
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like the original but I would have been willing to give the remake a chance with the QOL improvements, but not for $60.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm about halfway done with the game (reviewing it) and it is really great. It is a wonderful remake and puts a huge smile on my face as I make my way around the island. Can't wait for the release to hear thoughts!


Oct 27, 2017
Day one. Beat the DX version back when it launched since I somehow missed the original launch way back in the day.

Pumped to not have to constantly swap items.


Oct 29, 2017
Meh. I really like Link's Awakening, but I am not a fan of Grezzo at all. They make some really baffling decisions. Stuff like making the Zora swimming tied to your magic meter, just really bone-headed choices that obviously hurt the game.

I don't see anything quite that dumb in LA, but there are some really disappointing changes. It bugs me a lot that the new camera system let's you see into the next area. It feels like it highlights how small the world is and just doesn't make a ton of sense. It looks ridiculous when there's a row of trees separating two completely different environments.

The frame rate issues are just baffling. I actually like the art style quite a bit and think the game looks great, but it really, really doesn't look like it should be taxing the hardware to the point that it regularly halves its frame rate.

And the price really does feel like bullshit. If Nintendo still had separate home and handheld consoles this would absolutely be a $40 handheld game. It feels so ridiculous that this and Breath of the Wild are the same price. Plus this was one of my favorite games as a kid and I've beaten it somewhere around five or six times, so I know I would blow through it very quickly.

I do want to check it out for nostalgia's sake but I'm fine waiting for a sale.


May 7, 2018
Meh, no hype here, played the original and DX versions a couple of times, like the new art style but if this were a new single player game would be there day one. For now is the same scenario than the lets go games, no motivation to play or pay 60 for a remake, but will be there day one for the next NEW iteration. Oddly I think I will be there day one for XCDE.


Oct 29, 2017
After reading this thread, my hype has deflated to the point that I've opted to purchase Fire Emblem instead. I'll wait for a sale.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
IT looks visually quite nice, top down is not really my style but it's still Zelda. I might wait for reviews when it comes to the game performance. Not really have anything else as close to finished Astral Chain and I don't think I'm getting DXM quite yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda hype but I'll probably buy it later in a black friday deal or something. It's kinda expensive for a pretty short game boy zelda game (at least from what I remember the game was pretty short)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Love the original game, one of my favorite Zelda titles, but I already have it on my 2DS and it's perfectly playable. New graphics and QOL changes aren't enough to get me to drop $60 on this. I'll wait to snag it at $40 or so.

Also kinda waiting for general impressions because you never know if there's something in there that will leave a bad taste in the mouth of fans that reviewers don't cover.


Oct 30, 2017
I've never played the original game so I'm somewhat excited for this.

But I'm still busy with Astral Chain and Builders 2. I might buy this in November/ December or something since I don't have the time to play multiple games at once right now. Might be getting DQXIS instead of this.


Oct 25, 2017
That's interesting, because I looked up a lot of best Zelda games and on most lists have aLttP 1 or 2 places higher than LA. Are you talking about the hardcore Zelda fans?
Many people have an anti-handheld bias. When Ocarina was the latest Zelda, a lot of very console centric publications would informally refer to it as 'Zelda 4'.

Link's Awakening has tighter design than LTTP, with less waste and more 'perfect' progression design, and added so many elements that were then picked up by every game since.

So yes, a large number of big Zelda fans consider it the best traditional one ever made to this point.

Can't wait. One of my favourite games, and probably the first one with optional collectibles that I played so much I knew it like the back of my hand. I love the mix of the whimsical paired with flashes of melancholy, that's one of my favourite things about the series as a whole.
Yep. Wind Waker and BOTW captured that same spirit, but Wind Waker isn't as perfect as LA, and BOTW is a wholoe different thing.


Jun 28, 2019
I've never played the original game, so it's a must buy for me. I heard very good things about it. ^^,

Deleted member 43657

User requested account closure
May 19, 2018
Was it GamExplain that said this was the best looking Switch game yet?

I would mostly agree with that—the game looks gorgeous.

Link's Awakening is one of my favorite Zelda games dating back to when I played the original on my OG Game Boy back when I was 13 years old in 1993.

I'm hyped, all right. Hyped like a fox.


Oct 31, 2017
Disappointed about it not having anything new aside from the dungeon maker, movement being locked to 8 directions, and the frame rate being all over the place.

Still one of my most anticipated games for the rest of the year though.


Feb 3, 2019
I'm hyped, but it's mostly blind trust tbh since I've avoided looking at footage since E3 and the original reveal. Though people speak greatly about the original one so I'm convinced that I'm gonna have a great time playing, despite framerate issues.


Jun 3, 2019
As a LOZ fan ,i am hyped as i played the original gameboy version on original hardware and legit cart many many years ago and completed it

Personally i am quite upset about the rant comments about performance issues on another thread

I trust Grezzo as they are quite good at their work on 3DS remasters and streetpass games , they just need more time on Nintendo Switch hardware

i am still playing the DX version on 3DS as i have not completed that


May 15, 2018
Northern Germany
I was super hyped, when they announced it, but it slowly tapered off. I do love the artstyle, but hearing they didn't add anything substantial and still charge 60€ is a turn-off.
Plus, having the world be seemless and still putting the dungeon rooms in the black void really irks me. Couldn't they at least have the walls be taller?!


Oct 25, 2017
Has the file size been released?

Regarding frame rate, would you be happier if they lock it at 30fps?


Oct 26, 2017
Not at all hyped but I have the LE preordered and if I don't buy it, I'll never see it again.


Dec 31, 2018
I can't wait to play that game. On of my favorite Gameboy games come to my favorite console!!! <3 <3


Oct 27, 2017
I'm super excited for it. I beat the DX version on GameBoy years ago. Got it again on 3DS back when that released, though I didn't finish it that time.

The performance hiccup talk doesn't really bother me, because it sounds relatively minor. Plus, Majora's Mask 3D had a decent amount of frame drops (in 3D mode at least). I don't see why it's such a big issue now.

They didn't add any new dungeons or anything crazy, but the side content has been expanded upon. There's more collectibles in the game.

The graphics look excellent, the soundtrack is beautifully orchestrated... I can't wait. I'm also a big Zelda fan too though, so that might be part of it.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 13, 2017
I hope the soundtrack can soothe my anxiety when the frames start dropping.

Jokes aside I'm super hyped.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Extremely hyped but it was my first Zelda I could see why someone wouldn't buy it or not care for it tho more than other Zelda games.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm VERY ready for this game. Haven't played Link's Awakening since maybe 2011. It's my favorite 2D Zelda game and probably my third or fourth favorite Zelda overall. I hope those who have never played it give it a shot because it's special.


The Former
Oct 23, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Adjusted the title to better reflect the OP and prevent this from being just a hype thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I played DX in anticipation of this and it basically sapped what interest I had in the new version. Serious nostalgia goggles on my part. Obviously it'll play better in the remake, but when the original design is laid bare like that, its issues are very apparent. Of course, it's 2019 and this game came out a long time ago, but the skeleton of this is being released again now. It'll be interesting to read how it's received critically. Fans will probably say it's an old game underneath, so it must be appreciated within the scope of those limitations, but I think that's a cop out.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Feb 12, 2019
One of my favourite games so I have the limited edition preordered. It'll be good to play it with the new music, aesthetic and quality of life improvements. I'd wanted something a bit more interesting in the Hero Mode, like re-worked dungeons as well as the higher difficulty, but I'm still excited to revisit this.

Having watched some footage, I don't think the frame rate issues will be too problematic - from what I've seen, the game doesn't tank sharply, it seems to happen more gradually, so while you do get slowdown, you don't get sudden judder. I'd still hope they work to improve the performance over time, though, and I'm interested to see what Digital Foundry say.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Never played the original and it makes this a new 2D Zelda for me.

Decided to hold of buying it for now though, want more performance impressions.
Oct 29, 2017
A remake of a 25-year-old game that I already played when it was new and then played the GBC remake of is a really curious reason to buy a console today, but there I am. This is the title that would feasibly make me buy a Switch. It at once looks surprisingly loyal to the appearance and spirit of the original, yet for a remake of a 4-color grayscale game, it looks completely gorgeous.


Self requested temp ban
Feb 27, 2018
Link's Awakening was one of my favourite Zelda games, and in theory I should be all over this, but yeah, playing the original a few times years ago has sapped it a bit

Would be more tempted to pick up Oracle of ages/seasons to have a 'new' Link's awakening style experience


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The original game basically was my childhood. It lived in my Gameboy for weeks at a time, even when I was too young to fully understand it. It's still my favorite Zelda game to this day.

Very, very excited for the remake. Ordered the Dreamer Edition.


Oct 25, 2017
i would have been more excited if they went with the ALBW solution! Making something new while still keeping the map

it's my favourite zelda, and i'll pick it day one, but it's not the thing i'm waiting the most, far from it, especially with the news about the framerate now


Jun 15, 2018
I have played almost every Zelda game there is but not Link's Awakening, ever.

I'm excited to finally get to play this.