What's your opinion on TW3's combat?

  • It's amazing

    Votes: 57 1.8%
  • It's good

    Votes: 831 26.8%
  • It's servicable

    Votes: 1,367 44.2%
  • It's poor

    Votes: 558 18.0%
  • It's terrible

    Votes: 277 8.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 0.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
it's generally between good and serviceable, but baffling design decisions like making sea creatures easier to kill if you follow them in the water than outside of it goes directly in the "what were they thinking" file.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it.
I cant say its amazing, but it's good for me. If used without too much exploits can be really fun.

I mostly only hated human archers... they looked too damn powerful...


Jul 10, 2018
Think of it another way: "My food was... serviceable"

You think anyone would recommend a restaurant with "serviceable" food? I wouldn't.
This analogy doesn't work.
You would go to a restaurant in a "serviceable" location, with "serviceable" cleanliness where you sit and eat, "serviceable" choice of food, "serviceable" level of dining experience, if the food tastes great? I wouldn't. Not always anyway.

if you just see the combat as serviceable (which 70% either do or see it as worse than that) you're probably not recommending it for that (and I've RARELY seen it recommended for the combat, if ever). The polls reflect that.
The combat can be good or bad in itself, but when its called serviceable its within the context of the other elements that make up the whole game. The poll reflects that 29.2% would recommend the game for the combat. 27.7% would not. At worst this is divisive but more people like it than the ones who do not. Which is a positive outcome.


Nov 5, 2017
On my 4th death march play through on PC with mods atm, and I think the combat is good and fun still.
I have tried it on consoles also, and I feel that 30 FPS is a worse experience along with the long load times.
And I understand more the complaints from consoles players about the controlls

But the combat is also what you make it into imo, on my first play trough I didn't put experience into Quen and it made the game more challenging, where I had to use all my tools to win certain fights.

Made the game more fun for me and made roleplaying as Witcher, where Geralt is agile and fast seem more authentic


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
The combat in all the Witcher games were fine. Not great, not horrible, I never had any problems with the combat but yeah, it could've been better but could've also been worse.


Oct 29, 2017
Seeing this poll, I don't understand how people have almost god-level HYPE for Cyberpunk first person shooter since it's their first shooter, compared to W3 which was their third games and it did just okay on the gameplay side.
Because most people find it serviceable. And a serviceable combat in a heavily combat focused game didn't prevent the majority from enjoying it and TW3 from getting high review scores and many awards. Guess most people will most likely enjoy CP, too, when it checks all the other marks people going to expect from a CDPR game. There's also a number of shooter-orientated games that had only serviceable combat and still received critical acclaim.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's good, it's fun, and the hyperbole surrounding the combat in this forum is quite annoying to be honest. Not every game needs to be a Souls or DMC, stop it.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally, we can settle that most agree it's serviceable to good. I'm sure this will end all the complaints.


Oct 27, 2017
It's servicable. It's not super-jank like the Piranha Bytes games, but it's still kinda janky and it doesn't hold up to high standards the game sets in other areas.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
It's the best combat in any Witcher game.

Compared to other games it's OK.


Self requested temp ban
Feb 27, 2018
Playing some of this recently after a long break and was having pretty fun combat encounters

Group of humans, one shield, 1-2 crossbow, bunch of fodder

Trying to get clear line of sight to shield so I could toss a bomb to break it, using fire to keep a few enemies busy for a while, trying to keep tabs on which angle crossbows are at so I can get some cover between us or dodge occasionally when I think they are due to shoot, using ice bombs to freeze a group and, allowing me to shatter one or two.... Had to keep a lot in mind.

Roach even managed a hit in when a soldier got too close to it's back legs

With stuff like that and the satisfying death animations, not sure why it gets as much criticism as it does. Only thing is that it does get a bit samey after dozens of encounters over hours and hours, but then again, can't think of many games of that size which have -amazing- combat aside from maybe the souls games
Oct 31, 2017
"Serviceable" is my pick.
It's far from excellent, but also the best in the series (I know...) and nowhere near bad to the point it single-handedly made me dislike the game or anything like that.
Once you get into the rhythm it can even have a nice "flow", where chaining well timed dodges and executions while in the middle of, say, a crowd of nekkers/drowers can be a lot of fun.
Conversely, if played on low difficulty just spamming Quen and clumsily brute-forcing your button mashing through waves of enemies it feels like a complete chore.

Frankly I don't even think it's the worst aspect of the game, which is an "award" I'd give to the itemization for anything that isn't part of a Witcher set.
This is a typical case of a game where "less could have been more" and greatly reducing the amount of lootable stuff around would have improved the pace (and consistency) for everyone.

Also, about the progression system, I always thought LEVELS were a completely unnecessary addition.

On Death March it's terrible.
Death March is the only reasonable way to play to keep things barely engaging, , given that even on that level its difficulty tends to get trivialized over time by the progression curve.
People who advise in favor of "Eeasy mode" are doing everyone a disservice.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
"Serviceable" is my pick.
It's far from excellent, but also the best in the series (I know...) and nowhere near bad to the point it single-handedly made me dislike the game or anything like that.
Frankly I don't even think it's the worst aspect of the game, which is an "award" I'd give to the itemization for anything that isn't part of a Witcher set.
This is a typical case of a game where "less could have been more" and greatly reducing the amount of lootable stuff around would have improved the pace (and consistency) for everyone.

Death March is the only reasonable way to play to keep things barely engaging, , given that even on that level its difficulty tends to get trivialized over time by the progression curve.
People who advise in favor of "Eeasy mode" are doing everyone a disservice.

It almost made me break a controller because how the enemies animations and hitboxes sucked with me.


Oct 27, 2017
for me it's serviceable at best, sometimes frustrating. i cannot work out if there's rhyme or reason to the attack pattern, i don't really feel like i have much control over the way you move with your sword, and compared other games where you know exactly what it's going to look like when you swipe in a direction whilst moving in such a way, this is less enjoyable.

i'm only like 10 hours into witcher 3 for my first time, so i'm going to continue to play, and maybe see if improving armor, weapons and skills allow me to flesh out a build that's enjoyable to play.

Deleted member 37739

User requested account closure
Jan 8, 2018
I've completed runs on 'Sword and Story' and 'Death March' and would go with 'serviceable'. Alongside certain Japanese RPGs it can feel quite miserable, but put alongside certain western RPGs it actually shines, so I guess it's a question of expectations.

I know that when I go back to it there's often a period of frustration while I reacquaint myself with everything, but ultimately I think it would have benefited from taking a more hunter/stalker approach to combat with slow approaches, baits, bombs and traps doing most of the heavy lifting and signs/swordplay being used to mop up stragglers.

Attempting to tackle a pack of wolves with a sword will never not feel stupid to me.
Oct 31, 2017
On a side note, if anyone here is willing to experience another case of "surprisingly good RPG in most of its aspects, almost ruined by a downright terrible combat system" I can't recommend ELEX enough.


Oct 25, 2017
I go back between "serviceable" and "poor" frankly but chose the former. I had fun with the combat for a bit and was trying out things but eventually I reached a point where the game just stagnated and I had at least half the game left to finish.

Eventually I put it on easy and blasted through as I did not want to deal with the games combat cause it had nothing to offer me anymore.


Oct 31, 2017
I'd say poor. It's not unplayable by any means but it's not good or even decent either, it makes Geralt look clumsy. But overall all the gameplay from this game is rather poor, wether it is combat, traversal, inventory management or even the most basic control aspects are not on par with most good games, which is the main reason I'm surprised it's considered a great one by lots of people.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
I really enjoyed it, and thought it was good. It's no Dragon's Dogma, but by RPG standards it was good.

This is an insanely OP end game build, but I had a blast with it and just ran around the world looking for people to fight:



Jan 22, 2019
I enjoyed it, I played the game for more than +100 and it did it's job well enough to make all these hours fun


Oct 25, 2017
It goes from serviceable to good as you progress through the game and unlock more skills and get access to better armor. I still think it is one of the better WRPGs when it comes to combat.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I voted serviceable. Some of the boss fights were alright because of the shield bubble spell turned into a nice block-counter kind of fight, but mob fights were always spamming fire and then spam left clicking burning enemies.


Oct 26, 2017
I voted serviceable as well. The most gripe I have with the combat is Geralt's responsives and movement in general, it's too floaty. In combat you never really know what animation Geralt does when you press an attack button, is it a simple slash which is quick or does spin and then slash? There are many different variations and each has a different animation length, so you really don't know which ones you get.
They should have made fixed attack pattern mix up the different attack moves by alternating between fast attack, strong attack, signs and bombs.


Apr 18, 2018
I enjoyed the combat. I played on the 2nd highest difficulty and it did take some getting used to - but I enjoyed the mechanics with oils and signs. Often I would be having difficulty with a monster only to take a step back and read the bestiary and realise there was a better strategy.

Very odd obsession of online discussion to always come back to Witcher 3's 'terrible' combat. I just can't see how that can be a reasonable label, even after seeing the arguments about how it could be improved.


Oct 25, 2017
I played the game at launch made it past the first region started the baron quest chain then just had to stop. I didn't like multiple aspects of combat, xp system, and durability.

Came back Afew years later after they patched some aspects of the combat and I used mods to ease some of the rest. Overall a much better experience.

I ranked it poor just due to my original experience.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I like it. Its just Quen is horribly overpowered and makes the game a cakewalk after a while.


Oct 28, 2017
I loved it. A lot of that was probably because the overall game was so amazing, so any faults the combat had weren't a big deal to me.

If you treat every encounter sort of like a dance, the combat makes more sense. Dodging in and out with sprinkled strikes made it really fun, and I did enjoy using oils and potions for specific enemies. Some of the bombs were really cool, Northern Wind which freezes enemies so they can be shattered comes to mind.


Oct 27, 2017
Voted poor because, while I didn't mind it for a dozen hours, it wore me down as I approached the last third of the game and I stopped because of it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
It's serviceable - I actually think one of its problems is the loot-based aspect of the game, since you can always swap to a better sword.

If you only had the one/two swords a la Sekiro and had to use your oils, potions, bombs & crossbow more effectively it would probably be more engaging, but then I never played on the hardest difficulty.


Nov 7, 2017
So i played this right after completing Bloodborne about 3 years ago and i couldn't stand how bad the combat was and put the game down after about 15 hours.

I've recently started the game again to give it another shot but with the perspective that it is not meant to be played like a souls game, and i am actually enjoying it.

Don't get me wrong the combat is still not great but i am enjoying the other aspects of the game. So for me I've voted the combat as serviceable


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not going to judge the gameplay by voting, but I will say that I tried the game a while ago and I stopped playing mainly due to how weird and janky the combat felt.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I had fun with it. I played on Death March which meant I couldn't just buttonmash my way through and had to engage with the systems a little more. I made a build mostly focused on magic (signs) and that was pretty fun to me. Hearing the people who were so smug just a second ago scream in agony from being burned alive was rather satisfying. Maybe don't try to mess with a witcher lol
I also really loved the upgrades you got in Blood & Wine between the grandmaster armors and mutations. That was such a crazy spike in power especially with stuff like Freezing Cold Aard. Wish that happened a little sooner but I loved it nonetheless.
Mar 29, 2018
I don't think it's anyhwere near as bad as people tend to state here, but I'm not sure if I just like it a lot more than most people on Era or if we actually like it about the same amount, but people are too stuck on "either the best or the worst" when it comes to discussing it.

I imagine a lot of people who say it's terrible wouldn't find a 2/5 "too high".
I firmly believe people around here hate it so much because TW3 released slap-bang in the middle of Bloodborne's honeymoon phase, when everybody was still fawning over its 10/10 combat.

An action RPG coming along immediately after with noticeably worse combat (even if it's still more than good enough) really fucked it around these parts. People couldn't help themselves comparing them, even if it's a ridiculous comparison.


Oct 30, 2017
If I remember correctly they have updated it a few times over the years. When the game was released it was like you were pretend fighting. There was no feel of contact. They have fixed that somewhat over the years but it still feels a bit floaty.


Jan 7, 2018
In all honesty, even though I know that Witcher 3's combat has some problems and doesn't have the quality of a From Software game when it comes to combat, I still rather fight in TW3 than in any FS game - it's just such fun to use all the combat abilities and things that you have available, like combining swordplay with signs with bombs and with potions, runes with different effects and elixirs.. even more fun to use all the new gameplay additions introduced in HoS and B&W from the start in New Game+