
▲ Legend ▲
Mar 27, 2021
Weirdly enough we did this when I was pretty young, like in the first grade. On the last day my mom offered to drive me to school to make sure it was extra safe, only for her to fucking drop it while fumbling with her car keys, I was devastated.

This made me chuckle


Oct 27, 2017
I never experienced this in school, ever.


Wasn't a thing here where I grew up. I always found it weird when American shows had that as a thing.

Is it also true that in usa schools, at least back in the 90s, that boys would have woodwork and girls have something else to learn instead? I'm sure I remember that being a thing in TV shows too and When I first told my in laws I can sew and cook they were confused why I learned that in school as opposed to just woodwork etc.

Was weird to me as I assumed it would be the same in the usa where everyone in the class moves from subject to subject during the year. So for part of the year you learn woodwork and then you all move to learning sewing, then cooking and food preparation etc. But maybe that's not a thing in the usa?

Am American, I was so jealous of TV high schoolers that got wood working classes. I never had that shit in the 90's. I'm convinced it is fiction but a few people I've met say they've had it. Fuck Florida I guess.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
I never had to do anything about child care and I don't personally know anyone who did. I just thought it was an older thing that was only used in sitcoms.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I also saw this on TV a lot but it must have been phased out by the time I got there. I never did this and don't know anyone personally who did either.

Henry Jones Jr

Oct 27, 2017
They didn't give us eggs. They gave us full-sized baby dolls with annoying speakers in their chests that would "cry" if jostled around too much.

Same here. It would also just cry at random times. It did on me in the middle of the night once.

edit: Also if I recall correctly, we were told it had an internal mechanism that would count "hard falls" so they would know if and how often we dropped the baby.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
there's a this american life episode with a story like this.... it was a cool episode but it was baby dolls and not eggs


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, we had to babysit eggs iirc. Also in biology we got paired up with another student and rolled dice for gene markers and had a baby "together" from the dice rolls even though they didn't take into account our actual genetics, so I'm unclear why we had to be paired up like we would procreate with that other student…'s like the assignment was poorly designed or something. Then we drew the kid whether or not we had any artistic talents.

What the actual shit, this sounds fucking wild lmao.


Oct 26, 2017
Can confirm it was a real thing, and was evolving in that decade. I missed out on the egg by a year, and our school had moved on to dolls with some rudimentary electronics. Despite having to do this in the mid-90s, our lead science teacher at my school at the time was an absolute madman and equipped dolls with crude accelerometers so it would track the number of times you handled it improperly.



Oct 25, 2017
never did this, or the dissect frog.

i went to private school so those types of classes were probably replaced with religion classes.


Oct 26, 2017
I hated that episode of Batman Beyond. And I'm guessing the eggbaby stuff is what boomers/Gen x did



Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Weirdly enough we did this when I was pretty young, like in the first grade. On the last day my mom offered to drive me to school to make sure it was extra safe, only for her to fucking drop it while fumbling with her car keys, I was devastated.

I feel like she either did that on purpose, or got any weird marks on your head?


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Never believed it was a real. A TV construct, like lockers and period-based elementary school.
Lockers are real! Did you not have one at your schools?

I had them in middle and high school. In middle school they were mostly ignored but high school they were necessary because our textbooks were too heavy to carry around all day.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
No, but I did have to build a thing around an egg using popcicle sticks and throw it off the school roof once.


Oct 30, 2017
We did this in fifth grade. I think we were supposed to keep it unharmed for at least a week?


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I always thought it was something made up for comedic TV show episodes


Nov 13, 2017
I did it while teaching a science class for… difficult (I feel like that's the most polite word) students. They had to design armor for it that could withstand not only the battery of tests we set up but also their friends trying to obliterate them. It was crazy fun.

I also used the robot babies that cry, need diaper changes or feeding or rocking while teaching Family Studies. That was incredibly amusing for me as the teacher.

I hope that's a different assignment because if you guys were pretending the eggs were babies and then armoring them up and letting them fight, I'm not sure what was being taught.

But we definitely had stuff like an egg drop test (design something that would allow an egg to drop from a high height without breaking).

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I never did this, but I was familiar with it and I *think* my school had some classes that did this but I honestly dunno if I just blended that in from 1990s TV. I vaguely have memories of people walking around with their eggs in a box, but I dunno if I stitched that from TV into my own memories of high school or not.

Yep we did worm and frog disection in biology. Was pretty good TBH. I forget if we did pig... I think I did that in college, but don't remember.

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
I had the weird electronic doll.

Some TV shows have them taking it home overnight and stuff but I just had to do it for a few hours.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Yes, we had to babysit eggs iirc. Also in biology we got paired up with another student and rolled dice for gene markers and had a baby "together" from the dice rolls even though they didn't take into account our actual genetics, so I'm unclear why we had to be paired up like we would procreate with that other student…'s like the assignment was poorly designed or something. Then we drew the kid whether or not we had any artistic talents.

lol definitely had this too, and there was an aspect of taboo like "... are we romantically involved now...?" type thing. Like the "relationship" with your baby mama or baby daddy was never quite the same after.


Oct 27, 2017
They didn't give us eggs. They gave us full-sized baby dolls with annoying speakers in their chests that would "cry" if jostled around too much.

I don't think I had to do it for whatever reason, but it's also possible my friends and I just figured out a way to cheat. I can't really remember, I know SOME kids had them but I don't think I ever got one?
Yeah, my middle school did this with the special baby dolls with speakers. You had to "feed" and "change" them and shit.

But I never had to because they only made girls do it. Which was absolute bullshit, but ya know. What else can you expect from a conservative rural school where the school board and town worshiped an 80 year old piece of shit football coach who shouted the N word at students in school all the fucking time.


Oct 27, 2017
My school had dolls with motion sensors and shit that recorded whether kids took good care of them. They also cried randomly, too, which pissed off a lot of parents who didn't sign on to having a screeching malfunctioning toy in their house for a week without approving it first.

I never took home ec, so I never had to bother with it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
lol definitely had this too, and there was an aspect of taboo like "... are we romantically involved now...?" type thing. Like the "relationship" with your baby mama or baby daddy was never quite the same after.
I never had that problem. The other kid was a snooty asshole lol.

We could have had flour bags now I come to think of it. Maybe we did both. It's hard to remember what was me and what was fiction anymore, gosh.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
lol definitely had this too, and there was an aspect of taboo like "... are we romantically involved now...?" type thing. Like the "relationship" with your baby mama or baby daddy was never quite the same after.

Just imagine your kid comes home, and you're like "What did you do in school today?" And they just look at you and say they made a child with another student.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
No and I never got the point watching it in shows, just put the egg on a shelf
Nov 5, 2017
My sister had to do it with an egg.

My Mom can draw pretty well so she drew a face on it. It survived and, because of the face, my sister never threw it out until around 20 years later. The inside was a solid ball.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Nope. We did an 'Egg Drop' science experiment where we had to design a contraption to stop the egg from cracking when dropped from the roof of the school. That was fun