
Oct 25, 2017
Lion King came our this year bro
Hmmm. I enjoyed watching Lion King. 🤔
- A movie that really didn't need to exist but was mostly competently made and told a familiar story.

... Apparently that's the same expectations that i should be having about TROS, which is absolutely fine, i guess


Oct 25, 2017
No it's not. Two of the three films were critically acclaimed. This is what happens when you try to pander in the third film of a trilogy.
It's really funny that the reception for this movie seems to wipe all logic from folks. TFA was well received, and TLJ was even moreso. I have seen folks adamant that everyone, not just a vocal minority, thought TLJ was so rotten that there was no way this one would be good, so we already have the best - critically - movie of the trilogy being blamed for a final act that ultimately falls flat according to the same critics.

I haven't seen it, but based on the reviews it sounds like Abrams tried too hard to hit the nostalgia button and course correct for the people that hated TLJ. I guess I'll see for myself next Wednesday.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
TLJ was trash to me for reasons outside of Toxic masculinity. I know it's easy to dismiss people's complaints about a director coming along and ramming a tire iron through the spokes of a moving vehicle, but the movie was so bad that non hard core fans even recognize how out of place that film was. The way i see it, if those same people that enjoyed TFA, enjoy this film? Than the franchise is saved and we can continue to see this as a 2 film trilogy.

reviews seem positive enough to me, I'm sure reviewers that enjoyed TLJ will take the films thrown under the bus moments as personal 3 more days

The common complaints are Rose and the Canto Bight plot, which is a subplot of the movie, and the fact Rian said fuck you to these expected notions that any relevant force user has to be a relative of a known character, and that snoke: a cgi uninteresting giant was the big baddie. It shifted the focus to Kylo and Rey directly, defied all expectations, and shook the formula with a beautifully shot and scored movie that gave us memorable moments with Leia and Luke, this last one a flawed character that gets it's redemption and chance to fix his mistakes. Meanwhile SW fans wanted the exact opposite, with a vigorous dash of "get that asian female character away from my movie", to add to the "mary sue Rey" complaints from TFA.

If the franchise is in danger is because they've made the incredible feat of making this galaxy seem the smaller ever retreading the same shit, using the same characters in the same old ways and making every story related to the OT, and whenever a director tries something different the fandom throws a tantrum. We live in a world where Avengers and Guardians of the galaxy have shown us more diverse and varied outer space worlds and characters than fucking star wars.


Oct 25, 2017

Miss me yet


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Man, if this ends up the only film of the new set with a negative average, that's not a great look. Probably carries the most responsibility/baggage, though.



Still gonna check it out for myself, partially 'cause friends are going to be in town for the holidays. Might make it a double feature with Knives Out for grins and tiddlywinks.


Jan 16, 2018
Hmm, i think it could've worked really good if they would've done two things:

1. Really flesh out the First Order. Made it start as some extremist organization, growing in power over the first two movies.
2. Don't just nuke the New Republic within a moment. Should've have it a part of the whole power struggle, losing more and more authority to the First Order.

Yeah, especially in out modern political climate, a story about a small but dedicated extremist Organization that capitalizes on the perceived shortcomings of the new Republic could have been incredible. Kylo and TFA Hux also work in that context.
Would take a lot of balls tho, and Disney got none of those when it comes to actually challengeing moviegoers.

(I also still really enjoyed TFA and especially TLJ. I know its a novel concept that movies are not 100% trash or 100% perfection all the time but well)


Oct 25, 2017
The whole trilogy was basically a nostalgia trip with barely there ideas. Even TLJ fell victim to that despite trying to reinvent the Star Wars wheel.
I still don't think it will end up being worse than the prequels.


May 31, 2018
Hmm, i think it could've worked really good if they would've done two things:

1. Really flesh out the First Order. Made it start as some extremist organization, growing in power over the first two movies.
2. Don't just nuke the New Republic within a moment. Should've have it a part of the whole power struggle, losing more and more authority to the First Order.

It would have been really thematically great if the ST focused on a Republic/Jedi Order that doesn't fall in the end despite the efforts of the First Order. It would give the ST a real purpose in the three trilogies (with the light side falling in the PT, being reclaimed in the OT, and then protected with the help of new and prior generations in the ST) instead of just having it revert the universe back to the OT and having to invent something unique out of that.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
I look forward to forming my own opinions and going into the movie with an open mind, instead of piggybacking off of other people's opinions, and blaming Rian or JJ for everything prior to seeing the film.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
...What? I am legit shocked. I figured a lot of Star Wars Fans would dislike it, but never would have gussed it would be Rotten. The critics loved the first two.


Oct 30, 2017
Well... I'm eating crow. I never thought this film would get sub-80s. I thought it was "too big to fail" with critics and CERTAINLY didn't expect it to be "rotten" at this point. I'm now morbidly curious to see if it'll fall beneath TPM.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This is what you get when you carefully build up a plan and don't feel so insecure about your work that you have to start retconning the reveals of the very previous film because idiots made videos about it
Let's be honest here.

JJ is the kind of idiot that would agree with those videos.


Oct 27, 2017

Honestly, i think it's been a fine movie, save for some cringy moments. And as someone who was initially not convinced about the actor, he really made his own Solo and it works. Same with Glover as Lando.

Yeah, especially in out modern political climate, a story about a small but dedicated extremist Organization that capitalizes on the perceived shortcomings of the new Republic could have been incredible. Kylo and TFA Hux also work in that context.
Would take a lot of balls tho, and Disney got none of those when it comes to actually challengeing moviegoers.

(I also still really enjoyed TFA and especially TLJ. I know its a novel concept that movies are not 100% trash or 100% perfection all the time but well)

Disney should look closer. They had Marvel grow the balls for a 10 year and multiple movie spanning plot and it worked. Movies like Logan or Joker also showed them that having the ball to do something completely different works out if done properly.

Here's hoping that they realize this and basically go to Johson with the mindset "Here's as much budget as you want. You have complete creative freedom and control ... do a Star Wars movie that's off the rails". ^^

Btw. i also liked TFA and love TLJ.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like those live action Disney flicks were phoned in trash from the beginning though

I really never thought a SW film would come in with such a divisive verdict
Feb 4, 2018
Hmm, don't be so sure, in this day and age it matters quite a bit.
Whenever I mention a movie to someone, they usually take out their phones and look it up on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, immediately quoting the score.

Hmm, interesting! My guess is there'll be a lot of people looking for something to watch during the holidays and I imagine Star Wars is still a big enough name that if folks ask around and hear, "oh, it's such a fun movie!", it'll do well.

I saw a similar thing happen with Rogue One. The deepest I got was, "it's a fun movie and I think y'all would enjoy it," and everyone I recommended it to—mostly casual fans—really liked it.

RoS could have horrible WOM but that just doesn't seem likely just based on reading through some of the most critical early reviews. General audiences don't follow the studio politics as closely as we do and I'm a little worried folks are reading too much into a review slate that seems to be reacting to RoS's treatment of TLJ instead of RoS by itself.

If I'm Kathy Kennedy reading these reviews, I'm calling up Bob Iger first thing this morning to beg him to never do another trilogy. I know they've said as much in some places, but these reviews indicate they never should've framed this as a trilogy in the first place, especially in light of the MCU.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I reckon it's gonna be a tossup between this and Terminator: Dark Fate for my worst movie of 2019.