Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
if this is being halted because biden's running for president maybe biden shouldn't be running for president so this can be dealt with

it's important to take these kinds of issues seriously and not treat them as less than just because trump is a monster


Oct 25, 2017
Sanders had 0 change of beating trump. Nill. It's the easy. It's why people are voting for Biden even if he has a lot of flaws but when fucking trump is president, who has broken every single norm imaginable, that no longer matters.

This is based on nothing. The polls have shown both have a good chance of beating Trump.

It's fair to argue those polls are meaningless so far from the general but it doesn't prove anything.
Oct 26, 2017
It's going to be interesting when Biden stans come in here and say something like "Don't let perfect be the enemy of the Good" and how "Leftists should all still be enthused to vote for Biden".

Then again, I am just a mere non-American who saw the an entire establishment turn their back on the one man whose policies were diametrically opposed to the current despot-wanna be regime, in favour of pervy grandma Joe because he is not as bad as Trump and wishing for the pre-Trump status quo.
"This is old news"
"Why is this being brought up now"
"Whose talking about this?"

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Is this why Obama didn't want him to run this time around? Obama telling Joe to sit in '16 due to his son's death made sense. Telling Joe to sit in '20 came off as suspicious.


Oct 28, 2017
what a creep.. the part of the nation that had plenty of choice in the primary and still chose this creep over plenty of perfectly fine candidates don't have their priorities straight.
The rest pays for this by having to vote for him, for the good of the country, instead of being able to have an actually defendable candidate.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Derailing a serious topic
I fucking hate what happened during the week lead up to Super Tuesday.

This fucker was done, we almost gotten rid of this creep. I knew this shit would come up if he was the nominee.

More electable my ass.
Oct 30, 2017
Voting for Biden is one thing. But I'm just never going to defend Biden and try to convince others to vote for this guy. I'm not going to bat for Biden when there are running ads all day of him sniffing and kissing women and children.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this why Obama didn't want him to run this time around? Obama telling Joe to sit in '16 due to his son's death made sense. Telling Joe to sit in '20 came off as suspicious.
Obama just preferred Hillary and it's not hard to guess why after seeing the campaigns play out (better campaign organization skills and a more liberal personal POV on policies.)


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
7 women? This man is a fucking predator, goddamn it all.

"not a good look" is understatement of the century.
What a shitstorm. The worst thing about it is a lot of folks will hand-wave it as "only 7, that's nothing compared to Trump." And whilst true, its still horrific that its the choice you are left with.


Oct 27, 2017
That doesn't disprove my point. Based solely on the polls both candidates have a good chance of beating Trump.

If you like Biden and hate Bernie that's one thing, but people shouldn't pull stuff out of their ass.

I voted for Bernie and while i'm no fan of Biden's creepiness, his electability argument has merit. He just appeals to more likely voters than Trump or Bernie

Deleted member 58401

User requested account closure
Jul 7, 2019
Considering the way the country shrugged off Trump's allegations I doubt this amounts to anything. It'll mostly harm youth and leftist turnout and we're already a flaky bunch. Shame it couldn't have come up while the primaries were still active.

I'm not so sure. The right tends to control the outrage arm of politics, so if they want to make it an issue, they probably can. At the very least, it will fly through right wing circles and be brought up by every boomer dude on earth to demonstrate the left's hypocrisy on #metoo.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I fucking hate what happened during the week lead up to Super Tuesday.
Winning a state that he was expected to win, by winning a demographic that he was expected to win, that was more representative of the Democratic party than any of the contests leading up to that point?


Oct 28, 2017
If this is what Republicans want to run on, good luck. Trump has been accused by like 30 women. People aren't voting against him because of it. They're voting against him because he sucks as a president.


Oct 27, 2017
All the Democrats needed was a solid, decent candidate but between the party and the primary voters, it was an impossible task somehow. Now we have Biden who is compromised in so many ways and will be a bad President if he even manages to get elected, given how poor a candidate he is.

Biden vs Trump means there are only bad outcomes to the next election. Just that you have to vote for the bad outcome to deny the really fucking bad outcome, right? And yet again, women are thrown to the side or trampled over in the whole thing. US politics as usual then.


Oct 27, 2017
Winning a state that he was expected to win, by winning a demographic that he was expected to win, that was more representative of the Democratic party than any of the contests leading up to that point?

And what happened during the days after that primary? The media announced Biden as the defacto nominee and all his competition dropped the race and people came out left and right to endorse him.

Biden was forced in.


Oct 25, 2017
I voted for Bernie and while i'm no fan of Biden's creepiness, his electability argument has merit. He just appeals to more likely voters than Trump or Bernie

I'm not disputing that.

The person I originally replied to was making an assumption when we have some idea as to their PoV being incorrect. My point is that Bernie, based on the data we have, suggests he would win this year if nominated.


Oct 27, 2017


Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
can we not do the bernie thing in here? this should be taken seriously not pivoted away from to continue petty squabbles


Oct 28, 2017
If this is what Republicans want to run on, good luck. Trump has been accused by like 30 women. People aren't voting against him because of it. They're voting against him because he sucks as a president.

Yeah but Republicans vote for him despite all the evidence.. they always ignore disturbing facts about their own.

I'm not so sure the same ever happened on the left. The left is quick to condemn one of their own and this will come back to bite his ass come November.


Oct 25, 2017
Obama asked Biden not to run in 2016. I've seen nothing indicating that he took a position in 2020.
This is the most unbelievable thing ive seen on this site in a while.

edit: nvm i get it. Its like how you can convincing lie on a lie detector test. You didnt hear about a position in 2020 because it happened in 2019.
Oct 25, 2017
I fucking hate what happened during the week lead up to Super Tuesday.

This fucker was done, we almost gotten rid of this creep. I knew this shit would come up if he was the nominee.

More electable my ass.

The week leading up to it, or the entire year leading up to it?

The guy led nearly every single national poll in the year leading up to the primaries. Sanders having the biggest godsend of a primary schedule front-loaded with his best states and downplaying the (backbone of the Democratic party) demographics that he fucking punted on in the most spectacular fashion made it look like Biden was "weak", but, no, he eventually triumphed despite Sanders getting an amazing schedule.

Sanders fucking bet the entire progressive movement on being able to win with 3x% of the vote. He got his 30%! It just isn't enough to beat somebody that actually tried to have broader appeal and sought endorsements.

People act like this was a super dramatic primary, but it was boring as fuck other than a few week stretch due to the nature of the state schedule. Guy that led the entire time ends up in a two person field with 60%+ of the vote. Wow. Amazing.

This entire primary season should be example #2 in how Accelerationism is a terrible strategy. Trump being terrible has increased the odds of a Democratic win. It is just with a more conservative/moderate candidate than the one they lost with last time. Yay, acceleration!


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah but Republicans vote for him despite all the evidence.. they always ignore disturbing facts about their own.

I'm not so sure the same ever happened on the left. The left is quick to condemn one of their own and this will come back to bite his ass come November.

Republicans will vote for him regardless. Independent voters and minority voters will win this election. Hillary struggled to get black voters to the polls. Biden excels.


Oct 27, 2017
This is based on nothing. The polls have shown both have a good chance of beating Trump.

It's fair to argue those polls are meaningless so far from the general but it doesn't prove anything.
Then how come Sanders is losing to Biden in the primary? Most people don't want whatever Sanders is selling and suburban women who are the reason why Dems won the House last year largely dislike Sanders.


Oct 25, 2017
I say investigate the shit out of him. The Intercept is pretty suspect, but if there's any merit to this then go for it. I will say- I can't imagine there's a shortage of people/organizations who would represent her so I'm not sure why the emphasis is on two that refused to (for whatever reason). It makes the story seem to have less merit. Report the important details, not whatever two insignificant organizations decide to do.

The big problem is that even if you investigate him and he's cleared, people won't believe it anyway and the general perception of him goes down (let's call this the Hillary Clinton effect).


Oct 25, 2017
Just out of curiosity, can someone/anyone else fund this, or is it just impossible to file suit against a federal candidate flat out? Biden, Trump, or anyone else doesn't have to avoid justice just because this org is a non-profit, right? Is it strictly non-profits that can't do it, or something about the status of Time's Up?


Oct 30, 2017
And what happened during the days after that primary? The media announced Biden as the defacto nominee and all his competition dropped the race and people came out left and right to endorse him.

Biden was forced in.

You know that in a general election, it's a 2 person race right? That in a general election, you can't win by splitting demographics among several candidates right? You know that in a primary, people ultimately have to VOTE for someone right? Bernie straight up lost this primary, no matter how you slice it.


Oct 27, 2017
The week leading up to it, or the entire year leading up to it?

The guy led nearly every single national poll in the year leading up to the primaries. Sanders having the biggest godsend of a primary schedule front-loaded with his best states and downplaying the (backbone of the Democratic party) demographics that he fucking punted on in the most spectacular fashion made it look like Biden was "weak", but, no, he eventually triumphed despite Sanders getting an amazing schedule.

Sanders fucking bet the entire progressive movement on being able to win with 3x% of the vote. He got his 30%! It just isn't enough to beat somebody that actually tried to have broader appeal and sought endorsements.

People act like this was a super dramatic primary, but it was boring as fuck other than a few week stretch due to the nature of the state schedule. Guy that led the entire time ends up in a two person field with 60%+ of the vote. Wow. Amazing.

This entire primary season should be example #2 in how Accelerationism is a terrible strategy. Trump being terrible has increased the odds of a Democratic win. It is just with a more conservative/moderate candidate than the one they lost with last time. Yay, acceleration!

Nah, Biden's campaign was done. He had no money and was constantly dropping in polling results as the weeks went on.

Harris Katz

Apr 9, 2018
User banned (1 month): Minimizing sexual harassment over as series of posts
Please stop with the false equivalency. Biden has had an issue with "personal space" where people now come forward to say that they were "uncomfortable" with his close-talking. But, he is also from a different time and such behavior is more frowned upon today. What you have never heard is that he raped anyone. Or that he threatened anyone to "keep quiet". Or that he intimidated anyone into having sex with him. Or that he kept women down so that he could use his power to control them. It has been the opposite with him.

Biden has been a public servant for decades, has been a champion of women's rights, minority rights and was early to support LBGTQ and marriage equality.

Trump is a serial sexual harasser, abuser of people in his orbit, a liar on a scale this country has never seen, and an alleged rapist. He is also racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, or at least uses "dog whistles" to appeal to that sector of our society. He has corrupted government to reward himself, his family and his friends. He has hurt the middle class (even before coronavirus), has hurt the environment and is blatantly anti-science. He has been inept and incompetent in handling the coronavirus. He is a danger to our country and the world and cannot be permitted to get re-elected.

You want to attack Biden for being overly touchy-feely? Fine. But, he will make a good president and will, hopefully, move this country forward in a positive way. One thing I do know is that he is not Trump: Biden is not a danger to this country and the world. Sanders had ZERO chance of beating Trump in November and we need to be done with Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Then how come Sanders is losing to Biden in the primary? Most people don't want whatever Sanders is selling and suburban women who are the reason why Dems won the House last year largely dislike Sanders.

They don't want it compared to Biden, yes. That doesn't mean they don't want it compared to Trump.

I'd also argue that many do want some of what Sanders is selling in terms of policies, they just aren't voting for him for a variety of reasons.

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The article said Time's Up is restricted from spending its funds on Biden because of its 501(c)(3) status:

When reached for comment by The Intercept, Driscoll referred questions to a NWLC spokesperson, Maria Patrick, who said that the organization has legal constraints. "As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the National Women's Law Center is restricted in how it can spend its funds, including restrictions that pertain to candidates running for election," Patrick responded, when asked why the organizing declined to provide funds to Reade. "Our decision on whether or not to provide certain types of support to an individual should not be interpreted as our validation or doubt of the truthfulness of the person's statements. Regardless, our support of workers who come forward regarding workplace sexual harassment remains unwavering."

I'm not sure whether that's an actual restriction or not, but I'm not sure why Time's Up would lie about something that would be easily provable false. And I would think Reade would be able to find another organization to help her with her accusation against Biden.

Also, one thing that disturbs me as a Ukrainian is some past comments Reade made about Putin. It was quoted in the article as comments that came back to bite her when she tried to come forward with her accusations previously, like a year ago or so:

The references to Dovere, a reporter with The Atlantic, and Painter stem from their Twitter posts that highlighted favorable comments Reade had made about Putin in a now-deleted post on Medium. "What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong?" she had written in one 2018 post. "President Putin scares the power elite in America because he is a compassionate, caring, visionary leader. … To President Putin, I say keep your eyes to the beautiful future and maybe, just maybe America will come to see Russia as I do, with eyes of love. To all my Russian friends, happy holiday and Happy New Year."

If Reade's out there saying stupid shit like that, then I have to say I don't really blame Time's Up for not wanting to take her case, even if the 501(c)(3) restriction turns out to be an invalid excuse. Imagine the political backlash if Time's Up took her case with past comments like that?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I wish Reade luck, and I hope she can find some other organization to help her, but I really see no fault with Time's Up in this case.


Oct 27, 2017
There's way too much smoke to handwave Biden as innocent. I wouldn't be shocked if something relatively undeniable surfaced by election day,

I still can't believe that after having t w e l v e years since Obama's inauguration, it boiled down to either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders.

I'm going to enthusiastically vote come November, but it's not because I want Biden as president. He's just better than the other guy.


Oct 25, 2017
If Biden is the best the Democrats can come up with maybe the party should call it a day?
But the party got who they voted for based on the process they wanted.

The only problem I'm seeing is folks thinking candidates should be gifted the nomination instead of a candidate doing enough to win over all types of democrats. It's time to call it a day on thinking a single faction can overwhelm the democratic party's ideological diversity.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
We deserve? You realize that scope includes the victims of this story? Is the whole world just trash that deserves to burn or something?
You realize what a figure of speech is?
If these two are what the political system produces as the choice for the presidency. I would argue the system is fundamentally flawed, if not to say completely broken.