
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if Kamilah or Donkey Doug will be in the new quartet? Giving the bad place control over who to send to the new neighborhood might have been a mistake...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I think the implications of how they handle the point system really don't work if you were to actually break it all down. That being said, they're handling it well, and I'm curious to see if we're going to get some kind of twist in the next episode that will set up season 4.

It seems like we could have more of Maya Rudolph next season, and that would definitely be a win in my book.


Oct 26, 2017
Last episode was amazing, the show is 100% back on form. Can't wait to see next episode. It's the series finale, so shit is crashing down.


I was expecting him to dab lol


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Last episode was amazing, the show is 100% back on form. Can't wait to see next episode. It's the series finale, so shit is crashing down.

I was expecting him to dab lol

The show is too on point to go back to an old trend lol

I'm so glad we're back to neighbourhood shenanigans. Hopefully the main cast won't get reset again ever and let them grow like Jason did this episode.
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing it being rebuilt gave me a real lump in my throat. I didn't object to the Earthbound stuff as much as some others did, but holy moly, it's good to be back, and I'm really excited now to see where this is going.

Last season it kind-of worked out that the finale was in the penultimate episode, pretty much, with the actual final episode really feeling more like establishing the new status quo going forwards. I wonder if we're going to be looking at that again this time around, with this being the narrative climax of this season, and the next episode will have some of the flavour of what's to come.

I was really amused by the fact that the episode title just refers to a throwaway gag that had little to do directly with the narrative.

Curious if Derek's now technically more advanced than her, hasn't he had more resets? Still, that came from a... lower base level!

I need to catch up with the podcast (I got a couple of episodes into the Season 3 breakdowns), but thanks to it I picked up on the Niednagel's name right away.
since he was probably 1% of what Janet is even his 500k resets doesn't touch Janet's 800~ resets. I'd say he's like 30% of Janet.
We have to assume Janet Prime wasn't perfect to begin with


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Latest episode was absolutely fantastic and included everything that makes this show amazing. Second half of this season has been getting better and better.


Self-requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
When is this season meant to end exactly? I keep thinking I watch the last episode and then one pops up like 3 weeks later. I thought 'Janet(s)' was the last episode and now there's two more.


Oct 26, 2017
The whole main cast (minus Ted) is on Conan tonight, btw. Second episode of his new format.


Oct 26, 2017
I binge watched this show and am now finally caught up. I went in expecting something really terrible and just couldn't stop watching. My opinion has completely flipped, love this.
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One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
NBC cut to a news promo during the conversation with Tahani and the new dude, ugh


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Mother forkers...

As if Olson Twins countdown bloggers weren't bad enough. Chidi s gonna get wrecked.
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Oct 25, 2017
I understand you're watchimg and don't want to type that much but ... spoilers? Gimme, I want them. LOL


Oct 25, 2017
I understand you're watchimg and don't want to type that much but ... spoilers? Gimme, I want them. LOL
Michael was so paralyzed by the thought of the squad thinking he was going to be their tormentor that he completely shut down, and Eleanor pretended to be the neighborhood architect in his place and now that's the status quo they're stuck with.

The first guy turned out to be a gossip blogger that disproportionately covered Tahani, which the squad realizes was on purpose; Shawn purposefully chose people who would disrupt them. Case in point - Simone is the next person on the couch.

Gen rules that it wasn't against the rules for Shawn to have done this, but it was still a dirty trick, so she allows Michael to erase Simone's memories of Chidi and the others so they can pretend they have never met before. But Chidi is rattled, and concludes that in order for the experiment to proceed, he has to have his memory wiped to the point before he met Simone - before he met anyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Michael was so paralyzed by the thought of the squad thinking he was going to be their tormentor that he completely shut down, and Eleanor pretended to be the neighborhood architect in his place and now that's the status quo they're stuck with.

The first guy turned out to be a gossip blogger that disproportionately covered Tahani, which the squad realizes was on purpose; Shawn purposefully chose people who would disrupt them. Case in point - Simone is the next person on the couch.

Gen rules that it wasn't against the rules for Shawn to have done this, but it was still a dirty trick, so she allows Michael to erase Simone's memories of Chidi and the others so they can pretend they have never met before. But Chidi is rattled, and concludes that in order for the experiment to proceed, he has to have his memory wiped to the point before he met Simone - before he met anyone.
Thank you! Sound pretty interesting. I don't love the Chidi part
it makes sense but it feels like they did it to put a temporary stop to his and Eleanor's relationship.


Oct 26, 2017
Huh, I wonder what

Simone did to end up with the same rough point total as the rest of them, as she didn't have Chidi's same hangups, whereas John is clearly kind of a dick on Eleanor's level.