Hot Priest

Oct 11, 2019
Part of the issue is that JJ wasn't really thinking about what he could to to follow up TLJ as he wasn't going to be involved, so it wasn't until Disney fired Colin and brought back JJ that he had to come up with something.

Disney should have delayed the film: I don't understand why they felt such a need to stick to the deadline.

Yeah. 2 years especially when JJ wasn't even planning on this is way too tight for a movie of this scale with these production values that still needed a script. Just add an extra year, could have done wonders and no one will give a shit that it was delayed after its out.

I don't get why Disney was in such a rush to get the ST made as soon as they inked the deal with GL. The prequels had 3 years inbetween movies, why couldn't they stick to that?
Oct 25, 2017
That whole scene was meant to illustrate that the Force is for everybody, not just anointed chosen families.

Not to mention this was literally explained with every single conversation about the force in the entire movie, but hey "TLJ==bad because reasons!"

I really hate that we now live in a world where half the audience asks what the movie was about because they were browsing their phones during the actual movie, and therefore missed literally the entire f*ing point of everything. See also: people missing the ten minute exposition of the start of Annihilation. "What was it abooouuuut". NO. NO.

That said, this movie sounds like a JJ Abrams movie alright. I feel like I am about to be let out of my decade long "JJ can't write a story" bunker.
So, the air outside, it's still breathable, right?


I've been saying it


Oct 28, 2017
Fucking incessant whiners aren't fans.

There's a way to go about being disappointed or not totally loving something and annoying quippy memes and constantly shitting up discussions with the usual overly negative bullshit ain't it.

I can criticize any movie as much as the next guy, but I don't go out looking to complain about shit.

This guy at work basically talks about ST Star Wars daily and it's basically always negative. There's some shit I don't like but I don't rant about it fucking daily.

Everything's a meme, everything's hilarious, it's HILARIOUS when something SUCKS 🙄

"LAWL Star Wars" "lawl midi chlorians" "lawl high ground".

My attention isn't so deficit that I have to make cheap fucking memes about how HILARIOUS I think it is that something "sucks".
What exactly is it in here that you think youve contributed other than to whine about whiners? If you dont agree with people being critical you don't have to engage with them, its not hurting your enjoyment of something. And if it is you should ask why your enjoyment of something hinges on what others' opinions are.


Oct 25, 2017
lol how do you not see the issue of a movie basically making what came before it irrelevant? obviously I haven't seen it yet, but dismissing that criticism because people also complained about TLJ seems really silly and kind of reinforces that maybe the trilogy should've been made differently if 1/3 of it was expendable.


Oct 25, 2017
He's the second half of the story but he also serves as a villain, so the Vader comparison is totally valid. And you're critiquing the plot, not the character. The plot has been a fucking mess since the beginning but Ren has always been interesting due to his backstory, Adam Driver, and what motivates him as a character. The foundation is solid, so whatever the plot decides to do doesn't make him a "boring" character.

The plot is all we have for character. What am I supposed to do invent stories for him in my mind because the premise is great. It's the damn movies job to provide the best drama possible.
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah. 2 years especially when JJ wasn't even planning on this is way too tight for a movie of this scale with these production values that still needed a script. Just add an extra year, could have done wonders and no one will give a shit that it was delayed after its out.

I don't get why Disney was in such a rush to get the ST made as soon as they inked the deal with GL. The prequels had 3 years inbetween movies, why couldn't they stick to that?
They needed to make 10 billion this year instead of 9 billion


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Disney wanted and thought SW could be the 2nd MCU. That's partially why they had the aggressive timetable. They initially wanted multiple SW films a year.


Oct 30, 2019
I became a SW fan back in 1998 when the original version of the films aired on TV back to back over 3 weeks. Meaning that I got to experience nearly all the bad parts of being a fan live, outside of 1978 (the Chrismas Special is hell on earth) and that time in the very late 80s and early 90s when the series was considered a dead fad. Those trashy kids shows/tv movies didn´t help one bit.

You all should look up what JJ´s first project he show-ran ended up being about:
Felicity is a middle of the road young adult romance dramedy that had a time travel what-if plot during the last 5 of its 84 episodes. Where do I begin... It lost half it´s fanbase over a middle of the series haircut for example. Eh, 5/10.

While we are here. Can someone explain to me the full plot to Bad Robot´s 2nd SW film again leaked months in advance? We have no idea what the next ep of The Mandalorian will be about but I knew how Ep. 9 ends since about this fall.

PS: Kylo is amazing but likely not in this film. His Legends version Jacen Solo can go to hell on the other hand.


Oct 25, 2017
When you say stuff like this, you do realize that Ep8 could have fleshed Snoke out to be a robust character right? One of the biggest reasons people hand wave Snoke as an uninteresting, nothing character is... because TLJ treated him as an uninteresting, nothing character.

It didn't have to be that way though. RJ could have written Snoke to be anything. I mean TFA ends with Rey going to Luke and Snoke calling Kylo to him to finish his training or whatever so my guess would be JJ had some master/pupil duality thing in mind. RJ could have easily made Snoke a much more important and fleshed out character if he wanted. He simply choose to go a different direction.

I guess most people do not understand this.


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all trying too hard with this mess. Not even Kylo was that good as a character with how shoddily written these movies have been. Kylo doesn't have the range
yes. I think he just isn't given much to do. not so much that the character is bad, but that especially in TLJ he just felt like he contributed nothing of value to the story. Though the same could be said with most of the characters in that film.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
When you say stuff like this, you do realize that Ep8 could have fleshed Snoke out to be a robust character right? One of the biggest reasons people hand wave Snoke as an uninteresting, nothing character is... because TLJ treated him as an uninteresting, nothing character.

It didn't have to be that way though. RJ could have written Snoke to be anything. I mean TFA ends with Rey going to Luke and Snoke calling Kylo to him to finish his training or whatever so my guess would be JJ had some master/pupil duality thing in mind. RJ could have easily made Snoke a much more important and fleshed out character if he wanted. He simply choose to go a different direction.
This sounds like a retread of the three movies we already got where the exact same thing happened. They tried to tell a different story instead.


Oct 25, 2017

I know the General response for this movie is meh to bad.
To me it is interesting that the ones who like it, REALLY like it.


Oct 25, 2017
For a new film trilogy made for a new generation of people featuring new characters, yes, that's what SW should be about.

He got radicalized as a result of his parents not being there for him growing up and part of that radicalization was comparing him to Vader, no, something even better actually. This is shown and also told to us. The issue is you.

As I said the last time you said you didn't understand the character motivations in these films....

Also, being evil isn't inherently one dimensional. As we know Kylo's reasons for being evil and why he doubled down in both films.

it's barely shown and told to us, it's there but not explored in the slightest. Explain to me what you want or expect him to do in these films? What is a good conclusion for him? I have no clue where they are trying to go with him. Yes we have a basic understanding of why he did what he did, does the movie explore this at all. Is there any meaningful character development outside just doing more of the same for two movies. We could have emotional connections to him but we don't.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
it's barely shown and told to us, it's there but not explored in the slightest. Explain to me what you want or expect him to do in these films? What is a good conclusion for him? I have no clue where they are trying to go with him. Yes we have a basic understanding of why he did what he did, does the movie explore this at all. Is there any meaningful character development outside just doing more of the same for two movies. We could have emotional connections to him but we don't.
It's time to start speaking for yourself. You not getting it isn't an issue with the films. I've explained multiple times already how it's blatantly there in the films, but based on your logic the lack of specific exposition dumps=not explored, when everything we need to know about the character and why he's that way is right there on screen right down to his specific cadences that are a result of what he's been through. While simultaneously missing the point of the character in the first place, if your complaint, "well Kylo isn't very menacing." Then you've missed the goddamn point of Kylo. 👏 Villains don't inherently live to be feared by the audience and we don't need constant exposition to discern character motivation or how we're meant to feel about the character.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It pisses me off that a lot of these people somehow think they're BETTER or SMARTER than the thing they're shitting on. But they couldn't direct their way out of a box. I've dealt with shit like this personally where armchair critics who can't do shit themselves criticize something I've done. I had a "friend" talk shit about my art when they can't even do stick figures. I had this one sarcastic asshole try to quip about a piece of art I did for first semester art class and the teacher called him out for being a moron and that he couldn't do better so stfu (those weren't her words).

I'm not saying that's everybody, but those people definitely do exist. The dudes I talk to at work are those kind of people.

(You don't have to be able to do a thing to be able to critique a thing.)


Oct 25, 2017
Disney wanted and thought SW could be the 2nd MCU. That's partially why they had the aggressive timetable. They initially wanted multiple SW films a year.
Thing is, it could be that. They just need a Feige behind the scenes to drive the franchise creatively.*

*not literally Feige, he's busy enough as it is. But someone who cares about Star Wars like Feige cares about Marvel, and has similar franchise knowledge (and, of course, talent).

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It pisses me off that a lot of these people somehow think they're BETTER or SMARTER than the thing they're shitting on. But they couldn't direct their way out of a box. I've dealt with shit like this personally where armchair critics who can't do shit themselves criticize something I've done. I had a "friend" talk shit about my art when they can't even do stick figures. I had this one sarcastic asshole try to quip about a piece of art I did for first semester art class and the teacher called him out for being a moron and that he couldn't do better so stfu (those weren't her words).

I'm not saying that's everybody, but those people definitely do exist. The dudes I talk to at work are those kind of people.
You're shitting all over people who are shitting on the film, but I'd like to see you try and produce a critical analysis of a piece of art. It's not easy you know.


Sep 27, 2019
Attack of the Clones isn't the best movie, but I will say the scene where Obi Wan is pursuing Jango Fett through the astroid field, and the charges go off that momentarily stop all sound before blasting is one of the cooler effects I've seen. It really stuck with me for whatever reason.

You are not alone. Hell of an effect.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Do social media impressions normally balloon to almost 60 page threads? Already got my ticket for Friday so they never really mattered to me. Someone who enjoyed TFA and TLJ but didn't really love them. The back and forth between the 2 sides is almost as entertaining though.
Hopefully this movie doesn't cause people to lose their minds.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just reminding everyone here that this movie was originally supposed to release last May in the initial release schedule.

the fact that we are here at all is astonishing. Almost everything about this trilogy was rushed or not planned. Throwing everything out that George gave them was probably the first mistake. Not saying they needed to go 100% that route, but I'm betting there was a better outline of an entire story arc.

I'm going to jump out of the thread for now. I'll see the movie on Thursday night. I'm sure I'll like it no matter what.

Deleted member 11039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This sounds like a retread of the three movies we already got where the exact same thing happened. They tried to tell a different story instead.

I have no idea what you're referring to. No other SW movie juxtaposes dual lead fledgling force users on opposite sides of light and dark and their relationships with their mentors.

But regardless, the point is that TLJ could have gone in any number of directions but I often see people act like RJ went in the only possible direction and use things learned from TLJ has reasoning for it.

Seeing people dismiss criticism of Snoke in TLJ like "why would anyone want to know more about Snoke he's a boring one dimensional character" is odd. He's not much of a character in TFA because we need to be introduced to our main stars. But he easily could have been fleshed out in chapter two and his relationship with Kylo explored. In service of Kylo no less.

He's a boring one dimensional character because RJ wrote him to be a disposable boring one dimensional character.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
When you say stuff like this, you do realize that Ep8 could have fleshed Snoke out to be a robust character right? One of the biggest reasons people hand wave Snoke as an uninteresting, nothing character is... because TLJ treated him as an uninteresting, nothing character.

It didn't have to be that way though. RJ could have written Snoke to be anything. I mean TFA ends with Rey going to Luke and Snoke calling Kylo to him to finish his training or whatever so my guess would be JJ had some master/pupil duality thing in mind. RJ could have easily made Snoke a much more important and fleshed out character if he wanted. He simply choose to go a different direction.

The only way Snoke would've been interesting is if he was a fraud. A complete non-Force Sensitive who was taking advantage of Kylo's raw dark side potential and tricking him down a dark path to do his work for him while simultaneously gaslighting the boy into thinking he's a terrifying dark force user.

There is no scenario in which Snoke, MASTER OF THE DARK SIDE, would have been interesting. We've seen that movie already.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I'm just reminding everyone here that this movie was originally supposed to release last May in the initial release schedule.

the fact that we are here at all is astonishing. Almost everything about this trilogy was rushed or not planned. Throwing everything out that George gave them was probably the first mistake. Not saying they needed to go 100% that route, but I'm betting there was a better outline of an entire story arc.

I'm going to jump out of the thread for now. I'll see the movie on Thursday night. I'm sure I'll like it no matter what.

Didn't chunks of George Lucas' original story get used though? I thought I read that the following were George's ideas:

- A force sensitive female protagonist being the main hero.
- Han and Leia having a child that goes to the dark side.
- Female protagonist visiting the underwater remains of the Death Star.
- Han dying in Episode VII.
- Luke going into exile due to failing as a Jedi teacher.


Oct 25, 2017
The film got the worst Special Edition treatment though. That version is a real Maclunkey.
I remember hoping we would get some more scenes of the fleet battle in the Return of the Jedi special edition since that was my favorite part of the OT. I was so excited for that, after all they were remaking parts of the attack on the Death Star in A New Hope, why wouldn't we get more space battle scenes in Jedi?

Instead we got a new dance number.


Oct 29, 2017
The only way Snoke would've been interesting is if he was a fraud. A complete non-Force Sensitive who was taking advantage of Kylo's raw dark side potential and tricking him down a dark path to do his work for him while simultaneously gaslighting the boy into thinking he's a terrifying dark force user.

There is no scenario in which Snoke, MASTER OF THE DARK SIDE, would have been interesting. We've seen that movie already.

That would have been neat. Snoke managing to get himself a new body which can use the force because he can't.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I've loved every single movie JJ has ever directed, so I'm at least somewhat confident about TRoS.

I also re-watched the last two Star Wars movies over the last two nights, and it only re-affirmed by previous opinions, that TFA is absolutely fantastic and insanely re-watchable (probably my 7th viewing) and that TLJ is good, just not great, and also not nearly as well paced (especially on repeat viewings).

I do wish Disney had just stuck to one director for the entire trilogy, because thematically and tonally, the last two do feel somewhat different or detached from one another, but it is what it is. Here's hoping The Rise of Skywalker delivers. On a final note, contrary to some others on here, I won't be mad at all if there's lots of fan service in the film, infact I'll revel in it.


May 31, 2019
The only way Snoke would've been interesting is if he was a fraud. A complete non-Force Sensitive who was taking advantage of Kylo's raw dark side potential and tricking him down a dark path to do his work for him while simultaneously gaslighting the boy into thinking he's a terrifying dark force user.

There is no scenario in which Snoke, MASTER OF THE DARK SIDE, would have been interesting. We've seen that movie already.
god I was really hoping for a wizard of oz snoke too

ah, what could have been

Deleted member 11039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Any character can be fleshed out to be interesting. Movies have a finite duration. One character getting fleshed out impedes on the development of other characters due to time limits.

Snoke served his purpose. That's the point. He didn't need fleshing out because he was not and is not the star of the show. He served his purpose as a one dimensional character filled with hubris, in service of the plotlines that Kylo and Rey were entangled in. That's all he needed to do in a two hour film.

I'm referring to stuff like this

Adam Driver's Kylo Ren is a far more enticing and interesting performance than anything Snoke did. I struggle to remember anything noteworthy about Snoke outside of the fact that he died like the one note lame ass he was.

You don't seem to get that you can't recall anything noteworthy about Snoke because RJ didn't write anything noteworthy about Snoke. You think of him as a lame ass because RJ made him a lame ass.

The only way Snoke would've been interesting is if he was a fraud. A complete non-Force Sensitive who was taking advantage of Kylo's raw dark side potential and tricking him down a dark path to do his work for him while simultaneously gaslighting the boy into thinking he's a terrifying dark force user.

There is no scenario in which Snoke, MASTER OF THE DARK SIDE, would have been interesting. We've seen that movie already.

Just because you can't think of anything doesn't mean it can't exist. You could just as easily dismiss Luke in TLJ as "meh I've already seen this before. It's Yoda all over again."

But who said anything about him needing to be master of the darkside. All I said was explore his relationship with Kylo. Have him be more of a character.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Revenge of the Sith, a lot of fanfare and fast action and an ambitious plot, but writing that falls short of the quality we've seen before
And, as I literally watched it yesterday, is still a surprising good time.

This will be better than Revenge of the Sith. Easily. My rankings are...

Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Last Jedi
A New Hope
The Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones