Nov 1, 2017
Yeah he sounds like the real deal. I hope Nigeria will get someone just as progressive and level headed. We need more nations in Africa to band together to not only keep China but the U.S. as well. If other nations stop interfering the continent can develop past meagerness.


Oct 28, 2017
Hope the Drastically Improved Eritrea and Ethiopia relations can be an example to other bordering countries through out the world.

No matter what outside influences try to instigate or affect these countries..... yall two are the ones who have to live next to each other... give in alittle and work something out.


May 16, 2018
Basically, since being elected in april, he has ended a war with neighboring Eritrea by giving them some land, released thousands of political prisoners including the opposition leader in order to set a foundation for democracy, lifted state censorship, discovered a torture chamber below the prime minister residence that he plans to turn into a museum for the public and promised free elections.

He has already survived one assassination attempt. I hope he will stay safe because it seems Ethiopia scored jackpot with him.

What in the actual fuk?


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone know his stance LGBT? I'll be fascinated if he doesn't agree with the general stance of his people in that it simply shouldn't be accepted.

That said, work done to improve the way of life for his people could help the balance swing to more tolerance in general. Fingers crossed.


Oct 30, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I really hope that this guy carries on with the reforms. He's the kind of person we need in politics the world over!

Had no idea about anything that he's done, but he sounds amazing <3


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
Yeah he sounds like the real deal. I hope Nigeria will get someone just as progressive and level headed. We need more nations in Africa to band together to not only keep China but the U.S. as well. If other nations stop interfering the continent can develop past meagerness.
It would just be nice if countries that continue to interact with the continent do it to rise the tides there, not their own.


Oct 25, 2017
Europe is not interested in sowing discord in its neighbouring regions post-2011.
That user said "western countries", and there certainly happens to be a western country which has a bit of history with using its intelligence services to assassinate foreign leaders and install friendly regimes.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
That user said "western countries", and there certainly happens to be a western country which has a bit of history with using its intelligence services to assassinate foreign leaders and install friendly regimes.
Be that as it may, how in the world would this man be perceived as a threat to the US, or for that matter any western government? He's not a dictator, a terrorist sympathizer or a human rights aggressor..


Oct 25, 2017
Be that as it may, how in the world would this man be perceived as a threat to the US, or for that matter any western government? He's not a dictator, a terrorist sympathizer or a human rights aggressor..
You think the US only kills those people? They certainly killed enough socialists leaders, even democratically elected ones.
As for Ethopia, I don't think they are really that important to the West right now. If their prime minister shows a lot of resistance to efforts from China to make money there, I could see the Chinese wanting him gone. So that's likely the bigger danger right now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can you imagine walking into your office on your first day of work and there's a torture dungeon underneath?

Also how do you look at this much progress and go "He's ruining it!"
Oct 27, 2017
My family's from Eritrea so seeing what this guy's been doing has been fascinating. The whole community's pretty much ready to saint this dude haha (outside of a few haters).
Oct 27, 2017
can we trade you
we'll sweeten the deal with 51 senators and a VP
they're pretty much all old white men so they can't do much manual labor
but they're in the making countries great again business, or so i've been told


Nov 8, 2017
I think it's just supposed to be a regular joke. Stop being oversensitive.

On topic - why isn't stuff like this covered more? I'd love to have regular updates on all the good things he does.

How is conflating Nigerians and Ethiopians not racist? Are you racist if you call all east Asians Chinese?


Oct 31, 2017
That was hardly an assassination and the biggest American foreign policy failure since Vietnam. Iraq is beconing an Iranian vassal and so has Syria and Lebanon and a big reason was the Iraq war. ISIS was born in the Iraq war. There is no US puppet government in Iraq.
You honestly think US hadn't tried to assassinate Saddam Hussein before that? Just because you don't like the example doesn't make it any less correct.

The US is known worldwide for this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Remind me the last time that happened.
The most famous example is surely Chile, 1973: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d'état (which lead to Pinochet getting to power, a bloody dictator, but certainly sweet on that US money), there is also another famous murder, done by a CIA operative (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara#Capture_and_death, though, the target wasn't the leader of any country). Generally speaking, the US pulled a lot of shady shit in Latin America, supporting the Contras in Nicaragua for example, a group that committed numerous human rights violations.
To give an example of an African leader being killed, there is the story of Patrice Lumumba. Was even shot down by a Belgian firing squad during, essentially, a coup d'etat. Unsurprisingly the US also had their hands in this, after all, we couldn't risk a country slipping into Soviet zone of influence, now could we? Treading on the independece of sovereign nations was fairly common thing during the Cold War.


Oct 25, 2017
Oromo militant youth groups (known as Qeerroo) have been slaughtering other people around the country for the last year. When Abiy became Prime Minister, they became emboldened by the fact that he is Oromo as well. We were hopeful that would not influence his behaviour but we were wrong. He has turned a blind eye to their ethnic supremacist territorial expansion in rural areas and it is now reaching major cities.

Regional Oromo forces assist Oromo supremacists (Qeerroo) to expand their territory.

As Ethiopia makes peace with Eritrea, can it make peace with its people?
Described by some as "an open-air prison" along the lines of Gaza and India-administered Kashmir, this north-east corner of Ethiopia is an area of immense oil and gas resources and wealth, as well as strategic military importance to the US and its allies in the 'War on Terror'.
He told us how Somali Muslims were facing a "well coordinated programme of ethnic cleansing" by Oromo militias, tacitly sanctioned and at times openly backed by the Ethiopian military.

The cities of Dir Dawa and Miesso in Shiniile province, as well as the towns of Tuliguleed, Baabili, Jinacsani in Fafaan province, as well as the city of Moyale in Lebaan province were some of the localities where atrocities took place.

Abdulkaadir described destroyed homes, indiscriminate killings, a mother and her children burned alive, seven farmers shot dead in a frenzy - and swathes of people fleeing into makeshift refugee camps, where they are now "languishing in the hundreds and thousands" and being forced to drink contaminated water.
Prior to the election of the new prime minister, atrocities committed against Somalis along the volatile Ogaden-Oromo border have taken place, but not with the magnitude of what is currently happening.

"Following the election of Ahmed in April, there has been a well orchestrated campaign of ethnic cleansing being perpetrated against Somalis residing in the border region of Ogaden, and it is being perpetrated by Oromo militias and paramilitary forces with the full backing of the Ethiopian military and government," says the blogger Abdulkaadir.
However, the prime minister hails from a military-intelligence background. He served in the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda and reached a high rank in the Ethiopian military, known for its ties to the US.

He also founded the powerful Information Network Security Agency (INSA), Ethiopia's intelligence services.

Most questionable is that the new prime minister has done nothing to halt the violence in the northeast, despite his deep influence in the military.

Ahmed, as well as Lemme Megersa, who is the president of the Oromo Regonal State, from where the Oromo militias launch their attacks, are yet to condemn, let alone take action against these forces.

Oromo supremacists murdered politicians of a neighbouring region triggering more violence.


Oct 25, 2017
Here they massacred, looted, and raped non-Oromo civilians. However, in a rare move, the federal government intervened and helped those who were displaced (likely due to its proximity to the capital) but it was too little, too late.

Ethiopia's ethnic divides rock capital as reports of killings prompt angry protests
Thousands of residents of the Ethiopian capital marched through the streets on Monday, protesting deadly attacks over the weekend on the edge of the city that they blamed on the country's Oromo ethnic group.

Authorities said the attacks left at least 23 people dead. In addition, police said five demonstrators were killed during the protests when they attempted to snatch officers' weapons.
Although most of the previous violence has taken place in distant regions where up to 2 million people have been displaced, over the weekend it reached the capital, Addis Ababa. Villages on the edge of the city were attacked, many residents were driven from their homes, and reports emerged of killings and rapes.

Here we have the makings of a genocide.


Oct 25, 2017
Ethiopia government failing to protect people from ethnic violence: rights commission
Though Abiy's new approach has drawn praise inside Ethiopia and abroad, his rhetoric is beginning to ring hollow in some parts of the country due to the rising violence — and concerns that his government is not acting to stop it.

Referring to the violence, Addisu said: "There is also a lack of accountability. For instance, while some regional officials were apprehended for stoking violence in Gedeo, others are yet to be held accountable."
And the result?

Didn't this dude plagiarize a speech lmao

The part about societal decline was especially shameless considering it made no sense in the context of a developing country.
Be that as it may, how in the world would this man be perceived as a threat to the US, or for that matter any western government? He's not a dictator, a terrorist sympathizer or a human rights aggressor..
He actually is. Ethiopia's system of governance is modelled after China's. It is not an actual democracy so the Prime Minister can wield almost unlimited power.


Oct 25, 2017
That user said "western countries", and there certainly happens to be a western country which has a bit of history with using its intelligence services to assassinate foreign leaders and install friendly regimes.
Ethiopia is actually a U.S. ally. The U.S. has been propping up their brutal regime for years with lots of aid.
There is no way they would attempt to assassinate Abiy since he has not pushed any anti-U.S. policy.

The country is very divided. The assassination attempts were by internal factions.
Can you imagine walking into your office on your first day of work and there's a torture dungeon underneath?

Also how do you look at this much progress and go "He's ruining it!"
Considering how he was a high ranking intelligence officer and politician in the ruling party, he would have already known about the torture chamber.


Nov 8, 2017
The most famous example is surely Chile, 1973: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d'état (which lead to Pinochet getting to power, a bloody dictator, but certainly sweet on that US money), there is also another famous murder, done by a CIA operative (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara#Capture_and_death, though, the target wasn't the leader of any country). Generally speaking, the US pulled a lot of shady shit in Latin America, supporting the Contras in Nicaragua for example, a group that committed numerous human rights violations.
To give an example of an African leader being killed, there is the story of Patrice Lumumba. Was even shot down by a Belgian firing squad during, essentially, a coup d'etat. Unsurprisingly the US also had their hands in this, after all, we couldn't risk a country slipping into Soviet zone of influence, now could we? Treading on the independece of sovereign nations was fairly common thing during the Cold War.

So 45 years ago in the cold war. We live in a very different world now.