Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i think they (THQ and deep silver) are gonna be pretty big next gen, and in 15 or so years when streaming become ubiquitous they'll probably have enough IPs and developers to be able to have they're own streaming service. i don't see many other publishers being able to do that, and they'd have to rely on other services in order to publish their games.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a bot or script that runs when a thread has THQ in the title sis? Literally this entire thread has been about this subject lmao

No some people just actually give a shit about not supporting a disgusting company and spreading awareness about how disgusting the company is to those who may not know. Also a good constant reminder to those who think it's acceptable to just brush off what they did.


Apr 25, 2019
No some people just actually give a shit about not supporting a disgusting company and spreading awareness about how disgusting the company is to those who may not know. Also a good constant reminder to those who think it's acceptable to just brush off what they did.

They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".


Oct 25, 2017
They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".
I think you need to maybe refresh your memory of what they said, or maybe read Diggeh's post and links for the first time if you haven't before. They were actively engaged with discussing child pornography. It was brought to their attention, and they continued on with the AMA anyway, while mocking people upset by it. They are a disgusting company and they should never live it down, especially while they haven't even done anything about it.

Edit: Never live it down may be too strong but they absolutely need to get rid of the people who ran the AMA and those who supported it, at the bare minimum
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Oct 25, 2017
They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".
You don't just end up being on 8chan unless you have specific things in mind, let alone holding a glorified AMA.


Oct 25, 2017
They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".

Congrats on clearly demonstrating that you know absolute jack shit about the incident.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Let's be reasonable with the snark. The 8 Chan sympathizer was THQ the Subsidiary, not the parent company. That's the whole reason for the name change.
I think that's exactly why they should snark. Their most concrete solution after one of their subsidiaries was normalizing Nazis and pedophiles was to change their name.


Oct 26, 2017
They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".
You're acting like somebody could end up on 8Chan without any idea of what is on there. Which isnt the case at all and is an extremely tired and worthless attempt at excusing their actions.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
But Koch/Deep Silver, for example, is based in Bavaria. That's not very Nordic. And they may want to acquire more companies that aren't from that area. That being said, I'm sure they could come up with sth better than... this.
Although a German person in another thread pointed out to me that it's Nordic does make sense if you're thinking in terms of Nazi race theory.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
They posted an AMA on a shitty website used by shitty people. It's not like they went there to officially support child pornography, homophobia, racism and shootings. No just posting on there doesn't mean they support any of that. As far as we know it could have just been a misfired attempt at being "edgy".
Is it significantly different from endorcement if you go to a site that you know primarily hosts child pornography and Neo-Nazi and treat it as if it's just edgy? You're still validating the people there.

If I take a photo op with Brenton Tarrant like he's just some celebrity, I can say I don't endorse that all I want, no one's going to buy it.
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Apr 25, 2019
User Banned (1 Week): Making Excuses for the Normalization of Bigotry and Hate

No I wanna talk about other things like how I disagree with how people are characterizing THQN.

Congrats on clearly demonstrating that you know absolute jack shit about the incident.

No I do.
I take issue with what other people in that thread said. I don't think what THQ staff said was enough to condemn the whole company.
I don't think THQ choosing not to fire those people is a problem.

Someone saying "Where are the x at" (not completely quoting because I find it disgusting) and THQ responded with "You have them already we'd say". That's not an approval of what the anon said. That's not an endorsement. That's not them admitting that's in their next game.

Someone else posted a picture of a knight saying "calm your *slur*" (again not completely quoting because I find it disgusting) and a THQN staff responded "this could be in one our games". They're talking about the knight character in a clearly tongue-in-cheek way not the fucking homophobia. (I hope, at least).

Someone else posted "please don't censor your games nor appeal to the SocJus crowd, you're doing fine as is" and THQN staff responded "thanks! We'll try to stay that way". Not a fan of this statement but it's eh... not any worse than what UbiSoft does.

None of this to me characterizes THQN as disgusting. Tacky and idiotic? Sure.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Let's be reasonable with the snark. The 8 Chan sympathizer was THQ the Subsidiary, not the parent company. That's the whole reason for the name change.
there's no way this name change has anything to do with the controversy. the controversy didn't blow up in any meaningful way, definitely not to a degree that would force a huge holding company to change its name. this just makes logical sense for them to pick a new name since they're getting bigger than just being the parent company for thq games, and it's confusing in the first place for a parent company to have a subsidiary with the same name.
the idea that a company would change its name to distance itself from a subsidiary they fully own is quite absurd.
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Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Some people just can't let go of the 8chan thing, huh.
Well it's hard to let go. I'm definitely someone who is really forgiving and will be ok with a lot of things and still buy a product of something I like. However even for me it's hard to let is slide when the publisher won't take major steps to fix the issue(i.e. firing the dude who hosted that shit and publicly taking steps to ensure they are against those types of stupid people). I love a ton of their properties as well and it saddens me that I won't likely be able to buy Warhammer, Red Faction or Timesplitters games from them anymore.


Oct 25, 2017

You really don't mate, sorry. They were well aware of what they were doing and this isn't only about how they carried themselves in the AMA, it is also about the very conscious choice of green lighting the AMA. There are some excellent posts in the initial thread covering the incident, do yourself a favour an educate yourself on the matter. This isn't outrage just for the sake of it.

I was initially cheering on THQN and saw them as a genuine force of good within the gaming space. Imagine my utter disappointment.


Oct 27, 2017
They should of just removed thq from the parent, or something. Embrace is a horrible name. lol

Doesnt bug me regardless, gimme ma darksiders 4


Oct 24, 2018
Why should they? It was an extraordinary fuckup and not one they have appropriately answered for.
Nobody cares about the 8chan thing anymore. Polgyon, Kotaku, Destructoid, Jim Sterling and pretty much the entire gaming community / media dropped it as soon as it stopped getting clicks. Also Era now keeps shitting up threads for devs that got bought by Thq which is just weird cause it aint the devs fault. Some devs are fighting for their existence. I kinda get why people are pissed, but uh it never gained traction to actually fire the guy.

Even though he should have been.


Oct 30, 2017
How big is this company now? Did they already surpassed smaller as publishers like tecmo or level 5?

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How big is this company now? Did they already surpassed smaller as publishers like tecmo or level 5?
they're pretty big. they have an absurd number of IPs, and a huge amount of studios. a lot of them are recently bought so it'd take a while for them to have games ready but in a few years i think we're gonna see a large amount of games (both big and small) being published by them regularly. this is all the studios/companies they own as of now:

  • THQ Nordic Lager 1 AB
    • Goodbye Kansas Game Invest
  • THQ Nordic GmbH
    • Black Forest Games
    • Bugbear Entertainment
    • Experiment 101
    • Foxglove Studios
    • Grimlore Games
    • Gunfire Games
    • HandyGames
    • Mirage Game Studios
    • Pieces Interactive
    • Piranha Bytes
    • Rainbow Studios
  • Koch Media Holding GmbH
    • Koch Media
      • 18point2
      • Deep Silver
        • Dambuster Studios
        • Fishlabs
        • Volition
      • Koch Films GmbH
      • Ravenscourt Games
      • Milestone srl
      • Warhorse Studios
  • Coffee Stain Holding AB
    • Coffee Stain Studios
    • Coffee Stain Publishing
    • Coffee Stain North
    • Lavapotion

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
It kind of gets me that people are up in arms over video games being called a factor in mass shootings in America and yet utterly silent in this, to the point that THQ Nordic's tactic of just ignoring the issue and hoping that gamers don't care has proven to be entirely successful.

Now, video games are being used as a scapegoat for the legitimate causes for mass shooting in the US. America's lax gun laws resulting it a ridiculous amount of guns being out in the wild is the obvious point. But it's not the only factor. Misogyny is a common factor among mass shooters. White supremacy is on the rise, and terrorists from the right are the most common kind.

But pointing at the real culprits instead of video games doesn't necessarily mean that you're concerned with the real culprits, and it doesn't mean that you're going to continue to act against them once the heat is off video games.

This THQ Nordic AMA was directed at a community that hosts so much of that. Not just Neo-Nazi communities, but it was also one of the major hubs of Gamergate, gaming's own misogynistic hate group. Forget firing - THQ Nordic could do anything concrete to show that they had made a mistake and that these people shouldn't be treated as normal. They could set out a plan on how they're going to prevent this from happening gain. But instead they relied on the idea that gamers don't care about these issues and nothing would be done.

And, well, can you blame them? It worked. Nothing was done. It seems like by and at large, gamers don't care. The only time they rise up is when their hobby seems to be under the attack, and it just happens to coincidentally look like they care about gun violence when that causes them to brush up against the topic.

In fact, we have people in this thread who are acting like it's ridiculous that this topic is still brought up even after an explosion of mass shooters related to 8chan. Not just passive apathy, but actively aiding the effort to let THQ Nordic pretend that nothing happened. Just as so many people like to say they're fighting racism but suddenly become incredibly reluctant to actually do anything when the racists aren't explicitly labeling themselves like Nazis and the KKK, you've got people who are insisting that they oppose pedophilia and white supremacy but refuse to do anything about their supporters until they're actually putting a gun in someone's hand and telling them to get a high score.
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Oct 25, 2017
Does your spine hurt from all the contorting you're doing to downplay what they did? You are saying yourself that the people hosting the AMA acknowledged and engaged in a joking conversational manner with people looking for child pornography. AKA they knew there was child pornography hosted and shared on the website that they chose to do an AMA on, and did it anyway. How the fuck is that ok or not disgusting? Not to mention the fact that they sympathized with and agreed with people calling those taking issue with it SJWs and said they wouldn't cater to them, aka, they agreed with the pieces of shit on 8chan.

You won't even complete the quotes because you find them disgusting yet THQ's responses to them aren't? WTF?


Oct 25, 2017
Nobody cares about the 8chan thing anymore. Polgyon, Kotaku, Destructoid, Jim Sterling and pretty much the entire gaming community / media dropped it as soon as it stopped getting clicks. Also Era now keeps shitting up threads for devs that got bought by Thq which is just weird cause it aint the devs fault. Some devs are fighting for their existence. I kinda get why people are pissed, but uh it never gained traction to actually fire the guy.

Even though he should have been.

People still care about the 8chan thing.

People are not dissing the companies being bought up (unless it's Warhorse's GamerGater-in-charge Vavra). They're dissing THQ Nordic AB/Lars Wingefors for their pathetic response to THQ Nordic GmbH's AMA.

There were at least 3 people directly involved in the AMA, not just one guy.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Does your spine hurt from all the contorting you're doing to downplay what they did? You are saying yourself that the people hosting the AMA acknowledged and engaged in a joking conversational manner with people looking for child pornography. AKA they knew there was child pornography hosted and shared on the website that they chose to do an AMA on, and did it anyway. How the fuck is that ok or not disgusting? Not to mention the fact that they sympathized with and agreed with people calling those taking issue with it SJWs and said they wouldn't cater to them, aka, they agreed with the pieces of shit on 8chan.

You won't even complete the quotes because you find them disgusting yet THQ's responses to them aren't? WTF?

Yeah. I'd be more sympathetic to the idea that they are just being edgy jokesters about white supremacist, etc. content in their games during that if it weren't for the overall conglomerate's ties to shit like Warhorse studios (Kingdom Come: Deliverance). I guess it's one of those jokes that's funny because it's true

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Is it too late to send them logo suggestions?

I went with a white circle, representing the purity of the gaming industry, being embraced by the love of the Embracer Group (in red because love). The Gothic font is as an allusion to their Nordic Games origins.


Apr 25, 2019
Does your spine hurt from all the contorting you're doing to downplay what they did? You are saying yourself that the people hosting the AMA acknowledged and engaged in a joking conversational manner with people looking for child pornography. AKA they knew there was child pornography hosted and shared on the website that they chose to do an AMA on, and did it anyway. How the fuck is that ok or not disgusting? Not to mention the fact that they sympathized with and agreed with people calling those taking issue with it SJWs and said they wouldn't cater to them, aka, they agreed with the pieces of shit on 8chan.

You won't even complete the quotes because you find them disgusting yet THQ's responses to them aren't? WTF?

I'm not unsympathetic to the issues you guys take. It bugs me too but I just don't agree with condemning the entire company.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not unsympathetic to the issues you guys take. It bugs me too but I just don't agree with condemning the entire company.
At least for me, it's not condemning the entire company so much as 1) the people who actually went through with the AMA and 2) the people higher up in the company who could have actually done something by now IE fire the fucking bastards who did it. Maybe there are some people who blame the entire company when they say "Fuck THQ Nordic" but I feel like for most people, it's fairly directed and not meant for like, the janitor or some QA tester who obviously had absolutely nothing to do with it. IMO it's pretty clear who was responsible and who could have done something to prevent it or at least clean up after it, but nothing has been done. So fuck THQ Nordic.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a bot or script that runs when a thread has THQ in the title sis? Literally this entire thread has been about this subject lmao


If it was a bot, that'd mean a bot, something unable of expressing any compassion, would be a better person than you, who seem to be okay with a publisher signal boosting a place hosting child pornography.


Oct 25, 2017
No I wanna talk about other things like how I disagree with how people are characterizing THQN.

No I do.
I take issue with what other people in that thread said. I don't think what THQ staff said was enough to condemn the whole company.
I don't think THQ choosing not to fire those people is a problem.

Someone saying "Where are the x at" (not completely quoting because I find it disgusting) and THQ responded with "You have them already we'd say". That's not an approval of what the anon said. That's not an endorsement. That's not them admitting that's in their next game.

Someone else posted a picture of a knight saying "calm your *slur*" (again not completely quoting because I find it disgusting) and a THQN staff responded "this could be in one our games". They're talking about the knight character in a clearly tongue-in-cheek way not the fucking homophobia. (I hope, at least).

Someone else posted "please don't censor your games nor appeal to the SocJus crowd, you're doing fine as is" and THQN staff responded "thanks! We'll try to stay that way". Not a fan of this statement but it's eh... not any worse than what UbiSoft does.

None of this to me characterizes THQN as disgusting. Tacky and idiotic? Sure.
The fact that you're making all these excuses for them proves my point about you.

All you want to do is "Just talk about the games".
You don't care what this company did. You don't care about the people who are hurt by this hate speech. All you care about is your games.

You're fucking pathetic


Apr 25, 2019
The fact that you're making all these excuses for them proves my point about you.

All you want to do is "Just talk about the games".
You don't care what this company did. You don't care about the people who are hurt by this hate speech. All you care about is your games.

You're fucking pathetic

Maybe one day you'll understand the concept of nuance.


Dec 26, 2018
Just wanted to ask something, generally these threads go the same way. The mention of THQNordic and it goes to 8 chan. While going to that site was a disgrace, I wanted to know what would change your opinion about THQNordic?

For example, I love the Saints Row, Destroy all humans, Timesplitters and Red Faction games but with them being assoicated with the parent company taints them a bit but at the same time I don't want to lose those IP's to a graveyard of death. There is a point to bring up 8chan, but when/where is the point that they learnt their lesson or they have shown growth?

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to ask something, generally these threads go the same way. The mention of THQNordic and it goes to 8 chan. While going to that site was a disgrace, I wanted to know what would change your opinion about THQNordic?

For example, I love the Saints Row, Destroy all humans, Timesplitters and Red Faction games but with them being assoicated with the parent company taints them a bit but at the same time I don't want to lose those IP's to a graveyard of death. There is a point to bring up 8chan, but when/where is the point that they learnt their lesson or they have shown growth?
Fire the people involved, and do what they can to remove Reinhard Pollice from a leading position within the company if completely removing him is for some reason not possible.

The fact that everyone involved is still there, and Pollice is not only still in the same position he was before this all started, but was one of the reps THQ sent out to speak to press at E3 this year, says a lot about how little they give a shit.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to ask something, generally these threads go the same way. The mention of THQNordic and it goes to 8 chan. While going to that site was a disgrace, I wanted to know what would change your opinion about THQNordic?

For example, I love the Saints Row, Destroy all humans, Timesplitters and Red Faction games but with them being assoicated with the parent company taints them a bit but at the same time I don't want to lose those IP's to a graveyard of death. There is a point to bring up 8chan, but when/where is the point that they learnt their lesson or they have shown growth?
I think the minimum we can ask of THQ Nordic is to do literally anything. I don't think that's too much to ask.


Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to ask something, generally these threads go the same way. The mention of THQNordic and it goes to 8 chan. While going to that site was a disgrace, I wanted to know what would change your opinion about THQNordic?

For example, I love the Saints Row, Destroy all humans, Timesplitters and Red Faction games but with them being assoicated with the parent company taints them a bit but at the same time I don't want to lose those IP's to a graveyard of death. There is a point to bring up 8chan, but when/where is the point that they learnt their lesson or they have shown growth?
As Nappael said, the minimum they could do it remove the people responsible. At least for me that would go a long way towards righting the ship. It's insane IMO that they're still there.
I think the minimum we can ask of THQ Nordic is to do literally anything. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Also this. They've done jack shit to make anything right.
Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to ask something, generally these threads go the same way. The mention of THQNordic and it goes to 8 chan. While going to that site was a disgrace, I wanted to know what would change your opinion about THQNordic?

For example, I love the Saints Row, Destroy all humans, Timesplitters and Red Faction games but with them being assoicated with the parent company taints them a bit but at the same time I don't want to lose those IP's to a graveyard of death. There is a point to bring up 8chan, but when/where is the point that they learnt their lesson or they have shown growth?

THQ Nordic could do more than just pay lip service to basic decency. That sounds like a start.

The bare minimum that it would take for me to start supporting the company again is Reinhard Pollice leaving the company.