Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
I left a job a year ago or so because I found out I hated working from home (I was working remotely for a foreign company), since I would think about work everytime I looked at my computer.

Now I'm at a new job and of course working from home again. I'm thankful for having a job, but working from home really isn't for me, it gives me a lot of anxiety and I hate it.

Other than work it's been mostly fine I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been like one of two people in my lab who's been working regularly because I had a thesis to write, but now that that's done, I'm kinda trying to decide what to do next. It's not exactly boredom, it's more decision paralysis because I have so many things that I've been putting off between tv shows, books, games, writing projects, crafting projects, etc that I don't know which one to start on first.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm healthy, I'm employed, I've been exercising, playing lots of games, studying. I'm honestly as well as one can be given the circumstances even if I really miss humans who are not my roomie (or my coworkers since recently we're going to the office once a week, even though we had been working remotely without issues....). I worry for my parents, but they're safe at home and their city hasn't been hit too hard, so I'm optimistic.
Oct 28, 2017
Beerse, Belgium
Still have to go to work, which freaks me out. Outside of that, all things considered, i can't complain. I'm trying to accept that this will probably still last for at least the end of the year.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
I'm happier than I've ever been.

I appreciate and respect that it's not the same for everyone.

I suppose my default mental state is quite optimistic and glass half full by nature, so not having to work is like my glass is now full to the brim.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not doing so hot. I've had this tingling sensation that runs down to my lower back/butt area when I flex my neck downward since December. Sometimes the tingling also hits my left hand. Sometimes I dont feel it at all, other times I do. Testing for MS and a third MRI next month. Right now I'm sitting in the hospital cause I felt like I stopped breathing for a moment in the middle of the night. I've been having chest pains/tension/spasms in centre of my chest since end if March. I'm on two inhalers and antibiotics (prescribed this past friday) but its a shot in the dark by my fam doc to use them. Right now I'm waiting for my xray and bloodwork. I also had an ultrasound done for my heart a couple weeks back and the cardio doc didnt see anything off.



Nov 4, 2017
I feel blessed to be home with my family and be able to support them without using our savings thanks to unemployment finally coming thru.

At the same time I feel extremely guilty and worried about my parents since they are both in nursing homes and I have to visit them thru a window. Can't even give them a hug, its really depressing.

Also depressing they can't see the kids, but thankfully no one I know has caught the virus and everyone is relatively healthy.

A mixed bag I guess. The world seems like its trying to go back to normal despite the irrationality of it and I can't understand why our governments can't just give us a break until we know more about this thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, school is done for the year though, which is for the best. They are still paying me a pittance because it was budgeted as I work for the district so I couldn't get unemployment which sucked, but on the bright side I did find a temp gig and I have an interview for full time next week, if I get it the money is real good and I'd be in a really good spot financially for the first time in my life so fingers crossed. My kids are bored and miss their friends, I miss the students, I felt like as one of the few male staff members I was really able to be a positive influence for at least some of the kids. My grandmother died from the virus the other day but we weren't close really, just sucks to live through WW2 and get taken out because you're stuck in a nursing home where the breakouts are real bad. Wife is an RN and has been floated to the Covid floor a few times. I dunno, life is weird right now.

Is your son real young? It's tough on the kids to not have that socialization with their peers.
That would be great. Especially in these times. A secure job with a decent income is a luxury a lot can't come close to nowadays.
My son is 12 and one of those kids who does really well on his own. And he seems unable to get bored (lego, games, iPad, drawing, reading about space, video calls with friends). But he also likes hanging out with his peers. He's doing really well.
School has started again since this week. Half the class, two or three days a week.
I think most kids really like being able to back to school again.

Good luck with that job!