
Oct 25, 2017
The problem with this is you can't pick up the Rey/Luke story three years later.
Refused to give up on him, except for when he tells him "then my father is truly dead", "you will die with me", and then back to refuse to fight again right up until the moment he shouted "NOOOO" and almost kills him. The same guy that said that he would never get out of tatooine, or that he couldn't become a jedi, then believed he could take the shot, to then going back that he shouldn't have gone to Degobah or lift the x-wing, etc.

Luke was always far more complex than your typical hero. He was always flawed, TLJ Luke IS Luke.

But Luke didn't turn. He was caught in fear feeling a darkness he never felt before, not even with Vader... Luke fucked up multiple times in the OT, he just never fucked up THAT big to make him go full Yoda and going into isolation and refusing to train the only hope left, until he fucked up with Ben.

ahhh fuck here I am debating The Last Jedi again.

Can't wait until Thursday to debate The Last Jedi AND TROS lol

I want to discuss the post you quoted as well, I agree with that post. I feel the ST is treating Luke like they did Obi or Yoda, just some mentor side character that they could use in any way to advance the plot. The difference is Obi and Yoda were new characters, Luke is not, Luke comes with him history, an entire series of character development that they don't really address. You are telling me he is the same rash impulsive guy he was 30 years ago. 30 years of Jedi training and he learned nothing? Basically he regressed?

I'm all for character flaws and in general I liked his arch in TLJ but I don't think they gave proper context as to why we were there in the first place. Like so much of this sequel trilogy everything is hidden from us, character backstories that could help us connect to characters are purposefully hidden for who knows what, cause I guess JJ likes mysteries. Kylo Ren could be a far far more dynamic character if we see even a minute of who he was before Snoke corrupted him, instead he is completely unsympathetic because all we know of him is an evil twat. Luke is a disgraced Jedi, it would be more interesting to see how he got there than just trying to fill in the blanks as we go.

In ROTJ Luke starts off very over confident and headstrong. His plan to save Han is basically "free us or die" that's not very Jedi like. He visits Yoda under the assumption that he is a Jedi "then I am a Jedi...", Yoda corrects him that he still needs to battle his father and the emperor only then "a Jedi will you be". Luke still has his moments of anger fueled by the ones he loves, the same issue anakin had, the difference is Luke finally catches himself and learns the lesson a Jedi uses his power for peace, only for defense. He throws away his lightsaber and at that moment he is a Jedi having over come his emotions and learning the lessons Yoda taught.

In TLJ he slips back to who he was before that moment meaning not only did he learn nothing in 30 years but he regressed. And that's fine that could happen to people but it is usually explained. A dark lord slowly corrupting your nephew and you not being able to stop it might drive you to that point but SHOW that, or at the very least talk about that. Don't just cut to a moment of weakness, hell a moment that's a misunderstanding. If I have a misunderstanding I try to correct it I don't hide in shame from it. I just don't buy it for his character.

yet I still enjoy how he finds his way back. The final display an amazing show of force and great moment. But I completely disagree in killing him, I feel he had so much more potential in this story.Can someone tell me what would change if the power simply knocked him out rather than kill him, does the story really change? And now we have Luke to play with in future stories which I feel would make it far richer. But I gusss Rey can never have the spotlight if Luke is still around.


May 3, 2019
There seems to be a very sharp divide in opinion between New York and LA-based critics. I'm honestly wondering if the weather is playing a factor because I would not be happy if I had to trudge to a screening today in NYC.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of the responses last night from people that liked the film said that if you loved TLJ, you're more likely to not like this movie.

Most of the critics posting today are the ones who loved TLJ.

Hence the disparity.
Seems to be heading that way. TLJ was a critic darling and everyone is saying this movie flies in the face of that, add in a heap of fanservice--this result should not be surprising. It makes me more excited to see the movie though, to be frank


Oct 25, 2017
Critics are complaining about it having too much fanservice when Endgame was Fanservice: The Movie and that was received insanely well for a superhero movie. I don't get it.

Endgame's fanservice is largely in service of a story that'd been pretty carefully planned to that point (which is in rather stark contrast to the sequel trilogy). There's nothing wrong with fanservice, but when that's all a movie has propping it up, yeah, it's a negative.

Idk if that's the case here, as I haven't seen the movie, but I could buy it.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand all of that.

The point is Luke going out by inspiring people to fight as opposed to inspiring people to the light is a big downgrade to the character and a bummer.
I wouldn't describe it as such a binary like that. Lukes final stand was hope. That hope could be interpreted in many different ways but I wouldn't paint Luke as a war hawk in TLJ.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Rose isn't a character I particularly cared for in TLJ, but the treatment of KMT is disappointing to read about. I was hoping they would do something more interesting with her character.


Oct 26, 2017
Honestly, Rose is a pretty meh character.

Yeah, I'm all for more representation in movies, but I didn't find her and Finn's arc in TLJ particularly compelling. Someone earlier compared her to Lando, but I don't think her character came close to his. I thought she did a good job acting with what she was given, but the plot didn't do it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Critics are complaining about it having too much fanservice when Endgame was Fanservice: The Movie and that was received insanely well for a superhero movie. I don't get it.

I can not believe I am going to have to defend a Marvel movie here but Endgame's fanservice fit the story they were telling


Oct 25, 2017
Rose was one of my favorite parts of TLJ, so this is especially heartbreaking for me. Especially after being put through hell following TLJ


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I don't blame JJ if Rose doesn't have much to do in this movie. It sounds like there's a lot of plot crammed here and Poe and Finn still need time for development too. She was a supporting character for Finn.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Regardless of how the movie comes out to the general audience, some of these weird and hyperbolic impressions are just odd. But I guess that gets you clicks and likes.

Deleted member 11039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
She is, but people were treating her like she was the second coming of Jar Jar. Like, she has some cheesy lines, but she's no where near the level of awfulness that Jar Jar occupies with his roommate, Scrappy-Doo.

I think a lot of people unfairly apply their general dislike of the Canto Bite storyline to the Rose character.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Btw, Pablo Hidalgo gave the film 2/5 stars on Letterboxd. He's one of the Lucas Story Team guys.

He gave the other films this:

R1: 5 stars

TLJ: 4 stars

Solo: 3 stars

TFA: 2 stars


Oct 25, 2017
It's extra funny looking back at the Joker fearmongering when just a look at this thread alone shows that this is a far more dangerous movie.

Star Wars was Joker all along
Feb 21, 2019
Im not going to lie, as much as I enjoy watching a good ol' Star Wars flick, watching the internet fandom meltdowns gives me hours of more entertainment

So bring it on! Cant wait to see it, and can't wait to read about how its absolutely trash, pissed on childhoods, clubs baby seals, kicks puppies, and hates freedom.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess it's hard to nail a trilogy. TFA and TLJ set the review bar really high and I was optimistic, but these impressions have defeated me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
yet I still enjoy how he finds his way back. The final display an amazing show of force and great moment. But I completely disagree in killing him, I feel he had so much more potential in this story.Can someone tell me what would change if the power simply knocked him out rather than kill him, does the story really change? And now we have Luke to play with in future stories which I feel would make it far richer. But I gusss Rey can never have the spotlight if Luke is still around.
He dies because his legend is more important to the resistance than he is as a flawed human being.

I also kind of think Rian was setting up Luke to haunt Kylo in episode 9 as some sort of force ghost. I dunno if JJ has done anything like that.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I'm all for more representation in movies, but I didn't find her and Finn's arc in TLJ particularly compelling. Someone earlier compared her to Lando, but I don't think her character came close to his. I thought she did a good job acting with what she was given, but the plot didn't do it for me.

The thing is...if her material wasn't great, then why not just give her better or different material? I'm not directing this at you, by the way, but it makes me sick to see people actually happy that her character (and role as an actor) was reduced due to someone else's writing (Rian's) in a script. It's like how people personally attack actors (including her!) on social media for the actions of their characters. It's horrible.


Oct 28, 2017
He gave the other films this:

R1: 5 stars
