
Oct 27, 2017
What a party of vile shits. Is this just to placate their hateful base to keep them distracted during this pandemic?

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
Ignoring the humanitarian side of this for a moment, it's also just bad economic policy. It's pretty well known that "food stamps" are one of the government expenditures that is most effective in stimulating the economy. SNAP actually helps expand the economy by more than it costs.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
And some Bernie supporters think Biden is worse than this? What the hell is wrong with you all? Don't hold on to that vote. Get this administration out or it will get worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Pure fucking evil, as usual.

There could be a bit of hope, however, as it seems Nancy Pelosi already zeroed in on this particular bullshit.


Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Ignoring the humanitarian side of this for a moment, it's also just bad economic policy. It's pretty well known that "food stamps" are one of the government expenditures that is most effective in stimulating the economy. SNAP actually helps expand the economy by more than it costs.
Yup, but we can't have those poors getting things for free, even if it means they don't starve and everyone benefits.

Fucking asinine and inhumane.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just evil and cruel.

There is a literal, global pandemic going on. Surely there are better things to focus on. Like getting more people tested for COVID-19.


Oct 25, 2017
Rrrrragh that stupid piece of fucking ass limp dick sunvabitch of a president I hope the fucker gets the virus dies!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
They're also trying to kick millions of people off of their health insurance and bring back discrimination for those with Pre-existing conditions during this pandemic.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
What a disgusting group of shitstains.

They're legitimately supervillains if the kind our Saturday morning cartoons warned us about. And the most troubling part is that we put them in power with our apathy and "I got mine, fuck you," mentality, and treating political parties like sports teams where it's about "winning and losing," and not about the welfare of every single person that calls this country home.

Obviously I'm using the royal "we," and not specifically talking about us. I feel like that shouldn't be said, but Americans voted these dipshits into power, and unless people start taking accountability for their shit decisions, nothing will change.

We warned them this type of shit was going to happen, but they "it won't happen to me and mine" convinced themselves because hurting brown and black people had them salivating. Now here we are.

It's infuriating and I'm personally tired of having to constantly "I told you so," idiots when shit once again hits the fan.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jun 6, 2018
Every day these absolute villains remain in office is a day too many.


Oct 25, 2017
Ignoring the humanitarian side of this for a moment, it's also just bad economic policy. It's pretty well known that "food stamps" are one of the government expenditures that is most effective in stimulating the economy. SNAP actually helps expand the economy by more than it costs.
You think Trump cares about facts?


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
His base (many of which I'm sure are on food stamps) still won't give a single fuck. As long as "the Blacks and them Mexicans" don't get it, they're happy.


Dec 5, 2017
I dont understand where the democratic party has a fuking pulse blast this shit on the news everyday every minute every second take all the airways wtih this shit. They are so incompetent it hurts


Oct 31, 2017
This is sooooo unbelievably fucked up. Just imagine you're actually in the government. Why would you ever waste a second of your time on this "do you think we should reduce the ability for the least well off to get food?" NO, bin the bill and move on. Utterly ridiculous


Oct 27, 2017
This already happened to me. I live with family, so it's really taken a hit on all of them, too. The social services office was also very harassing about my "lack of work" and sent me a bunch of unsolicited paperwork on 'how to interview better'. I freelance as a producer and designer in games and do other independent contractor work but I guess that's not good enough for them. I suffer from a lot of panic disorders and while I've been able to work in public in the past, lately I've been a lot more severe in symptoms and often can't even bring myself to go through a drive through or make phone calls. Guess I'll starve if work keeps falling through. The game I'm on right now I don't even get to work on because there's no money to pay me and we might be shutting it down soon. Then I'm completely barren for projects.
When I used to get SNAP, as a freelancer, I would always hand-write or type – 'Letting go of personal items including: furniture, vinyl, electronics, clothing, etc. from personal estate on Craigslist to make ends meet.'

Did that for years.

They will let the lack of paperwork and documentation slide due to Craigslist not having any receipts. Well, if they're smart anyway. If not then you spell it out for them.

$$$-wise and eligibility-wise, I completely fit their criteria so I had no qualms about doing it this way.

Anyway, give that a shot.

I might have to figure out a way around this 20hr work criteria now. We all work 20hrs a week in some way, shape, or form.

Edit* just want to add... this criteria is bullshit. If people need help, it shouldn't be this complicated and ass-backwards.


Oct 29, 2017
As usual, the cruelty is the point. Fuck them and all of their supporters.
Yep. I no longer have any sympathy for people who after 4 years of this bullshit still consider themselves Republican and vote for the GOP. There truly are no more excuses that suffice. Not economic anxiety or being fiscally conservative. Nothing will justify putting people who perform actions like this into power over American citizens. The GOP no longer qualifies as a political party and rather should be considered an enemy of the American people sanctioned to abuse and kill citizens under the guise of simple political legislation. We as citizens are in a slow war with a cruel and vindictive enemy seeking to destroy us and should act as such.
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PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
Even cartoon and anime villains have limits

If there's a modicum of justice in this world, I hope those bastards get whats coming to them


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
If anything, many of these cutbacks will be accelerated because they can do it under the radar. It's the perfect time to do as much hurt as possible as no one will pay attention.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, I was thinking Trump will try to pull all this off after his second term but he's going for broke right now before he even gets voted in.

Yeah you can't sit out on this years voting you have to get rid of him regardless if Biden is not your favorite. Once he's out then you can fight for the progressive laws. This guy is a monster.


Nov 11, 2017
Well, I was thinking Trump will try to pull all this off after his second term but he's going for broke right now before he even gets voted in.

Yeah you can't sit out on this years voting you have to get rid of him regardless if Biden is not your favorite. Once he's out then you can fight for the progressive laws. This guy is a monster.
This is sooooo unbelievably fucked up. Just imagine you're actually in the government. Why would you ever waste a second of your time on this "do you think we should reduce the ability for the least well off to get food?" NO, bin the bill and move on. Utterly ridiculous

The most evil part is they know many are disabled.
FF Seraphim

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Extremely sad and it hurts so many valuable people. When my family came to the US my mom had to work three jobs and get food stamps to even make ends meet. I remember how nights we had to go with almost nothing despite all the work she put in. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Taking this safety net away is just beyond the pale.