
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Remember when the tea party took over New Hampshire state government and the establishment Republicans had to team up with the dems to get it back


Oct 25, 2017
It wouldn't get far as GDP would be insanely low and the government would ultimately try to start a war or other foreign entanglements to distract from the inevitable domestic issues.


Oct 27, 2017
South Carolina


Oct 25, 2017
Oddly enough, I think people are vastly overestimating such a country with these doomsday scenarios. The GDP would be way too low to allow such a consolidation of power. The bigger concern would be the lack of oversight over local areas, which could easily devolve back to the era of Jim Crow law. But without any black people, they'd just choose a new group to dehumanize (watch out conservative latinos & asians).

Without oversight, localities are usually the first to grow corrupt or amoral due to the minimal barriers that exist. Sometimes it happens in simply annoying ways (see any school board or HOA story) but it always has a chance to grow into something horrifying (see Jim Crow, factory work before the Labor Movement, etc.)

In these hypothetical scenarios, I would worry first about local government instead of a fascist federal government being formed.


Oct 27, 2017
Corporate dystopia or the handmaid's tale. Just depends on if money or religion wins the war.


Nov 1, 2017
Saudi Arabia, but Christian.
swap the burkas for bikinis and it's 100% this.

A lack of diversity would cause significant problems over time, as the country would have issues adapting to change. It would then claim that other countries around it were the cause of these problems, create an outrageously large military, and invade those countries to fix the "problems" there.
I see what you did there.
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Oct 29, 2017
Honestly, it would probably eventually just look a lot like a dumber, puritanical Russia, with a lot more minority and ethnic exploitation like we see in many oil countires.

A nuclear weapons country exploited and propped up by a mix of oligarchical figures and a singular political party(and eventually a cult of personality leader) that controls all aspects of power and is essentially there to exploit resources and capitalism to maintain their grips on power. And like Russia, a large chunk of the country would largely go ungoverned, and in that void you would get some pretty crazy right wing locales.

Regressive culture, blanketed in political propaganda, a minimal safety net, little to no labor protections, fervent nationalism, little upward mobility, weak GDP, abhorrent environmental behavior, tons of saber rattling.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Probably Russia, honestly. We're teetering on oligarchy as it is. Might be kinda a Russia/China hybrid maybe.
Oct 27, 2017
Why wouldn't it just look like America from earlier in the 20th century instead of something crazy like Handmaid's tale? The average adult back then would probably be considered far-right if you plopped them into our time.
Well, America from the earlier 20th century was an apartheid regime. And these days, the right is a lot more reactionary.


Nov 4, 2017
Pretty much all corporations would be headquartered there.

I can't see how it wouldn't eventually devolve into a facist feudal [failed] state.

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Oct 25, 2017
What you dont account for is the ingrained mindset where if you accept govt help youre considered a failure thats prevalent among them.

That's only for people of other races. It has never applied to businesses or themselves. Which is why they're happy to take government assistance, but will always argue against expanding it. They're super hypocrites.


Mar 24, 2019
Basically Sam Brownbacks Kansas. An unmotivated disaster that predictably doesnt work in remotely the way conservatives thinj.


Oct 27, 2017
Realistically, it would be like Russia. A transparently corrupt oligarchy masquerading as a democracy, with a tightly controlled media apparatus. Heavily deregulated, few social safety nets, conservative ideology that values toughness. People's quality of life would be barely passable enough to bring about feelings of resignation, but never so unlivable that all-out revolt would become preferable.

I mean, there's a reason Republicans are so close with Russia. It's their ideal model for a state.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm thinking South Dakota.

The state government currently looks like this.

House - 62R/8D
Senate - 32R/3D
Gov - R

The Republican party basically has the ability to do whatever they want in this state.

They've already overturned the will of the people twice (2017 Anti-corruption ballot and the recently passed marijuana legalization).

They're also in the process of passing a bill that will allow them to ignore executive actions issued by Presidents.

This state is a Republican dream, and it fucking sucks to live here.

Noem's response to Covid-19 has basically been non-existent. Damn near everyone in this state has a Bible shoved up their ass. It's rural and poor as fuck, yet the people here keep voting for people like Noem.

I'm looking forward to the day my wife and I can move. I'm almost to the point where I just want to put what I can in our cars and fully start over.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Don't really get the "Russia" comparison. You mean if Russia was also only occupied by Putin worshippers? Because a country full of American far right would be on another level worse than Russia right now, which is not to downplay Russia's authoritarianism but make a point about just how bad this theoretical country would be.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
It would probably end up a somewhat authoritarian social democracy. Republicans don't hate social programs. They hate PoC benefiting from them. A Republican only country would be almost entirely white, and thus would be unconstrained by that. There would still be an element of authoritarianism though. The belief in fake news and such is also to keep power in the wake of changing demographics and such, so in the absence of that it probably wouldn't be much of an issue. There would still be a lot of propoganda, but nonsense that legitimately harmed the nation would be suppressed. I think it would look a lot like China overall but with Christianity at its core instead of communism.

That's what they were going for with Nazi Germany in the beginning. A state for Germans that gave out the services you'd expect from socialism but only to the Aryan race.


Nov 9, 2017
Afghanistan during the Taliban occupation.


Afghanistan, due to outside forces, basically descended into ultra-conservative fundamentalism as a form of self-defense against external threats. The Taliban was basically everything that the religious right wants America to be, just with the "wrong" coat of arms.

Now, that said, Afghanistan under the Taliban had a lot of other problems--the aforementioned external pressures--but it's still a pretty good indication of what you can expect at the natural conclusion of the more-religious, more-traditionalist, more-fundamentalist death spiral of the far right.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
They'll start cutting themselves up to further pursue "purity". Irish, Italians, polish etc will slowly get pushed out of the whiteness tent that expanded when it was convenient for them. They'll cut themselves up based on religion. Of course this is long after everyone with a darker shade of skin either left the country or made into an even more permanent underclass than now.
Oct 27, 2017
There'd be a lot more strange fruit hanging from the trees and swaying in the breeze.

Hunting of black and brown people as game would become America's official national sport.


Oct 25, 2017
I think everyone saying Russia is likely pretty spot on. Perhaps there could be a period of time where it waivers and they get some interesting things because it'd basically be a white ethno state with less worry about giving to others but it'd slide down that path eventually.