
Oct 25, 2017
So after watching the awards and spending some time thinking about them, I have come to a sour final opinion. The show does not give enough time to actually presenting the awards to the people who make these games. Instead it spends much of its time with adverts and "World Premieres". In addition to the number of world premieres, I saw more than a few trailers for games that have already released and more than one trailer for Dead by Daylight, PUBG, and those Truth vaping prevention ads. Please give more time to the actual awards. The world premieres themselves are always nice to see but even they really encroached on the award presentations themselves. World premieres are great but the show should be more than that. More than once did a game get main stage time just to be announced. The Duffer Brothers were only there to announce that Stranger Things game on the main stage. It began to feel like Geoff was just waiting for a moment to run through a half dozen awards on that side stage so they could get to more announcements.

This show is for awards. Game developers behind Obra Dinn, Into the Breach, Florence, etc. deserve some time in the sun. So do the big game developers. Developers work so very hard for recognition. Get these people up on stage let them be recognized. It seems as though the advertising has been encroaching further into the awards that it was often hard to tell when an award was being presented and when it was just another premiere. I remember That Dragon, Cancer winning and the emotional speech on stage more than anything else from the 2016 show. In 2017 when Melina Juergens won for best performance you could see how big a moment that was for her. Same with Roger Clark this year who said, later on, he ran out of time on stage with the "Wrap It Up" prompt. If this is an awards show make it about recognizing the people who won over the world premieres. If it is not, they should drop some of the pretenses. I won't lie and say the primaries don't matter, I am sure Geoff and the rest of his team have data to show that is what people tune in for. For them, it must be an excruciating balance between trying to get some of the awards time and getting to the next premiere. Yet, if this is about the games and about the people the trailers should be secondary. This year it felt like the awards were a mild inconvenience between trailers. It makes me uncomfortable knowing that some of these developers might have had something to say, to thank their audience or otherwise and were never given the chance.

Over the years seeing game developers on a stage full of that nervous energy has been great. These people spend years of their lives on these games. Pour their heart and sould into them the least they deserve is minute or tow on stage. I feel that is being missed in exchange for some World Premieres that could take place during the pre-show or even at other events around the year.

I am happy for the show, it is a great recognition of the steps the industry is taking. Nonetheless, I hope Geoff and the rest of his team take caution that new game announcements and adverts do not swallow the awards whole. With that, I will "wrap it up".

EDIT: I would just like to add in a small note. I am not complaining about the announcements. I simply believe that the developers themselves should receive recognition. This is the one awards show that has quite broad notoriety. It should use that notoriety to give the people more time to be honored. I think Geoff and his team could find a nicer balance that allows that. The announcements are great, love them, but still my point stands.
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Jan 12, 2018
I get the sentiment but the VGAs wouldn't be half as relevant without these World Premieres. It's the main draw for the mainstream audience. I know I wouldn't have watched it myself if I knew there weren't any major announcements coming.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine a small percentage of people watch for the awards. Also the VGAs wouldn't exist without the advertising. Just the reality of putting on a show like this.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Many people only watch the show for the announcements. Also, I think they need those adverts to afford putting the show together.


Nov 3, 2017
I watch TGA for the trailers, not for the awards. As an award show this is not backed up by anything like BAFTA for example, so I do not really care about who is winning. I just want to see the world premieres, the new trailers, and what Reggie is going to do since NOA have been a big sponsor of these events.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't have watched it if it wasn't because of the reveals. I could care less about a glorified popularity contest.


Oct 26, 2017
I was really sad Best Art Direction award wasnt given on stage. Pretty disrespectful with one of the most important categories a videogame award show could have.


Oct 27, 2017
The video game medium is not respected enough to have a successful award show without premiers. Geoff needs money to make this show happen and unless you're willing to donate a massive amount, he's going to have to keep doing it.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I only watch the awards for the premiers, and the GOTY award if I am invested in it.

The game industry does this to themselves by being so goddamn secretive.


Oct 27, 2017
I can say for certain without many evidence that most people watching TGA don't really give a damn about the awards. Maybe only GOTY. This show will not have the audiences it had without those World Premiers. Also, in case you haven't reallized, this is a free-streaming show on internet with very high production value so somebody has gotten to pay the bill, which is why there were so many ads.


Oct 27, 2017
To add to the people sentiment here, the DICE awards given by the AIAS (the true equivalent of the Oscars if you want) are streamed every year, is just awards and not many people watch it.

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No one cares about the awards at the VGAs and that's sadly why they don't get as much time.

The BAFTA game awards would be a better alternative if you do care about them.


Oct 25, 2017
The vast majority of individuals would not watch if announcements weren't the main focus. All in all, video game awards have barely any prestige.
The video game medium is not respected enough to have a successful award show without premiers.

Could these shows not help games receive that prestige?

nobody here can even tell you who won what outside GOTY cuz they dont matter.
Nobody gives a shit about the awards.

They matter to the people who win them. That I have no doubt in.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
The world premieres remedy the one aspect of award shows that nobody likes: It's very fatiguing to watch people get awards. So the premieres and announcements of what's to come keep the general audience invested.

The balance still isn't perfect. Like I wish technical awards that need some visual or audio aide had stage presence over the complete popularity contest that is Trending gamer/content creator, but I get it.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
It's a marketing event. They need the viewers to sell ads and they only way to get them is to dangle that carrot. The awards are absolutely secondary but keighly knows what keeps the whole thing afloat. Only a handful of award are given any measure of respect


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY, USA
Many of the other award shows, like the Oscars or Golden Globes, keep losing viewership every year. It's a big problem for them.
Now imagine if they were to release several world premieres for big upcoming movies. That would help reaching and keeping some audience.
The same is happening here. TGA needs people to watch, and the way to grab our attention is with news about the one thing we all love, new games.


Oct 27, 2017
It really did seem like Keighley was rushing through each 'interview' and speed reading awards to get to the next world premiere - I imagine he knows why people watch.

Look at Keighley when he's smiling during this latest GA, though. Nothing behind those eyes.
Nov 15, 2017
It's an award show. These costs a large amount. What follows is a balancing act in order to have it running at all. Without the commercial aspect - it wouldn't exist. least we didn't have a cringy razor ad this year. So, progress. ^^


Oct 25, 2017
The shows that focus on awards like The Oscars are dying. The forwarding thinking nature of world premieres is what makes this show greater. So many entities already give awards out and at the end of the day these awards are just another opinion. The show does well to balance out reflection for the awards, a forwarding thinking view with the upcoming content, and then this year was well to balance it with industry icons(? can't remember if that is what they called them) that have been doing stuff and are also achieving things going forward.

The reality is pure awards shows are becoming less interesting and this show needs an audience to exist.


Oct 26, 2017
Agreed but what can you expect from something that's always used the awards show as a window dressing for producing a big gaming "event" show.

My advice is to not expect that from TGAs or Geoff Keighley in general and start paying more attention the GDC Awards and DICE Awards instead. It really annoys me that so many gamers don't pay any attention to those awards at all when they're by far and away the most prestigious awards in the industry, followed by the BAFTAs in third.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
Geoff has found a formula that's working. This was the best show yet, and the announcements drive a big part of that. In an era where audiences are contracting for these shows, The Game Awards are growing.

I think there is still room for improvement, but I thought this year was really great, and a big step up from last year.

If you want more "straight awards" type shows, DICE Awards and GDC Choice awards both head down that line. I think there's room for multiple types of Awards shows out there, and I don't think Geoff should be messing with what is a clearly winning formula and a great night for gaming.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'd probably cut a few of the music performances and maybe put a few more of the reveals in the pre-show. Or give out more awards in the pre-show with the people accepting the awards.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed but what can you expect from something that's always used the awards show as a window dressing for producing a big gaming "event" show.

My advice is to not expect that from TGAs or Geoff Keighley in general and start paying more attention the GDC Awards and DICE Awards instead. It really annoys me that so many gamers don't pay any attention to those awards at all when they're by far and away the most prestigious awards in the industry, followed by the BAFTAs in third.

I really like DICE awards but they lost me a bit rewarding Fallout 4 over The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne! cmon! -_-


Oct 29, 2017
Most people don't want to watch acceptance speeches. The show needs ads to pay for the show. Game reveals gets people to watch.


Nov 3, 2017
The spectacle brings more recognition. Otherwise, it would be like the Super Bowl without the commercials. Asides for the petty bragging rights in the end... What's the point?

Personally, I think Geoff should be publicly shamed and ridiculed ;) for not landing the Avengers Endgame premeire. That would have been huge. And they seemed so close...
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Nov 26, 2017
I agree. I like to see and hear from people that work on and interact with games. My favorite moments have been the human moments. I missed the industry icon award this year, which has historically been my favorite part of the show. The show has come a long away, and I do appreciate the announcements too, but I think we could all benefit from seeing faces behind the names and allowing them to recieve awards while their family watches.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I agree with your premise, but I've made my peace with it, because the show wouldn't happen without the reveals. It's the only thing that gets them a big enough audience to afford anything. I do think they could do more to make sure the smaller awards get their time on stage, maybe have Geoff give them out directly on a smaller stage at the preshow, or prerecord them or something so they can be edited for length. I also wish the line between awards and promotion was a bit clearer. I didn't like Ed Boom getting to interrupt an award for his announcement, for example.


Oct 25, 2017
Dunno it needs to be funded somehow and until the major publishers come together and decide to make the equivalent of a Screen Actors Guild and fund it themselves it's going to stay that way.

That or the main draw needs to be super bowl big so that publishes use the actual commercials time to show the new games like the super bowl gets all the major movie trailers. There's just no draw like that and I doubt there will be.

An alternative is less focus on quantity of world premieres like Geoff seems obsessed with and more of a focus on longer quality premiers. That'll chop the show up less and give more time to awards.

I made a similar thread a couple years ago after the debacle that was the Hydro Razor dude but have made my peace with the fact that it's this or nothing for a while until it can evolve.


Oct 28, 2017
Just speaking for myself and the folks I interact with, without the game announcements the show would be pointless. The awards don't mean anything...


Oct 27, 2017
From what I recall Geoff did a better job this year than he has since 2013. Every year gets better and this year was incredible.

There's versions of this that don't have premieres...they aren't doing the #s Geoff's show does.


Sep 29, 2018
This aspect of gaming culture that prioritises game reveals in award shows instead of above everything, celebrating this incredibly medium and its achievements deeply saddens me.
Imagine if the Oscars needed a World Premiere of Avengers: End Game or Ep XI in order to get any sort of significant viewership. Shame.


Oct 25, 2017

(skip to 1:33:00)
The BAFTA Videogame Awards is still the best in terms of balance between entertainment and developer recognition/respect. I don't think The Game Awards will come close as an awards show because it originated as an overlong Super bowl halftime show that had awards handed out to appear legit. Abandon your expectations for the TGAs and if you actually care about the awards, keep watching the DICE, GDC, and BAFTA Video Game Awards.


Oct 28, 2017
Gamers aren't mature enough, they'll call your show shit if you didn't announce anything new.