
Dec 11, 2017
It gave us You Say Run and All Might, plus I appreciate they didn't follow the Sasuke path for Bakugo.


Oct 26, 2017
agreeing with most of what is said here. It's probably the most engaged I've been with a shounen for the first half or so. Deku's struggle and effort to gain strength amongst his peers is really compelling. Once he became super strong and they wasted more time with more padded training arcs and focused on the war was where it lost me. Still watching it but more out of obligation. Season 2 and 3 are some of the best shounen ever though.


Oct 25, 2017
Bakugo is a fictional character so him being likable is based entirely on how entertaining he is and not on how morally correct he is at all times. He's a dumbass with cool superpowers who kept falling upwards into character development. He arguably changed more throughout the series than its own protagonist.

To borrow your example, how many people does Vegeta kill and it ultimately doesn't matter (nor should it)? My Hero Academia regularly tries to present the idea that some criminals and even murderers are misunderstood and could potentially be redeemed. Why would it not redeem the guy whose biggest crime in comparison was being mean before high school?
I don't know who originally said it but "A Single Death Is a Tragedy, a Million Deaths Are a Statistic" fits here. Vegeta might have killed countless people but it all happened off screen and a million nameless victims are not as big a big deal in fiction as a single named victim.
Bakugo mercilessly bullied Deku and he's not an alien or a vampire or whatever, he was a kid who did this to another kid, this happens all the time in the real world and I have a very low tolerance when it comes to that.


Oct 25, 2017
Season 1: PEAK
Season 2: PEAK
Season 3: Pretty good
Season 4: meh
Season 5: trash
Season 6: PEAK
Season 7: alright

Sounds about right

Anyways I still liked the anime

Crazy how one piece and detective conan are still ongoing but anime like MHA and aot which I started a decade ago are done or close to being done 😂


Nov 18, 2018
Started out enjoyable enough, but by the halfway point it became clear Horikoshi was overwhelmed by the bloat of his own story and too conservative to do the ideas he raised justice.

Bakugou ended up being the only main character or plot point with a satisfying or logical arc.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking as a casual anime-only watcher, I did like some of the concepts, but overall, it felt like it never reached it's full potential. 6/10 so far. Haven't seen back half of season 6 or any of 7.

(Did Mineta ever get better? Never liked him.)


Dec 18, 2018
I don't know who originally said it but "A Single Death Is a Tragedy, a Million Deaths Are a Statistic" fits here. Vegeta might have killed countless people but it all happened off screen and a million nameless victims are not as big a big deal in fiction as a single named victim.
Bakugo mercilessly bullied Deku and he's not an alien or a vampire or whatever, he was a kid who did this to another kid, this happens all the time in the real world and I have a very low tolerance when it comes to that.

Just like Dragon Ball basically says Vegeta isn't completely evil because who he killed was mostly nameless characters, My Hero Academia says Bakugo was a kid who didn't know better. The story goes out of its way to say he was wrong, has him grow and he apologizes. He goes from bullying Deku to nearly dying for him not once but twice. I don't know what else you'd want from it.

Mostly I get hung up on this because every time his popularity comes up it's followed by comments like "why do people like Bakugo? He's a bully", "I can't forgive him" or some variation of that. It just feels like there's a lot of projecting and treating it like people who like Bakugo somehow condone bullying or are fans of a real, morally reprehensible figure.


Aug 12, 2022
The following opinion is about the anime. Thought it was fairly all right up until the arc immediately after Gentle. Interest cratered at that point, but I hung around because I heard pretty effusive praise about "My Villain Academia." Ended up not enjoying that arc at all, mostly because I don't find Shigaraki to be a compelling character. Also greatly dislike Bakugou (enough that I almost dropped the show only a few episodes in) and Endeavor, so there wasn't much for me to hang onto at that point. I dropped it shortly after MVA and feel no need to go back to it. Bouncing off of a shonen before the end is pretty typical for me, though. I always find the initial conceit pretty interesting and then get bored when the show inevitably turns into nothing but battles.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking hated Deku over time. I think thats a me problem though because most manga/anime protags are fuckin insufferable anymore. The whole thing felt like a lame ass x-men run and I just couldn't get over that. Dropped it pretty quick and trying to give it a second chance with the anime just cemented my opinions even more.

Go read worm/ward instead lol


Jan 8, 2021
I like elements of it. I don't think it's something I'm particularly going to go back to a lot for rereading


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
The definition of starting strong and then not knowing what to do with that kind of success in the following years.

Also I think Bakugo is a fundamentally shitty character and I think trying to give Endeavor a redemption arc really handwaves away the weight of just how horrific his actions were.

At some point I just simply could not give a shit about most of the cast, and it wanted me to give a shit about the cast that deserved it the least.


Feb 3, 2022
Bakugo is pretty shit. He developed which is great but that doesn't change the fact that for most of the manga he was just obnoxious to everyone while shouting about whatever the hell whenever he was on page/screen and not fighting. I don't think he's cool and him being less annoying nearing the end doesn't make how unpleasant he was for almost the whole series retroactively become good, it was still annoying and I still didn't like him.


Oct 25, 2017
I fell off a bit after Overhaul, which I maintain is still a really good arc.

I get the feeling Horikoshi-sensei really wants to do some kind of grimdark action-horror next, and for his sake I hope it has a slower release schedule. It was painful to see some so many 12-15 page chapters and know that he was working himself half to death to make them. The stuff people go through to publish in WSJ is fucked up.

Xenoblade 3

Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I was reading the manga up until a certain character from America shows up.

But I was losing interest by then. I always thought the villains were the best characters and had the most potential for good stories.
However the villains' developments were fumbled, especially Shiragaki.


Oct 25, 2017
Just like Dragon Ball basically says Vegeta isn't completely evil because who he killed was mostly nameless characters, My Hero Academia says Bakugo was a kid who didn't know better. The story goes out of its way to say he was wrong, has him grow and he apologizes. He goes from bullying Deku to nearly dying for him not once but twice. I don't know what else you'd want from it.
I want him to not exist! I'm under no obligation to treat different characters from different franchises the same. I like Vegeta, I hate Bakugo and there's nothing wrong with that. I told you my reasons, agree or disagree but I'm entitled to my opinion that Bakugo sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong start, peaked with season 3 (All Might vs AFO). Fumbled mostly until the first War and Dark Deku arcs which were great (not sure how much of that is my love for Dark Deku's design). Jumped the shark with Stars and Stripes arc, and everything from there has been in decline outside of a few Bakugo related peaks and the Todoroki family plotline, which was solid throughout.

Deku as a character is disappointing as time goes on. Bakugo unironically is the best character overall in the series. Uraraka is the most wasted potential main female lead since Sakura. Majority of the cast, especially most of 1-A, is wasted potential, honestly. Todoroki family drama was good, though Dabi sucks. The LoV in general suck as characters, outside of the first War arc, especially with their eventual payoff. AFO is only good for his "Reverse Flash" levels of hater energy. I like Eri, but hate what her quirk brought to the series.

All and all, I don't hate my time with the series, but halfway though, I mentally/emotionally disconnected with the series. It's a battle series written for children, can't get too mad at it being kinda poorly written towards the end.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Lost interest when I switched over to reading it weekly and completely dropped it during the arc before the final one.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
I fell off early on the anime and never caught up on the manga.

Probably wasn't looking at the right places but secondary works like cosplays, fanarts/fics and doujins of MHA seems kinda rare to me compared to the big 3 of OP, Bleach and Naruto or even newer hits like Demon Slayer or JJK.

Not sure if it's on those tiers as far as fan enthusiasm goes.
We have mostly objective numbers for fanfics, thanks to all fanfics being consolidated around a handful of sites with good categorization.

Naruto has the #1 most number of fanfics for any anime/manga. My Hero Academia is #2. Then nothing else really comes close.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, for a series about going to a Japanese Hero High School (so 3 years of school), almost the entire series (outside of the first few and final few chapters) taking place in one school year will never not be a bizarre ass writing decision.

Like, imagine if Harry Potter ended in year 3 of 7.


Oct 28, 2017
Some good to amazing moments, some very low points (to the point of pushing me away), a lot of wasted characters, really funny/disappointing to think the entire manga covered less than a year in their universe. Amazing art through and through. I know Endeavour is/was controversial, but I really liked his journey.
Solid 7 overall.


Dec 18, 2018
I want him to not exist! I'm under no obligation to treat different characters from different franchises the same. I like Vegeta, I hate Bakugo and there's nothing wrong with that. I told you my reasons, agree or disagree but I'm entitled to my opinion that Bakugo sucks.

You asked how anyone could like him:

I have no idea how anyone can like that asshole, he bullied Deku for having no quirk and being nice ... wtf? And people tried to defend that because "he changes", so what? How does that excuse anything he did?

I answered.


Nov 3, 2017
Could have been special.
I still maintain that a story about how a powerless guy becomes the best hero in a world where everyone has magic would have been a more interesting premise.


Dec 12, 2023
We have mostly objective numbers for fanfics, thanks to all fanfics being consolidated around a handful of sites with good categorization.

Naruto has the #1 most number of fanfics for any anime/manga. My Hero Academia is #2. Then nothing else really comes close.

Yeah the fanfiction scene for the series is very active and huge. It's what got me to start writing (just had 7th year anniversary for my longfic). When the series ends I can finally end my hiatus as I caught up to the manga some time ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Good run, but I really wish they would've all graduated high school and spent some time as adult heroes before the story wrapped up. Ah well.


Apr 25, 2021
I'm not gonna read the thread out of fear of spoilers since I'm anime only, but I remember when it first got big and was setting up to get an anime adaptation, the way it was described to me was "think Marvel superheroes, but their abilities have drawbacks". Very weird premise being explained in that way so I was cautiously optimistic while watching it. Now, for sure, my co-worker wasn't wrong in how he explained it...Midoriya with One for All and not using too much of the power before adapting to it, or Uraraka using her power too much making her vomit and Todoroki with the whole using too much ice or fire having detrimental effects unless he balances out their use...

...but man, it turned out to be one of my favorites up to this point thus far and I've enjoyed it all. Iida and his personality change during the Hero Killer arc, Stain himself and how far reaching his ideals were through the DNA of the growing conflict of the series, EVERYTHING about the Todoroki family dynamic and how that story continues to unfold, the reveal of Present Mic and Eraser Head's friend... so many more moments too! The only low points for me really being the start of the whole PLF movement and the build up there (and everything Mineta early on), but otherwise it has been solid for me.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah the fanfiction scene for the series is very active and huge. It's what got me to start writing (just had 7th year anniversary for my longfic). When the series ends I can finally end my hiatus as I caught up to the manga some time ago.
Crazy, I can't imagine working on a story that long. Congrats!!

...Oh, it's Cubicity! Cool! I haven't read it, but there are so few stories focused on Hagakure that I managed to take a look at possibly every single one (which I did because my own fic partially focuses on her, and I wanted to see how she's usually characterized).


Oct 27, 2017
I kept up with the manga just... because. It was fine. Some cool moments, some lame points, a lot of potential that could have been.

It was pretty damn huge here in the US when it first got an anime but I feel like even that hype fell off.


Aug 17, 2023
It was an interesting occasional read but some of the character designs and creepy gimmicks turned me off. Even discounting that I'd give it a 5 or 6/10 and won't bother watching the anime or recommending it to anybody unless an Abridged version à la DBZA comes out somehow lol.


Jan 8, 2018
I like that that the series was part of getting a new generation into manga. That's truly wonderful. I wonder how many new artists/fan fiction writers got their start following this manga? Love anything that inspires creativity like this.

However, from the outside... the fanbase always seemed like a mess (as these fanbases often do). Stuff like making snap judgements of other fan's morality and using hyperbolic language based on which cartoon character they like/dislike/forgive/don't forgive, etc. Treating and holding these fictional characters to the same level of accountability as living, breathing humans.

Looked exhausting.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2023
I like that that the series was part of getting a new generation into manga. That's truly wonderful. I wonder how many new artists/fan fiction writers got their start following this manga? Love anything that inspires creativity like this.

However, from the outside... the fanbase always seemed like a mess (as these fanbases often do). Stuff like making snap judgements other fan's morality and using hyperbolic language based on which cartoon character they like/dislike/forgive/don't forgive, etc. Treating and holding these fictional characters to the same level of accountability as living, breathing humans.

Looked exhausting.
The trick is not to engage with the fanbase in any capacity. I read half a dozen chapters every couple months and that was it. No Reddit, no forums, nada. Big shonen communities are too much.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels weird man. Doesn't feel like 10 years at all.

My dad and I used to read the manga to my son when it first came out. Now my dad is dead and my son is 16.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Checked out after it started focusing on the villains and their sob stories. Joker level we live in a society that I wasn't buying.

Glad it got to finish for its fans though, and the anime came out with some bangers so I'll remember it for that too.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
I don't know who originally said it but "A Single Death Is a Tragedy, a Million Deaths Are a Statistic" fits here. Vegeta might have killed countless people but it all happened off screen and a million nameless victims are not as big a big deal in fiction as a single named victim.
Bakugo mercilessly bullied Deku and he's not an alien or a vampire or whatever, he was a kid who did this to another kid, this happens all the time in the real world and I have a very low tolerance when it comes to that.
Bakugo was 16 years old and imo has more than redeemed himself. The man gave Deku a public apology in front of the entire class and even took what could have been a fatal blow to save Deku. Besides All Might he's been his biggest supporter for a good long while and cried over Deku losing his quirk at the end of the final battle.

Like, c'mon. What else does he have to do?

Dr. Zoidberg

Oct 25, 2017
Decapod 10
I've only watched the anime but like many multi-season anime it started out pretty good but over time became tired and stretched out and I dropped it.

Personally, I found the villains in this series to be completely uninteresting. Like I just wanted to fast forward when their segments would come on. That's not good for a superhero show.


Feb 3, 2022