
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe you gave into the hype too much to notice, but allot of people said those games were highly overrated and mediocre at best shortly after release once they got a chance to play them to completion or quit halfway through.

I was so freaking disappointed with GTA IV at release on the Xbox 360 that I never finished the game and quickly sold it. We went from the amazing San Andreas to the pure mediocrity of GTA IV, it was so disappointing how limited the games mission design was, the lack of extras to do, the horrible story, the annoying as hell companions + companion activities, etc. Only the Story DLC saved GTA IV for me and that was when I played it on PC with a trainer that let me teleport around the city.

Dragon Age Inquisition seemed like it was hyped more by the critics than the audience playing it. It has trash tier side mission design taken straight out of MMORPGs and 90% of the games content centered on this busy work. I enjoyed the game only because I focused on the main story line and companion quests while ignoring the majority of the filler side content. It seemed like shortly after launch, the forums warned of not focusing on the shitty filler side content or you'll get burned out by it.


Oct 27, 2017
You're going to be hard pressed to find a lot of people on Era admit they may have been swayed by public opinion.

I'm honestly not, and I don't reverse my stance on a game after I've finished it at least once. I don't succumb to "new game hype", letting it blind me to any outstanding issues it has while playing it. The most recent example of so many other people doing a 180 and taking the view I had at launch was Dark Souls 2. So many people on the old forum were acting like it was some flawless masterpiece during the first few weeks, and claiming the shit I kept pointing out wasn't an issue, or wasn't actually there.

Inquisition was a slog before the halfway mark, and it was a struggle to finish. It must have truly been a weak year for it to have gotten GOTY from so many places.

I also never liked Bioshock Infinite, despite liking the first two, and it's a shame that the game that was constantly shown in previews during development was not the game we ended up with.

A game I will never play, even after buying a Switch. Similarly with RDR2. I will be buying it eventually at a huge discount on PC, but not for the gameplay itself, since I already know it will bore me to tears.
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Oct 27, 2017
I still really like Infinite, I think the ghost fight is a bit out of place, but as far as the original team stepping away from it and leaving it open for further adventures in the franchise; I think it does a good job.

I like GTA 4 too, Niko being unable to escape who/what he is felt well done, I really like the tone of it on the whole. Some ropey missions, but what open world game doesn't have it's far share of those. It was more focused, and felt a bit more mature after San Andreas' superfluous bloat.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I mean, I definitely roller coastered on those games a bit. If you asked me about GTA4 when I was like 30% complete, I'd tell you it's incredible. By the end though, it's good but deeply flawed. Infinite, I never really enjoyed, but until the end I would've said this seems like it could be building to something cool, except then it didn't. Inquisition I liked, and honestly I think it just came at a moment when the zeitgeist was quickly turning against open-world bloat, especially with The Witcher hit a few months later to serve as a really harsh comparison on that front.

Also, at least with GTA4 and Infinite, mechanically, neither was amazing. GTA4 has some pretty bad mission design, and the standard weak Rockstar shooting, and a newly realistic driving model that didn't sit well with lots of people. Infinite was just a slog to play. They were both carried by having stories that sold themselves as deep and mature, so it makes sense they're seen less fondly after people have had time to dissect those stories and found them both really hollow. It's really short sighted to say that your instantaneous impression of moment-to-moment enjoyment is more valuable than your considered opinion after the fact. Why bother with criticism at all then if all that matters was what you felt in the moment a decade ago. That seems like it really ignores the actual value of these games, if deeper analysis can't find them wanting.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like typical hype culture to me, followed by actually playing the game and giving it the time to sink in and think about it


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like one of the trends is that this happens with games that are anointed to be great before they are ever released, and they are often sequels to amazing games that raised people's expectations. Everyone wanted them to be so great and its possible reviewers got caught up in all of this.

GTA IV and MGS IV were the next gen sequels to franchises coming off amazing games or string of games from the previous generation, and they looked fabulous, and controlled better than their predecessors, but ultimately lacked some of whatever the magic was before. BI was also a bit that way, the true full on creative successor to Bioshock, and its world and story were so hyped. All of these are arguably great games and some will still favor them over others in the series, but as a whole I think once the hype wore off they didn't quite live up to God tier expectations.

The other games - DA:I and Shadow of Mordor fit a trend of early generation releases that were very good, but perhaps over-rated because of lack of competition and won GOTY awards in barren years. They got overshadowed by subsequent releases and didn't hold up as well.

Deleted member 9746

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
As someone who enjoys the dragon age series I have replayed origins multiple times. I've even replayed dragon age 2 a few times because the story beats and missions aren't half bad even if it does reuse maps. Inquisition though? I tried to replay it recently and I couldn't. The big ass hub worlds with mmo busy work quests are incredibly eh. The few quests with anything remotely interesting are few and far in between in these worlds.

And while the party members aren't bad it wasn't enough to deal with these maps.

I went from loving to disliking Inquisition in a single playthrough. As the great Anna Williams would say "What an utter disappointment".

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
There are people who were thrilled by much of BioShock Infinite, who later came back to say it was an utter disappointment and after reading analysis of the themes online, feel it is botched and tone deaf.

Yeah, no.


Oct 27, 2017
I played all of this at release.

GTA IV was good, but it was a step back in many ways compared to San Andreas. It also lacked basic QoL features like checkpoints. Controls were clunky, too. But it still was something special in many ways when it released.

Bioshock Infinite is awesome. It's probably my favorite Bioshock game. I loved the setting and the story and I liked the more action-heavy gameplay.

Dragon Age 3 was never a good game. I don't know to this day why I put 80 hours into it.
Oct 28, 2017
You are seriously misremembering GTA IV's initial reception. It reviewed well, but it was called a massive disappointment and step back for the series by players very quickly. It didn't happen over time.

For the record though, my opinion of GTA IV has significantly increased as the years have gone by. I didn't appreciate GTA IV as much when it came out. It took a long time but I eventually grew to really appreciate the little and big things GTA IV did to move the series and open world games of its kind forward. GTA IV is one of those rare games that got better with age.


Oct 31, 2017
I consider Bioshock Infinite to be one of the greatest stories in gaming history and I beat that game in a single day due to being so immersed in that world.

Never understood the people who call it trash.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
GTA IV was, and still is an amazing game.
Yep. So is Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, God of War, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3 and Bioshock Infinite.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played all three of the games highlighted in the title. I never cared much for GTA IV or DA:I, especially not the former, but always considered Bioshock Infinite to be awesome. I've played through it three times by now and wouldn't mind doing it again. My opinion on all three of these games hasn't really changed from back then until now.


Concept Artist at Maxis Texas/EA
Sep 17, 2019
Austin, Texas
I really dislike Skyrim and have from my first playthrough and was disheartened to see how much everyone loved it. But that's mostly cause Morrowind was an all time favorite and I knew a game like that would never be made by Bethesda again.

haha, I'm actually kind of at the opposite end -- I'm not really a fan of Morrowind. I loved Oblivion, and I liked Skyrim. I like Skyrim a bit more mechanically than Oblivion... though all of the questing/content packaged around those mechanics felt much more bare-bones. Why I prefer Oblivion overall.

But that said -- Oblivion was the first TES game I invested time into playing. It's a completely anecdotal opinion based on no studies, but I kind of think almost everyone's first TES game is gonna be their favorite. Mine's Oblivion. My fiance's is Morrowind. There's elements of the older games we're willing to overlook that piss the shit out of people who didn't grow up with them.


Oct 31, 2017
I preordered the most expensive edition of Dragon Age Inquisition and disliked it then and still dislike, never finished. The other 2 games I liked and still think are good though. GTA IV didn't deserve as many 10 out of 10s that it got but it's world is still fantastic and it was a good game to me for sure. I also really enjoyed Bioshock infinite even if it didn't live up to pre release hype.


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
I tend to believe people when they say this because it happened to me with TLoU. I was insanely hyped for the game, was marking off the days for it's release (was massively disappointed with the delay) and me and my mates would talk about it regularly. Played it when it was released and at the time I really loved it. Fast forward 5 months later and I'm replaying the game and I end up not enjoying at as much. I say to myself it because of the difficulty level since I already beat it on normal. So I play on grounded. Still nothing. AGAIN I try to replay this time the PS4 version after I get that console and I still can't get it to click. I even tried again last month when it was free on PS+ and I still didn't like. Turns out what I liked the 1st time around was the story and the atmosphere, that's what drove me to complete the game. When I already knew all the story beats and stuff so the "freshness" had worn off all that was left was the gameplay. I for me personally that's not enjoyable in TLoU.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
Public opinion asin hype also affects once perception of a game at release mostly before.

Now for gta IV, I hadn't spent time on this forum and really know public opinion on the game except for reviews. Then I played it and after a while I asked myself why is this game rated highly. The Driving put me off immediately, Maybe it's not for me I thought.

Cause I like GTA but never been a huge fan, then I payed V and I knew GTAIV was not it. That game deserves the praise. The characters were interesting, the gameplay was great, it was a great game.

Dragon age inquisition. Is not a great game deserving the high score. it is good quality average AAA game


Oct 25, 2017
also this thread is basically demanding either that nobody share their opinion until it's totally finalized or that all media should be extremely simple such that there's nothing to ruminate over or digest

What is the point of an in-depth critique if it's not to challenge people's thoughts on something? I think what you are seeing OP is how bad reviews are at actually critiquing a game and are way more often used as buyers guides. Which makes sense when so many reviewers have to play through a game within a couple of weeks (if that) and then write a review in time for the embargo date.

Also, how is changing ones opinion on something when presented with a critique that made you think more deeply about the themes in Bioshock Infinite a bad thing? It's a good thing to have your opinion on things challenged and sometimes those initial thoughts can change because of that.

I will say I thought Infinite was much weaker in terms of level design and the combat was less interesting with the way encounters worked compared to Bioshock 1 and 2. With the exception of the last encounter in Infinite, there isn't anything that is as fun and thrilling as taking down Big Daddies and the 2 weapon limit felt at odds with the sandbox design of the past games. I felt this during and after finishing the game.


Nov 14, 2017
I can honestly say I disliked Bioshock Infinite right at release.

Was a huge fan of Bioshock, skipped Bioshock 2 for whatever reason. Bought infinite on Day 1 for PC, and played it through in a couple of days.

sometime shortly after the intro I found myself getting bored of the gameplay, but I kept going to see the story through, mainly because so many reviews were gushing about how great the story was.

other than a couple of neat set pieces, I found the game as a whole very mediocre, and thought the story was utter nonsense. Probably the time where I felt that my opinion of a game was most far removed from the critical consensus.

GTAIV was cool at first, but I kinda burned out on it and never finished it.

inquisition I liked more than most did. I got hooked on it for whatever reason, was probably my favorite game of that year. Didn't ever think about it too much or try to go back to it though

Dealer A

Jan 13, 2018
I enjoyed all three of those games on launch and still remember them fondly. I beat all three and had a great time with all of them. I understand people not enjoying them, but compared to the huge amount of games each year, I think they are objectively in the top tier of experiences.


Nov 27, 2017
Kitwe, Zambia.
Currently the discourse we're on the Persona 5 was never good and is the worst game ever phase so there's that.

I'd like to say Horizon Zero Dawn has gone through that bit in this community quite a bit as well.


Oct 26, 2017
I was gonna replay GTA4 on PC but heard bad things about the port?

It just felt lacklustre after the OTT SA and Vice City. GTA to me was about buying shit loads of everything. It just felt so trimmed back.

The others I've never played but MGS4, sure I fell for the hype at the time but I'm a huge MGS fan and I thought it delivered at the time. I've gone back in the past and struggled to re-adjust MGS control scheme, its clunky as fuck (not MGSV)

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
I said Bioshock Infinite was meh on release. It's playable, vapid, and not very well designed.

I said Heavy Rain was z-tier story/writing garbage at the demo stage and then launch. Fondly recall a current mod here leading a well-received meme/insult against me for disliking HR.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
This guy right here:


93 on Metacritic (with an 8.1 user score), won a bunch of GOTY awards, now it seems like you get clowned on in online discussions if your opinion of the game doesn't amount to 100% mercilessly shitting on it.

Then again I've always been weird in that my initial impression of something doesn't usually change that much, whereas it seems like nearly everyone I know will 180 on something as soon as it becomes popular. Games, movies, music, whatever. I don't get it



Oct 27, 2017
Maybe you gave into the hype too much to notice, but allot of people said those games were highly overrated and mediocre at best shortly after release once they got a chance to play them to completion or quit halfway through.
This - Bioshock Infinite at launch was one of the most forgettable games of previous gen, and that's just about the most generous thing I can say about it.


Apr 9, 2019
The only time I've had buyer's remorse is FO76 so I dunno.

I definitely had some more negative opinions of DA:Inquisition after playing Witcher 3 but there's still so much to love about DA:I and it was the last time Bioware felt remotely like Bioware.
Oct 28, 2017
Then again I've always been weird in that my initial impression of something doesn't usually change that much, whereas it seems like nearly everyone I know will 180 on something as soon as it becomes popular. Games, movies, music, whatever. I don't get it

I think that's one side of a coin that also includes "desperately trying to like something because you feel like you should". For me, Skyward Sword was actually one of those. I started out telling myself that I was having fun. It was the new Zelda! But only by the end was able to admit to myself that I really wasn't having a good time. Compared to say, BotW that took me an hour or two to warm up to, but once I was in I was IN, and sad to see it end.

Tastes for people are always gonna vary, but I think people frequently give things they're hyped for the +2 mental point bonus, and have it wear off over time, thus the "shifting public opinion". There's a reason why all the titles in the title are sequels and not original properties.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I agree. Rockstar tried to tell a serious story. For GTA V they just drop the ball for shit and giggles.

It's not that it was serious or not, it's that it was lousy. GTA:SA's main narrative was way more serious, and cohesive, than GTAIV's. GTAIV had a convoluted story, with no character development with any of the characters, other than maybe a tacked on lame romance between the main protagonist and his avatar of a useless girlfriend. The antagonists were lame, not present, posed no threat, and I can't imagine any player who was motivated to go through Niko's story for any other reason than "I have to do it to finish the game."

In comparison, I thought that the DLC's had more interesting stories, and I liked how they wove into 'The diamond heist' sub-plot. But, taken alone, the original GTAIV story just ... didnt' seem like a story at all. It just seemed like you, Niko, doing things for lame reasons that went unexplored.

I didn't think that GTAV's story was good either, I thought they missed a massive opportunity, but at least it seemed more interesting than GTAIV. It wasn't good by any stretch, and I don't think any of the characters were likeable, and the bad guys were horrible, but I was at least somewhat interested in the relationship between Michael and Trevor... at least for about 20-30% of the game, until I realized they weren't going anywhere with it. But by that point I was like, "Eh, I may as well finish it out."

GTAIV, though, was coming from GTA:SA, which sure, it had a derivative story, but I'd rather play through a derivative story that is interesting than an "original" story that just ... wasn't. GTASA, of course, had silly side stories but the main narrative was a compelling narrative. The protagonist fled the LA gang wars of the early 1990s to NYC, but was drawn back in by the murder of his mother, which is tied into a gang turf battle that goes up to the top of the LA Police Dept. Upon returning to LA, he's framed for a crime he didn't commit in service of an illicit partnership between a top LA gang and the LAPD. The story plays out as you clearing your name, discovering what happened to your mother, taking revenge, and simultaneously defeating your rival gangs and exposing corruption in the LAPD. Of course there's tons of ridiculous side diversions and side stories, starting your own business, the government conspiracy stuff, opening casinos, etc., but those are all in service of the "gamey" aspects of GTA:SA... But the main narrative about CJ, his family, the gang wars in 1990s LA, and the LAPD is, IMO, a tight, cohesive, compelling story
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Oct 25, 2017
I like all of these games. I'm not particularly interested In what the public likes or dislikes—especially era or gaf.


Jul 11, 2018
Coming from DA2 Inquisition was very good and a good mixture of what Origins was and all the flashy combat from DA2 but actually good.

Infinite on the other hand never felt good to me. I was expecting a light Immersive Sim but instead it was a linear shooter with arenas that felt more like Painkiller than Bioshock, the story didn't made sense and it was unnecessarily violent. The second story DLC was great but sadly its plot felt more like glorified fanfiction.
Oct 27, 2017
Funny enough, GTA IV was the opposite for me. Hated it at launch but after a few years I completely fell in love with it.


Oct 30, 2017
There are rare instances where my opinions on a game change with more time to digest. Some games age badly after all. but too often you see people lauding over a game they only just finished playing when hype is still rushing through their veins. But generally my opinions stay solid. I still like bioshock infinite although likely will never replay it. Last of us is still may GOAT and I hated inquisition and GTAIV at launch and still do.


Oct 27, 2017
As soon as i finished RDR2 I was mad at the amount of time the game made me lose just to get to the finish line.
Many side quests disguised as main quests just to pad it up.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
It goes the other way too. I didn't care for Xenoblade Chronicles when I tried it the first time and gave up maybe 5-10 hours in. Gave it another shot 6-12 months later and loved it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think that reading different perspectives and re-evaluating your own opinion based on them or just reflecting on your opinion as time passes is the crime that OP makes it out to be. I don't think there's really anything noble about not changing your opinion on a video game.