anyone can affect me. Hopefully the investigation is thorough and dude gets dragged through the mud if true.


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Oct 26, 2017
He's saturated my social media and entertainment so much it will be strange to see him pop up again and again over the years.

Deleted member 25445

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I really don't understand how people liked him even before the allegations of rape(which is not the first time it surfaced mind you). The guy acts like he is the next Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein. Always had weird condescending tone to the way he talked, and his tweeter account clearly shows how highly he thinks of himself.
Stuff like this really bothers me. All over this forum it's "I'm not surprised, he acted like such and such". He's under suspicion and definitely shouldn't be defended for the time being, but stuff like this is just beyond stupid.


Nov 8, 2017
I read through that blog post linked and it legit reads like mental illness. It's possible that PTSD could have led to that, but the entire thing is TimeCube-esque.

I highly encourage people to actually go to the blog listed to get a better understanding of the parties involved here.

As an example, it says "here's a photo of his apartment" and the picture is of an ancient Egyptian mural. Like, what?
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Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand how people liked him even before the allegations of rape(which is not the first time it surfaced mind you). The guy acts like he is the next Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein. Always had weird condescending tone to the way he talked, and his tweeter account clearly shows how highly he thinks of himself.

man i haven't heard a single bad thing about him ever, maybe i'm just clueless / sheltered but this came as a huge shock to me.


Nov 22, 2017
Stuff like this really bothers me. All over this forum it's "I'm not surprised, he acted like such and such". He's under suspicion and definitely shouldn't be defended for the time being, but stuff like this is just beyond stupid.
He didn't say he did it "because" he was a jerk. He's saying how could you like him before sice he was a jerk.


Oct 25, 2017
That sucks.

I'd agree he had an arrogance that can be pretty off putting (which obviously does not make him a rapist), but he did a great job of getting science out there to the mainstream.

Very unfortunate.

Edit: If anyone else is seriously interested though, Brian Greene is also great and has a couple of fantastic books, along with Simon Singh's Big Bang: The Origin Of The Universe. Some of the best stuff I've read.
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Oct 25, 2017
Damn I had no idea about any of this.. Or that there was an incident in 2014.

Edit: Oh oh happened much earlier than 2014.

I'm not even shocked or fazed by any of this. I have very few "heroes." Unless Mark Hamill turns out to secretly be a monster, I don't think anyone can affect me. Hopefully the investigation is thorough and dude gets dragged through the mud if true.
Mark Hamill bad news would destroy me
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