
Oct 25, 2017

The fact that this literally hurts to look at says a lot about CA lmfao


Oct 25, 2017
Screenshots of this game make my head throb within seconds. CA is awful for image quality and turns perfectly good color palettes into rainbow soup, in a way that's physiologically detrimental to look at.


Jan 27, 2018
Thank you OP, I just went and disabled this atrocious effect, the game looks better and it looks like I've gain like 2-3 FPS.


Oct 30, 2017
Chromatic aberration is a controversial effect. If a developer wants it they should always have an option to turn it off.

Sadly Obsidian even on PC doesn't have an option to turn it off. You have to tweak the ini file to do that.

Also they have on PC mouse smoothing on by default and again they don't have an option to turn it off.

To be honest the PC settings are very basic.
Wtf Obsidian, hopefully all of this gets fixed by the time it releases on Steam.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
I'm glad I'm not too sensitive to this kind of stuff. Looked fine in Bloodborne and it looks fine in The Outer Worlds too.

There should always be an option to disable these kind of effects though.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Console versions need a CA toggle fast, it looks hideous and i can´t understand why developers think that it is fine to ship games without option to disable CA on consoles. Control was the same and they implemented a toggle for that.

CA is straining on the eyes and makes the picture muddy.


Oct 25, 2017
Chromatic aberration is bad. Full stop.

I don't care what game it is.

That shit needs to go away or have a way to easily toggle it off in every game it's in. At least in The Outer Worlds you can disable it with an ini tweak. Bloodborne was also God awful with CA but, of course, no way to disable it there for anybody.

Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
I mean going by this thread most people either hate it or don't notice CA, why even add it in the first place? Especially if it makes the game run worse.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Everytime a thread about this comes up there's probably a handful at best of people who say they actively like it. 90% of the posts usually say it's either awful or they don't even know what it does. So either most people either hate or don't see it or the people who do like it don't bother posting.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
CA combined with DoF and the games blurry TAA solution made me think someone had smeared vaseline on my screen.

Went straight into the ini files to get rid of that shit


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly find it hard to believe that there some who can't see the difference between the OP's 2 screenshots. This sort of reminds me of those who say they can't see the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Devs need to take notes from Dying Light, where shit like film grain and CA can be turned off with a flick of a switch.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
FoV I can understand but stuff like CA should always have a toggle because there's really no difference to performance.


Oct 25, 2017
Chromatic abomination is bad in almost every single case I've ever seen it used.
I don't care if devs put that in their game but for the love of god let us turn it off.

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It's disgusting.

Disabled them on PC as soon as I could via inis. The fact that there isn't even a separate toogle for this goes to show how poor the PC version is.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Yeah I thought there was something wrong with my settings at first. Playing at 4K it felt like the game had a thin layer of vaseline smeared over everything.


Oct 30, 2017
Am I missing something or is there no difference between the "before" and "after" images in the OP? Maybe being a Nintendo fan for so long has ruined my ability to distinguish between styles of graphics.


Oct 27, 2017
Yea I'm having difficulty with focusing on things as well, I get wrecked in firefights. I hope they patch in the option to disable it, I'll keep off it for a while in the meantime. Still have Gears 5 to finish anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't have a problem with CA until I started playing this game. I literally can play Bloodborne without having any issues but for this game within seconds of starting it I realized there was something horribly wrong with how it looked.

Turned out it was the CA that was fucking with my brain. It's like really weird to describe but my brain simply gets disoriented trying to look at it. My eyes don't know what to focus on, kind of like this image posted:



Oct 25, 2017
The funny part is how ridiculous it looks when you use the time slowing ability. They turn it up to 200.


CA turned off via ini
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm enjoying the game a bit after chewing through the first dry hours, but visually it's not an appealing game at all. And that's maxed out on a PC and played on a projector.

The artstyle is just kind of grating and the muddiness and CA doesn't help.


Oct 30, 2017
I can agree with OP a little bit. CA makes the screen look fuzzy and slightly out of focus, which my eyes/brain attempt to correct. For me, it just makes me tired (no headaches like some people). Granted I only play in about 2 hour doses so it's not so bad. The good news is that from what I've seen in the past CA is typically easy to disable. Whether in the menus or if not, in an .ini file. I've not removed it yet but I've been thinking about it since my first time playing. I think I'll remove it tonight to see if I like it better. (I'm also one of those that automatically removed motion blur before I start a game).

Instructions if anyone wants them:
Disable Chromatic Aberration in The Outer Worlds

  1. Open Engine.ini using any text editor, such as Notepad.
  2. Add [SystemSettings] to the bottom of the file, if it isn't already there.
  3. Under [SystemSettings], add r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0.
  4. Save the file, and exit the file.
TLDR: I try not to turn off CA as it's part of the creative vision of the game. If it causes issues though, its gone.

PS. WHY NO PHOTO MODE!? I want screenshots without HUD or weapons PLEASE.


Oct 27, 2017
They're pretty bad on the first world... not sure if it's just because it's the first world but I noticed immediately. Must have gotten used to it or its not as bad later in the game.


Jun 9, 2018
I know exactly what you mean about the overall look. I kept thinking "something about this doesn't look right" without being able to pinpoint it.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
CA can cause discomfort because your brain would try to focus on something but it can't because the image itself is distorted, your brain has difficulty figuring out which edge to focus on because every edge has a few distorted duplicate edges of different colours. When you have CA as aggressive as the one in Outer Worlds and you play at a close distance like PC monitor it is bound to cause discomfort.
Oct 25, 2017
Agree 100%. Its a good looking game let down by the excessive chromatic aberration. I've never really noticed or complained about it in other games but whatever they've done for Outer Worlds makes it really stand out for me.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
The general idea is that it adds depth, detail or noise in a way that makes CG look less artificial, more integrated.
And because movies use various visual aspects, effects, artifacts, flaws that get picked up by cameras to sell movies as being real, gritty, grounded, and this has entered the public conscious of what "real" looks like. Don't know what if any movies purposely use chromatic aberration though. I've never noticed it in any that I've seen. Either it's not commonly used, or when it's used it's not just vomited across the whole screen like it is in most games.
Found a relevant thing.

At some point it just became trendy with games. Sometimes I wonder if developers even think about it or just put it in there alongside the other postprocessing effects that are commonly used nowadays.

There should always be a toggle, but as long as it's relatively easy to solve by for instance just pasting some text into a file, it's like eh, that's fine. Good enough.
The problem is that console games are stuck with this rubbish. So yeah, toggle standard.

It gets a bit peculiar with games like Bloodborne, that are sort of meant to be gross and unsettling and make you feel at unease. I think it's fair to use chromatic aberration to emphasize such intended aspects, but of course it still makes the game look like a smeary, distorted mess that is likely to cause actual physical discomfort. But you know, at least it's justified on some level.


Apr 9, 2019
I think some people are confusing Chromatic Abberation with color and art direction. Chromatic Abberation is shit. And has always been shit. The color saturation and pulp fiction cover art direction is great.

The general idea is that it adds depth, detail or noise in a way that makes CG look less artificial, more integrated.
And because movies use various visual aspects, effects, artifacts, flaws that get picked up by cameras to sell movies as being real, gritty, grounded, and this has entered the public conscious of what "real" looks like.

At some point it just became trendy with games. Sometimes I wonder if developers even think about it or just put it in there alongside the other postprocessing effects that are commonly used nowadays.
Yeah unfortunately Aliasing and literally everything is lumped into "visual effects" so you have to make ini edits on PC to get rid of one without sacrificing other fidelity in the game. The PC version is rough in some spaces but at least I can tweak it.


Oct 28, 2017
I have similar issues, unfortunately. Even without CA, i have a hard time distinguishing elements on the screen. It's not the only game that gives me problems, and it's always a pain to tune the colors just so I can play for more than 20 minutes. Wish there were morr options.
Some people in this thread should just accept that not everyone has the same tolerance for ultrabright colors and post processing.
Edit: my eyesight is certifiably perfect, so spare the snark, please.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I don't have an issue with Chromatic Aberration, I guess one of the problems for PC gamers is that it needs to be tuned to the resolution which the game runs at.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe it is just me, but the before and after literally look the same.
The 2 pictures look the same
Do you have color blindness, or wear glasses with high index (thin) lenses?
Most high index lens materials are garbage, and will be adding chromatic aberration to everything that you see.
The standard CR-39 plastic lenses have the best optical quality, comparable to crown glass. There's a great chart on Wikipedia which lists the Abbe value. The lower it is, the more chromatic aberration there will be.

If you don't have vision correction, and can't see the difference, it might be worth making an appointment to get your eyes checked.

Here's a high resolution GIF which should make the difference more noticeable:

Click to view full size.
Don't use this to judge things like sharpness or aliasing, because I had to resize the image for them to align properly.

Some people are nitpicky as fuck.
It gives me migraines.

What the fuck is chromatic aberration
It's a color separation effect that simulates the optical qualities of a low-quality lens.
Why do developers use it? Probably because it can add a bit of color to an otherwise bland scene, or a "retro" look to the image.

I dislike it, but don't mind its inclusion so long as there's an option to disable it.

I don't have an issue with Chromatic Aberration, I guess one of the problems for PC gamers is that it needs to be tuned to the resolution which the game runs at.
I can't think of any games where its severity changes based on resolution.
It's probably more noticeable to PC gamers because they are likely to be sitting closer to the display, where details like that are easier to see, or because they usually have the option to disable it - so they're more aware of it to begin with.
You really have a complex about PC gaming though, huh? It seems to be brought up in every other post of yours that I see - which is a shame because I value your insight into HDR.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
You really have a complex about PC gaming though, huh? It seems to be brought up in every other post of yours that I see - which is a shame because I value your insight into HDR.

What? Are you forbidding me from discussing PCs?!
I'm just saying the experience of CA will be massively different if you are Running at 1080p vs say 1440p or 4K because the Post process has pixels which are much larger. Jeez


Jan 27, 2018
What? Are you forbidding me from discussing PCs?!
I'm just saying the experience of CA will be massively different if you are Running at 1080p vs say 1440p or 4K because the Post process has pixels which are much larger. Jeez
Is this why the time dilation screenshot above looks nothing like my game at 1080p? And I mean the difference is massive, I'd believe my game was broken if it looked like that too.


Dec 30, 2018
Chromatic aberration can be a good artistic choice in very specific instances (Alien Isolation for example) but for the most part I will never understand its inclusion, it just worsens the IQ and destroys the artwork imo.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Is this why the time dilation screenshot above looks nothing like my game at 1080p? And I mean the difference is massive, I'd believe my game was broken if it looked like that too.

I think so, you've got more pixels to pull from at a higher resolution and the actual CA will be higher resolution at the end