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Deleted member 37151

Account closed at user request
Jan 1, 2018
Curious how the tasteless adds always target minorities. It's like making fun of white, cis, privileged men is not funny and is never attempted, so let's pile more shit on regularly attacked communities.
This is bad take. I mean look at how many ads target dads (usually white) as generally useless, hopeless fuck ups barely capable of sentient thought.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Is it not allowed to create controversial portrayals of LGBT persons in movies or games? I understood the uproar of the "Did you assume their gender" tweet, but in my opinion the LGBT community is a bit too sensitive. Everything is transphobic or homophobic etc. when a LGBT person is not displayed in the most careful, harmonic and sensitive way smh
Lacking empathy, dismissing concerns, calling a marginalised majority too sensitive and then ending the post with "smh".
What a shitty post.


Oct 27, 2017
I've tried to read through the Tweets and this thread regarding the context to this, and I see a lot of people taking this ad as a joke, which tonally doesn't seem to mesh with anything else? Have we seen any other in-game ads besides the three in that image? Because tonally, hypersexualisation for an energy drink makes sense, but obviously that falls apart if this is the only advert in-game that's like this.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
maybe in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 the person depicted in the ad is known for having a big chromatic dick and that´s why there is an ad for an energy drink.

for me, it implies that you get a big dick when using the energy drink.

i mean we don´t know the context of the person in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 for now. without context at all this could be seen as problematic for sure.

Suicide King

Oct 27, 2017
Is the buldge too big/sexual?
This is the fetishization here?
Genuinely curious.
Yes. Showing a sexualized woman with a bulge and the "mix it up" joke is a way of portraying a trans person as sexy because having a human part that conventionally "belongs" to another gender is exciting. Being sexualized just because you are trans is a very common problem. There is not a Cis category in porn websites, but there are categories that use slurs or just the search for terms like girldick.
The pornography, the fetishization in other media and the whole idea that trans people are just sexy weirdos that want to seduce men (traps) is what kills transgendered people not only in the US, but even more in third world countries, like the one I live in.
Jan 3, 2019
Yeah, but why specifically transphobia? Especially in this time? It just comes across as "Haha, Trans people LOL!" it's clearly insulting in nature and not in that parodical "Pisswasser" GTA fashion. There's just no reason for it beyond promoting transphobia.

Inb4 this ad is in the game but with the "dick" edited out and CDPR pretends none of it happened.
Oh, absolutely. Though if it's a free-for-all of crass then it sorta works.

I have trouble imagining what those would be.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, I think It was inevitable to touch this subject in a Cyberpunk game.

Either they do it and start amoutrage ( especially given their transphobia history) or they get very reserved about that subject in a Cyberpunk game but then... folks will think " the game is not cyberpunk enough" if there are not trans people in this kind universe.
Maybe you could respond to the actual content of the argument instead of throwing away a trans voice because you've decided they shouldn't be listened to. Like holy fuck, do you not get how insulting this sounds?
There is no content to her argument to argue against. She implies it is a joke making fun of trans people based on a social media guy making a shitty joke on the good old games twitter a year ago instead of the more obvious logic seeing it as cyberpunk appropriate window dressing in a game about cyberpunk themes. It's a perceived sleight and no, disagreeing with a random twitter user is not being insulting either.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it not allowed to create controversial portrayals of LGBT persons in movies or games? I understood the uproar of the "Did you assume their gender" tweet, but in my opinion the LGBT community is a bit too sensitive. Everything is transphobic or homophobic etc. when a LGBT person is not displayed in the most careful, harmonic and sensitive way smh
Because history has treated every minority like shit for as long as civilization exists.
So kindly fuck off with that sorry excuse for an argument.


Oct 27, 2017
is cyberpunk about hard dicks? because if so, recommend me some stuff!

In a way yes. Everything is about money. And if a hard cock helps a company make money then there ya go. Nudity doesn't matter. Sexuality doesn't matter. Not to say people don't wear clothes but you can be the you'll see nudity on tv and in advertisements, and it's normal.

People don't have the hang ups in a Cyberpunk future that we do today. Its moved passed all that. Who cares if you have a dick or if your nipples are showing when you have a dude with 4 robot arms and another dude with a robot dog head for a head walking around? Not to mention the huge rich/poor gap.


Nov 12, 2017
maybe someone else has already mentioned this (or maybe I'm totally wrong here and I appreciate any feedback y'all have for me), but isn't the image in question offensive because it reduces trans identity to sexual identity, or perhaps even to an overtly-masculine form of trans-identity, which is safer for some cisgendered audiences (the large penis being a substitute image for virility in a very traditional, very toxic way)?

where my brain struggles is here: of course trans people are attractive and beautiful and of course it makes sense that companies will want to objectify that beauty and use it to sell product (i don't think this is right anymore than i think the objectification of women is right, which is not at all, but it makes sense in terms of describing the kind of society we live in). but, at the same time, trans people are not defined by their genitalia and the emphasis of this image seems squarely on the confusion between a "feminine presentation" and a large phallus.

people who think this is oversensitive need to ask themselves: why do you think a large penis is necessary for communicating trans identity and trans beauty? it's a very, very, very one-dimensional portrait, clearly fetishized and clearly meant to appeal to a kind of pornographic view of transgender existence in general.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is bad take. I mean look at how many ads target dads (usually white) as generally useless, hopeless fuck ups barely capable of sentient thought.

Because white dads are attacked, assaulted and killed regularly for being who they are.

Yeah, same thing obviously.

Maybe featuring ads with trans and lgbtq topics should take more careful consideration.


Apr 13, 2018
The kind of future it is going with where you can mod your body with anything like guns etc I think corporations would post such ads to capitalize by providing services to people being able to change sex or add such mods if you say.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Genuinely curious how many people that say this image isn't fetishised are trolling and how many are ignorant. Its a clearly fetishised image and I'm also interested to understand if the intent was to be more inclusive of the trans community just by including it and they are just so ignorant that they didn't realise they were being ignorant here.

If they have an active trans community in their workforce why did they not consult with them before including this in the game?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this is disgusting, but also perfectly in line with what CDPR has done in the past (such as taking forever to fire the clearly transphobic twitter guy).
I know some people will be like "BUT IT'S EMPOWERING TO HAVE A MASSIVE PENIS IN AN ADVERT", but consider this:
I guarantee you that there will be no billboards with cis dudes and giant penises. Or even small ones for that matter.
In some ways, this is a queer extension of problems that women in general face in media: That people feel the need to sexualise them constantly. This advert is a transphobic extension of this mindset, that decides that trans women are not first and foremost people, but rather penises with women attached: a fetish to cater to.
I'm all for body positivity, this is absolutely not that.


Oct 27, 2017
So, genuine question: If you want to depict this future where gender fluidity is basically commodified, you just basically shouldn't even do that?

Also, any depiction of truly overt sexualization would be for shock value. This isn't unique to trans people. So to criticize it on that basis, I don't know...

At any rate, if this is the only representation of anything related to LGBT or trans specifically, then that'd be truly shitty. I'm holding out a sliver of hope for that not being the case.
You can address the material, but you gotta do it tactfully, to not come off as glorifying the objectification/fetishization of a marginalized group and using them for shock value; something you can't blindly trust a group of cis dudes, and especially this company, to do


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, I think It was inevitable to touch this subject in a Cyberpunk game.

Either they do it and start amoutrage ( especially given their transphobia history) or they get very reserved about that subject in a Cyberpunk game but then... folks will think " the game is not cyberpunk enough" if there are not trans people in this kind universe.

they were very reserved about it a year ago


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Trolling; history of infractions for similar behavior
Gamers right now:



Oct 25, 2017
As with the other thread I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, CDPR is supposed to be depicting the world of Cyberpunk with warts and all, even if that means uncomfortable aspects of that society. On the other hand, the world of Cyberpunk takes place 60 years in the future, in a society largely divorced from our own, so why are all the stereotypical elements and tropes just transposed from our current day society?

Marnie Katze

Nov 4, 2017
I don't have a problem with depicting a trans woman with a bulge. Stuff like that needs to be more normalised/less stigmatised. Don't know if CDPR can handle doing anything like that respectfully or without weird messaging and fetishising behind it, though.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
I don't really get the problem?
Cross dressing is sexy and in the future I assume people will be a bit more gender fluid. Plus adverts sexualise stuff. That's the point.
I think this is where I'm at. I'm just confused. Is it bad that the person has an attractive face and figure, but also has a penis? I'm a straight guy, and have no problem with acknowledging a transgender as pretty/beautiful, just like I can say a man is very handsome.

I guess I just don't get the bad thing about the photo, other than it's mature content, which is ok, in a mature game.

Deleted member 37151

Account closed at user request
Jan 1, 2018
Because white dads are attacked, assaulted and killed regularly for being who they are.

Yeah, same thing obviously.

Maybe featuring ads with trans and lgbtq topics should take more careful consideration.
bur that wasn't the point being made.

The point being made is that white cis men are never the target of ads or made to look silly or joked about. They clearly are.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
I understand wanting to be provocative and "adult" with the imagery for your edgy experience which a game should be allowed to go for ... but yeah, there was probably a better way

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
In the context of the genre, and especially in Cyberpunk as a table game where fashion, hyper sexuality and expression is one of the biggest weapons of the rockstars, it kinda makes sense if the ad used here reflects that. otherwise , oooooooooooof

A non-binary person with sexual body modifications being used as a sort of fetishized marketing tool fits a cyberpunk world pretty well honestly.

Very much so !


Nov 16, 2017

Thanks for the very detailed post, I havent saw it before.
Yeah now with the context I can understand it.
And its gross.
I ll, sadly, show this to my friend later...

Because it's not just representation. It's fetishized representation. The penis is there to inform you that the girl is trans, but also to make you feel like she's sexy because of it. Like an exciting thing to be stared at.

A good parallel would be the fetishization of black men and their penis' sizes. Some are not offended, but even if you are a black guy with a big penis, this kind of treatment dehumanizes you and continues to objectify not only the ones who are not offended. Remember: not every person wants to be considered a sexual object, especially when this also comes with inherent dehumanization and violence. Trans people are the same: transgender pornography is not good representation. Showing trans women as sexy girls with dicks is not good representation.

Thanks for the insight, I wouldnt see it that way myself and with a trans herself pointing as something positive - for her - I was not able to understand the critiscism.
It makes sense to not use only one person point of view in this matter, maybe something that was ok and even "beatiful" for my friend could be offensive for others, they really should have taken another route if they wanted to represent the trans community.

Try reading the twitter thread
We're not telepathic and can't send the data directly to your brain you still have to read yourself.

Ok...I guess ?


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
And people enter this thread and post their dismissive shit without realizing there's context before with cdpr and lgbtq issues.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Is it not allowed to create controversial portrayals of LGBT persons in movies or games? I understood the uproar of the "Did you assume their gender" tweet, but in my opinion the LGBT community is a bit too sensitive. Everything is transphobic or homophobic etc. when a LGBT person is not displayed in the most careful, harmonic and sensitive way smh

I know you're banned now but thanks for your input, privileged straight guy.

Deleted member 5549

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In a way yes. Everything is about money. And if a hard cock helps a company make money then there ya go. Nudity doesn't matter. Sexuality doesn't matter. Not to say people don't wear clothes but you can be the you'll see nudity on tv and in advertisements, and it's normal.

People don't have the hang ups in a Cyberpunk future that we do today. Its moved passed all that. Who cares if you have a dick or if your nipples are showing when you have a dude with 4 robot arms and another dude with a robot dog head for a head walking around? Not to mention the huge rich/poor gap.

I don't even know where to start. nudity doesn't matter yet they advertise a drink with a girl sporting a raging boner? so, the raging boner is just a regular occurrence? I expect every character to walk around with a big bulge in the game then.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if that were true, look at the messaging of the ad. "16 flavors you've love to mix" beside a woman with a large penis. The subtext really appears to be 'isn't that mix exciting, isn't that wild?'. It really reads as fetishizing something that the ad considers out of the norm.

It may BE the norm in that culture, is the thing. Coca-Cola ads can be very sexual, but they're not advertising sex, they're using sexiness to sell a product. This may be the same thing.

We just don't know enough yet.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
I understand wanting to be provocative and "adult" with the imagery for your edgy experience which a game should be allowed to go for ... but yeah, there was probably a better way
Honestly this is probably the tamest stuff in the game. I can imagine when they said a night life exists in the game that it really does exist.


Oct 26, 2017

Deleted member 37151

Account closed at user request
Jan 1, 2018
Genuinely curious how many people that say this image isn't fetishised are trolling and how many are ignorant. Its a clearly fetishised image and I'm also interested to understand if the intent was to be more inclusive of the trans community just by including it and they are just so ignorant that they didn't realise they were being ignorant here.

If they have an active trans community in their workforce why did they not consult with them before including this in the game?
Maybe they did and they were fine with it.

Also it is totally fetishitised. I'm just fine with big dick chicks being fetishitised. Jon Waters films are fetishitised and include some less than PC material. That's what makes them good.

Like the LGBTQ community isn't hive mind.
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May 14, 2018
Is it not allowed to create controversial portrayals of LGBT persons in movies or games? I understood the uproar of the "Did you assume their gender" tweet, but in my opinion the LGBT community is a bit too sensitive. Everything is transphobic or homophobic etc. when a LGBT person is not displayed in the most careful, harmonic and sensitive way smh
We wouldn't be too sensitive if the cis heteros would stop killing us
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