
Oct 25, 2017
I liked Gabriel and Aaron's interactions and character growth. I like their relationship.

Mase turned bad I guess not sure how his family died tho maybe he was just mentally unstable


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Sorry I just saw "season 10" and found it a bit funny considering how much the quality of the show had decreased when I stopped watching many years ago. Didn't mean to offend, carry on!

The Negan years are bad bad bad but the season after that finally ended (S9) rebounds hugely and is one of the best seasons of the show, despite Rick leaving near the start. I'd definitely recommend giving it a shot eventually.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
Incredible episode. Started off a bit slow but really delivered midway on.

At first I was actually a bit pissed that Gabriel killed Mays after all that redemption talk he just spouted. For a second I thought we were getting a new character for the final season (I don't read the comics so I had no idea if Mays was featured or not), but then they went up to his bunker and yeahhh...

Was Mays lying about his brother attacking him and he was actually the one who attacked his brother for food and then locked him up? Either way, the most fucked up part was his twin brother mumbling "he made me play" which was a bit hard to hear but basically confirmed Mays made his brother play Russian roulette with his family where he killed them instead of himself, leaving their corpses by his feet as a constant reminder of what he's done. Not sure why Gabriel was trying to save him, the man clearly went insane awhile ago and him snatching his gun to finally kill himself was poetic justice, something he should have done the first time when playing with his family as Gab and Aaron did.

The final shots of them and their family before the outbreak can hit home hard, how seemingly normal and happy individuals can turn into what we saw.
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Oct 25, 2017
Wondering if each episode will be character development like the last 2 were. I'd be down for a Negan episode like that

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
good ep last week. It seems like they've gone back to the thing where each ep is just a couple characters separate from the large group with a story, and not much entire plot development. Meaning a whole season can just be a couple days in real time.


Oct 25, 2017
good ep last week. It seems like they've gone back to the thing where each ep is just a couple characters separate from the large group with a story, and not much entire plot development. Meaning a whole season can just be a couple days in real time.
I'm enjoying this so much. It's refreshing.


Oct 27, 2017
good ep last week. It seems like they've gone back to the thing where each ep is just a couple characters separate from the large group with a story
I'm pretty sure that's what this entire mini-season was designed to be. It's essentially covid related "filler" filming (in a good way) where they had the time and opportunity to focus on individual characters and some of their backstory, without interrupting the flow of the "real" next/final season.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
oh wow, I guess I was an outlier - I found the Gabriel/Aaron episode very predictable. Lots of overt signposting. I like both of them and I always wanted the show to use them more, but I wasn't feeling this one as much because it felt like it was meant to be "shocking" and then just wasn't. I did like the pictures of Mays and his family, though, that was a nice touch. Not just because it showed normality, but because he put them there for his brother to see.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
We all laughed at the end. Aaron's face was more funny than anything else in my mind. I was expecting a third guy's legs to appear in the field at the end.


Oct 25, 2017
10.20 Not really a fan of them using the hallucination trope with another character in the same season but Paola Lázaro did great, and I loved how most of the episode was just in the train car. Also, a good introduction to the Commonwealth without revealing too much before s11


Nov 6, 2017
Hello. I watched Season 9 on netflix about a thousand years ago. Just wondering what the hold up is. Based on the title of this thread, it sounds like season 10 is like 3 years late?
NO spoilers please.


Oct 25, 2017
Was it a mini season? Shouldn't season 10 have aired on tv 2 years ago at least?

22 episodes total

8 episodes aired fall 2019, 7 episodes aired spring 2020
COVID delayed the original finale from April to October (episode 16)
then they decided to extend the season an extra 6 episodes that filmed once lockdown restirctions were ending and those are airing now


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
It was a decent showcase for Princess, but definitely gave off "filler" vibes.


Oct 27, 2017
At least we got some sort of continuation of the Commonwealth stuff and doing a little more prep work for the final season.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a decent showcase for Princess, but definitely gave off "filler" vibes.

All these mini season eps have felt like filler to me except for 'home sweet home' to a lesser degree. I disliked the whisperers seasons so I am glad that story arc is over and done with.

I guess the show hasn't really been the same for me since Rick's departure. I've come this far, so I'll be sticking around until the end.....but I think I am done with the whole universe after S11.
Aug 7, 2019
Well that was "Fly" if "Fly" had no thematic purpose in mind, and is definitely in the running for worst TWD episode

Give NBC the ratings on Sunday, even if you're curious to see Dog make Carol miserable


Oct 26, 2017
New York
Yeesh. That was easily the worst TWD episode in the entire series. Can't really blame it on being apart of the pandemic mini-series because the other episodes so far have ranged from good to great with the episode "One More" being one of the better episodes the show has ever done.

At least we end with an episode dedicated to Negan's backstory. Should be great.


Oct 25, 2017
Watching Darryl wrestle with a walker, I'm left wondering how the fuck any of them have any muscle tone left in order to effectively counter him. I guess it's a general suspension of disbelief, if we are going to scientifically look at this, if the virus isn't muscle-sparing somehow, then I would think that over time the zombies should be withering away.


Oct 25, 2017
Watching Darryl wrestle with a walker, I'm left wondering how the fuck any of them have any muscle tone left in order to effectively counter him. I guess it's a general suspension of disbelief, if we are going to scientifically look at this, if the virus isn't muscle-sparing somehow, then I would think that over time the zombies should be withering away.

This is correct, especially in hotter areas they should turn to slush. I guess we just have to believe there are tons of people still turning everywhere.