What did you think of Chapter 8: Redemption?

  • Great

    Votes: 708 73.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 179 18.7%
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    Votes: 60 6.3%
  • Poor

    Votes: 12 1.3%

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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What's Chun Li doing in this show? she hasn't aged at all wow. I knew it was her when I heard her voice!

From the Van Damme movie I mean.

Deleted member 17402

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Oct 27, 2017
I'm not delusional when it comes to this show, despite the fact I was looking forward to it so much. It has great cinematography, visuals, baby Yoda and Mando, but beyond that, the episodes are middling in quality. There's just not enough to each episode to justify them. The first three episodes seriously felt like one episode that was split apart. These last two also feel like they can be part of the same episode.

My hope is that they're this cautious because its Star Wars' first live-action series and they're just testing the waters, but if this is the quality we can expect from Star Wars shows going forward, then re-runs of The Clone Wars and Rebels is probably what I'm going to be relegated to for the rest of my time as a Star Wars fan.

What's funny is that each episode has felt like a Clone Wars or Rebels episode come to life, but the issue is that it doesn't translate well to live-action. The same amount of nothing could be happening in one of the cartoon's episodes but it would still feel meatier because the ability to jump around thanks to animation makes it feel faster. The Mandalorian feels like a slog with nothing going on.

And where the hell did the budget go if episodes are this short?


Oct 27, 2017
Rewatched the last two episodes because why not. Still bad imo, and the characters aren't making things any better. I see no reason why they couldn't just release all of the episodes at once, other than to keep some peoples subs rolling into another month. Not enough happens between each episode to build any hype into each week like GOT did. I'm positive it'll get better, but it's really not all that so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I finally watched all the 5 episodes, and of course people are already souring on the show.
Oh, well. I liked the background information the episode provides:

*The TIE locking system has found his way into the black market. It makes full sense too.
*Pre-empire technology is still around in poor areas. Those repair robots looked great.
*Mando's ship has some serious shields. It also might means that his piloting skills are not strong (flaws are always a good thing).
*Mos Eisley still exists, but after the events of ROTJ, it seems that the place is decaying as money is no longer flowing in there.
Also, not only robots are now allowed in the cantina, but it's actually handled by one.
*Tusken Raiders can be reasoned with it, and are more open to foreigns. It's unclear if that has always been the case, or is all part of the current status quo.
This does put the actions of Anakin and Obi Wan under a new light.

Was not a fan of Solo's wannabe character, nor the way is dealt with. And Mando was really dumb for trusting him in the first place.
The way the initial ship exploded was a great callback. Filoni is great at world building, but his direction needs some fine tuning. In general, the show would benefit to take their audience's intelligence a bit more seriously (at least once in a while).

I can only assume the assassin somehow faked her own death (or at least delayed it). Can't be that notorious, without being resourceful. She would be another fine addition to his future team.
I mean, he already has an engineer, a repairwoman, a shooter and shock trooper on call. A sneaky sniper would certainly fit in.
Dec 31, 2017
My honest biggest fear about Mando is that in the end, it's only used as a vehicle to get Yoda and Boba Fett canonically back from the Dead.
Don't really think it will play out that way, but anyway.
Ah yes, the series that was marketed as exploring a previously unseen part of the galaxy and telling new stories, blows its load within five episodes by resurrecting an OT character.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally watched all the 5 episodes, and of course people are already souring on the show.
Oh, well. I liked the background information the episode provides:

*The TIE locking system has found his way into the black market. It makes full sense too.
*Pre-empire technology is still around in poor areas. Those repair robots looked great.
*Mando's ship has some serious shields. It also might means that his piloting skills are not strong (flaws are always a good thing).
*Mos Eisley still exists, but after the events of ROTJ, it seems that the place is decaying as money is no longer flowing in there.
Also, not only robots are now allowed in the cantina, but it's actually handled by one.
*Tusken Raiders can be reasoned with it, and are more open to foreigns. It's unclear if that has always been the case, or is all part of the current status quo.
This does put the actions of Anakin and Obi Wan under a new light.

I noticed some of these as well and is why I liked this ep more than the others


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This episode did absolutely nothing for me. At this point there's only three episodes left and the time commitment is minimal, so I'm gonna finish the season but man, unless things markedly change by the finale, I'm not coming back for season 2.

I've long maintained that Mandalorians are the least interesting people in the Star Wars universe (seriously, I've been saying Boba Fett is a dork since I was ten), and this show is doing literally nothing to change that.
Oct 29, 2017
This episode did absolutely nothing for me. At this point there's only three episodes left and the time commitment is minimal, so I'm gonna finish the season but man, unless things markedly change by the finale, I'm not coming back for season 2.

Im kinda there too. Im surprised at how disconnected the episodes are. I figured we would get a focus on a main overarching plot line instead of episodes that are largely stand alone with the main plot of 'the Kid' floating around in the background.

Also, that new bounty hunter kid was terrible...like really terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
My biggest "issue" with the show is the lack of overall progress. I enjoy it for what it is, but this weeks "previously on The Mandalorian" consisted of pretty much just a few lines ("lets lie low on this planet. Oh no, the kid is being tracked we have to leave!"), which made me think "yeah, thats pretty much the gist of what happened I guess".


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Im kinda there too. Im surprised at how disconnected the episodes are. I figured we would get a focus on a main overarching plot line instead of episodes that are largely stand alone with the main plot of 'the Kid' floating around in the background.

Also, that new bounty hunter kid was terrible...like really terrible.

Like I don't even need absurdly dense serialization if the moment to moment storylines are good or if the character moments make up for the lack of forward momentum.

But Mando himself is so...bloody...boring. Why cast someone as charismatic and likeable as Pedro Pascal and then waste him on a quiet, boring nobody? They need to get him out of the damn helmet already so we can actually see who he is as a person.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I've enjoyed everything, but I do hope the last three episodes are another arc. If they can do a "big bad bounty hunter coming after Mando" arc that ties in all the characters from the one offs and gives us some more mystery with Baby Yods before the season ends, it'll tie everything up with a nice bow.


Oct 28, 2017
This was definitely the worst one of the season, though it was decent enough. 5 and 2 were the only episodes that really didn't hold my interest. Hopefully we get back to the quality of 3 and 4.


Oct 25, 2017
Y'all kids freaking out about Chun Li when the REAL shocker was my complicated feelings non-sexual CrushBae, Amy Sedaris as another completely unrecognizable weirdo.



Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Taking Mando's helmet off won't magically flesh him out as a character. The most interesting choice he's made is deciding to save the kid. Otherwise, it's hard to learn anything about his character with the way the writing has gone.


Oct 25, 2017
While this show is fun enough, I'm kind of amazed at how much of a not story it is. We aren't getting any extended time with any characters that aren't The Mandalorian, which would be fine, except he's just as mysterious to us as to the people he's interacting with in the show. I hope we get some fucking meat with these last handful of episodes.

On a less critical note, the mystery person at the end of episode 5 made me think Cad Bane. Probably wishful thinking, but god damn, bring him out of the cartoon show.


Oct 28, 2017
The story isn't going anywhere. So many clichés...I'm only watching for the visuals and universe.

Deleted member 11069

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Oct 27, 2017
Whoever wrote here that it feels like fanfiction was spot on as soon as the "new kid" came on.
Holy shit, dude brought it down to a cable show level.


Nov 7, 2017
Episode 5 was a step down, but this scroundrel can kidnap me any day

Just saw he was Bobby Cannavale's son, bless this timeline and those genes being passed on



"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The new Han Solo wannabe got what he deserved. I was surprised the Mandalorian didn't do anything when he smashes the tracking fob right in front of him. "I got it memorized." Sure kid.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Please respect the man and call him by his god given name: CW Boy.

After losing his girlfriend and parents to Darth Vindictus, Toro "Swiftshot" Calican travels the Outer Rim trading quips with ruthless mob bosses like The Fennec and The Mandalorian. Teaming up with a beautiful blonde former model and a comic relief character who is probably black, Swiftshot creates a special team called Coruscant, suffering flashbacks on a weekly basis.


Oct 28, 2017
Given that it was mentioned early on (around episode 1, iirc) that the entire season could be edited down to a 2-hour movie, it wouldn't surprise me if we get one more episode of filler and two actual episodes, one of which is of course the finale.

8 episodes = 4 hours
4 episodes of filler = 2 hours
cut the filler, boom, 2 hour movie

Watch this happen.

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
I don't hate the show but holy smoke does it get bad acting from almost everyone involved. Carl Weathers and Werner Herzog are the only ones that gave performance that was entertaining. Amy Sedaris, who I like in general, was appalling . The kid was even worse.


Oct 27, 2017
Given that it was mentioned early on (around episode 1, iirc) that the entire season could be edited down to a 2-hour movie, it wouldn't surprise me if we get one more episode of filler and two actual episodes, one of which is of course the finale.

8 episodes = 4 hours
4 episodes of filler = 2 hours
cut the filler, boom, 2 hour movie

Watch this happen.
Do people really believe this? It's a bit ridiculous.

It'd be one heck of an incoherent movie, if it were possible.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Wouldn't Yoda be pretty fucking famous in the galaxy and thus wouldn't a baby yoda be recognizable as such by pretty much everyone?

has that been addressed at all? Just curious

like is this show considered canon too? Like where does a baby yoda with pretty strong force powers come from other than a relative of yoda?


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't Yoda be pretty fucking famous in the galaxy and thus wouldn't a baby yoda be recognizable as such by pretty much everyone?

has that been addressed at all? Just curious

like is this show considered canon too? Like where does a baby yoda with pretty strong force powers come from other than a relative of yoda?
This show takes place after Return of the Jedi, which is far removed from the events of Episode III when the Jedi were killed off. By this point a lot of people don't even believe the Force is real (Mando doesn't even realize that Baby Yoda used the force in episode 2) and the Jedi are pretty much an urban legend. Any specific Jedi is all but forgotten to history.

To your second question: Yeah, the show is canon but we're not sure where Baby Yoda comes from. His species seem to be so rare that no one that has come across Baby Yoda even knows what he is, so we're not really sure if there's only a handful of those species or what. This could be a Yoda clone (popular theory) or it's possible that this species is just really strong with the Force.


Oct 25, 2017
This show takes place after Return of the Jedi, which is far removed from the events of Episode III when the Jedi were killed off. By this point a lot of people don't even believe the Force is real (Mando doesn't even realize that Baby Yoda used the force in episode 2) and the Jedi are pretty much an urban legend. Any specific Jedi is all but forgotten to history.

That was always something I didn't get about Star Wars. Even if the multi-millenia Republic was rotting away it still was around ~30 years ago but it's treated like so long past before time that everyone forgot.


Oct 25, 2017
That was always something I didn't get about Star Wars. Even if the multi-millenia Republic was rotting away it still was around ~30 years ago but it's treated like so long past before time that everyone forgot.
Yeah, you kinda have to suspend your disbelief a bit there.

However, it's not THAT out there when you take into account how segregated a lot of the galaxy is. You have all of those outer rim planets where the Republic wasn't all that involved in and most of these planets have people living in rinky dinky towns. It's how you had some people thinking the Empire were the good guys since they might have never seen any of the wrongs the Empire did.
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