Jan 10, 2018
As you all know, Giuliani appeared in the Borat movie, spoiler for a reallife news story, which is entirely not ficticous, so please don't click if you don't want reality to be spoiled for you
trying to rape an actress who pretended to be a 15 year old.
Thread on that far bigger news here


Borat 2 depicts a certain Trump flunky doing something disturbing *SPOILERS*(releases Oct 23) [Content Warning] News

https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/10/borat-2-subsequent-moviefilm-sacha-baron-cohen-review This should end his career if it's true (Massive BORAT 2 Spoilers):

But of course, this being Giuliani we are talking about, there is more

Even before he reaches into his trousers, Giuliani does not appear to acquit himself especially impressively during the encounter. Flattered and flirtatious, he drinks scotch, coughs, fails to socially distance and claims Trump's speedy actions in the spring saved a million Americans from dying of Covid. He also agrees – in theory at least – to eat a bat with his interviewer.

Rudy Giuliani faces questions after compromising scene in new Borat film | Borat Subsequent Moviefilm | The Guardian

Trump’s personal attorney has indiscreet encounter with actor playing Borat’s daughter in hotel room during pandemic

-Cue the Onion-

After undergoing tests to rule out the possibility of coronavirus infection, sources close to Rudy Giuliani confirmed Friday that the attorney tested positive for several dozen obscure bat diseases completely unrelated to Covid-19. "As of now, we have confirmed 27 diseases and counting inside Mr. Giuliani, many of which experts have only previously seen as communicable from bat to bat," said Dr. Allen Ellis, physician for the former New York City mayor, adding that a team of archaeobiologists from Harvard University who specialize in rare mammalian diseases discovered high levels of guano in Giuliani's blood. "While definitely suffering from more common bat-to-person transmissions like rabies, ticks, and histoplasmosis, Mr. Giuliani has also somehow contracted vespertilioma—a long-eradicated bat cancer researchers haven't seen since a very unusual case in Germany in 1903. He also has the bat version of diabetes. A number of these viruses are only sexually transmitted between bats, so this is extremely concerning.


Rudy Giuliani Tests Positive For Slew Of Obscure Bat Diseases Unrelated To Covid-19

NEW YORK—After undergoing tests to rule out the possibility of coronavirus infection, sources close to Rudy Giuliani confirmed Friday that the attorney tested positive for several dozen obscure bat diseases completely unrelated to Covid-19. “As of now, we have confirmed 27 diseases and counting...

Does anyone have other cases of Onion being entirely correct?
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The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is why Saturday Night Live just can't do political satire justice anymore, reality is just far more absurd.


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't kow none of this I didn't Guiliani was even in it... why do yall love to spoil shit on this forum.

Jesus.. always have be the first at something.


Oct 28, 2017
2 days. I just needed 2 days to witness this shit by myself and you go ahead and ruin it like this.
f u bro.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't kow none of this I didn't Guiliani was even in it... why do yall love to spoil shit on this forum.

Jesus.. always have be the first at something.
2 days. I just needed 2 days to witness this shit by myself and you go ahead and ruin it like this.
f u bro.

This really ruined the movie for you huh?

It's all over the real news now. Because it is real news.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Does anyone have other cases of Onion being entirely correct?



Soldier Excited To Take Over Father’s Old Afghanistan Patrol Route

FAYETTEVILLE, NC—Saying he “never could have imagined” he would have the opportunity to follow directly in his father’s footsteps, 19-year-old U.S. Army Pvt. Tyler Corcoran was reportedly excited Tuesday to take over his dad’s old patrol route in Afghanistan. “It’s just so incredible that I’ll...


Years after they fought in Afghanistan, US troops watch as their children deploy to the same war

“When we started this, people asked why I was going, and my response was, ‘So my sons don’t have to fight this war,’” said Master Sgt. Trevor deBoer, who has deployed to Afghanistan three times.


Oct 26, 2017
This place's relationship with spoilers is so weird

also the Rudy stuff is real shit so who gives a fuck about spoilers

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Man, I wish I was the type of person who kept up with movies and TV so I could just drop all of the spoilers for everything, just for the selfish manchildren in this thread.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm sorry for reacting like that, but some still don't respect or want to understand others when it comes to spoilers. (Now if it had to do with something major that could have affected the election, then sure I'll give you that)

I was looking forward this this film and some of the best moments of a Sacha Baron Cohen's work, are moments of suprise... and yes sometimes of disgust.

Same thing with each episode of Who Is America.


Oct 27, 2017
sorry i didn't realize we need 3 threads about rudy giuliani does something disgusting in borat 2.

and yes, it's a spoiler. rudy being in the movie doing something despicable is less spoiling than outright writing what he does in the title

meanwhile if i make a thread that spoils chris fucking pratt appearing spiderman: enter the 3 white spidermans, everyone will go batshit


Oct 25, 2017
Come the fuck on, OP. Regardless of how you feel about spoilers, that OP was written knowing it would antagonize people.


Oct 29, 2017
I would prefer if the impact of the scene hadn't been lessened by being a thread title, personally?

Edit, I haven't read anything further on this. If it's in genuine scandal territory then the case is different. The value of entertainment impact doesn't compare to (idk, eg.) evidence of wrongdoing. I admit part of me is still disappointed for the sake what I hoped would be an amazing laugh. At the same time, if instead it's real dirt on a real scumbag ... I'll gladly take it actually.
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The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Does anyone have other cases of Onion being entirely correct?
In something a little bit lighter:


Fuck Everything, We're Doing Five Blades

Would someone tell me how this happened? We were the fucking vanguard of shaving in this country. The Gillette Mach3 was the razor to own. Then the other guy came out with a three-blade razor. Were we scared? Hell, no. Because we hit back with a little thing called the Mach3Turbo. That's three...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be really busy on election week so I would appreciate it if this forum won't spoil any news in thread titles please.

Thank you.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Spoiler culture is out of control, folks in this thread are absolutely nuts with this crap.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
Ooooh, I love a good spoilur warz thread.



Oct 27, 2017
4 years of Trump were the last push I guess. It is nothing but entertainment anymore to many
Its amazing how so many people want to joke about 2020 being a "script" and now we have literal "spoilers" for it. I imagine the two groups (people who feel they can joke about 2020 and people concerned about Borat spoilers) overlap so no sympathy from me for anyone going into Borat 2 "spoiled"

Seriously, the POTUS's attorney, a top adviser to him, pulled a Louis CK on a young girl (I think the actress is 24 but Rudy didn't even both to confirm), being the very type of person that the Q-Anon cult claims to want to destroy, and being fucking spoiled is what angers some of you?


Oct 25, 2017
Its amazing how so many people want to joke about 2020 being a "script" and now we have literal "spoilers" for it. I imagine the two groups (people who feel they can joke about 2020 and people concerned about Borat spoilers) overlap so no sympathy from me for anyone going into Borat 2 "spoiled"

Seriously, the POTUS's attorney, a top adviser to him, pulled a Louis CK on a young girl (I think the actress is 24 but Rudy didn't even both to confirm), being the very type of person that the Q-Anon cult claims to want to destroy, and being fucking spoiled is what angers some of you?
This thread isn't about the sexual harassment nor trump nor anything that has to do with politics really. It has to do with Rudy saying he'll eat a bat, which at that point is just a random scene in the movie. The spoiler warning is reasonable tbh. Also if half the thread is complaining about the "idgaf about spoilers" people, the complainers are probably not the assholes.
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Oct 25, 2017
User banned (3 days): hostility
thanks for the spoiler right in the title asshole
Nov 19, 2019
I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this spoiler handwringing. This thread is in a really sad state, folks.

I'd argue that even this bat shit is relevant and newsworthy. We have a President and entire political party leaning on xenophobic anti-Chinese attacks centering specious cultural bullshit (THEY EAT BATS!), so exposing the depths of their two-faced behavior (up to literally agreeing to actually eat a bat) is important.

More important than a release date or comedy bit.


Oct 30, 2017
Lol oh man. The spoilers.

"DAMN it OP I haven't opened todays newspapers and you fucking SPOILED my MOVIE! The new movie coming out has this news in it!"
Oct 27, 2017
trying to rape an actress who pretended to be a 15 year old.
Did I read something completely else when reading that thread? Unless I'm seriously missing something, I don't think there's any indication of rape and it seems like she pretended to be a journalist (supposedly of age) flirting with him in that specific case. It's stupid enough of Giuliani without being about rape.

Not really the topic for this thread but not really good to have such a line in the beginning of this thread.