Colossal Moo

Jan 13, 2018
I've got an excellent counterpoint for you, but I'm out of energy at the moment. Feed me 500 crystals to hear my counterpoint.

Wow - That's a cheap shot. First, not all mobile games are free to play. I play on iOS and I found a lot of good paid games on it. Second, a lot of people do like free to play games. For example, people love Fortnight on consoles and phones. People also love a lot of the other free to play games which is why they have so may players.

If you are going to claim an entire platform (in this case cell phone games on iOS and Android) is bad, that is a serious charge and you need to back it up. You didn't. When these platforms have tons of games and these games have tons of players, claiming that the platforms are terrible is very hard to believe.

I don't own Android devices but on iOS, Apple has done a great job of highlighting good games in the App Store each day. If you are looking for some good games, please visit the app store and see what is available.

Also, here are some of the games I really liked on iOS:

- The Kingdom Rush Series (Frontiers HD) (Tower Defense)
- Threes (Puzzle, also on Xbox One)
- Warbits (it's like Advanced Wars)
- Human Resource Machine (Logic / Programming game. Also on the Switch)
- Sunless Sea (hard to describe, there is a lot of exploration, trading, it's somewhat of a rogue lite, etc.)
- The Room (Adventure)
- Plants vs. Zombies (1 NOT 2, 2 is boring)
- Day of the Tentacle (Adventure, on lots of other platforms)
- Stack & Crack (Puzzle)
- Up Left Out (Puzzle)

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
the meme of taking collective opinions you disagree with and calling them 'memes' is hella fresh, tho

not like you're wrong. Phone games aren't innately bad, there's more and more great ones every year.

Colossal Moo

Jan 13, 2018
Mobile games controls blow. I don't really mind how far the games have come, controlling it will be terrible.

This is another sweeping generalization which is not true. First, your are claiming every mobile game has bad controls? This is a laughable claim because of a video game genres work very well on mobile. Here is some examples:

1) Card games
2) Tower Defense Games (The Kingdom Rush Series is a great example of this, so is Plants vs. Zombies)
3) Adventure games (Day of the Tentacle, The Room and Machinarium) are good examples of this.
4) A lot of puzzle games (Threes and 2048 are good examples of Puzzle games which work well on a phone. Tetris is an example of a Puzzle game which does not work well on a phone).
5) Strategy games (I played Civilization Revolution on my iPod and it worked fine).
6) Fort Night and PUBG (If these games had controls which "blow", why do millions play them?)

Colossal Moo

Jan 13, 2018
It's not a meme, people should stop calling everything a meme.

It may not be a "meme" but the OP is on to something. There is a LOT of bias on this forum against mobile gaming. It shows up in two very obvious ways:

- People automatically dismiss mobile games with invalid arguments (look at a lot of the responses to this post). They claim all mobile games are bad, all mobile games have microtransactions, all mobile games have bad controls, etc. These claims are obviously not true but people on make them and they frequently are not challenged on them.

-Even huge mobile games are routinely ignored on this forum.

Colossal Moo

Jan 13, 2018
This argument being..."it has ports!!! And also nuh uh it doesn't suck!"

How about nuh uh to that and they do suck? Terrible monetization, no buttons, thousands of clones, your phone gets hot as shit, and so on. Gatcha games are fucking stupid too.

I own an iPhone (5, 6 and now 8 Plus) and an iPad (3rd gen, Air and now Pro) and they never got hot when playing games. Maybe some phones "get hot as shit" but that is not true for all phones. I bet this doesn't happen for phones which come from Samsung or from other good phone makers.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is another sweeping generalization which is not true. First, your are claiming every mobile game has bad controls? This is a laughable claim because of a video game genres work very well on mobile. Here is some examples:

1) Card games
2) Tower Defense Games (The Kingdom Rush Series is a great example of this, so is Plants vs. Zombies)
3) Adventure games (Day of the Tentacle, The Room and Machinarium) are good examples of this.
4) A lot of puzzle games (Threes and 2048 are good examples of Puzzle games which work well on a phone. Tetris is an example of a Puzzle game which does not work well on a phone).
5) Strategy games (I played Civilization Revolution on my iPod and it worked fine).
6) Fort Night and PUBG (If these games had controls which "blow", why do millions play them?)

Disagree with you heavily on 6, but I agree on the others. 1,3,4,5 in particular.

+ Rhythm games.

Seriously, touch controlled rhythm games can be pretty awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
It may not be a "meme" but the OP is on to something. There is a LOT of bias on this forum against mobile gaming. It shows up in two very obvious ways:

- People automatically dismiss mobile games with invalid arguments (look at a lot of the responses to this post). They claim all mobile games are bad, all mobile games have microtransactions, all mobile games have bad controls, etc. These claims are obviously not true but people on make them and they frequently are not challenged on them.

-Even huge mobile games are routinely ignored on this forum.

I just want to say that all your posts are great and I agree fully with them.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing inherently wrong with mobile games.

Touch screen controls are often clunkier than controllers, but for certain types of games they can work well.

Pricing models are often terrible (e.g. gacha), but this isn't inherent to the mobile platform. It's just something publishers tend to do for whatever reason, I guess because of historical precedent of it working well.

It's certainly possible for there to be really great mobile games out there. I haven't found any I really love personally, but I admit I haven't been looking very hard. Of course I will keep an open mind on any new mobile game I see, and judge it according to its own merits.


Dec 18, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Trying to translate a computer-RPG to a touch-input device is definitely inhibiting. There are just some tasks that are going to be more inherently clunky to perform on a smart phone. I think it is completely fair to be sceptical on that front while conceding that not is always true (e.g. SHMUPs are actually pretty amazing on a touch screen).


Oct 27, 2017
I think mobile games have the potential to be great, it's generally f2p mechanics that ruin it for me.

I'd gladly put down money for quality premium games.

Seriously, I do not have time to waste on timers and energy meters. Especially when it leads to making the game experience deliberately worse.


Oct 2, 2018
Let's be real for a second.

I don't think that Mobile games MUST suck, but they usually do. I had great fun playing on my phone the original dragon quest games and it was great, I had several time sinkers with my different phones like a brick breaker or the angry birds games which required precision and somewhat skills to reach the 3 star ranks.

But for one, the Great games are either ports, puzzle games or "F2P"(which means gachapon-like these days). Puzzle games are a genre I love and I'd like to see more on PC and console, but the reason why there's quite a lot of puzzle games on mobile is mainly because they can accomodate poor controls. And that's the main problem of mobile. Touch screen controls suck. They don't give you proper feedback for when you've pushed a virtual button and when you didn't. You need visual feedback to control if you did well, which means more latency. It's not a problem with turn based games, hence why it worked well for fire emblem heroes, but anything that requires real time action is pretty much doomed. If you've ever tried to play a snes rom on your phone you probably know pretty well you can only get a subpar experience for real time action.

Mobile games suck because they are mainly limited by the inputs. You could tell me that you could solve this problem by having wireless 360 pad and the likes, but if you need a controller to play good games, handhelds already include these physical controls and are de facto better platforms. This thread comes off as an answer for the diablo shitstorm, but let's be real, no one wants to play diablo with a touch screen. Even if it was playable with a touch screen, that would only be possible thanks to major compromises. And to put it bluntly, making Diablo playable on console was already arguably a stepback because of the control limitations, touch screen controls can't be any better.


Dec 13, 2017
… Except they mostly do.

Not only touch controls are way less accurate and comfortable than keyboard and mouse or gamepad (which also leads to simplified gameplay mechanics), but also these kind of free-to-play games are intentionally designed to milk money from the players little-by-little, and don't give me that "B-but you have to don't pay for premium currency" nonsense.

Yes, you can not pay any microtransactions in these kind of games… if you willingly agree to wait hours to your energy bar to refill/"this item/skill/level/function/etc will unlock in XX:XX" countdowns to end, just to grind for 10-15 minutes and wait again.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to ask myself how did a game like Dragalia Lost manage to pull myself away from Dark Souls...
… Except they mostly do.

Not only touch controls are way less accurate and comfortable than keyboard and mouse or gamepad (which also leads to simplified gameplay mechanics), but also these kind of free-to-play games are intentionally designed to milk money from the players little-by-little, and don't give me that "B-but you have to don't pay for premium currency" nonsense.

Yes, you can not pay any microtransactions in these kind of games… if you willingly agree to wait hours to your energy bar to refill/"this item/skill/level/function/etc will unlock in XX:XX" countdowns to end, just to grind for 10-15 minutes and wait again.
I've been playing mostly with my iPad Pro, using the Apple Pencil as a stylus. At worst, it's pretty much like Zelda Phantom Hourglass when it comes to controls, which is a love-or-hate ordeal. As for wait timers, Dragalia has been pretty generous handing out refills and items to recharge them, not to mention leveling up also resets AND keeps the extra energy you spent with said rechargable items. There's nothing locked behind premium currency, and it's only if you really want to get those limited-time characters where you might even consider investing money.

But get this: For the amount of time I've spent and genuine fun I've had with the game, I actually wouldn't feel bad if a dipped a chipped a few dollars for this game. The co-op is really addictive and there's just really something about the numerous game loops that holds itself on its own that don't feel like it's being impeded by a paywall or a timegate. It helps that being an ARPG makes it more skill-based.

So yeah, it's a rare case where a mobile game that's not a port manage to grab time away from my Switch, and not even Fire Emblem Heroes, Pokemon GO, nor Animal Crossing Pocket Camp manage to hook me the same way Dragalia has.
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Oct 25, 2017
What I find funny about the whole predatory, addictive, money grabbing complaints about mobile games is: It's been this way since the very beginning of video games, that is the video game model. 45 years ago, the very first thing that happened with video games was they made them coin operated, super hard, giving you only a couple of tries for a quarter, which if adjusted for inflation is not any cheaper than crystals or whatever when used for stamina/life. Games these days cost around 60 dollars, that kind of money would last a LONG time for mobile games or arcade games. Now if you are bad at a game, it is cheaper to buy it outright for the 60 dollars, but if you are good, and you only lose once or twice, that's incredibly expensive.

I've had many hours of enjoyment playing mobile games - for absolutely free. Most are constantly giving you in game currency and stamina refreshes. Take Dragalia Lost for example, they have given me enough stamina recharges to play 400 consecutive plays, and this is ignoring the fact that the stamina is constantly recharging, and it completely refills after leveling up. I have received 5 - 5 star characters only using in game currency, and I still have enough to do 5 more 10-pulls.

Do some people spend way too much than they should? Sure, but that is true for console gaming and PC gaming as well. Any hobby has people who have a healthy relationship with it, and people who have unhealthy relationship with it.
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Oct 8, 2018
However, saying that the game will be bad because it's a mobile game doesn't respect the changes made to the industry since the rise of Candy Crush Saga helped create the stereotype in the first place.

Not all mobile games are Candy Crush

While I do agree with you, a good game is a good game, I think when looking at franchises like Diablo we need to take a deeper look.

For fans of Diablo they will be expecting a massive, cutting edge, potential GOTY experience. Those fans will probably bring in other gamers through word of mouth etc.

They are passionate about the franchise.

However, I feel like from Blizzards point of view a free to play Diablo mobile experience could be way more profitable long term.

I am sure many developers over the years have looked at Candy Crush etc and thought "wtf, look at all the passion and effort and artistic flair that goes into our projects but we can't match profits with fuckin Candy Crush".

So I am looking at Diablo Mobile and thinking this is the future of some of these big, and beloved, franchises.

Yes, there are good mobile games out there but this just seems so cheap and uninspired and done ONLY to make more profit with less investment.

Its kind of like how some really low effort, low quality YouTube videos rack up 100s of millions of views. You'd like to think that the next Star Trek show won't be presented in the format of viral YouTube clips just because that's what brings in views and money PLUS it costs less to make.

While I would never bother with contacting Blizzard or getting particularly mad about this online, my genuine opinion is that Diablo Mobile is kind of a "sell out" game.

They really seem to have abandoned the art and the craft of aiming to make an excellent and deep and top tier game in favour of getting to the massive untapped profits of the mobile market.

I kind of do feel sorry for the fans.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
I dont mind any franchise or game being announced for mobile. Its pretty cool. I dont like playing on mobile though because of
1) control limitations
2) battery life
3) very small screen

So I rarely play on mobile except for a few minutes here and there.

I also hate the free to play model so I never play those, even for franchises I like very much like Fire Emblem.


Oct 27, 2017
IMO, the problem isn't exactly mobile games per se, but how exploitative the F2P model has been used since companies figured out people will pay for the most stupid things.

Waddle Dee

Nov 2, 2017
User warned: Inflammatory drive-by posting, generalizing and discrediting fellow users.
Why is the defense force so desperate to defend this hot garbage? You just know this game is gonna be filled with microtransactions that affect balance, and the game will control terribly. This should even be up for debate.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can see the argument 7-8 years ago when mobile was the fresh new thing that could've acted as a legit threat to consoles but in 2018 it just comes across as annoying.

F2P isn't a problem on just mobile and chances are the same people complaining about how "exploitative" it is are also the same people who complained about having to pay $10 for Mario Run.


Oct 26, 2017
Youre on a forum where a big amount of members are used to investing money in handhelds like Switch,Vita, 3ds etc and mobile games have a lesser experience in the game itself aswell as controls. I doubt that non diehard gaming nerds care about that.

Also the phone has more important tasks to fullfill and you dont wanna risk running out of battery.

Some games are better adjusted for the format, I love smaller trivia games and party games, thats where the best experience can be found imo and easy to get connected with others.

Heartstone is a good experience, GTA sucks.. etc. It all varies.


User requested ban
Mar 8, 2018
Why is the defense force so desperate to defend this hot garbage? You just know this game is gonna be filled with microtransactions that affect balance, and the game will control terribly. This should even be up for debate.

Because willingly or unwittingly being a corporate drone is a possible net positive to them. I wouldn't doubt there are some on this forum doing this

There are good mobile games out there, but the mobile market in general is a sea of trash, free to play became a race to the bottom, which a large swath of companies were willing to go down to.


Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Because willingly or unwittingly being a corporate drone is a possible net positive. I wouldn't doubt there are some on this forum.

There are good mobile games out there, but the mobile market in general is a sea of trash, free to play became a race to the bottom, which a large swath of companies were willing to go down to.

So you're saying that people who like something, or are interested in something like Diablo Immortal (for example) are just unwitting, or willing corporate drones who aren't entitled to voice their opinion just as much as people who are unhappy about something? Or am I misunderstanding?


Oct 8, 2018
Also, here are some of the games I really liked on iOS:

- The Kingdom Rush Series (Frontiers HD) (Tower Defense)
- Threes (Puzzle, also on Xbox One)
- Warbits (it's like Advanced Wars)
- Human Resource Machine (Logic / Programming game. Also on the Switch)
- Sunless Sea (hard to describe, there is a lot of exploration, trading, it's somewhat of a rogue lite, etc.)
- The Room (Adventure)
- Plants vs. Zombies (1 NOT 2, 2 is boring)
- Day of the Tentacle (Adventure, on lots of other platforms)
- Stack & Crack (Puzzle)
- Up Left Out (Puzzle)

As good as these games are I do not think they can stand shoulder to shoulder with the best of the best on console and PC.

I believe its not even close.

Sure they are super fun to play but on PC you are getting the absolute cutting edge of gaming in the modern day. From art design to writing to music to mechanics.

Mobile games feel like something you do to kill time. I guess mindless might be too inflammatory. They are fun, let's say.

On PC and Console I feel like you are getting a full "experience" made with some real artistic talent.

A mobile game is like jumping into a McDs and grabbing a Big Mac. It's not bad. Actually it's pretty good but it's cheap and quick and... casual?

A big AAA experience is like going to get a haircut and putting on a new outfit and looking good calling your date to let them know you'll pick them up in an hour and they are looking good and then you get shown to your table and the restaurant has been beautifully laid out and the food is made by expert chefs at the top of their game.

Hey, subjectively it might not be as good as grabbing a Big Mac and Fries on the way home from work but it sure is a tremendous and memorable experience.

Diablo fans want the new Diablo to be "date night" but instead they are offered fast food and a quick handy in the backseat. :)

Mobile Games are good but they simply cannot measure up to PC or Console games.

Unless PC and Console becomes a thing of the past, mobile will always be the inferior way to engage with the medium of videogames.


User requested ban
Mar 8, 2018
So you're saying that people who like something, or are interested in something like Diablo Immortal (for example) are just unwitting, or willing corporate drones who aren't entitled to voice their opinion just as much as people who are unhappy about something? Or am I misunderstanding?

Yes you are misunderstanding, by all means if you wanna play the game have at it. My apologies if someone thinks I'm lumping them into that.

There are people who just rush to the defense of these companies to a ridiculous degree fan base or not. Games media being one of them and it just makes people take them less seriously every time they do it on a hill not worth dying on.

The game from what people have said looks like a another money dunk that is festering mobile games, and it's unfair for those who are REASONABLY voicing their grievance with what this looks like being lumped into being a dreaded "gamer" or somehow entitled. Which if you spent money to go to an event that is all about the fan base I'd be frustrated as well at such a lackluster closing reveal. But then again I rarely go to events like this that are game related.

I'm sure someone will tell me that I'm overlooking the people who are harassing or sending threats to devs to hand wave away what I am saying. To which I say I can't cover every little thing some part of the community does, nor do I ever care to give a spotlight to people who are pathetic enough to send death threats or harass over a mobile game
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Mar 24, 2018
New Brunswick, Canada
Yes you are misunderstanding, by all means if you wanna play the game have at it. My apologies if someone thinks I'm limping them
Into that.

There are people who just rush to the defense of these companies to a ridiculous degree fan base or not.

The game from what people have said looks like a another money dunk that is festering mobile games, and it's unfair for those who are REASONABLY voicing their grievance with what this looks like being lumped into being a dreaded "gamer" or somehow entitled. Which if you spent money to go to an event that is all about the fan base I'd be frustrated as well. But then again I rarely go to events like this that are game related

Okay, I gotcha. Sorry if I seemed a bit hostile.

I personally wouldn't say it looks like a money dunk, I think it actually looks pretty fun. I choose to with-hold my judgement until they start to dig into the main gameplay systems and monetization. Most people's anger is justified, although I've seen threads around the internet pushing petitions for getting the game cancelled, which I do think is childish.


User requested ban
Mar 8, 2018
Okay, I gotcha. Sorry if I seemed a bit hostile

No problem.
I personally wouldn't say it looks like a money dunk, I think it actually looks pretty fun. I choose to with-hold my judgement until they start to dig into the main gameplay systems and monetization.

If you wanna wait to make a judgement call it's probably for the best. Maybe they'll reconfigure the game, but knowing how this tends to go I'm not holding my breath.

Most people's anger is justified, although I've seen threads around the internet pushing petitions for getting the game cancelled, which I do think is childish.

I tend to ignore people that do silly stuff like petitions because often they go nowhere


Oct 28, 2017
I respect if people don't enjoy playing games on their phones, or the games available on phones. I'd only "insist" if people genuinely wanted to discover good mobile games, I'm no phone evangelist - but it is objectively wrong to say mobile games are inherently bad and that's the only thing I wish people would stop implying.

I'd even agree with people about statements like "most mobile games are always online, gameplay-less vehicles for IAPs", just not with the automatic dismissal of mobile of games or mobile as a platform for good games.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
There was a time I saw a lot of potential in mobile but the cynic in me knows that a big name IP releasing on mobile is only because of a) targeting a bigger user base and b) to unfairly monetize towards its advantage. In my eyes, this so-called "meme" isn't tired nor outdated.

Some mobile games are good (I love Lara Croft Go and Hitman Go - great titles)... but you know what they say about poisoning the well. Not admitting this ignores the bigger issue with mobile.


Oct 30, 2017
The mobile space is so saturated though... 99% is garbage, those great games are a drop in the ocean. That's where the "meme" comes from and it's still true.


Nov 2, 2017
I want to like mobile gaming. I really, really want to. Where I am at in my life, I cant dedicate 2 hours a day to playing a console, but I can do that for mobile, as long as I can do quick matches or what not.

That said, I am desperately trying to find a worthy mobile game and they are all mediocre at best. Im not just talking one genre either. RPG/Strategy/FPS, the best games on mobile are ports of already existing games.


Nov 12, 2017
Lets be real here. The mobile game meme exists because of what the system offers. A plethora of low-effort money grab titles. Then a handfull of indie-titles, that you often have the ability to play with a better experience on other systems. And lastly a handful of ports of games from other systems.

That is literally what´s on the marketplace. Phones as a gaming device wouldn´t be a meme if publishers/devs would actually produce meaningful games with depth created with the systems strengths and weaknesses in mind.
I love handheld gaming and I would love to play good games on my phone, given that they´re working well, but from what I can see, there aren´t that many good games to play.
If people would start to put out games on the level of 3ds (or even ds) games quality wise, I would be there in a heartbeat.
But they aren´t. Yet.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I've got an excellent counterpoint for you, but I'm out of energy at the moment. Feed me 500 crystals to hear my counterpoint.
Thats the best response.

Just because things are slightly better than they were, doesn't mean it's excusable or decent as the barometer is traditional games. As long as it's more exploitative and has poor controls. It will be, by default kind of sucky at least.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd actually hate playing Kingdom Rush or Polytopia with a controller, lol. They'd be fine on PC, with mouse control, though. There are plenty of games that play perfectly fine on touch screens, no one is forcing you to play Samurai Shodown on your phone (I tried it, you really can't, lol).


Nov 2, 2017
Lets be real here. The mobile game meme exists because of what the system offers. A plethora of low-effort money grab titles. Then a handfull of indie-titles, that you often have the ability to play with a better experience on other systems. And lastly a handful of ports of games from other systems.

That is literally what´s on the marketplace. Phones as a gaming device wouldn´t be a meme if publishers/devs would actually produce meaningful games with depth created with the systems strengths and weaknesses in mind.
I love handheld gaming and I would love to play good games on my phone, given that they´re working well, but from what I can see, there aren´t that many good games to play.
If people would start to put out games on the level of 3ds (or even ds) games quality wise, I would be there in a heartbeat.
But they aren´t. Yet.

These are my exact thoughts.

Use animal crossing as an example. The mobile version is a tenth of the normal game, robotic, and purposefully limited to sell microtransactions.

The thing is, I DONT MIND microtransactions at all. Games I have really been into in the past (DOTA, Guild Wars 2) I used the store frequently. I am not a fan of cutting out features and leaving the game bland to rush out a cash shop though.


Nov 12, 2017
These are my exact thoughts.

Use animal crossing as an example. The mobile version is a tenth of the normal game, robotic, and purposefully limited to sell microtransactions.

The thing is, I DONT MIND microtransactions at all. Games I have really been into in the past (DOTA, Guild Wars 2) I used the store frequently. I am not a fan of cutting out features and leaving the game bland to rush out a cash shop though.

Yes, I would also add, that I personally wouldn´t mind paying what normal handheld games cost for a mobile game, if the game was of the quality of those.

I don´t want to pay a fraction of the prize to play a game that´s a fraction of what the original is. Which is what the market is almost all about.

I don´t play games to waste time. If I´m investing precious time and money in a game I want to get an experience worthwhile, and I´m currently not getting that with mobilegames. Would love for that to change tho.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I think the key thing here is that mobile games CAN be good, but often aren't. Anything actually decent is hidden behind thousands of gatcha games or candy crush clones, because they make the money.

There's no incentive for mobile games to change or generally be better, so I don't hold out much hope for platform. Which is a shame, because mobile has so much potential.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
These are my exact thoughts.

Use animal crossing as an example. The mobile version is a tenth of the normal game, robotic, and purposefully limited to sell microtransactions.

The thing is, I DONT MIND microtransactions at all. Games I have really been into in the past (DOTA, Guild Wars 2) I used the store frequently. I am not a fan of cutting out features and leaving the game bland to rush out a cash shop though.

No one is a fan of cutting out features in order to rush out a cash shop. If you want to cherry pick terrible games/practices and generalize all mobile games based on that, you certainly can (and seem to be).

But clearly there are games out there that are better than that, with many already being listed in this thread. Mobile gaming is at, what, $50 billion this year? $60b? Do you think all us moron mobile gamers just throw away so much money on junk? It's clearly already a viable platform for millions and millions of players. Now, if you have certain requirements - you want nothing but full console experiences with controller support - then mobile isn't for you. That doesn't mean it's not a trash filled platform for everyone else. That seems to be the theme of this thread. "I think it doesn't have everything I want, so it's all trash." That's followed closely by "Hey here's a game that sucks. Therefore everything else sucks."

Anyway, mobile isn't replacing anything. I can still play red dead at home. But I can also play clash Royale when waiting for the subway :)


Nov 12, 2017
You are not "investing" shit in playing videogames.
They are an entertainment product. They exist solely to kill time.

What a narrowminded way to look at life. And what a weird pedantic way of saying it.
Your time is an investment. Your feelings are an investment.
People has striven towards the betterment of mankind through centuries, but they were actually just wasting time, because they did more than living in their own filth, barely surviving.

Don´t understand that way of thinking and I don´t know what it has to do with this current discussion. But I would certainly like for games to surpass that kind of philosophy.

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People has striven towards the betterment of mankind through centuries

Yes, and people continue to do so.
But not by playing videogames, jfc.

Learning a new skill, or a new language is a time investment.
Watching all of the MCU movies back to back, or playing through a AAA shootbang 7 from start t finish, or playing a match 3 puzzler while waiting for a bus are all wastes of time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
What a narrowminded way to look at life. And what a weird pedantic way of saying it.
Your time is an investment. Your feelings are an investment.
People has striven towards the betterment of mankind through centuries, but they were actually just wasting time, because they did more than living in their own filth, barely surviving.

Don´t understand that way of thinking and I don´t know what it has to do with this current discussion. But I would certainly like for games to surpass that kind of philosophy.

Oh lord. I can't tell if you're serious or not. Betterment of mankind?