Deleted member 18021

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's a great looking handheld that maintains a niche as a miniconsole.

What killed it for me, rather than the digital only bit, was imagining how the hell I was going to play Monster Hunter on it without destroying my hands.


Oct 25, 2017
As soon as Square Enix releases a download version of Crisis Core and BBS I'm going to upgrade from my 1000 series.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
This thing was released ten years ago with Bluetooth support right out of the box. Meanwhile on Switch...

I had a PSPgo briefly a few years ago but could never play it comfortably thanks to how thin the bottom half was, so I sold it and continued playing on my 3000 and Vita. But oh was the Go so satisfying to slide open and closed, and the screen was very nice for its time.



Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Bought a PSP Go when they started bundling in games with it and I loved the dang thing. Super-duper portable.

I bought all the official accessories for the thing as they were being clearanced, but some of the cases are starting to deteriorate from age, which is a real bummer.

Also I dunno if it overheated on me in sleep mode or what but the rubber pads on the back of the system are partially discolored a weird brown color. It can't be dirt because it's underneath where the adhesive is. (I'll dig it out and snap a picture tonight.)

Wish TV-Out worked better. PSX games look great but the PSP games have a huge black border around them. A shame there wasn't proper scaling hardware built in for that feature.

Already sold my PSP and most of its games and the PSP go might be up next on the chopping block. Hmm.
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Oct 26, 2017
I actually just sold mine on ebay last week. Mint condition white pearl.

i loved the thing but my Homebrew Vita makes it completely obsolete. Also the screen quality is unbearable, after using current gen handhelds.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I always kinda wanted one. I remember it seemed WILD at the time to have a handheld digital only console... and now here we are. I very nearly bought one towards the end when I was playing a lot of Monster Hunter on my PSP (which I owned digitally). Never pulled the trigger though.

Awesome little console that was a little too ahead of it's time.


Oct 27, 2017
I was pretty pissed that it was digital only, but I like the device itself and I'd probably get something like if it was released today.

It also could do TV out with a dualshock 3.
I think the PSP 2000 could do that too, no? I know I had a cable for it, but not sure if the DS3 could connect.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
With digital being way more popular now, maybe PSP Go was ahead of its time and might have done better now days but it was a nice little handheld, I still play mine from time to time.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The launch PSP 1000 had video out.

I think bluetooth and Dual Shock 3 compatibility came with the PSP 3000.
PSP 1000 didnt have video out. It had an IR port though. 2000/3000/Go had video out. Go only had Dualshock 3 support. It also allowed you to suspend the game and go back to the XMB.
Combined with custom firmware, this was goat handheld until vita dropped.

I was pretty pissed that it was digital only, but I like the device itself and I'd probably get something like if it was released today.

I think the PSP 2000 could do that too, no? I know I had a cable for it, but not sure if the DS3 could connect.
no bluetooth on pre go models so naw


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure Bluetooth was exclusive to the PSP Go model.

Every PSP but that e1000 in europe had TV out though.
Yeah, what domthybomb said. I think the 1000 had a cable only for videos, but you couldn't output games until the 2000. Though maybe with CFW it was possible.

PSP 1000 didnt have video out. It had an IR port though. 2000/3000/Go had video out. Go only had Dualshock 3 support. It also allowed you to suspend the game and go back to the XMB.
Ah thanks. I didn't know DS3 was exclusive to the Go, I remember them advertising that a lot for Resistance: Retribution, you could play it with a full control scheme.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
PSP 1000 didnt have video out. It had an IR port though. 2000/3000/Go had video out. Go only had Dualshock 3 support. It also allowed you to suspend the game and go back to the XMB.

I remember having two different Video out Cables. Must have had PSP Go and 2000 video out cables then. My mistake.

The Suspend feature on the Go was BOSS.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite handhelds of all time and want convinced me that digital for handheld is great for my needs.


Oct 30, 2017
I got that device and it was the cause that make not want to play on the go anymore. I wasted money on buying it. Had a DS at that time and played a lot but lost interest in it to and since then I never had or want a portable devices anymore. Maybe I got old for that.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I thought this thing was a joke when it came out, but then I got it and hacked it, good god that thing is amazing. It was way ahead of it's time.

Pancakes R Us

Oct 27, 2017
I still have my little white one. I really like the D-pad on it. Never had any problems playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max.

Never got around to hacking it though. I should at some point.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Loved my Go dearly. Was there day one all through to launch of the vita. The suspend feature still best in class.
Oct 27, 2017
Bought my Go the week before the price drop. I got the bundle with Rock Band and the three bonus games, then price matched the following week (when the offer would have expired)

While I hacked the crap out of it, I originally did buy some PSN versions for cheap, which came in handy when Vita came out. Still bugs the shit outta me that they never released the digital version of Megaman Powered Up on the US PSN.

A few weird notes with my PSPgo,

1. My go has a weird glitch that will shut off the power and cause a reboot during mid game. Also, the system will turn on suddenly and at random (which is super fucking creepy at night). Research says that the battery gets wanky at times, which many believed to be a glitch due to CFW.

2. While playing with a DS3 is badass, it should be noted that none of the third party chargers (at least what I found so far) work with the official dock. Good luck finding a first party one.

3. IIRC, there is still no hack that allows for a full screen TV out that doesn't kill the frame rate. Then again, it has been a while.

4. Strange enough, while Suspend works, it doesn't seem like I can erase it from the system. Again, I'm thinking CFW glitch
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Oct 27, 2017
Was my 3rd psp, and possibly the favourite due to form factor.

The suspend game feature the PSP Go had was amazing and 10 times better then what PS4 has now.
That was using an actual save state, which would be impossible on hw with 8gb of ram using mechanical hdd.
We may well get it back on ps5 though.


Oct 27, 2017
I bought one when they were half price and included a download code for 10 PSP games. It bombed really badly in Australia but I jumped in with a good deal like that.

The buttons and comfort of the device are a bit ho-hum, but it's still an awesome little thing. I love the portability of it. I was playing Castlevania SOTN on mine recently.

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
Bought a used PSP go a couple of months ago. Really neat device, that doesn't require much space in my backpack. Even with a bag.
Oct 27, 2017
Sold mine sadly, but I have a vita and that's the best PSP anyways, so... But the PSP go was the best PSP made. After hacking it of course. Had the best PSP screen, dpad, and analog nub. And no shitty UMD constantly humming.

The Hobo

Oct 27, 2017
Am I right in remembering that only some of the PSP catalogue was available digitally when it launched?


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
Am I right in remembering that only some of the PSP catalogue was available digitally when it launched?

Correct. That wasn't something that could automatically happen. Agreements with developers and publishers would be needed to add it onto the store. They got several hundred games at launch and the vast majority of all releases after(with some important exceptions KH: BBS) were available digitally.

The other problem was pricing and the total lack of any sales. Jeanne D'arc was almost 3 years old when the Go launched and was almost $30 on there for like 6 years before it ever got a price cut/sale.


Sep 23, 2019
Am I right in remembering that only some of the PSP catalogue was available digitally when it launched?
that was common during last gen. Even when Xbox 360 launched "Games on demand" (2010?) it was but a fraction of retail games.
I mean, they solved the multidisc problem only with the XBone BC program in 2017!


Oct 27, 2017
A device too haead of its time... digital was not managed good enough for the time.
That said was really a nice piece of hardware.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't right for the market. I already owned a PSP so I wasn't going to buy another one that couldn't even play the physical games I owned.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Sorry for the thread bump, but this seemed like the best place to ask:

I'm selling my PSP go online, and I have practically the whole slate of official accessories sans two cases that started falling apart due to poor construction and age. Do you guys think I'm best selling that as one big lot or as individual items?


Feb 23, 2019
Sorry for the thread bump, but this seemed like the best place to ask:

I'm selling my PSP go online, and I have practically the whole slate of official accessories sans two cases that started falling apart due to poor construction and age. Do you guys think I'm best selling that as one big lot or as individual items?
Strange place to ask this. I won't lie, I highly doubt you'd get much for it and chances are its probably better to roll it all into one sale and just be done with it.
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for the thread bump, but this seemed like the best place to ask:

I'm selling my PSP go online, and I have practically the whole slate of official accessories sans two cases that started falling apart due to poor construction and age. Do you guys think I'm best selling that as one big lot or as individual items?

I'd check prices on the cradle. It goes for quite a bit, assuming you can find someone who wants one.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
I absolutely loved mine. Still remember buying it with Gran Turismo.

Wish I never sold it. Need to buy a brand new one at some point. I keep putting it off, and they keep getting more expensive.

Deleted member 227

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Selling mine is arguably the worst gaming decision I've ever done. The EU PSN store was so bad at the time and we had 1/10th the game offering that the NA PSN store had at the time. It was just a very bad combination with a digital only device so I ended up selling it to get a regular PSP. Regret.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
PSP Go was amazing. Shame about the obscure storage medium but at least it came with 16GB. It was the best PSP.