
Oct 27, 2017
What is their argument for why it should be removed?

They are claiming that it is deceptive and misleading, not using the facts and taking things out of context to lie about what Trump has said.

Their entire argument hinges on the initial use of the word "hoax" in that one statement. They claim Trump was referring to the Democrats coming up with a hoax attack to get at him, not that he said COVID-19 was a hoax. It's all in that cease and desist link included in the Tweet.


Oct 25, 2017
All those clips are clearly the best deepfakes we've seen yet

They used the fake audio technology from 24 Season 2


Oct 27, 2017
They are claiming that it is deceptive and misleading, not using the facts and taking things out of context to lie about what Trump has said.

Their entire argument hinges on the initial use of the word "hoax" in that one statement. They claim Trump was referring to the Democrats coming up with a hoax attack to get at him, not that he said COVID-19 was a hoax. It's all in that cease and desist link included in the Tweet.

I can't wrap my head around the difference. I can't follow the link so maybe it's answered there (my internet is being shitty at the moment so might just be me). What was the hoax Dems were supposedly coming up with exactly?


Oct 27, 2017
I can't wrap my head around the difference. I can't follow the link so maybe it's answered there (my internet is being shitty at the moment so might just be me). What was the hoax Dems were supposedly coming up with exactly?

I'm cutting and pasting direct from the C&D order:

First and foremost, President Trump's own remarks demonstrate that he was referring to the Democrat's politicization of the coronavirus outbreak when he used the word "hoax":

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They're politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, "How's President Trump doing?", "Oh, nothing, nothing." They have no clue, they don't have any clue. They can't even count their votes in Iowa, they can't even count. No, they can't. They can't count their votes. One of my people came up to me and said, "Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia." That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they've been doing it since he got in. It's all turning, they lost. It's all turning, think of it, think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know we did something that's been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country and because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that.

(President Donald J. Trump, Remarks at a Campaign Rally, Charleston, SC, 2/28/20).1 When the relevant language is taken in context, it is abundantly clear that President Trump was not calling the outbreak a hoax but rather was referring to the Democrat's falsification of his record in an attempt to discredit his Presidency.
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Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Trump doesn't just understand it, he understands it better than anyone. People are always saying how well he understands it. He's just a natural at understanding it.
One could say he's the best at understanding things right. The best of the best nobody better.
Oct 29, 2017
It was taken out of context defense lmao. He goes into playing up deaths from the flu right after he said this. That is the context.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the second or third ad I've seen with similar content. There's one that mentions Presidents stepping up to handle a crisis then switches to Trump and shows him calling it a hoax, saying he takes no responsibility and ending with a statement that he failed.

Good... good...
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Oct 27, 2017
I literally don't understand. He was saying the way Dems were politicising it was a hoax? The fuck does even mean!?!?

This is the part I should have included earlier, though I don't know whether this actually clears things up:

(President Donald J. Trump, Remarks at a Campaign Rally, Charleston, SC, 2/28/20).1 When the relevant language is taken in context, it is abundantly clear that President Trump was not calling the outbreak a hoax but rather was referring to the Democrat's falsification of his record in an attempt to discredit his Presidency.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
I hope networks air it more now. And that other one posted in the thread. That one is even better.


Oct 25, 2017
I like this one better

Disagree, the one from Priorities USA has the same message (numbers kept increasing, he pretended it was nothing, then refuses to take responsibility) in 30 seconds, whereas the other takes near a minute and a half, with barely more of a message. It's more detailed, and shows snippets of like 20 different speeches, but an effective ad doesn't need to be expansive, it just needs to get to the point quickly, and effectively.
Oct 27, 2017
Why is anyone bothering to argue this point? Trump has no idea what he's saying, he just repeats a couple lines his handlers tell him 5 minutes before he has to speak publicly.

When that doesn't stick, he just rambles about whatever grievance he thinks he can leverage to move the conversation elsewhere.

Of course he said it was a hoax, of course he downplayed the severity and ignored the warnings from his own people. Arguing about syntax and context is just a circle-jerk that wastes pixels and oxygen.

Who the fuck are we trying to convince? Play the damn ad, and then make 10 more just like it for Facebook. He'll say something equally as gross next week, and the week after that and those will get air time too. There is no need to even debate with idiots about authenticity, because any moron stupid enough to try and sell that shit as fact wasn't in a million years going to admit they were wrong in their assessment of his job.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Fucker isn't even hiding that it's a SLAPP suit.

Trump campaign threatens legal action over liberal super PAC ad

President Trump’s reelection campaign is threatening legal action against television stations in key battleground states if they continue airing an ad cut by the liberal super PAC Priorities USA al…

Alex Cannon, the legal counsel for Trump's reelection campaign, sent a letter to television stations in key battleground states where the ad is running demanding they "cease and desist" from airing the ad if they want to "avoid costly and time consuming litigation."

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Damn, that's a brutal ad. It's nice and easy to understand for all the baby boomers. Hopefully it keeps playing.


Dec 4, 2018
I don't think i've ever asked this before but like, why is he actually orange?
His natural skin color is "old man's white" which looks frail and weak. So he decided to cover it up in fake tan to appear "vigorous" and "youthful". But the man doesn't know restraint so he goes overboard with it, making him look comical.


Oct 27, 2017
I've gotten so sick of people saying "tHe aDs wRiTe tHeMsELvEs!" after Trump's biggest gaffes only to have nobody actually write the ads. Good to see Dem groups starting to put some muscle behind the messaging. Now if only we could saturate the airwaves like Bloomberg did...

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
His natural skin color is "old man's white" which looks frail and weak. So he decided to cover it up in fake tan to appear "vigorous" and "youthful". But the man doesn't know restraint so he goes overboard with it, making him look comical.

This is so absurd I legit thought it was something else


Nov 9, 2017
As someone who doesn't watch TV, thanks for trying to shut this down so I could be made aware of it, I guess?


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, that's a brutal ad. It's nice and easy to understand for all the baby boomers. Hopefully it keeps playing.

They're just going to claim it's CG trickery from the Democrats, and claim they watched those same clips and he didn't say that when they fall back on their far more honest, accurate and objective memory of events.


Nov 1, 2017
Haha, where's Bloomberg and his infinite $ at? He needs to fund airing this on every commercial break for every local station from now until the election.


Oct 25, 2017
Ads like this will be Trump's "Daisy" if he keeps fucking up.

For those unfamiliar:



Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland

Damn at those comments.
