
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
I don't own one of the best systems right now, borrowing a friend's since mine died a little over a year ago, but I think both games look great in their own way. I love the more colorful, less monotone look of The Division 2 so far. Since the game is set in the summer you get the occasional heat haze in the distance, which adds to the overall look. Rain, fog, haze, they're doing an exceptional job to portray a fluid weather system.

I have a feeling, since there have been talks about a survival mode, there's going to be one where the heat can get unbearable. Firing a gun in that heat might even aid to your body heating up. So you have to drink and keep cool and stuff.

My verdict, I like both settings the same. Each have their own ups and downs.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
So whats the verdict? The first one looks so much better artistically in my opinion.
The snow setting is perhaps more appealing visually, but I prefer the variety we got now.

Apart from that, the only downgrade I see is the sound effects (6:15 in the video). I prefer by far how the guns sounded in the first opus.

I was finally able to play the game without trouble today, it was pretty nice and solid. Pretty standard TPS though, that's why despite its many problems, I enjoyed the gameplay and variety of Anthem much more.
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Oct 25, 2017
I played some last night. I like the new TTK and wandering around DC. Looking forward to March.


Oct 27, 2017
I played the end game mission with randos really fun stuff
But I tried to go back to the regular world and every time I try to answer an agent call, I get a delta 3 or 4 error which sucks
I feel like the open world at lower levels is pretty tough solo at level 5 at least


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Oct 25, 2017
That endgame mission is so good. Changes the game completely.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Is there a crafting table available in the beta? I see the ability to deconstruct but not craft despite my crafting level rising the more I play.

Edit, never mind had to go back to the Whitehouse


Oct 25, 2017
But, the real-world setting absolutely hamstrings the title. There can be no equivalent to anthems amazing traversal, no exciting monsters, no surprising locations, nothing that truly wows the player. And there is no good reason for that.
  • I felt the complete opposite about Anthem... And by "Traversal" you mean "Flying".
  • None of the enemies in Anthem were exciting.
  • These "Surprising locations" were completely empty and barren of anything remotely interesting.
Been playing so much end-game stuff with D1 that I think once this beta ends, I'm gonna start another new character in D1 and run through all the campaign again. I'm NOT going to go and collect everything though, that was quite a chore doing it more than once. Just need to get a feel for how that leveling progression went, it's been way too long.
Be careful friend, you don't want to burn out before release...

That's lame. I'm certain you could do hard mode from the start on Division 1
Not before finishing the story version.

That endgame mission is so good. Changes the game completely.
I LOVE the endgame, Black Tusks are really great enemies.

Is there a crafting table available in the beta? I see the ability to deconstruct but not craft despite my crafting level rising the more I play.
In the White House and I believe the settlements have them.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished the endgame mission on hard today.

That was a massive amount of fun and running away... I mean tactical retreats. We definetly weren't panicking and ran away, a couple of times. We just had important business in other parts of the map while enemies followed us.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't had the chance to get on today, is the beta still running? If so, how long till it closes?
Oct 25, 2017
Calgary, AB
I don't want to burn myself out on the beta, so questions:
- Are the only two rewards for the final game for playing the beta and for completing the endgame mission?
- Do I have to complete the endgame mission on hard or is normal fine?


Jan 27, 2018
Does someone else have crazy mouse stutter? I tried the recommended stuff (overlays, mouse polling) but the only thing that seem to to make it somewhat playable is vsync/60 fps limit, gonna try the end game tonight and see how it plays. Weird thing is that playing on controller is totally fine.

Is Epic Store the only place where I can get a refund if the final release has the same problem?


Oct 27, 2017
Did two main missions on low level character.
Unlocked lvl 30 premade
Beat normal invaded with lvl 30 character.

Am I done for getting the beta extras?


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't get to play much since the start of the beta, maybe an hour, but I really liked what I played so far. Not sure if I should go out of my way to cram in an extra hour or two of play time until tomorrow, as I'm under the impression the beta rewards a bit of time commitment.
Anyway, I forgot how much I liked the first game, and I'm kind of glad I didn't invest more time into it, being that progress won't carry over anyway, but more importantly, that quitting an addictive game cold turkey for a month is quite hard.


Oct 28, 2017
Did they acknowledged the ps4 pro issues like screen tearing and texture loading/LOD bug? Wonder if they'll get it fixed by release...


Oct 25, 2017
Should of been an $50 expansion, like mmo games do. Thats what all these gas games should do, just release real expansions instead of sequels.

What difference would it make? You're still paying the same amount. The original game had enough issues that I don't mind making a clean break.


Oct 30, 2017
What's that swirling green stuff scattered around DC, like green smoke? At first I thought it was poison gas and kept avoiding it.


Oct 31, 2017
Just beat the invaded mission on normal, I assume thats enough to unlock whatever beta rewards are available? Also, every time I loaded into the mission I never had specialization that kinda sucked.


Oct 31, 2017
Also, could be crazy, but after the latest patch the game seems to look better? Still getting texture pop in but for some reason overall it appears much nicer.


Nov 3, 2017
Beat the endgame mission with a mate for a second time and loved it, really fun enemy which is relentless and tactical. Beta wise even though it wasn't perfect it pissed on the Anthem one - roll on the 12th!


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Wish there was a proper pause screen for this. Idled for too long right before the very last part of the endgame mission whilst I got a quick bite to eat but got kicked back to the title screen before I got back. Don't think i'll be doing that again on my own!


Oct 25, 2017
Well, with the Beta coming to a close soon, I'm sold. Some things I just didn't fully understand. Like, what do Control Points actually do? Seems to me that with the right perks, entering one will give you a 10 minute buff for highlighting loot and enemies from further away. Also, fuck the bounty system if it stays at one attempt only. I got disconnected when I tried one and that was all she wrote. No second chances. Hope they have a better mechanic or simply a retry option in place in the full game.

Hey, is the music in this game so damn good? lol

That's cause it's composed by Ola Strandh. He also did D1 and World in Conflict. The guy's seriously good at what he does.


Oct 25, 2017
After playing both the normal missions and the invaded mission with a friend...honestly I'm not feeling it.

Like I wouldn't mind it feeling like Division 1.5 (because hey I did like Division 1, so just more of it in a standard content sequel would be perfectly ok), along with liking changes like enemy health vs player damage balance being way better in most cases, except one of the things the game really wants is to accomplish high speed low drag tactical operator gameplay in terms of pacing.

Except like it feels nigh identical Division 1 in terms of how it feels to play, which was not exactly equipped to do high speed low drag tactical operator gameplay: weapon swapping still feels weirdly floaty in the sense that it's not immediately obvious that I have switched guns, the actual gunplay is ok I guess but can be a bit awkward to shoot when you're trying to be on the move and flanking sometimes, and actually moving around is still as "okiguess.jpg" as it was in DIv 1, except now it's in a game that expects you to be 100% on the ball with keeping up with advanced flanking maneuvers and robots relentlessly pushing in on you and moving accordingly.

Add in how we found out signature ammo drops work (we had both picked grenade launcher even so the double fun that we were both competing against each other for ammo drops through explosive kills as far as we could tell), and we kinda just ended up quitting after realizing we were just fighting the controls as much as we were fighting the enemies themselves.

I'll probably still play the initial storyline once it comes out since I'm getting it for free through AMD Rewards, but man I am bummed out after finally getting to try it.