Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think balance changing will still happen. We just wont get as much content. For instance the PTR is supposed to get an update this week for some things... dunno about any balance stuff yet tho.

I think its in a pretty good place post GOATs. I guess Doomfist is a big issue at higher Elos. But in the middle area where the majority of the player base is, it's not too bad.

Obviously I would be for more content while they finish up OW2 but I can make it till then. There's so much else to play in other non GaaS games and the seasonal events will still have some notable things, just nothing new to their modes.
i mean they take months to fix major issues sometimes. my concern isn't content, in fact i'd be fine with them stopping new hero releases for a while just because most of the post-release heroes have been detrimental to the game.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think there is anything wrong with leaks per say, its part of the industry but people like Jeff and the other developers and artists there can voice their concerns.

What I find real disheartening are people who willfully enter threads like the Pokemon leaks and datamining.

You're ruining the game for yourselves before you even start.

I agree and don't support random people in threads just posting spoilery stuff about a game. From a journalistic standpoint a Journalist can't sit on an upcoming game announcement leak, that is asking a hell of thing from them. A big story can make their career and tech journos don't make a ton to begin with.

No one said Jeff and the devs of aren't free to say what they want and be disappointed. I think overall OW2 fell flat because of other reasons not the leaks.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a difference between disagreeing with a company and being saddled to one that's openly supporting the oppression of its citizens and murdering proponents of democracy.

I feel like too many here have forgotten the tragedies I've had the misfortune of living to see performed by China on the citizens of Hong Kong. And I don't want anyone to forget.

"There are no good companies", sure, but that doesn't absolve them of criticism, nor the employees AND consumers that know what is happening and remain silent. Again, there are many at Blizzard who have - and continue to - speak out. I'm proud of them and I support them. I hope taking their stance doesn't threaten their job.

But the very THEMES of Overwatch ("stand together!"), its very creative goals ("bring the world together!"), its very ambitions ("LGBT+ representation!") is at odds with the company that is making it right now and that is very much a conversation to be had. Yes, here, and yes, now.

I think you can criticize the company just fine.

That's not what I saw and responded to in this thread. I responded to people who are making it seem like Jeff Kaplan was responsible.

You do realize taking a stand and stating their own opinions openly could get them fired right? In a just world that wouldn't happen but it does and I don't blame them for wanting to keep their lives they made.

I agree and don't support random people in threads just posting spoilery stuff about a game. From a journalistic standpoint a Journalist can't sit on an upcoming game announcement leak, that is asking a hell of thing from them. A big story can make their career and tech journos don't make a ton to begin with.

No one said Jeff and the devs of aren't free to say what they want and be disappointed. I think overall OW2 fell flat because of other reasons not the leaks.

Some have in this very thread. Or at least complained about them sharing their opinion.


Oct 30, 2017
There's a difference between disagreeing with a company and being saddled to one that's openly supporting the oppression of its citizens and murdering proponents of democracy.

I feel like too many here have forgotten the tragedies I've had the misfortune of living to see performed by China on the citizens of Hong Kong. And I don't want anyone to forget.

"There are no good companies", sure, but that doesn't absolve them of criticism, nor the employees AND consumers that know what is happening and remain silent. Again, there are many at Blizzard who have (and continue to) speak out. I'm proud of them and I support them. I hope taking their stance doesn't threaten their job.

But the very THEMES of Overwatch ("stand together!"), it's very creative goals ("bring the world together!"), it's very ambitions ("LGBT+ representation!") is at odds with the company that is making it right now and that is very much a conversation to be had. Yes, here, and yes, now.

It's topical. And it's IMPORTANT. One of the main characters of Overwatch is being used as a rallying cry and is being used by Hong Kong protesters at this very moment.
It's topical and important in reference to Blizzard's conduct around how they handled Hong Kong. Not how the ow2 leaks impacted the morale of the dev team.

Feel free to decry Blizzard when Jeff answers a question about how Mei is being used by protesters. But in the context of this thread it's totally irrelevant.


Oct 25, 2017
i mean they take months to fix major issues sometimes. my concern isn't content, in fact i'd be fine with them stopping new hero releases for a while just because most of the post-release heroes have been detrimental to the game.

True. Overwatch does take its time to update things. Their reaction to GOATs was probably the slowest. Still fun tho. I think people need to learn the new characters that come out if you find them frustrating. The best way to take down a new character is to know how they tick.

I will be honest tho and miss the days of Rein being such a big hunk in games. Now he just gets crowd controlled until he dies instantly.

I can think of more demoralizing things.

I'm sure you could.

In fact you should bring up what you find demoralizing about your company in the middle of a company wide meeting.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The surprise is temporary, the good stuff stays forever. If your product is good you shouldn't care for leaks and whatnot. I blame this nonsense reaction culture we live in where the reactions are more important than the end products.


Oct 25, 2017
Zero sympathy. Sorry for folks who don't feel they have a choice but to work there but blizzard deserves all the pressure and demoralizing they can take.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Game development secrecy has always been ridiculous and if it impacts developer morale this signfiicantly, maybe the industry should reconsider this obsessive, marketing-driven nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
Game development secrecy has always been ridiculous and if it impacts developer morale this signfiicantly, maybe the industry should reconsider this obsessive, marketing-driven nonsense.

Maybe they enjoy seeing the reactions from their fans.

EDIT: Like lets say I knew you IRL and bought you a present and one of our friends leaked it to you ahead of time. I would be pissed.

Like one of the leaks had Lucio's hair all out and in like a crown looking thing and it was blurry af and made Lucio look real dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably better it leaked as a sequel, because the announcement came off more as a glorified expansion. Heck, going by the clarifications they've given it is an expansion except less restrictive to the base game players (like a WoW expansion stopping access to new world content)


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Maybe they enjoy seeing the reactions from their fans.

EDIT: Like lets say I knew you IRL and bought you a present and one of our friends leaked it to you ahead of time. I would be pissed.

If 'ahead of time' meant years in advance and 'buying' meant working on it with a dozens, maybe hundreds of people, I'd question your judgement in trying to keep it secret. What a weird analogy.

It's not about enjoyment, come on... it's just part of the marketing hype cycle.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory commentary
Bootlickers whining about how demoralizing it is for their game to leak. Cry me a god damn river.


Oct 25, 2017
If 'ahead of time' meant years in advance and 'buying' meant working on it with a dozens, maybe hundreds of people, I'd question your judgement in trying to keep it secret. What a weird analogy.

It's not about enjoyment, come on... it's just part of the marketing hype cycle.

You only get one unveiling moment. That's the point. Don't be dense in trying to make it more complicated because my analogy was on a much smaller and more personal scale.

Yea. All the artists and developers and talent there only care about the marketing hype cycle not their fans reactions. Ever.


Oct 28, 2017
Their explanation of OW2 was terrible also.

Pretty simply put.

If you have OW1, you get everything in PvP OW2.
You have to pay to access the PvE in OW2.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Know what's even more demoralizing? Taking China's side over your own country all in the name of greed. I have zero sympathy for Blizzard.
Not as demoralizing as seeing an American company clamp down on free speech to appease a repressive regime.
Imagine how HKers felt when you took money with your left hand while giving the finger to HK with your right.

These posts are really gross and I'm disappointed that they seem to be getting a pass.

If you refuse to support Blizzard products because of the Hong Kong situation, that is understandable and completely fair.

Mocking hard-working developers who largely (if not entirely) had absolutely nothing to do with the the Hong Kong situation is childish and ignorant.


Oct 25, 2017
i honestly don't get why you're being so defensive of blizzard's obviously stupid decision here

I honestly don't know why you're getting worked up over such a silly thing. Guess we'll never understand each other on that. I think it's a waste of your breath when they explained what they mean and all it takes is a look at an info graphic to understand. You don't.


Oct 28, 2017
I honestly don't know why you're getting worked up over such a silly thing. Guess we'll never understand each other on that. I think it's a waste of your breath when they explained what they mean and all it takes is a look at an info graphic to understand. You don't.

Look it just wasn't exciting for a lot of people. Seagull tweeting his meh reaction other streamers not that excited but taking a wait and see approach. To me, based on what we were shown, it looks like an expansion. As a consumer of games for a long time I think I can tell when something looks like an expansion or a sequel. D4 looked like a sequel for example. By the OW measuring stick Shadowlands could be a full new game.


Oct 31, 2017
So I haven't read a lot into the Overwatch 2 announcement and I'm sure this has been beaten into the ground but is it now a bad time to pick up the first Overwatch? Or should I simply just wait for Overwatch 2?


Oct 28, 2017
These posts are really gross and I'm disappointed that they seem to be getting a pass.

If you refuse to support Blizzard products because of the Hong Kong situation, that is understandable and completely fair.

Mocking hard-working developers who largely (if not entirely) had absolutely nothing to do with the the Hong Kong situation is childish and ignorant.
If you can swallow the pill of working for a company like Blizzard, which I totally get if you gotta pay bills shots tough out there especially in the development world, but if you can put your head down and work you can get through the emotional let down of some leaks.
Sorry to intrude on your sacred gaming time. It shouldn't be forgotten. It gets mentioned to remind all that people are fighting for democratic freedom and being attacked by an oppressive authoritarian government. So I'll mention it. Again.
Free Hong Kong.

Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
These posts are really gross and I'm disappointed that they seem to be getting a pass.

If you refuse to support Blizzard products because of the Hong Kong situation, that is understandable and completely fair.

Mocking hard-working developers who largely (if not entirely) had absolutely nothing to do with the the Hong Kong situation is childish and ignorant.
Welcome to the trash gaming community.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
"OW2" = we can't call it an expansion because of that promise from OW1, so we'll do a sequel rebranding to sidestep it.

Games like LoL/Fortnite are F2P, OW isn't really a F2P model and apparently revenue from lootboxes has been cooling for them- they need something else to sustain the monetization to support the engine upgrades and such.
That is what it sounds like, they are exploiting a loophole. The real kicker is when they slap that 60 bucks on the box.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
If you can swallow the pill of working for a company like Blizzard, which I totally get if you gotta pay bills shots tough out there especially in the development world, but if you can put your head down and work you can get through the emotional let down of some leaks.

They are getting through it. And they should be able to express their feelings. Because their suits in their company did something terrible, the employees are supposed to hide their feelings about other topics?

No, that is childish.

Sorry to intrude on your sacred gaming time.

At no point did I say anything like that. If you think that's what I was saying, you very much didn't read my post properly.

It shouldn't be forgotten. It gets mentioned to remind all that people are fighting for democratic freedom and being attacked by an oppressive authoritarian government. So I'll mention it. Again.
Free Hong Kong.

There is a difference between saying "Free Hong Kong" and mocking the employees for being bothered by leaks.

And you understand that. But you're being disingenuous.


Oct 30, 2017
I think you can criticize the company just fine.

That's not what I saw and responded to in this thread. I responded to people who are making it seem like Jeff Kaplan was responsible.

You do realize taking a stand and stating their own opinions openly could get them fired right? In a just world that wouldn't happen but it does and I don't blame them for wanting to keep their lives they made.
And I fully understand that. And that's why it's important to - at this time - clarify that the criticism of Blizzard is deserved, but also that Blizzard's decisions are not Kaplan's decisions, or many other staffers. It's entirely appropriate to let him and everyone else at Blizzard know you're upset and why you're upset, but to also respect and understand that the cause of this mess was high above their pay grade. Equally so, if some poor PR shmuck tows the company line and gives a weak PR excuse for their company's behavior, they deserve to hear the backlash.

Complain, criticize, and condemn... but do not harass or berate an individual divorced from the decision. They likely hate it as much as you do.

We need to keep turning on the heat, and they need to hear it, but they don't need the toxicity to drown out the warranted pushback. They DESERVE the scorn they're getting, but that's Blizzard as a company - not the cogs in the machine.

It's topical and important in reference to Blizzard's conduct around how they handled Hong Kong. Not how the ow2 leaks impacted the morale of the dev team.

Feel free to decry Blizzard when Jeff answers a question about how Mei is being used by protesters. But in the context of this thread it's totally irrelevant.
I'll counter this hard.

You know what demoralized me from enjoying OW2's reveal? It wasn't the leak. It was Blizzard's actions towards Hong Kong. THAT did more to deflate any hype I had for the next big Overwatch experience, more so than a thousand leaks. That crushed me, infuriated me, soured me, and depressed me more than ANYTHING a simple leak would have done.

In the context of this thread, I want it clear that it wasn't the leak that harmed my enjoyment of OW2's reveal. It was Blizzard. Blizzard screwed it up, and I very much resent the company for their decisions and their stance. That absolutely sours me on not just the reveal of OW2 but the marketing and eventual release of the game, LONG past the point where the leak would've mattered and long past the point where the leak is forgotten.

So I want him to understand, the leak was so far down the list of reasons for many of us to have our hype deflated. It's because their company sided with an oppressive regime guilty of thousands of human rights violations over a player advocating for democracy, failed to take a principled stand based on their own self-ascribed values, issued a non-apology that meant nothing and had no sincerity, and then acted like the worst thing about the OW2 reveal was that its existence was leaked earlier, even as Overwatch's messaging of "standing together" and "doing the right thing, no matter what the politicians say" is horrifically hypocritical in light of their actual stance.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Look it just wasn't exciting for a lot of people. Seagull tweeting his meh reaction other streamers not that excited but taking a wait and see approach. To me, based on what we were shown, it looks like an expansion. As a consumer of games for a long time I think I can tell when something looks like an expansion or a sequel. D4 looked like a sequel for example. By the OW measuring stick Shadowlands could be a full new game.

Im curious as to what coop focused games Seagull plays isn't he more of a multi streamer?

Overwatch 2 looks like a sequel to me with a focus on PVE and raid like events and an rpg system with loot elements.

Where was that in original Overwatch aside from a frakenstein PVE event.


Oct 25, 2017
Layton, UT
So I haven't read a lot into the Overwatch 2 announcement and I'm sure this has been beaten into the ground but is it now a bad time to pick up the first Overwatch? Or should I simply just wait for Overwatch 2?
We've been given a range that spans to over a year before OW2 comes out. If you want to jump in now you'll have plenty of time to play before the new changes hit. Plenty of us either are or used to be incredibly into the game. It's good. Go for it if you're interested.


Oct 25, 2017
He's a former OW pro for Dallas Fuel who has taken multiple breaks from the game because of shit metas. He does variety during these breaks from OW. He plays everything these days.

Im aware of who he is lol. I just never watch him. I think high level players like him are great for balance purposes but I don't pretend to be on their level of skill. Maybe it was just boring because of the level of difficulty they had it on. Seagull is a really good player. Maybe the limited scope isn't his bag right now.

From what I saw as a gold to plat player looked fun. If you get where I'm coming from.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll counter this hard.

You know what demoralized me from enjoying OW2's reveal? It wasn't the leak. It was Blizzard's actions towards Hong Kong. THAT did more to deflate any hype I had for the next big Overwatch experience, more so than a thousand leaks. That crushed me, infuriated me, soured me, and depressed me more than ANYTHING a simple leak would have done.

In the context of this thread, I want it clear that it wasn't the leak that harmed my enjoyable of OW2's reveal. It was Blizzard. Blizzard screwed it up, and I very much resent the company for their decisions and their stance. That absolutely sours me on not just the reveal of OW2 but the marketing and eventual release of the game, LONG past the point where the leak would've mattered and long past the point where the leak is forgotten.

So I want him to understand, the leak was so far down the list of reasons for many of us to have our hype deflated. It's because their company sided with an oppressive regime guilty of thousands of human rights violations over a player advocating for democracy, failed to take a principled stand based on their own self-ascribed values, issued a non-apology that meant nothing and had no sincerity, and then acted like the worst thing about the OW2 reveal was that its existence was leaked earlier, even as Overwatch's messaging of "standing together" and "doing the right thing, no matter what the politicians say" is horrifically hypocritical in light of their actual stance.

This. The leak was nothing. I would have been so stoked for anything and everything OW2 had Blizzard not sided with CCP on silencing free speech. But now, everything OW stood for seems so hypocritical. That isn't the devs or writers fault. It's Blizzard. Unfortunately Blizzard's actions fall on anyone under them, and I know they don't really care as long as it doesn't effect their bottom line.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel bad for them

They should expect it to happen next year too... and the year after that and the year after that. Genie isn't going back in the bottle on leaks for better or worse, so its worth it to work on getting used to it


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'll counter this hard.

You know what demoralized me from enjoying OW2's reveal? It wasn't the leak. It was Blizzard's actions towards Hong Kong. THAT did more to deflate any hype I had for the next big Overwatch experience, more so than a thousand leaks. That crushed me, infuriated me, soured me, and depressed me more than ANYTHING a simple leak would have done.

In the context of this thread, I want it clear that it wasn't the leak that harmed my enjoyable of OW2's reveal. It was Blizzard. Blizzard screwed it up, and I very much resent the company for their decisions and their stance. That absolutely sours me on not just the reveal of OW2 but the marketing and eventual release of the game, LONG past the point where the leak would've mattered and long past the point where the leak is forgotten.

So I want him to understand, the leak was so far down the list of reasons for many of us to have our hype deflated. It's because their company sided with an oppressive regime guilty of thousands of human rights violations over a player advocating for democracy, failed to take a principled stand based on their own self-ascribed values, issued a non-apology that meant nothing and had no sincerity, and then acted like the worst thing about the OW2 reveal was that its existence was leaked earlier, even as Overwatch's messaging of "standing together" and "doing the right thing, no matter what the politicians say" is horrifically hypocritical in light of their actual stance.
Great post.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
It's not really exploiting a loophole when the original game isn't missing any content.
I was thinking about all new content will be free thing. It all depends on if Overwatch 2 looks like an remake with added content or a full body sequal. I just hope this doesn't start mudding the waters about what a sequal is or isn't. I can already see how this shit can go sideways


Oct 25, 2017
Employees choose to work there and people quit jobs for lots of reasons no more or less important than this. An organized group of of them quitting with a public statement would be huge in forcing 'the higher ups' hand, if anything could. Talk is cheap, this company is compromised to the core and innocence of the people that chose to be a part of it decreases as awareness of what they are a part of increases.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking about all new content will be free thing. It all depends on if Overwatch 2 looks like an remake with added content or a full body sequal. I just hope this doesn't start mudding the waters about what a sequal is or isn't. I can already see how this shit can go sideways
As long as the new modes are an entirely different thing, I don't see an issue.

Each iteration adding modes (BR, Looter Shooter) seems like what they'll need to do.