
Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
It was a great device when it came out and certainly had more power, better visuals then the other consoles of the time.

Bonus is that there is a good smattering of games available for BC on Xbone and now Xbox Series.


Oct 25, 2017
From the answer I read, it seems your wrong, it has enough love from the people that owned it.

- That allowed the release of unfinished games and microtransactions.

- True

- Well, it's not because of OG Xbox that this is the situation now.
Putting Microsoft and "help open source engines" is quite a take...

I said the shift towards PC based architecture & dev tools on console, which Microsoft spurred, contributed to the growth of open source engines like UE. I don't see how that's a controversial take.
Oct 27, 2017
The original Xbox is great. It is almost always the place to get multi-platform games from that gen. I love how easy it is to work on too. One of the simplest consoles to open up and swap parts. Not having to worry about memory cards is still great. Decades of playing that gen and I hate having to remember what game uses what memory card on PS2 and GameCube, but on Xbox I don't think about it.

I need to get around to modding one of mine. I bought the mod chip, I just need to rebuild the pin header it uses. Maybe through an SSD in there as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I probably have less then 100 hrs on mine. My Japanese import Gamecube was my main console that gen and my Messiah 2 modded PS2. Just didn't feel any love for it.


Feb 28, 2019
I said the shift towards PC based architecture & dev tools on console, which Microsoft spurred, contributed to the growth of open source engines like UE. I don't see how that's a controversial take.
UE 1 worked on PS2 and Dreamcast but I don't think a game release on OG Xbox on UE.
UE 3 was pretty big and works on WiiU and even mobile devices. So again, I really can't see the link between those two.


Oct 25, 2017
*Hugs complete in box Halo Green Edition*

Problem is a ton of OG consoles are time bombs and aren't being checked.

Taffy Lewis

Oct 27, 2017
Thanks to how hackable it was, the Xbox was great media center. I softmodded my Xbox (doing the hard disk cable swap method) and had Xbox Media Center installed, complete with the ability to play files from SMB shares.


Oct 27, 2017
My favorite og Xbox moment was telling my group of friends at the time that the only way that I'd ever even remotely consider paying for Xbox live was if cvs2 ever released on the system with online play. I was super confident there was no way in hell that would ever happen. Like 3 months later capcom vs snk 2: eo with online play was announced and this was me trying to figure out how to convince my family to upgrade to cable internet lol....
Oct 28, 2017
One of the most forgettable systems I ever owned. We sold it off wholesale and I have never felt the urge to return to it. Same thing for the GC. Totally forgettable.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
it had the best exclusives out of any Microsoft console


Digital Games Curator at The Strong Museum
Oct 26, 2017
The lack of emulation has created an entire generation of games who do not know shit about the Xbox. So many amazing games, such an incredible architecture.

This is like saying that Super Mario Bros allowed Gamergate.

The first XBLA games predate the App Store and Steam, and those are the reason indie devs can release their games at a competitive price on console without relying on full-priced disc limited releases.

Conker Reloaded, Kotor 1 and 2, Bloodwake... people just do not know.

What people really don't know about is Bloodwake 2 ;)


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
Halo might've launched competitive multiplayer on the OG Xbox, but this game was competitive as fuck and was my first foray into MP squad FPS.

Oct 27, 2017
I loved it. It got me back into gaming in high school. KOTOR gave me the "hook" of wanting to experience more great gaming stories and I haven't stopped playing games since

sadly I didn't get into Halo until 2010 so I missed out on its prime.

I still wish I had a PS2 or Cube (or both) during the time but I could've and that's mostly my fault. I do wonder if the combo of Xbox + KOTOR + unmitigated Episode 3 hype would've been replicated on Ps2 games for me as that was the perfect storm of Star Wars hype that got me into gaming after a 4 year layoff in my teens.

wish I had never sold my OG Xbox. Had like 3,000 songs ripped from CD into it lol


Oct 28, 2017
It's the reason I bought a GDM-Fw900 or started using my own DIY xim like devices.

Favorite machine post goldeneye for shooters to this day.
I still think PGR2 is the most of I've ever spent in a non sega racer or top gear series.
Best ports for certain action titles.

It gets plenty of love but PS2 was a monster and in hindsight it's still the biggest the industry has ever done.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved my original Xbox, it was such a beast, one of the first consoles I bought with my own money too.
Oct 25, 2017
I liked the OG Xbox or at least the library for the most part. It had some bangers for sure, but outside of Halo 1/2, Fable, Chronicles of Riddick and Ninja Gaiden, I didn't care for much else. Oh Crimson Skies was awesome as well. I just thought the PS2 library was in a different galaxy compared to the Xbox that I don't really think about it that much, and 3rd parties being a little better on it didn't matter much to me, much like today.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Don't think it's about 'love'. Everyone knows it was a great machine and had some fantastic games. It just didn't sell enough to reach into the public conscience the way that Sony's machine did.

Obviously knocking a third of the price off the console a month after launch didn't endear them!


Oct 27, 2017
From the answer I read, it seems your wrong, it has enough love from the people that owned it.

- That allowed the release of unfinished games and microtransactions.

- True

- Well, it's not because of OG Xbox that this is the situation now.
Putting Microsoft and "help open source engines" is quite a take...

Microsoft is the largest contributor to open source projects. And I don't think anyone can argue that online connectivity and infrastructure has been bad for gaming. It's certainly better and more popular than being limited to a local area.


Oct 25, 2017
it was my console of choice that generation.

halo, xbox live, rainbow six, best for multiplatform, the s controller, etc..
Jul 1, 2020
I really hope that Microsoft continues to add OG Xbox games to backwards compatibility. The ultimate "never going to happen" feature would be reviving multiplayer even if its system link over Xbox Live.

Hoodie Season

Jun 17, 2020
PS2 was definitely awesome, everyone had one. I was the only one amongst my friends that also had an Xbox, and I honestly played it way more than my PS2. I felt that sports games ran better on Xbox, and when I'd go to one of my friends houses and play the same games on their PS2, they ran/looked worse. It probably wasnt a huge difference, but I definitely noticed it.


Sep 23, 2019
Halo might've launched competitive multiplayer on the OG Xbox, but this game was competitive as fuck and was my first foray into MP squad FPS.

Before Halo 2, Unreal Championship, MechAssault and Ghost Recon were the main highlights.

And let us not sleep on Splinter Cell 3 and 4 "Spies vs Mercs".


Sep 23, 2019
Don't think it's about 'love'. Everyone knows it was a great machine and had some fantastic games. It just didn't sell enough to reach into the public conscience the way that Sony's machine did.

Obviously knocking a third of the price off the console a month after launch didn't endear them!
It sold better than GameCube, but now we have Dolphin that ket you play Mario Sunshine on a cellphone. You have to do a lot of work to play OgXbox games, especially if they weren't 360-compatible.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree, such an underrated system, I love it and it's even better when soft modded.

Pancakes R Us

Oct 27, 2017
Really enjoyed my time with the OG Xbox. I really re-bought one a couple of years ago and then got it modded last year.


Sep 23, 2019
Yeah, now, because there is economic interested.
Not at the OG Xbox time, that's for sure.
Tell me a single "microtransaction" available on OgXbox, come on. I remember A LOT of free things.

Splinter Cell on PS2/GameCube was buggy as hell, but you received patches on OgXbox.

THIS was also the best football game of its generation. A lot of slowdowns on PS2, faster loading on Xbox, online play and 4 players available out the box.


Mar 30, 2018
The OG Xbox had a certain feel to it, almost like 'tude or something. A lot of the library was incredible, 4 controller ports built in, Xbox live, built in hard drive, good amount of horsepower.. it was a really great console that received a lot of hate because it was the newcomer from "Micro$oft". I know a lot of people liken it to the Dreamcast 2 but I totally agree with that sentiment.

That being said: bring JSRF to BC, Microsoft! Come on!
Apr 25, 2018
Rockwall, Texas
It's my 3rd favorite system of all time, behind the SNES and PSX (PS1). It introduced so many great features and really seemed like a step ahead of the PS2 and Gamecube. People disliked it's size; I thought it was great. It screamed American at a time when the Japanese systems dominated the market. It was nice to have a change of pace. I still love the PS2 but Xbox for me was the console of that generation. I'm glad it's DNA still lives on.


Oct 26, 2017
XBMC was the fucking future, which proceeded to skip a whole generation and now lives in every living room.


Oct 26, 2017
There are a LOT of original Xbox games I want added to BC. I know the licensing is a nightmare, but I can still hope.


Oct 25, 2017
My OutRun machine, probably should have taken care of that capacitor.

Midtown Madness 3 and Rallisport Challenge 2 were a lot of fun too, other than that it was mainly where I played third-party games for the surround sound.


Sep 23, 2019
UE 1 worked on PS2 and Dreamcast like shit
I personally don't consider the published only games to be first party, but as I said it has some very solid first party stuff, just not as many as the GC, PS2 and Dreamcast. Maybe "not stellar" wasn't the way of saying it
You would be disappointed by how many "Nintendo" games on Nes, Game Boy and Snes were actually developed by HAL, Bullet Proof, Intelligent System, TOSE, et cetera.

Your definition would also put the Paper Mario and Pokemon games as "not first party", since they aren't made internally at Nintendo "proper"
Oscarzx n

Oscarzx n

May 24, 2018
Santiago, Chile

You would be disappointed by how many "Nintendo" games on Nes, Game Boy and Snes were actually developed by HAL, Bullet Proof, Intelligent System, TOSE, et cetera.

Your definition would also put the Paper Mario and Pokemon games as "not first party", since they aren't made internally at Nintendo "proper"
That's literally the definition.
I was talking more about stuff like Ninja Gaiden or Outrun 2


Nov 8, 2017
It was a marvelous first effort. Beat Nintendo with their first try, which is very impressive.


Oct 25, 2017
OG Xbox got me into gaming. It had so many awesome titles. I remember playing Halo CE and getting getting off that dropship the first time...I also beta tested XBL...good ole days


Sep 23, 2019
I don't get why some first party ones like Bloodwake, Quantum Redshift, Mechassualt, or Amped 1/2(well that's probably music) aren't there

MechAssault is in one of the worst licensing hell of any games ever. We have problems with the original dev, the owners of Battletech (FASA and Topps) who changed hands, and even some of the robots included (which Battletech cannot use ever again).

I can't comprehend why licensing Xbox games i hard but Sony could put hundreds of PS1 games on PS3.


Oct 27, 2017
It was a great system. It pushed tech and was more or less what the GCN was but with western exclusives instead of japanese ones.

Not competitive with the PS2 but a great first attempt.


Dec 10, 2018
Only ever owned 2 consoles, the Dreamcast and then the Xbox. Obviously the Dreamcast is the Greatest Of All Time, but had some great times with the Xbox.

Unreal Championship 2. What a game. Often forgotten since it came out like 6 months before the 360, but I swear I played that nonstop from release until the 360 came out. One of the best looking OG Xbox games and it played amazingly. Many fond memories of slaughtering bots all day when my shitty at the time internet was down.

Love UC2. I think it's partly responsible for the rise of hero shooters such as Overwatch. The melee combat was dope, loved playing as the vampire lady with the quadruple jump and the dual swords.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Outside of Halo and KotOR, it had a lot of quirky exclusives but no blockbuster heavy hitters. Many of the titles are BC but a ton aren't and locked to the platform.

It still has Toejam and Earl 3, Crazy Taxi 3, Otogi, etc. - all SEGA titles too. It has a Bethesda RPG based in the Pirates of the Caribbean universe that isn't about the movie.