
Oct 27, 2017
Uhh so people want to use this as a weapon against the election based off on comments from here, because they think it helps democrats.

let me just say that this thing feels like it's lasted years, people are sick of it, the faster we get it done the better


Oct 25, 2017
Unless the public has drastically moved the needle on impeachment, this is the right call. The public galvanized on it like expected with 45% and 45% at the expected sides on opinion.

You get to impeach Trump, and it's far enough away from election that it's effects will not matter much anyway based on the partisan numbers.


Oct 27, 2017
Do people think the public just forgets he's been impeached once the Senate trial starts? That's happening next year.


Nov 11, 2017
The reason why Nancy wants this wrapped up by Christmas is probably because she doesn't want this news drowning out the Democratic primaries that are coming up. Why drown out your own favorable and scheduled news cycle.

Impeachment for winter-> Primaries for the spring -> Nomination and start of campaigning for the summer/summer lull - > Campaigns and convention in the fall -> Election.

Because a fascist in bed with Russia is dismantling the elections, which they are actively trying to steal/meddle. This isn't just an election coming up in 2020. Its sort of the future of American government here.

Not just tweets and polls.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. Agreed. If Nancy thinks shitting this stuff out in a week is going to help their case she's sorely mistaken.

She's also so unerringly bad at this that it's probably exactly what she's going to do.

Let's be real. No matter what they do, it'll be "used as ammo by the right". There's nothing we can do that will satisfy them or make them happy so the goal should be to drag this shit out as long as possible so it can't be papered over and forgotten about.

She absolutely does. She wants this shit over with so she can go "WELL WE TRIED" and spend the next year whining at people to donate money to the DNC.

The Senate isn't going to do anything. They'll just vote to drop the impeachment and this shit will be over and nothing will have been gained.

How can one person hold all of these positions at the same time


Oct 25, 2017
Because a fascist in bed with Russia is dismantling the elections, which they are actively trying to steal/meddle. This isn't just an election coming up in 2020. Its sort of the future of American government here.

Not just tweets and polls.
Unfortunately short of a revolution and overt evidence of the election being stolen, I think a lot of people are resigned to let the process play out and remove Trump that way.
Oct 25, 2017
I suppose in regards to Ukraine, there really isn't much need to scrounge for new information considering what we already have and also how batshit crazy Republican defense has been to the whole affair.


Nov 20, 2017
Yeah, this case is TOO ironclad. We should wait for Donald Trump to commit even more crimes, solicit more election interference and rig himself another victory, just to make absolutely sure. Maybe by the 30th or 40th crime, maybe THEN the Republicans will turn on him.
Oct 25, 2017
Also, no, The Democrats are not going to turn this Impeachment process into an elongated dig into Trump for the purposes of harming him for the 2020 Election. Whatever you think of the Dems, they are not Republicans and don't think or act like Republicans, for better or worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, no, The Democrats are not going to turn this Impeachment process into an elongated dig into Trump for the purposes of harming him for the 2020 Election. Whatever you think of the Dems, they are not Republicans and don't think or act like Republicans, for better or worse.
Impeachment's value is more for putting the senators on record about him anyway, which is a much smarter play since we are also having senate elections. 2020 is a referendum on Trump after all. It's either you are with him or you are not.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Do people think the public just forgets he's been impeached once the Senate trial starts? That's happening next year.
The impeachment trial will be over by Feb and quickly forgotten.

Impeqchmentt although 100% warranted will never amount to anything more than a on divided on party line vote because that's just how we are as a nation now.

we are fucked.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
How can one person hold all of these positions at the same time
He's not wrong. When the trial starts in the senate, it will take just one Republican senator to call for dropping the case entirely and the vote only requires a simply majority to pass. So unless you get 3 republicans to vote no, the trial will end before it even begins.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
People have a short attention span. The country is in favor of impeachment. Dragging this out is fruitless, when most of the information has been released in order to impeach and really, all we need more as a icing on the cake is the testimony from those who have been blocked from testifying.

Again, impeachment shouldn't be a partisan tool to impact an election, literally that is what the GOP wants to portray this as. Yet in this thread, some care less about holding Trump accountable than hurting his election chances.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
He's not wrong. When the trial starts in the senate, it will take just one Republican senator to call for dropping the case entirely and the vote only requires a simply majority to pass. So unless you get 3 republicans to vote no, the trial will end before it even begins.
no no it's more

"nothing will result from this, but she isn't dragging it out long enough. no matter what they do the right will use it as ammo, but nancy is making things worse by 'shitting this stuff out in a week'. she's so bad that she's going to end this thing that will result in nothing anyway and go to fundraise for the DNC"

like, smasher sounds like nancy's jilted ex here. if you poke at one or two of the things you might be able to drill down into a coherent position but taken as a whole it's weird


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Why is this being rushed?
It's not. As for why it's not being dragged out - that's because it would likely be detrimental to both the democrats and the impeachment support.

To top it off, we already know how this ends. There is zero point to dragging it out.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the point of getting this done by Christmas so that those who are running for next years elections who constantly have to stay in Washington can finally be free to campaign for Democrats starting in January? Or am I mistaken?


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the point of getting this done by Christmas so that those who are running for next years elections who constantly have to stay in Washington can finally be free to campaign for Democrats starting in January? Or am I mistaken?
no, you're right, but who needs campaigning anyway, we've got this(tm)


Oct 25, 2017
It's not. As for why it's not being dragged out - that's because it would be detrimental to both the democrats and the impeachment support.

To top it off, we already know how this ends. There is zero point to dragging it out.

The moment impeachment is dismissed, the GoP will run with a year long Biden/Ukraine Bullshit smear investigation. They'll drag Biden into hearings with subpoenas and do everything to Biden legally that the Dems can't do to Trump legally.


Oct 25, 2017
The moment impeachment is dismissed, the GoP will run with a year long Biden/Ukraine Bullshit smear investigation. They'll drag Biden I to hearings with subpoenas and do everything to Biden legally that the Dems can't do to Trump legally.

I can almost assure you Republicans will not be having any actual hearings materialize.

Sure, Republicans will be out there campaigning but guess what? So will Democrats. The difference between 2016 and 2020 is substantial.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
The moment impeachment is dismissed, the GoP will run with a year long Biden/Ukraine Bullshit smear investigation. They'll drag Biden into hearings with subpoenas and do everything to Biden legally that the Dems can't do to Trump legally.
Keep in mind the Senate could very intend you drag Biden and his Son and other democrats in the Senate trial and do their best to damage them their. And if they refuse to show up, then it puts them in the same bad light as current witness's who are fetuses to testify.
The entire thing is a lose lose for Democrats right now honestly, and republicans 100% know it, which is why they are dying in the hill for Trump.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is a wasted shot to do this so quickly. When the senate acquits him, Trump will have a whole year to call the impeachment whatever stupid thing he can come up with. This should be a slow, drawn out, death by a thousand cuts that lasts into the summer.
The problem is the alternative is to spend the next 6 months fighting to the supreme court to actually get documents. If you go to trial without having your subpoena's in court, the impeachment articles could run it by the chief supreme court justice directly whether or not these subpoenas are allowed instantly. If he says no, then that would've been the result in the end anyway. If he says yes, the republicans would have to vote against their own chief justice to knock down the subpoenas.

Alternatively, if one of the senators win, then having the trial take place 6 months from now kills their ability to campaign.


Mar 16, 2019
Here, There, and Everywhere
i've been hearing talks of impeachment since 2 years ago, god knows how long they'll stretch it out for. how convenient that this is coming to a climax right before election year, all the more fuel for Trump and his reactionaries. Is there any way to boot out Pence too? Not a fan of the electricity thing...


Oct 28, 2017
The Netflix generation won't give a damn after months of this. Everyone knows he is guilty, that isn't even the point anymore. Just impeach him. Unless they decide to force people to follow subpoenas , then let's go.


Jan 25, 2018
Im mixed about the speed of it. Trump is gonna keep fighting the subpoenas for the first-hand witnesses no matter how long Democrats take. Look how long it took for the case on McGahn to get a ruling from the courts, and that was from the Mueller investigation. I think it would be worth it to hear what Bolton has to say tho. Republicans cant completely dismiss what he has to say....but I wouldnt be surprised if most of them Jim (Gym) Jordan.


Oct 27, 2017
Impeach him and move on.

There's no need to drag this out, give him the black mark and we'll vote him out in 11 months.

When he's out of office prosecute him and his trash family.


Oct 27, 2017
Los angeles
Im mixed about the speed of it. Trump is gonna keep fighting the subpoenas for the first-hand witnesses no matter how long Democrats take. Look how long it took for the case on McGahn to get a ruling from the courts, and that was from the Mueller investigation. I think it would be worth it to hear what Bolton has to say tho. Republicans cant completely dismiss what he has to say....but I wouldnt be surprised if most of them Jim (Gym) Jordan.

What? The main justice Supreme Court is gonna preside over the trial so he is gonna set a bunch of precedent on the fly


Oct 25, 2017
What happens when he does this again a month after being acquitted? Start the process over again?

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I think enforcing the subpoenas is the next move they should be making.
Either Roberts rules they have to show up in the Senate or he rules they don't.

Either way, he's the only "swing" vote for this sitting on the Supreme Court, so he'd be the one making that decision whether it's presiding over the Senate hearings or presiding over the court once the appeal had managed to work its way there.


Which do ya'll want?
"Having no actual experience in politics, clearly I'm the most qualified to determine when the most effective time to start and finish impeachment hearings are. Also, I am completely immune to the Dunning-Kruger effect."

Would be the answer to your question.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017


Which do ya'll want?

It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't really matter when they impeach him, the senate is never going to vote to remove him from office.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.
That was gonna happen if we showed the senate a picture of him murdering someone.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.
Making the entire country see the truth is a pipe dream, and you know it. Even if it were possible, the impeachment process alone wouldn't be capable of accomplishing such a thing, no matter how much you slow cook it. The evidence for impeaching Trump hasn't really gotten any better than the evidence Trump himself provided with the phone call transcript in the first place. Let's not act like Schiff, Nadler and their teams haven't been doing plenty of "the fucking work" here and they seem perfectly fine with the timeline laid out, as do plenty of other Dems. Impeach by January and you give a dozen or so candidates the gift of calling Trump and impeached president all throughout the primaries and into debates.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.

Again, what rush? The facts of the Ukraine case are basically all wrapped up in a pretty little bow.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I'm all for impeachment, but the reality is that nothing on this Earth can move the needles significantly at this point. Since this process began, and all the theater and all the evidence and all the testimony and all the nonsense, the approval ratings have stayed right exactly where they always were: 41.5%, plus or minus one percentage point.

If you're a Trump supporter, the amount of cognitive agony required to *only now* begin to believe that the person you rabidly supported for so long is a corrupt fucking moron is absolutely enormous. They can't do it. They are locked the hell in.

Realistically, it's very good for the rule of law and precedent to ensure that this sort of behavior isn't normalized, but politically, honestly, it really doesn't matter. The thing I'm genuinely hoping for is for Giuliani's ghoul ass to be thrown into prison.
Oct 25, 2017
Take as long as you need to there's literally no reason to rush this once it's already started. It annoys me how every time the Democrats are thrown a bombshell of corruption or behavior that if the shoe were on the other foot that Republicans would gladly rake them over the coals for years they simply squander it.

Even NBC News know this rushed timetable is not a good idea.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.

But we know the truth. All it took was the first week and literally every part of this scandal was covered. Those who haven't formed an opinion on this, aren't going to, and those that dispute it, aren't going to change their minds, so prolonging this does nothing. Public opinion is pretty set in stone at this point.

Besides, Trump will fuck up again.
Oct 25, 2017
Again, what rush? The facts of the Ukraine case are basically all wrapped up in a pretty little bow.
It's almost like the Impeachment inquiry shouldn't be dedicated solely to Ukraine or something and should include multiple known instances of Trump's corruption.

Which is why it's laughable this is the one thing that pushed Nancy to pull an Impeachment inquiry for and not Trump putting kids in cages, the Muller Report, Firing James Comey, or meeting with Russian diplomats before the 2016 election, etc.

I could go on, but all of this is still ultimately going after Al Copone for tax evasion and ignoring the huge crime elephant in the room.
Last edited:


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
If they carry it on for too long the general public will lose interest. If they end it too soon it will be forgotten.

Though they have said post-impeachment many more investigations are going to begin.


May 31, 2018
It's almost like the Impeachment inquiry shouldn't be dedicated solely to Ukraine or something and should include multiple known instances of Trump's corruption.

Which is why it's laughable this is the one thing that pushed Nancy to pull an Impeachment inquiry for and not Trump putting kids in cages, the Muller Report, Firing James Comey, or meeting with Russian diplomats before the 2016 election, etc.

I could go on, but all of this is still ultimately going after Al Copone for tax evasion and ignoring the huge crime elephant in the room.

Because tax evasion was what they could nail him on. Same here. Pelosi's a poll reader who resisted calling for impeachment on issues she knew she lacked the numbers for because she knows that America by and large has made up its mind about Trump and unlike the previous issues you mentioned, this one was clear-cut, easy to explain and more or less based around bipartisan principles (which is why Republicans aren't defending it on the merits, the best they can do is say it doesn't amount to impeachable behavior) giving the moderates in her caucus cover to vote for it.

All the other issues lacked support from the general public as a cause for impeachment, so she's probably gonna focus on Ukraine with maybe a general corruption charge for good measure. She knows that the current numbers are the best her party is ever going to get and that if things drag on there'll be the danger of those numbers dwindling again as the general public's attention span starts to wane. So what she's planning now is to slap Trump's presidency with a black mark, get vulnerable senators on the record defending him and get it over with before her own vulnerable caucus members start seeing their support drop.
Dec 31, 2017
It's not about getting to a finish line, it's about making the entire country see the truth. You can't rush to the truth. You have to do the fucking work. Nancy doesn't get a medal because she introduced articles of impeachment and then lost in the Senate.

The country needs to be rid of the orange menace and we're not going to be rid of him if we just rush to a conclusion.
Polls show nearly everyone on both sides of the aisle have made up their minds about impeachment.

I don't think anyone is getting swayed further short of video evidence of Trump saying "I'm guilty".