
Oct 26, 2017
For the folks that played the fan translation, how would you say the official localization is in general terms? And how much of a touchup has there been from 3ds to switch? Purely resolution, or did they add animations, music, etc?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else experience what feels like an input delay with this game? Playing the game on switch and sometimes I feel like I need to push a button twice for something to register.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I got two maybe-dumb questions:

1. Are there any performance differences between the console versions, like framerate or resolution?

2. I only played through the first Phoenix Wright, still have the Trilogy as a backlog on my Switch. Is this its own self-contained series, or are there references/easter eggs I would miss out if I didn't play the whole trilogy prior?

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
For the folks that played the fan translation, how would you say the official localization is in general terms? And how much of a touchup has there been from 3ds to switch? Purely resolution, or did they add animations, music, etc?

As far as I can tell it's functionally the same game but with a different script and a touched-up interface/resolution. There are some bonus features (costumes, art(?), unused tracks) in the extras menu but the main game does not look like it's been changed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
A few random thoughts after finishing the first chapter:

- I thought that calling Payne's ancestor Auchi was pretty funny. Of course a quick search made me notice it was the other way around.

- Animations are still top notch. Auchi's flattery and bows, Ryunosuke's flinching and darting eyes, and of course some slapstick from the witnesses!

- I love how Ryunosuke lampshades how Kazuma's headband is constantly fluttering in the wind, even indoors.

- The case itself was a bit slow and not that complicated, but hey, case 1 is always a tutorial of sorts. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the game!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still on the first case and it's pretty frustrating lol.

Most if it is just yup, you're definitely guilty let's move o-- hoold up (very mild spoilers for the first case)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
For the folks that played the fan translation, how would you say the official localization is in general terms? And how much of a touchup has there been from 3ds to switch? Purely resolution, or did they add animations, music, etc?
I've only noticed one change in animations so far and it's in Naruhodo's raised arm animation. In the 3DS versions, there is a very slight forward angle to his arm much like anyone would holding their arm up, while in this version it goes straight up.

I think the change was made because a handful of truly idiotic and disingenuous people--people so stupid they would test a car battery's charge with their tongue (twice, just to be sure), thought Naruhodo was making a nazi salute. It's a good change though as the animation was just another way to show how awkward he is and throwing his arm straight up further excentuates that.

2. I only played through the first Phoenix Wright, still have the Trilogy as a backlog on my Switch. Is this its own self-contained series, or are there references/easter eggs I would miss out if I didn't play the whole trilogy prior?
Self-contained. Hop in anytime you want


Oct 25, 2017
Very mild character introduction spoiler for start of 1-4:

Gregson's theme is fantastic, and his fish and chips gimmick is really fun.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I got two maybe-dumb questions:

1. Are there any performance differences between the console versions, like framerate or resolution?

2. I only played through the first Phoenix Wright, still have the Trilogy as a backlog on my Switch. Is this its own self-contained series, or are there references/easter eggs I would miss out if I didn't play the whole trilogy prior?
It runs at 4K on PS5/PS4 Pro, but the texture work is pretty low res (3ds game), so that might be distracting.
Should be 30 fps on all versions

Deleted member 46429

Self-requested ban
Aug 4, 2018
Very basic question, but is there a way to "speed up" how fast the text is displayed? I can read much faster than the game shows text, so it feels kind of slow to play.


Oct 6, 2020
I just finished 1-4 and The investigation for 1-4 was so long and tedious and the general motives and characters of that case were pretty dull and uninteresting(Outside of Sholmes who made the investigation bearable).
I'm only partway through 1-4's investigation segment, but
It doesn't help that this husband and wife subplot is just... super uncomfortable. Like, I know Ace Attorney isn't perfect in terms of social issues, but having a woman physically abusing her disabled husband to the point where the room is in clear disarray in the aftermath and playing that for laughs really feels like something they should have known better about.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished case 3. A marked improvement over the previous two for sure and so far the most interesting way to mix up the regular AA formula. This one felt about the right length, too, no weird, ass pull-y twists to stretch it out like there were in the first case. That said, it was still just good, nothing particularly mindblowing.

The jury stuff was a fantastic addition, though. Really looking forward to seeing more of that. I've usually liked each new system AA games have added on top of the earlier ones less and less, but the jury and Sholmes deduction/correction systems have been a lot of fun.

On to case 4. Making pretty good progress.
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Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
I've only noticed one change in animations so far and it's in Naruhodo's raised arm animation. In the 3DS versions, there is a very slight forward angle to his arm much like anyone would holding their arm up, while in this version it goes straight up.

I think the change was made because a handful of truly idiotic and disingenuous people--people so stupid they would test a car battery's charge with their tongue (twice, just to be sure), thought Naruhodo was making a nazi salute. It's a good change though as the animation was just another way to show how awkward he is and throwing his arm straight up further excentuates that.

Wow really? It's the first I'm hearing of any complaints like that. I don't even think I noticed a change in the animation but would probably be fairly subtle, I assume.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, 1-4 actually probably has one of the biggest localization hurdles I can imagine right from the start with the defendant.

How do you handle it when the case is based on a real life person than the Japanese audience will all immediately recognize, but like 95+% of the Western audience will have absolutely no clue who he is?


May 17, 2018
Very basic question, but is there a way to "speed up" how fast the text is displayed? I can read much faster than the game shows text, so it feels kind of slow to play.
The text is deliberately timed to mimic the characters' speech patterns, with pauses and everything, so no. You'd have to turn on skip text and manually skip to the end of every dialogue box.


Jan 1, 2019
I think the easily the worst part of 1-4, which I think is Big Top/Serenade level is

How like 3 of the Jurors are randomly connected to the case, and how immersion breakingly coincidental the "murder" was. You can only have so many coincidences before it becomes hard to take the case seriously. I think the game in general tends to be way to farfetch'd with its solutions while simultaneously spending way to long on minutiae. Like everyone getting drugged on the ship because they ate the chicken and not noticing the ship coming to a stop is utterly ridiculous lol.


Jul 16, 2019
Just finished the first case from GAA and damn, that was a good first case. Really excited to jump into the second one and do some investigation too.


Oct 28, 2017

This is the toughest suspense theme in the series in my opinion. It's incredible. So much gravitas behind it


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any fix for the effects sound delay / desync? Just starting to hear it on my end.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
Herlock Sholmes fucks



Oct 25, 2017
Case 2 was a lot better

But something about Kazuma's death feels so...unceremonious? It didn't feel like there was really any impact to it until the very end. I'm kinda not buying that he really died, or at least something's up.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017

Does Herlock know Wilson is dead...?! Did they not think to tell him?


Oct 28, 2017
It's easy to look at this game's Sherlock and assume it's nothing like the character, especially with some modern interpretations focusing on the idea of the detective being ruthlessly efficient and cold-hearted, but those are as much adaptions as this game's take, and there are a number of deliberate similarities in GAA. It's better seen as a kind of loving parody. GAA Sherlock (yes, I'll be using that name, sorry not sorry) is clever, but he has an over-active imagination. He's essentially what the police in Conan Doyle's stories think of Sherlock as: an eccentric preoccupied with fantastic theories above all else. Yet he possesses an undeniably keen eye and can offer genuine insight.

It's like his superpower, even: his ability to completely ignore all social niceties to cut right to the chase. It's something Ryunosuke can't do, especially as a foreigner, so it becomes a rather mutually beneficial relationship. But anyways, yeah, I feel there's a good mix of similarities and differences, and there's these hints at some underlining mystery, perhaps even a darkness, behind the man. I tend to like characters that are hard to take seriously but possess surprising insight. It's definitely a kind of character trope. So yeah, all of that to say: S/herlock fucks.

For the folks that played the fan translation, how would you say the official localization is in general terms? And how much of a touchup has there been from 3ds to switch? Purely resolution, or did they add animations, music, etc?
The localization itself is brilliant, with the dialogue generally more colourful and memorable. Character voices are stronger, there's a bit more wordplay, and there's an overall good sense of flow. There's a good collection of case by case comparisons on Reddit between the translation efforts of the fan group and Capcom. There's also this image gallery. One advantage of this remaster is that it can use bigger text boxes, giving the localization team greater freedom to apply the faux-Victorian language the game is meant to be emulating. The localization generally has more cultural references as well.

As far as the visuals are concerned, they are a little bit different, and it's an overall improvement. The 3DS version kind of had this yellow-ish stain, which I think was there to amplify the period setting effect. Also something to do with how the 3DS screen worked, apparently. I liked it, but I like what we have here too, which has clearer and deeper colouring. Music, etc. is all the same. It helps that the two DGS games actually use mocap for the animations, so those hold up well.


Oct 25, 2017
My friend mentioned how case 1 had moments that were like the british version of South Park's Japanese complimenting American's on their gargantuan penises, and now it's the only way I can see the Payne ancestor when it comes to japan and british relations.

Case 2 was a lot better

But something about Kazuma's death feels so...unceremonious? It didn't feel like there was really any impact to it until the very end. I'm kinda not buying that he really died, or at least something's up.
Just finished this and I felt similarly

because I'm desperately trying to find greater meaning in this AA death that seems engineered to just leave everyone like "...oh".
I spent most of the time thinking that there was also gonna be some super assassin that had snuck on board when the ship had stopped unbeknownst to anyone, desperately trying to make up an overarching future resolution plot thread or dramatic Ace Attorney swerve to deal with the idea that this friend character just got swiftly bumped off in such deliberately underwhelming fashion

It took forever but my review is finally up

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles review – an open and shut case of gaming brilliance

With one Herlock Sholmes as your companion, the latest in the witty legal-mystery series sends you back to a sublimely realised Victorian London
You did a review for the guardian? I can read this at work!


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Seems silly to me, but if that's what it takes for us to get these games then it's obviously worth it. Maybe someone will create a mod that fixes the names someday lol

To me TGAA wouldn't be right without Iris talking about Hurly all the time at this point lol. I have been reading for, like, 45 hours tho

I think the easily the worst part of 1-4, which I think is Big Top/Serenade level is

How like 3 of the Jurors are randomly connected to the case, and how immersion breakingly coincidental the "murder" was. You can only have so many coincidences before it becomes hard to take the case seriously. I think the game in general tends to be way to farfetch'd with its solutions while simultaneously spending way to long on minutiae. Like everyone getting drugged on the ship because they ate the chicken and not noticing the ship coming to a stop is utterly ridiculous lol.

the random juror problem will never go away (it's ace attorney bruh) but i dont think there's anything wrong with coincidence in these games. they all hold within the ridiculous logic of the game world... but i accept people's tolerance is probably different person-to-person lol
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Oct 27, 2017
The Switch version is sitting on 89 on MC rn and that just gives me life


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just got to the courtroom. I'd love to know how Kazuma's headband stays floating like that


Oct 25, 2017
I'm only partway through 1-4's investigation segment, but
It doesn't help that this husband and wife subplot is just... super uncomfortable. Like, I know Ace Attorney isn't perfect in terms of social issues, but having a woman physically abusing her disabled husband to the point where the room is in clear disarray in the aftermath and playing that for laughs really feels like something they should have known better about.
hard agree, just got to this bit myself. The first three cases were fantastic but this was just extremely uncomfortable, weird vibes. The just kept doing the tea pouring but and it kept making me wince. Plus also the fat shaming; which just felt kind of mean. Like she's an abuser but chill out about her weight.


Oct 28, 2017
the random juror problem will never go away (it's ace attorney bruh) but i dont think there's anything wrong with coincidence in these games. they all hold within the ridiculous logic of the game world... but i accept people's tolerance is probably different person-to-person lol
Yeah, I dunno, I think it's absolutely hilarious and it just gets funnier as it goes on, at least for the first game

Great review, by the way. Excited to eventually get into game two to see all of those links.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Feels bad when a game gives you 3 options and you think the most obviously wrong one is correct :(

Minor 1-3 spoilers
I thought another entrance was stupid, guess I'm a fool for thinking there was a 1200 iq put the body in later move.


Jun 29, 2018
Case 2-4 is going so hard right now. The courtroom team up between Asogi and Naru is blessed af and there's so many great twists and surprises. If the game keeps going at this pace and finishes strong, it might be Shu Takumi's best.


May 17, 2018

Did I really just investigate for 3 hours and get only 2 pieces of evidence?
This has been a trend with newer Ace Attorneys in general I've noticed. They've really cut down on how many pieces of evidence each case has. I dunno if it's just to lessen the amount of modeling they have to do now that we can examine evidence in 3D or if they felt the Court Record was too cluttered in the OT.


Teyvat Traveler
Jun 29, 2019
I know these court cases are always one-sided, and I'm sure it'll be explained eventually, but...

We brought up the fact that the victim's glasses had a metal frame, thus the idea that the screwdriver couldn't also be transported was flawed. Yet Van Zeiks made no attempt to explain the inconsistency, instead he just said "anyways trust me jury the victim did get teleported" and then the game moved to the second half. Something about the way that got brushed over really bugged me.

Andrew J

Oct 26, 2017
The Adirondacks

Going to have to agree with the consensus opinion that this case went on a bit too long. Establishing that the steaks had been switched, in particular, could have been done much more concisely.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So yeah wow,
I was so stuck on "this guy is innocent but he's tampering to protect the real killer" that it was basically at the very end when I realized "oh wait he's guilty as shit, and he had already paid everyone off to kill and get away without an issue." I guess the Japanese exchange student thing was likely a ruse to help with the cover up of the man's crimes that seems to have been a top down thing. Probably explains why Zecks came out of retirement

All I'll say is I think the pacing issues of the first 2 cases feeling off comes full circle by the end of the 3rd one
this story is paced to be much more serialized then prior AA games that were episodic cases. The pacing was clearly deliberate.


Oct 25, 2017
So Holme's is definitely playing dumb with at least some of his wrong deductions right? Like given he seemed to hint about the idea of how maids fit into London social standing and laughed when they brought up the maid before the deduction stuff with the wife, it makes no sense that he hadn't already figured it out and so that whole lion bit feels like him intentionally misreading the situation, likely so that Ryunosuke can figure things out himself without just being told


Oct 27, 2017
To me TGAA wouldn't be right without Iris talking about Hurly all the time at this point lol. I have been reading for, like, 45 hours tho
Yeah I just started the 3rd case and the goofy "Herlock Sholmes" name has grown on me. It just matches his character better. He's almost Sherlock Holmes, but not quite. He needs a little Course Correction to get there 😅


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wow really? It's the first I'm hearing of any complaints like that. I don't even think I noticed a change in the animation but would probably be fairly subtle, I assume.
It's been 6 years and a lot of internet browsing. You see a lot of stupid takes. I completely forgot about them until I saw the change

3DS version (GAA1-1 beginning) @ 20:40

勢いだけで大逆転裁判をひっそりとプレイ part1


Chronicles version (GAA1-1 beginning) @ 19:48

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - First 2 Hours of PC Gameplay NO COMMENTARY

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - First 2 Hours of PC Gameplay►My Twitter:

It's pretty minor but like I said, the Chronicles version works even better since it looks that much more awkward and goofy.

because I'm desperately trying to find greater meaning in this AA death that seems engineered to just leave everyone like "...oh".
I spent most of the time thinking that there was also gonna be some super assassin that had snuck on board when the ship had stopped unbeknownst to anyone, desperately trying to make up an overarching future resolution plot thread or dramatic Ace Attorney swerve to deal with the idea that this friend character just got swiftly bumped off in such deliberately underwhelming fashion

There is a lot to look at about Asogi's death

While it would be a more exciting experience, a problem with making someone with a vendetta against Asogi, especially the idea of an assassination, is that it would shift the tone of the story toward being a "Revenge" story where Naruhodo's primary motivation for going to London is to find out why Asogi was killed. The fact that the death was accidental is more somber and the fact that it was so unfair and undeserving, is what makes it such a powerful and relatable motivator

What you should keep in mind during your playthrough of Great Ace Attorney 1 is that it is a dedicated character piece, first and foremost. It tells Naruhodo's story in extensive detail, more thoroughly than any character arc in Ace Attorney to this point. The reason for Asogi's death to be so abrupt is to thrust the role of defense attorney onto Naruhodo. All other AA protags made the choice to be an attorney but here, it is thrown into his lap and he has little choice but to accept. While all people may not be able to relate to the experience of suffering racism or discrimination, it is very easy for anyone to relate to the experience of feeling out of your element or completely unworthy of the responsibilities given to you, and the desire (and fear) to live up to the expectations of those we respect. Naruhodo suddenly becoming a defense attorney with no training or education drops him into the deep end and we could not have that without Asogi's death out of nowhere. Life can be tragic, utterly unfair, and senselessly cruel. A powerful way to define a person is how they respond to tragedy and injustice.

You don't have to agree with the approach, but to say the manner of Asogi's death doesn't have greater meaning is a serious disservice to the work.

When Reasoning Battle kicks in...



Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
TGAA 1: Episodes 1-3

Finding the resolutions for each case to be extraordinarily unsatisfying so far. Where are my breakdowns? Why am I still doing tutorial bullshit 3 episodes in? There's only two episodes left! Come on.


Oct 27, 2017

"No self-respecting defence barrister would ever try such a thing [summation examination]!"

Sir, sorry, sir, but I have no self-respect, let's do this.