
Oct 28, 2017
Maine to California. On my 4th year I would say I now miss winter a bit, but its one of those things that when I travel home I get enough of it for a week. Dealing with bad winters as an adult is the literal worst. You have to be up extra early, shovel out your car, drive to work in shit conditions with people driving like morons. Enjoy the nicer winters in warm states/areas and when you want a bit of winter travel back for a week or two.


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland to LA. Freezing horror show with miserable summers to permanent brightness with occasional marine layer. Then San Francisco. Moderate. Gray cool but not cold winters. Then Seattle- almost never snows abd this November and December have been really mild. Think there's been ice on my car windows twice or three times.


Oct 27, 2017
Minnesota to California when I was in high school. I didn't have a choice, but I did like it. I did it again, from New Jersey to California in my 30s. I didn't miss winter so much as I missed Autumn.

I don't mind winter, but when I moved from California to Ontario, I did make a pact with my future husband that I wouldn't have to shovel....


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
From Nebraska to Arizona.
Funny enough after awhile even AZ winters feel cold to me after experiencing below 0 Nebraska winters.

Deleted member 17092

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Oct 27, 2017
Currently sub zero in the twin cities and I'm considering it. I dunno though, I have sort of "lived" in other places via study abroad and just very long trips. I've always felt the positive qualities about MN outweigh the winters. It's usually 3 mos of pretty shit weather (dec-feb), 2 mos of kind of shit weather (nov & March), and then April through October is really quite nice. There's also something kind of enlightening about knowing yeah it's -2 right now but honestly it's fine. Just need the right gear.

like I've been all over the us and pretty good stints in Europe and asia and I still have never gotten the vibe yeah I'd rather live here than in MN. I guess I'm just a homer lol.

I think I'm kind of programmed to enjoy a sort of cabin fever state with occasional winter outdoor excursions, and then yeah a steam room and sauna at my local gym do wonders, and yeah also a quick trip to Miami or Mexico breaks the winter down enough it doesn't bother me all that much.
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Oct 25, 2017
From Chicago suburb to the Bay Area. Never missed the snow after that two years I spent there.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
My childhood was mostly in New Jersey so I don't know if that really counts. Snow seemed to be up to my knees or more every year. I don't miss it at all. In fact, 9 months ago my grandma died. Had to drive 7 hours to her gravesite. That very night it snowed like 3-4 inches. Took me an hour to shovel all the snow off my SUV to load all the luggage back to Virginia Beach. I'm done with that crazy.

Miss me with all that noise slipping and sliding on streets that look the same with no one following the laws of the road.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was in kindergarten, my family lived in Wisconsin. From what little I recall, we got a lot of snow there. Being a kid, this did not concern me any more than the thought of if I was going to get to go out and play in the snow, especially this awesome crater-like place that everyone in town usually used for sledding.

We then moved to the south, where snow was nearly impossible. I didn't really actively miss it at the time.

A couple years later, we moved back up north, and I remember being super excited about the first snowfall. It was almost as if I'd forgotten that I'd lived for several years in a place with heavy snows before being without it for just a couple years.

I'm still living in a state with moderate to rarely heavy winter, and as an adult I mostly find the snow more of an inconvenience at the best of times, and downright terrifying if I have to go somewhere in it. However, I think I'd miss it if I moved somewhere without it
Apr 24, 2018
Moved from Upstate New York (lived there nearly all of my life) to Washington State for three years. Still a bit colder than I'd like at night in the winter, but otherwise winter was a joke compared to what I'd experienced growing up.

Mr Jones

Oct 25, 2017
I'm hating MN right now. Picked my sister up from the airport and driving on slick roads during rush hour is the worst.

But I dont know where I can move to were I won't melt from the heat, or go insane from the traffic.

I will watch this thread intently, waiting on the answer from someone who lives in paradise.

Maybe New Zealand?


Dec 18, 2017
Ohio to Florida. Hell no I don't miss winter.

I will admit that it's a little strange seeing Christmas lights and other decorations with no snow.


Oct 27, 2017
I moved from Saskatchewan (Canada) to the Seattle area. It was worth it, though it's not like the move was motivated by wanting a different climate. I don't miss winter at all—over 30 years of shoveling snow, scraping car windows, braving sub-zero temps and icy streets, etc. was plenty. People here complain about the cold and rain and grey skies in winter, but it's nothing to me by comparison.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Kansas to Portland, I feel like I can enjoy the month called December.


Oct 25, 2017
I moved from Chicago to Florida and it was the dumbest decision I've ever made. Florida is trash

Moved back as soon as I could afford it.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I spent the first 9 years of my life in Central Siberia.

Been a bunch of places since then all ranging from much easier winters (England, California, Wash DC area) to non-existent winters (Florida).

Fuck no I do not miss it or any winter really. Now having lived in the DC area for a while I'm fine with relatively mild winters here.

Deleted member 17092

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Oct 27, 2017
-3 actual temp and -16 F and outside right now. It's fine. My red wings and serious parka negate the cold.


Oct 25, 2017
I moved from North Dakota to South Carolina. Ironically, it snowed the first winter we moved there, but it melted in a day or two. We now live in NC which has slightly worse winters than SC. But still miles better than what I grew up with.


Oct 27, 2017
Queens, NY
New Hampshire to NYC. Its always about 10 degrees warmer here than where im from, which apparently is enough to change snow to rain. Never been much snow, it really really sucks here when we do get snow, but its not often. My first couple winters here i dont think there was ever more than an inch of snow on the ground. It gets cold for maybe a month out of the year. Its much windier than NH.

i didnt move because the winter so worth it doesnt matter to me. I can miss snow and not like snow where i am all at the same time, because cleaning my car out of a street spot just for someone else to take it sucks. And a lot of people just throw the snow back in the street while cleaning their car off, which eventually gets plowed back on their or other's cars. I usually park near a field, so i shovel the snow beyond the sidewalk, but no one else really does that, so again, im shoveling my spot nicely for someone else to take it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Arizona, USA
Where did you move from/to?
Detroit to Phoenix suburbs

Was it worth it?
Hell Yea

Would you do it again?

Do you miss Winter?
Hell no. (maybe a very very little)


Oct 25, 2017
I moved from Wisconsin to Oregon. People here actually think the winters are bad.... they have no idea.

the single worst day of winter in Oregon is likea daily occurrence in Wisconsin except still like 20 degrees warmer


Oct 25, 2017
Kansas City, MO to Cocoa Beach, FL

I have moments.. loved the first snow... not the sludge shit it became and scrapping ice off my windshields.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh ---> San Diego. No weather is nice sometimes, but it does make things feel sort of like Groundhog Day w/o seasons to mark the passage of time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 21, 2019
Chicago to Orlando.
Best decision ever. Don't miss cold one bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Nebraska to AZ then back to Nebraska. I loved the weather in AZ and we would've probably stayed there or another place with nice/milder winters if I didn't have family in Nebraska and had a kid. This is coming from someone who loves the cold, but 60 and sunny in December was incredible.

Deleted member 4367

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Oct 25, 2017
I did the opposite. Moved from Florida to Colorado without ever having seen snow. Moved in November.

Finding out that lane lines are a thing of the past during a heavy snow was eye opening to say the least.

Deleted member 8860

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Oct 26, 2017
Moved from New England to the DMV. Didn't miss snow at all (although we got a little bit). Now in Minnesota and hate, but tolerate, the winter.

The dream is to move to the West Coast, but the CoL is sky high most anywhere we'd actually want to live. Also, we'd have to time a change of jobs with our kid's change in schools.

4x4 plus snow tires and defensive driving. Nothing is terrifying. Yes that does require some finances. Or take the bus.

We get massive pile ups with dozens of cars every year in the Twin Cities. "Defensive driving" doesn't do shit when everyone else is driving like a maniac -- hell, when *anyone* makes a *mistake*.
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Nov 1, 2017
I live in a mountainous area of the South.

a couple of times a year we get a decent snowfall, 4-10 inches with a foot or more once every other year, then under 2 inches probably 3 or 4 more times a year. Unless it's the over a foot variety it rarely sticks around more than a week, plus I usually get off work (paid holiday time) because we don't have sufficient infrastructure to deal with over 3 inches of snow on the same day.

I'd say it's a pretty good situation. Enough snow to be able to enjoy winter, not so much that it becomes a pain in the ass.


Oct 28, 2017
Moved from central Ohio to the SF bay area.

I don't miss winter, I miss fall.

We only get about a week or two here that feels like classical fall weather.


Oct 30, 2017
Where did you move from/to? Was it worth it? Would you do it again? Do you miss Winter?
Winnipeg to Niagara Falls
Vancouver to England

Yes but not just for the winters. Less snow but more rain. The biggest plus is not shovelling snow and wearing so much heavy winter stuff. The worst part is it's a lot less sunny here, and part of me would trade more sunshine for sub-zero days tbh. I went back to Winnipeg for 3 weeks Christmad 2016 and it was freezing, but mostly nice and sunny.

Hell yeah I miss winter. I go to the mainland (Germany, Prague, Poland) this time of year to get proper snow, but who knows if I can do more than a week or two at a time.