
May 28, 2020
For the rich and powerful most debt, including tax debt, is negotiable.

Honestly I can't fathom how soul destroying it must be to be an American, especially during this election cycle. On the one hand you have a fascist, and on the other a neoliberal democrat chosen by a party that knows they can hold the American people hostage to their failed centrist policies because they made sure there were no viable alternatives.

Fuck outta here with your bullshit my dude


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I can't fathom how soul destroying it must be to be an American, especially during this election cycle. On the one hand you have a fascist, and on the other a neoliberal democrat chosen by a party that knows they can hold the American people hostage to their failed centrist policies because they made sure there were no viable alternatives.

Both sides!

Defeatism in the face of naked corruption, but n o t h I n g m a t t e r s



Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's so much important in moving the polls as keeping them where they are. We've got 36 days left really. Any day we're talking about this is a day he's in the news. He does worse when he's in the news. Compare to last cycle....about a week from now Access Hollywood took over and then Wikileaks retaliated...and then it was the Comey letter.

All of Barr's shit shouldn't be given breathing room.


Oct 25, 2017
My hope is that you generally don't fuck with the IRS, they always get you. My fear is that Trump so far had everything just bounce off him.

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
For the rich and powerful most debt, including tax debt, is negotiable.

Honestly I can't fathom how soul destroying it must be to be an American, especially during this election cycle. On the one hand you have a fascist, and on the other a neoliberal democrat chosen by a party that knows they can hold the American people hostage to their failed centrist policies because they made sure there were no viable alternatives.
This is some grade A bullsnit.


Oct 27, 2017
His base won't give a flying fuck but Trump probably shit a brick learning that they got his tax info.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
For the rich and powerful most debt, including tax debt, is negotiable.

Honestly I can't fathom how soul destroying it must be to be an American, especially during this election cycle. On the one hand you have a fascist, and on the other a neoliberal democrat chosen by a party that knows they can hold the American people hostage to their failed centrist policies because they made sure there were no viable alternatives.

I love these takes as if there was a viable alternative magically Americans would make the right choice.

But its the evil neoliberals that happy engage in bigotry, cheer on boots on the ground, and join evangelical death cults demanding anyone who's not a white Christian to not really be counted as a real person.

These choices we are faced with aren't a nefarious conspiracy, its us, and we need to do much better.


Oct 25, 2017
For the rich and powerful most debt, including tax debt, is negotiable.

Honestly I can't fathom how soul destroying it must be to be an American, especially during this election cycle. On the one hand you have a fascist, and on the other a neoliberal democrat chosen by a party that knows they can hold the American people hostage to their failed centrist policies because they made sure there were no viable alternatives.
#1 country on earth!!!


Oct 25, 2017
Whatever you say. Joe "shoot them in the leg but don't give them healthcare" Biden is what the American people truly want. I'll be damned if this isn't a further indictment of the American political system.
They voted for him in the it kind of is who they want at the moment.


Oct 26, 2017
"that's why we can trust trump to drain the swamp, he's the swampiest of them all"

-40% of the country probably


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it's so much important in moving the polls as keeping them where they are. We've got 36 days left really. Any day we're talking about this is a day he's in the news. He does worse when he's in the news. Compare to last cycle....about a week from now Access Hollywood took over and then Wikileaks retaliated...and then it was the Comey letter.

All of Barr's shit shouldn't be given breathing room.

Yep. To me, this is more about potentially making Trump voters stay home.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Actually alarming to think that we have a president in office who is a couple of years away from being forced to pay off hundreds of millions in debt.

Yeah and his only solid income on top is what? It's a double whammy. He can't pay his debts or can maybe pay a little and shuffle things around, seems he has basically fronted his assets to the eyeballs already so with income from where does he get by all this time?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's so much important in moving the polls as keeping them where they are. We've got 36 days left really. Any day we're talking about this is a day he's in the news. He does worse when he's in the news. Compare to last cycle....about a week from now Access Hollywood took over and then Wikileaks retaliated...and then it was the Comey letter.

All of Barr's shit shouldn't be given breathing room.
The one place where this could make waves is in states like Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan, etc ....where people are really struggling
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
Whatever you say. Joe "shoot them in the leg but don't give them healthcare" Biden is what the American people truly want. I'll be damned if this isn't a further indictment of the American political system.
well yes people voted for him in the primaries more than anyone else, thats how it works.
Democratic primary voters are not the nation. "What fishbowl?", said the fish.

democratic primary voters are the democratic party. they picked him. get over it. it's over.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised they seem intend on prolonging the disclosure of all of this, like you'd assume they are about to get pounced on by lawyers right? Either way its disgusting and I hope Trump winds up broke and in a cell. I'll be interested to see his response - surprised he hasn't leapt on it already. This Twitter rant might rival that one that said he had a hooker piss on him in Russia.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess I just always hear about billionaires not paying federal income tax, and this just doesn't surprise me at all. I just assume this is a problem with our tax laws. But yes if other people who do the same business Trump does always are paying tons of fed tax then probably fraud.
Does the article point of particular specifics of actual fraud?
I am not saying Trump isn't a fraud. I am just curious if they for real found actual evidence of fraud they can charge him with and what are the specifics.
They article lays out three or four cases of possible fraud. Looks like the other articles will be looking at more possibke issues. The places where they show possible fraud:

The property that NY is looking at. Looks like it is being claimed as a failing business so expenses can ve claimed as a business expense, however Eric claimed it wqs being used as a Trump base, so they arent actually tring to rent it out.

Trump Org claiming expenses for consultation, some amounts are equal to amounts Ivanka claimed she earned for consultation, while being an executive of Trump Org, meaning she is being paid to consult while performing her normal job. Looks like consultation fees allow for some tax advantages to the business and also would be fraud on Ivanka. Articles points to a 2011 case that spunds similar to what this appears as.

Trump claiming everything as a business expense. Article mentions that these arent itemized in taxes and are normally stretched, but it looks like Trump might be claiming his lavish lifestyle as a business expense, since he is selling himself. Very loose on this.

Trump recived a refund for previously paid taxes, plus interest, when he 'abandoned' his interest in Atlantic City. If he truly abandoned his interest, he would recive nothing worth more than $3000 dollars to claim as much as he did when getting this refund. Looks like he recived 5% in shares (presumebly worth more than $3k), which would dramatically reduce what he should have recieved and have him owing more than $100 million. This is the 'audit' that has been taking place probably and is supposed to be reviewed by the Tax Committe due to the size of the refund.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If Trump lied on any of those loan applications, he's fucked. Chances are, he used the same bullshit "my taxes are being audited" excuse to the banks when they requested docs, so he may have only provided them actual ash value of his business assets, without any mention of his debts.

The Behind the Bastards podcast did a two part episode on Trump University, (Trump's scammy attempt at a real estate school) and said that part of the lesson was to have students call their credit card companies to request credit increases. They were encouraged to lie about their income. When pressed to provide evidence of said income, they were encouraged to say that it would be too difficult to get the documentation to prove their income.
According to the host, this worked most of the time because banks are basically gonna track you down and get their money back anyway.

It's possible that all this came from the crooks who actually ran Trump U, but it sure has a different light given what we've learned today.


Oct 28, 2017
421 million loans due in the next 4 years is the real story here.

Good chunk of that is probably foreign and opens him up to even more interference


Nov 28, 2017
Saw this comment on twitter. Stormy Daniels has received more money from trump than the US government.


Nov 3, 2017
Honest question here... is anything stopping you from reading the article yourself?

It's reeeeeealy long.
I did read a lot of it. No particular paragraph sounded conclusive. They didn't even mention the word fraud in the whole article. Was just wondering if there was something specific outside of "he's really aggressive with his writeoffs".
If there is something where he outright lied year after year about something I'd like to know if we have a real "we got him".
Oct 31, 2017
You know it's a potent, effective story when the JAQ'ing off/rhetorical games ramp up in the respective topic around here.

He's a fraud and his feet have needed held to the fire forever. Will he and his enablers ever actually be held accountable? We'll see.
What is it with trolls doing derails in a thread about Trump's taxes?
It's cute as hell and always funny. They're never subtle, even when they try to be.