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Oct 25, 2017
User warned: creating an antagonistic reaction thread
I just do not get it. People are complaining about games being "exclusive" to the store. I don't get why this is a problem?

Anyone can download the store and buy the game there. Anyone can play the game on their pc. This isn't like ps4 vs Xbox.

Also the conspiracy theories surrounding the epic game store are stupid as well. Let's take the fact that they collect data.Nevermind that all applications do this. Also the epic store isn't spyware. That was already debunked


This user analyzed the data and explained step by step what the epic store was doing, and it's nothing nefarious.

Also people brought up the TOS and how it gives epic 100% ownership over user created content and used that to manufacture outrage.

Again, no.

This is a video from an actual tech lawyer explaining how the terms of service for the EGS is no different than any other TOS for any other service.

The only thing you can say about the EGS is you don't like the launcher and don't want to use a separate launcher to launch specific games. That's fine, but to manufacture outrage over this is just stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
There have been plenty of threads and posts about this. What's new about this one?

You disagree. Ok. I won't shop there and many others won't as well so there's a wait for exclusive stuff. It is what it is.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't affect me so I don't really care. But you do know there are many countries that aren't able to buy games from that store in their region? Some people can't even buy BL3 because it's exclusive there.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing you can say about the EGS is you don't like the launcher and don't want to use a separate launcher to launch specific games. That's fine, but to manufacture outrage over this is just stupid.

No it's not, and if you're paying attention to the actual criticism you'd know that.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I just do not get it. People are complaining about games being "exclusive" to the store. I don't get why this is a problem?
With the exception of a handful of indie games and Metro: Exodus, every other game on EGS is more expensive for me than it is on Steam.

So while I'd pay 20$ for Vampire: Bloodlines 2 on Steam, I have to pay 48$ for the same game and on a store that doesn't have refunds, gifting or anything even close to the number of features/options available on Steam. So now if a game is exclusive to the EGS, I now have to make a choice between paying a lot more than I would have to on Steam, or waiting a full year to play a game on a platform that's never had arbitrary restrictions on where it can be bought (at least, outside of first party games).

Also this should be mandatory reading tbh.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think the problem is people don't like being manipulated/strong-armed into buying games on what is currently an vastly inferior client.

If anyone were to do this, Epic would be one of my first choices as they have had a LONG history in PC gaming. However, they've managed to even piss me off with some of their tactics.

In time, things might change: everyone hated having to install steam just to play HL2.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
Please don't lock this thread, because I actually do want to read a discussion on this.

I've felt massively out of the loop with the vitriol. I don't understand why "exclusivity" matters when it's just the PC. Do different clients matter that much? So I want to read the reasoning here.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't see what the big deal is, you still get to buy the games...but from a different interface.

Not sure if that's actually a negative.


Nov 2, 2018
I actually agree. For 10+ years Steam was more or less the only place to buy a lot of digital PC games and not a peep was said. Competition is good in the long run..


Someone is plagiarizing this post
Oct 25, 2017
I totally agree. People have been fine with the vast majority of PC games requiring Steam to play for years now. All of a sudden, a new player comes along and starts getting exclusive titles on their FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND USE storefront and people go mental. If Epic charged a monthly sub then it would be very different. However, they don't. It's just a free client used to buy and download the game.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
you didnt address most of the issues people have with it

so yeah i agree

you dont get it

you didnt even bother to try to get it

this, one hundred percent. this thread was made by someone who doesn't understand the situation, made for other people who don't want to understand the situation, so they can all amplify their collective echo and block out all relevant data, calling it noise. inb4 this thread gets locked.
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Oct 27, 2017
Lightning for Smash
There is no regional pricing in my country so yes, I get mad when I have to pay more or wait a year just for it to be released on Steam. So yes, I care. But that's OK since you don't get it.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I would rather these stores compete with each other on things like pricing and perks rather than 'you can only buy it here, screw you'.

It's not competition when you straight-up remove your competition's ability to compete with you.


Oct 26, 2017
No one likes money-hatting. That's the main issue. Same way Microsoft buying Tomb Raider timed exclusivity provides nothing of value, just reduces choice and forces you to play on that platform.

Personally I have absolutely nothing against the store and already deliberately buy Ubi games on their store, Bethesda games on theirs etc, because I'm in favour of profits going more direct. But it's definitely a different story with Epic's store at the moment. Hopefully not for much longer.


Oct 28, 2017
EA already did exclusivity with Origin. Epic stepped it up by introducing 3rd party exclusivity.

Deleted member 426

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Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of problems with the Epic Store, there are times when it's more expensive because of the lack of choice, and at this early stage no gamer will have seen any of the longer term benefits competition can bring, and only the short term harm. I understand people being upset.

That said, mostly people are just upset because they have brand loyalty to steam.


Nov 8, 2017
It's logical to me for people to want storefronts to distinguish themselves by offering new services rather than limiting sales of a game to a store. People don't like being forced into a new service when they expected to play a game wherever they wanted before.


Dec 28, 2017
Honestly the biggest problem I have regarding the whole Epic vs. Steam discussion is the amount of pro-Steam posters on this site jumping to conspiratorial and sometimes racist anti-Chinese conclusions simply because Tencent own a majority stake in Epic (even though they have nothing to actually do with how Epic run their own store). Like, c'mon fellas. Epic aren't spying for the Chinese government, get that shit out of these threads.

Most of the criticisms levied at the Epic Games Store is entirely valid, though.
Nov 2, 2017
While I get some of the issues, I have a hard time being upset myself when a lot of developers are getting an opportunity for a guaranteed payday up-front and have no obligation to keep their game exclusive forever. If the exclusivity periods were permanent I might understand a bit more, but unless you're on your deathbed (or indeed just refuse to use the EGS), timed exclusivity is just a matter of patience.

Also please miss me with the "oh yes struggling indie dev 2K is finally getting paid" comments. I am of course happy for the smaller companies. If I were in their position and fiscal guarantees were available, I'd be hard pressed to turn them down.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not stupid. I'm sorry you don't get it but you can find like 500 different threads where people have explained over and over why Epic aggressive approach to the PC market is bad for all of those among us who are not CEO of a big gaming company.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
Tencent owns a significant portion of Epic, so the more money the Epic Store makes the more money goes to Tencent.

This is a problem because Tencent is actively complicit in enforcing and carrying out the dystopian censorship and oppression in the People's Republic of China.


Dec 7, 2018
EGS is fundamentally anti-consumer. Instead of providing a better product than other storefronts, they have opted to hurt consumer choices with the goal of carving out market share for themselves with the end result of less choice, higher consumer prices, and worse product.

The fact that any consumer in the gaming space would defend this is bizarre.


Oct 27, 2017
origin, uplay, bnet, winstore, whateverelse. same song and dance. after i launch the game, what difference does the launcher make? what further interactions do i need to make with the launcher while im in game? its literally "just another launcher" to me.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
Ha, oh wow. Guess I'll be reading this.

Seeing some comments here before doing so, it seems a problem is the pricing and availability for different regions.
No, he made a thread to call the outrage manufactured and stupid.
True, the title and content is inflammatory. Good opportunity to actually get a place to clearly see the reasons outside of the endless "fuck Epic" comments.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
It's disheartening to see people here, especially people who have made some great posts before, dismiss every single argument that people make and always revert to: "It's just another icon" or "Steam did the same with HL2" or "People just like to complain" or etc.

If you don't get it it's fine. But don't just straight up dismiss people's opinions on it and call it overdramatic. Especially considering how many times this FAQ here has been shared:

Please read it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
Agree. You don't play with the store. Just buy the game and enjoy.


Oct 25, 2017
Are monopolies good? Well Epic essentially has the monopoly on Metro. So rather than compete based on the service or price they provide, they make it so you have no choice if you want to play Metro. That's not competition.
May 17, 2018
The store has basically zero features outside of being able to buy and download a game. What could possibly be the benefit to using this store over Steam?

When it gets there, that'll be a different story, but, for now, the EGS store blows.
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