Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn. He seems to be a boring old socialist. Not very media savvy. Commited to socialist values. Somewhat Eurosceptic. Struggles to consolidate the broad range of backstabbing in his political party. Pacificist peacenik.
Over his career he met some unpleasant people and attended events with them in order to try and find common ground and advocate peace, as per his pacficist worldview.

Boring old man. Grows his own vegetables. That's all.

But then, this:



I've never seen anything like this in the media - absolute unrelenting hatred towards a single man, without consequence, for years now.

To give this some context for those not familiar with UK politics - in 2015, the Labour Party (the opposition to the government) had a leadership contest. The Labour party members caused an upset by electing a boring old socialist called Jeremy Corbyn into the role.

The man was an outsider to establishment politics, having never served in high office. His career as a backbench MP was colourful, he was once arrested for protesting against racism:


Ever since he became Labour leader, he has been on the front pages of the newspapers every week. So far, there have been news reports that have informed readers the following:
  • He was a Czech secret agent
  • He was a Soviet secret agent
  • He was an IRA agent and/or collaborator
  • He was a Hamas collaborator
  • He was an ISIS and/or Al-Queda jihadi comrade
He was apparently all of these, all at once. Simultaneously working for two foreign governments and four unallied militant organisations.

He has also reportedly done or is doing the following:
  • Bowed to the Queen for money
  • Hates the Queen
  • Refused to bow to the Queen
  • Stole sandwiches from war veterans
  • Danced over the graves of war veterans in front of other war veterans
  • Maliciously ran over a journalist
  • Killed a rabbit with a pogo stick on Christmas Day
  • Rides a Chairman Mao Communist Bicycle
  • Got bloody hands from IRA bombings
  • Sold state secrets
  • Is currently line managed by Putin
  • Won't launch nukes in completely hypothetical situations
  • Didn't sing when the national anthem was played
  • Once stood up on a train when there were no seats left (yes, this was actually a big thing)
  • Is an existential threat to all Jewish life.
As an aside, the London School of Economics and Political Science published the study Journalistic Representations of Jeremy Corbyn in the British Press (2016, Dr Bart Cammaerts, Brooks DeCillia, João Carlos Magalhães, Dr Cesar Jimenez-Martinez). This found that 75% of all stories about Jeremy Corbyn in the British media actively misrepresented his position.

So there you go. The entire media machine of the UK and its unyielding, endless hate for a single boring old man.

Wonder if it will work?

Note - Its okay to disagree with his politics or his leadership style, of course. Its okay to question his policies and views and competency. But rather than debate and discussion, does anyone else think that the above is, well, a bit much?
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Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
The constant smear jobs got old a while back. Shit like Islamophobia among the Tories got maybe a few days of coverage, quite the contrary to the Antisemitism issue occurring within Labour. The recent "scandal" involving the wreath-laying just took the absolute piss.


Nov 1, 2017
That rabbit headline almost made me fall out of my chair.

EDIT: Also the way the right wing UK media treats this guy is what makes me skeptical that Bernie would have had an easy win over Trump if he won the nomination, like so many assume.

Sure, the right hates Hillary, but they can also manufacture reasons to hate anyone for any reason.
Oct 25, 2017
It's hilarious and sad to see so many people on this forum buy into propaganda from one of the worst, monopolistic, rightwing, oligarchic, press industries in the first world. The constant attack on Corbyn from rightwing press barons would be funny if it wasn't so sad and dangerous.


Oct 25, 2017
He views the most successful free trading bloc in the world - one that has not only kept the continent from being engulfed in war for 70 years but has brought great economic prosperity - as an evil neoliberal conspiracy.

He very likely voted for Brexit despite being aware of the damage it will cause. He made no effort on behalf of the Remain campaign.

His views contradict the 70% of his party that wants to remain in the EU, but somehow he and his inner circle have gamed the leadership system to remain in power.

Is he this nefarious character he's portrayed as? Probably not. But he's an idiot with some backward views who should not be leading the Labour Party.

And I don't see how anyone can defend the leader of a center-left party adopting right-wing talking points on immigration.


Apr 13, 2018
I wasn't aware that the British press is unprofessional. I mostly plastered BBC as a representation of their press, and I like them.

I have heard about The Sun being shit, though.


Nov 1, 2017
Honestly fuck Corbyn. I don't think he is a anti-semite but his handling of the whole situation has been terrible showing he isn't fit to lead the party. Why the fuck does the IHRA definition of anti-semitism need to be debated when every other party and many other countries agree to it? He has shown weak leadership throughout this whole thing and hasn't acted swiftly enough. We need a strong opposition, a party that unequivocally backs a people's vote. The Tories are in shambles, Labour should be destroying them in the pollls. And yes I agree the media is bias against him and the conservatives are worse but that is why he needs to show strong leadership.
Oct 25, 2017
The media should be hostile towards politicians.
The mail on Sunday ran a hit piece titled Labour MUST KILL Vampire Jezza literally days after the actual brutal murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. They were unambigiously trying to incite more violence.


Or that time they wrote a 2,000 word speculative fiction work where Jeremy Corbyn literally destroyed the UK in 1,000 days of being prime minister.



Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much the entirety of the british news media is Fox News. Hateful propaganda against the left. It's shameful.


Oct 25, 2017
But is he a Russian puppet?
No, just part of that old subset of loonies who see the Soviet Union Russia as some benevolent socialist state driven to its own brutal imperialism by the hateful west and whose entire ideology hinges on being reflexively anti-American and anti-west - opposition to NATO, nuclear deterrent, even the EU.

You'll also notice a rather nasty strain of anti-Semitism running through that group. They'll rant about the "bankers" and "the elite" and "the Rothschilds," but they really mean, "Jews are keeping the workers down and preventing the true ~~~socialism~~~." It's a dog whistle meant to scapegoat a minority group. This group also very likely denies the virulent anti-Semitism that existed in the Soviet Union.

They want "reconciliation" with Russia despite the latter being a white supremacist authoritarian mafia state with nukes. See Corbyn's statement immediately after Russia poisoned a citizen of his own country.

You'll probably get people saying, "Well, he didn't want the government to jump the gun..."

But it's not jumping the gun if the government turned out to be right.
Oct 25, 2017
yeah, the UK has a genuine media problem, having been outside WWII's occupation and thereby frankly not learning the lesson that precursors to fascism will ultimate result in it.

The Mail, Sun, and everything Murdoch should have been banned a long time ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Centrists and the right wing both hate him. It's the thing they always have in common everywhere, hating leftists.
Oct 25, 2017
Incitement is a crime, as it should be, and crimes should be punished. An unambiguous incitement to violence is for a court to determine. Otherwise, was it good fiction?
Running a headline about how people MUST KILL Corbyn is unacceptable and not something that should be taken lightly. Especially when it was done in the immediate aftermath of an assassination of Labour MP.

Deleted member 25108

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
The right wing smear campaign doesn't change the fact that Corbyn is an incompetent contrarian who will never be Prime minister because huge scores of the country will never vote for him.

The problem labour has, is that despite this, he is the best they have got.
Nov 14, 2017
Honestly fuck Corbyn. I don't think he is a anti-semite but his handling of the whole situation has been terrible showing he isn't fit to lead the party. Why the fuck does the IHRA definition of anti-semitism need to be debated when every other party and many other countries agree to it? He has shown weak leadership throughout this whole thing and hasn't acted swiftly enough. We need a strong opposition, a party that unequivocally backs a people's vote. The Tories are in shambles, Labour should be destroying them in the pollls. And yes I agree the media is bias against him and the conservatives are worse but that is why he needs to show strong leadership.
The document in question has been the subject of debate for a long time, with numerous academics and legal scholars weighing in. Even one of the authors has cautioned against using the examples it lists in a rules-based capacity.


Oct 29, 2017
The right wing press genuinely loathes him, but they have for a long time, and it's quite likely he'll win the next general election given how much a shambles May's government is.
Mama Robotnik

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
He views the most successful free trading bloc in the world - one that has not only kept the continent from being engulfed in war for 70 years but has brought great economic prosperity - as an evil neoliberal conspiracy.

This is as misrepresentations as some of the front pages in the OP and completely missed the point of the thread. Debate the man's legitimate views but when did he ever, ever call all the EU countries an "evil conspiracy?". He didn't. Like the Daily Mail, you are putting words into his mouth rather than reasonably debating his euroscepticisn.

He very likely voted for Brexit despite being aware of the damage it will cause.

Let's blame him for something we think he did. No evidence but if it's good enough for The Sun, it's good enough for us!

somehow he and his inner circle have gamed the leadership system to remain in power.

He won two leadership contests by engaging with legitimate members and creating the largest political membership in the EU. Your phrasing "gamed the system" implies cheating or the untoward, all contributing to purposeful misrepresentation.
Is he this nefarious character he's portrayed as? Probably not.

It's good of you to concede that this boring old man "probably" isn't a Czech and Russian and IRA and ISIS and Al-Queda and Hamas secret agent simultaneously who killed a rabbit on Christmas Day and danced on veterans graves while stealing their sandwiches during a vigil. Very interesting that all of that obcene ridiculousness only gets a "probably not". So given the balance of probabilities, is it still possible he is all of these things?

I feel the way you might have presented the above is part of the problem. Misrepresent and attack the misrepresentations.
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Oct 25, 2017
Corbyn, his mess of a shadow cabinet, and Momentum are the reasons the Conservatives are getting away with murder at the moment and the reason Brexit is a disaster.

No accountability to the government, because they're fucking up so badly themselves the press are all over THEM rather than May.

"but duh smears". Anyone else worth their salt would be doing their job as leader of the opposition. He isnt. He's fucking terrible.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
The fact is whatever you think of him he's not electable any more (if he ever was), and that means the party needs to get him out of the leadership and reposition itself to be more electable, even if that means a shuffle back towards the center. Right now what Britain needs is strong opposition to May's government, and Corbyn isn't providing it. Simple as.