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Sep 14, 2019
I was learning about the benefits of some fruits and veggies like Oranges, Apples, Broccoli, etc and the health benefits of them is really incredible. Some of these benefits were actually a bit surprising.

10 good reasons to eat an orange a day

Sweet and juicy to taste, oranges are popular all over the world. Belonging to a group of citrus fruits called…

"One of the reasons why people get heart disease is because their arteries are blocked due to unhealthy lifestyles and consumption of junk food. Oranges have flavonoids like hesperidin which reduces cholesterol and prevents your arteries from getting blocked. This, in turn protects you from heart attack and various other cardiovascular diseases."

"Having cancer can be a tough and harrowing experience for both the patient and the caregiver. Research has shown that a compound called D – limonene present in oranges can prevent various types of cancer like lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, etc. Additionally, the antioxidants and Vitamin C help promote the body's immunity which helps in fighting cancer cells."

Broccoli Health Benefits: 11 Health Benefits of Broccoli | What are the Benefits of Eating Broccoli | - Times of India

Broccoli is highly rich in dozens of nutrients. Here are 7 health benefits of broccoli that you must know.

"The anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli, may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of the damage to blood vessel linings that can be caused by inflammation due to chronic blood sugar problems. Broccoli is great for heart health as it contains fibers, fatty acids and vitamins that help regulating blood pressure in the body. This also helps in reducing bad cholesterol, hence leading to a healthy heart. Broccoli helps protecting blood vessels from damaging as well."

Lesson here is that just by eating fruits and veggies like this every day, you could literally prevent a heart attack, stroke, diseases, cancer, etc from ever happening. As someone who has a phobia of heart attacks and other diseases, It's amazing. Do you eat veggies and fruits like this every day?

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
Veggies are great, lots of people America don't eat them because all they know are poorly seasoned/prepared dishes I suspect


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad that broccoli happens to be my go veggie that I can eat with anything.

Chicken, rice, and broccoli and I'm good.


Oct 25, 2017
As a flavanone found in the rinds of citrus fruits (such as oranges or lemons), hesperidin is under preliminary research for its possible biological properties in vivo, but there is no high-quality evidence of it having any effect in humans, as of 2019.[10]


Although there has been some basic researchon how sulforaphane might exert beneficial effects in vivo, there is no high-quality evidence for its efficacy against human diseases.[1][3]


A regular intake of healthy veggies and fruits is great, and more people living a contemporary lifestyle need to do so, but things often get exaggerated when it comes the "miraculous" properties of such foods.

Eat your oranges and broccoli, yes, but don't rely on that alone to prevent disease.


Dec 23, 2018
I just love eating Broccoli too, it's so good. Maybe my favourite vegetable.


Oct 28, 2017


A regular intake of healthy veggies and fruits is great, and more people living a contemporary lifestyle need to do so, but things often get exaggerated when it comes the "miraculous" properties of such foods.

Eat your oranges and broccoli, yes, but don't rely on that alone to prevent disease.

Can only confirm this as a biologist. OP, notice how all that often says "may", "could", "suggested to"... Those are often based on some preliminary studies in mice or cell culture dishes yielding some low percentage increase/decrease of X, depending on what compound you are looking at.
It gets blown way out of proportion by these online blogs/clickbaity list things.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad that broccoli happens to be my go veggie that I can eat with anything.

Chicken, rice, and broccoli and I'm good.
I prefer it as I can eat it raw and get a crunchy feeling. Taste isn't that bad at the start and I can mitigate it by eating a side of meat or something.


Oct 25, 2017
We're meant to eat a lot of fruits. We're great apes. If you don't eat fruit, you're not getting the resources your body needs


Oct 27, 2017
The superfood and miracle stuff peddled by some websites is ridiculous, but the more fruit and veg you have the better. Makes you feel better too and that can go a long way in this current time. For instance I was eating a lot of junk from mid March, then I have a couple of days starting from April with a more balanced diet and I feel so much more capable.


Oct 27, 2017
Uncle Matt's Organic Orange Juice is a good way to flush out those negative acids. I think I'll try some while reading this article. Thanks OP


Oct 28, 2017
I make juices out of fruits and herbs (I used to think Cilantro was a vegetable lol) everyday.

Bell pepper, Cilantro, black berries, carrots, chia seeds, ginger, etc... every day.

I had to cut down to half a bell pepper, and half a spoon of chia seeds. Too many Fiber Farts. They are legit Weapons of Mass Destruction. 😬


Oct 28, 2017
Brocolli is the worst thing ever. It's disgusting. I don't care if it makes me live 100 years longer, I won't eat it.


Oct 27, 2017
Produce is rad man, this is known. I try to make sure that at least 80% of my caloric intake is completely from vegetables and fruits, and man, ya just feel lighter on your feet when you eat lots of produce.


Oct 27, 2017
this still blows my mind

so many delicious guys, and they're all the same guy


Nov 15, 2017
Ya mon the difference in satisfaction after eating a meal full of meat and carbs vs a meal full of veggies is unbelievable.


Oct 25, 2017
Every week i eat

-1 lb of broccoli
-1 lb of carrots
-1 lb of pea's
-1 lb of spinach
-1 lb of mushrooms
-7 apples
-7 oranges

el jacko

Dec 12, 2017
Frozen vegetables in the bag are, with a good selection of spices, absolutely amazing. Curry sauces with some rice or bread?

Fresh vegetables are great with just a bit of oil and salt & pepper. I have a few leafy plants in my front yard, and while it absolutely doesn't cover my whole diet, mixing leaves & flowers into whatever I cook is always a great addition.


Oct 26, 2017
Just eat a bit of fruit and veggies every day and not the same thing and you are good to go. It's also not really difficult.

Brocolli is the worst thing ever. It's disgusting. I don't care if it makes me live 100 years longer, I won't eat it.

And this is me :( Doesn't matter how I prepare it, I have to gag when I eat it, but well lots of other great veggies out there.


Oct 28, 2017
Just eat a bit of fruit and veggies every day and not the same thing and you are good to go. It's also not really difficult.

And this is me :( Doesn't matter how I prepare it, I have to gag when I eat it, but well lots of other great veggies out there.

I have the exact same issue as you. I thought it was just me being silly. But I guess it turns out it is Brocolli's fault after all.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of these studies and their results make me laugh. Of course if you eat a fruit instead of a bag of chips you'll be healthier. But that's like when studies go "people who get 30 minutes of sun a day are 60% less likely to have heart disease, so go outside and get some sun!" Like no shit, more active people are healthier, that doesn't mean it's the actual sun.

All this said, I got a blender for Christmas and have had a daily fruit smoothie instead of ice cream or other dessert and it's pretty dang good.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, yes.

But those studies are fucking trash.
In general, anything about nutrition you read in non-specialized media - that's trash.
Jun 10, 2018
Everyone should be increasing their intake of fibrous fruits and vegetables since the benefits (i.e. fiber, satiation, gut biome homeostasis, nutrients) far far outweigh the costs.

For every other non-fibrous fruit and vegetables, it's honestly a YMMV thing. For instance, bananas are packed with the essential potassium key in the formation and storing of glycogen reserves in our bodies, but it's high carb load (much of the fiber is in the peel than the actual fruit) and relatively high sugar content means less satiation and disruption in leptin/ghrellin response. But, as long as you have an understanding of how certain foods may affect your biochemical homestasis, and most importantly practice restraint (which can be done much easier by limiting sugar intake wholly), then eating a banana isn't going to do much, especially if you're already healthy.

Ya mon the difference in satisfaction after eating a meal full of meat and carbs vs a meal full of veggies is unbelievable.
A plate full of meat and veggies is still "meat and carbs", and will satiate you just as much if not more than a plate of veggies.


Oct 25, 2017
Anything in excess is bad. Eat 10 bananas a day, don't move a single finger every day you eat these, and I assure you that diabetes will pop up soon. There are no super foods. Balance is key.


May 19, 2018
I eat a big serving of cooked vegetables with almost every meal.

Don't care to much for fruits though. I see them as a snack to eat every now and then. Maybe a couple times a week in the warmer months.


Feb 17, 2019
I am generally more hyped about veggies than meat. Especially when it's a dish with a huge variety. Cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli all delicuious and cheap.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
If it's cooked well I could eat a bowl of broccoli any day, any time 🥦


Nov 15, 2017
A plate full of meat and veggies is still "meat and carbs", and will satiate you just as much if not more than a plate of veggies.

I wasn't taking about feeling full, the satisfied feeling I'm describing is something completely else. I guess more like "nourished". But you're right of course. By "meat and carbs" I meant steak and fries or chicken and pasta, something like that, which most people seem to prefer for some reason. But of course veg contain carbs too.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipswich, England
yep... fruit, veg, and water, every single day. plus an hour of exercise

not saying i'm going to live forever, but all things being equal i hope to live a bit longer


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Please don't base your opinions on poorly interpreted research posted on websites run by laymen without a proper scientific background.

The benefits are absolutely there, but they are far from miraculous or lifechanging in the short (or long) term.

Key is to provide your body with the entire range of essentials. The right amount of macro's, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It won't change your life, but it will ensure that your body is at least getting what it needs and it might prevent complications in the future.

Diversity is key.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
This makes me feel self satisfied about how often I eat mandarins. Delicious little fuckers, I go through like a bag of 'em a week.
Admittedly, I could do with better veggie consumption, though. I mean, I eat them (veggie stir fries especially are the bomb), but I get the feeling they should be a much bigger chunk of my diet than they are. Something I keep meaning to work on more, but most taste rather bleh raw and god am I ever so lazy lol. At least I have the fruit bat thing solidly going for me.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Brocolli is the worst thing ever. It's disgusting. I don't care if it makes me live 100 years longer, I won't eat it.
And this is me :( Doesn't matter how I prepare it, I have to gag when I eat it, but well lots of other great veggies out there.
Try broccolini; a.k.a., broccolettes or baby broccoli. The veggie when harvested very young has a significantly less-sulfurous taste to it. Although that means a corresponding reduction in how much it benefits your system, it may help to train your palate into accepting mature broccoli.

Goes fantastic as a side with fish and poultry, for one. Also salads. I sometimes just munch on it with cut up carrots and cucumbers (with a modest amount of ranch dressing) as a light snack.

Oct 31, 2017
Vegies are great, but for some ppl like me they are also bad if you have underlying health issues. I can't have potatoes/oranges/mangoes/avacados a whole bunch of fruit/vegies as the potassium content is too high.


Oct 27, 2017
So many people think it's all about calories, and don't understand that fruits and vegetables have actual chemical compounds that can have positive medicinal effects within the body.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm so glad that broccoli happens to be my go veggie that I can eat with anything.

Chicken, rice, and broccoli and I'm good.

With some charred broccoli, this is one of my favorite meals. So good.

Brocolli is the worst thing ever. It's disgusting. I don't care if it makes me live 100 years longer, I won't eat it.
Just eat a bit of fruit and veggies every day and not the same thing and you are good to go. It's also not really difficult.

And this is me :( Doesn't matter how I prepare it, I have to gag when I eat it, but well lots of other great veggies out there.

Some crisp, roasted & charred broccoli with labneh tho