
Apr 30, 2018
The only bad thing about the game is that Doom Guy wouldn't knock the robot the fuck out anymore after picking up the upgrade like he did in Doom 2016 :(


Oct 28, 2017
I wasn't too crazy about Doom 2016 like most other people seemed to be. Am I right to assume that I wouldn't really like Doom Eternal, either?


Oct 28, 2017
The combat loop is good and could potentially be great, but everything that surrounds it is genuinely terrible.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
2016 was the perfect revival of doom for me, Eternal just soils it by adding a ton of nonsense on top of it. I can recognize it being an amazing game to those who like it, but for me 2016 was where I wanted doom to be and Eternal just moved it into a completely different direction that I do not enjoy at all.

This is my opinion too. Just too much faff in Eternal. Doom 2016 was the sweet spot for me. It had some modern trappings but the over reliance on multiple skill trees and upgrades and all that is not where I, personally, want my Doom. I simply prefer Doom 2016 offering a more simple approach to that stuff.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I wasn't too crazy about Doom 2016 like most other people seemed to be. Am I right to assume that I wouldn't really like Doom Eternal, either?

I found Doom 2016 pretty dull but really enjoyed Doom Eternal.

The dash particularly I felt made it far faster and more exciting for me. In Eternal it felt like the game could keep up with the speed I wanted to be playing at, and the dash works particularly well with the CQC finishers and chainsaw option.


Nov 2, 2017
I like Doom Eternal. I love Doom 2016. Both are great games imo..just comes down to a personal taste I guess.
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't too crazy about Doom 2016 like most other people seemed to be. Am I right to assume that I wouldn't really like Doom Eternal, either?
Nope, Eternal actually made me appreciate 2016 more after failing to click with it when I went back after finishing Eternal and applied what it taught me to 2016.

I felt like 2016 did a poor job teaching me how to play it "in a fun way", and since I'm not a good FPS player, I just kept running around and firing whatever weapon like an idiot, and it worked, even on higher difficulties. But Eternal on Nightmare made me really master it, and it retroactively improved 2016's gameplay to me. Also helps that the second half of 2016 is much better than the first, so I had the best bits of the game left to me when I went back to it.

Try watching this interview if you have the time, if when they're talking about the changes they've made, and 2016's shortcomings, they seem to be describing your issues with the game, you'll have a blast with Eternal:



Oct 25, 2017
The bulk of the gameplay basically feels like I'm working on filling up different bars in order to get some brief windows of actually enjoyable combat gameplay before my resources are depleted and I have to repeat the chores again. I think I have a general problem with this school of gameplay loop design since I've felt the same way about equivalents in other games. For instance I hated what Blizzard did to shadow priests in WoW by making the class revolve around constantly building up insanity to activate void form, and then try to get as much damage out as you can while insanity rapidly depletes and then you have to start over at 0.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Whenever people complain about the Era "bubble," it mentally translates in my head to:

"Why is this video game enthusiast forum user that spends substantially more time with the medium than the average consumer allowed to have a different opinion than the general consensus!?"


Oct 17, 2018
2016 was GOTY for me, Eternal was just a good game. I think I'm unusual reading this thread though, my main gripe wasn't the maurauders or playing on a gamepad. It was the last two ****ing bosses. I really loathed them, such a downer on the experience, ground is lava mechanics and bullet sponge-crap.

I can respect anyone loving the combat loop OR finding it too much, opinions are fine and good. I can see both sides. But anyone that thinks the last two bosses were mechanically good and interesting FPS bosses, hard disagree. They were ****.
Oct 25, 2017
2016 was GOTY for me, Eternal was just a good game. I think I'm unusual reading this thread though, my main gripe wasn't the maurauders or playing on a gamepad. It was the last two ****ing bosses. I really loathed them, such a downer on the experience, ground is lava mechanics and bullet sponge-crap.

I can respect anyone loving the combat loop OR finding it too much, opinions are fine and good. I can see both sides. But anyone that thinks the last two bosses were mechanically good and interesting FPS bosses, hard disagree. They were ****.
I really enjoy the Kahn Maykr boss, the final one I'm not a fan of either.

But I don't mind "floor is lava" mechanics, so I can definitely see how someone who hates it wouldn't be able to enjoy that fight.


Dec 25, 2019
This is my opinion too. Just too much faff in Eternal. Doom 2016 was the sweet spot for me. It had some modern trappings but the over reliance on multiple skill trees and upgrades and all that is not where I, personally, want my Doom. I simply prefer Doom 2016 offering a more simple approach to that stuff.

The upgrade system in Eternal is the same as in 2016. The red orbs for health/armor/ammo upgrades are replaced with the blue crystals, and the USB sticks for suit upgrades are replaced with ghost coins. Weapon upgrades are the same, too. The only added "complication" is that the blue crystals also give some passive benefits.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 6, 2017
Whilst I loved the added mobility options of Doom Eternal, I hated quite a few things about Doom Eternal.

Doubling down on platforming/story telling ugggghhhhh, and combat flow breaking enemies goes against the grain of what Doom 2016 accomplished with it's combat loop. And add in worst boss fights than Doom 2016. Also hated the difficulty spikes of Eternal.

Doom 2016 is by far a more accomplished game than it's sequel.


Oct 29, 2017
I really like the aesthetic and soundtrack of Doom (2016) and from what I have seen of Eternal it looks fricking great in the art design department, like right up my alley. The gameplay is also pretty tight. What is stopping me from enjoying it and, why I dropped Doom 2016 halfway through is that it's just too hectic and thus too hard for me, even on easy. Patch in a very easy/ ninja dog/ old man mode and I would be all over Eternal.


Oct 29, 2017
I appreciate eternal making you use most of your arsenal for the fights.

Cause guess what doom 2016 turned into?

Rail gun siege mode and ssg double shot easy mode


Oct 30, 2017
I did my first play through of DOOM Eternal last week, with no knowledge of what was in the game. All I knew was that ERA hates it apparently.

And.......damn it was good! It was GOOD! It was good the same way 2016 was good......what are you guys talking about?

My one gripe was the whole Bethesda sign on thing, but i Just disconnected my PS4 from the internet and skipped that.

That's literally it, it was great otherwise and I hope they make a third new DOOM game.


Oct 28, 2017
A lot of people come here, and they have different opinions. That's all it is, honestly. Not really a "bubble" thing, imo...I've seen many people who love the game.

Exactly. Besides, the sentiment of Eternal being a step back is hardly exclusive to this site (Giant Bomb, who loved 2016, comes to mind as well as some others). Either way, no matter where you land with this game I don't see it winning many awards this year beyond maybe best OST but even that I wouldn't say is guaranteed.

That's not even a qualitative statement about that game but more about how quickly the conversation around that game died off. I'm sure it'll pick up some awards but honestly I think as far as games that launched prior to TLOU2 go, the games that will get a lot of awards are FF7 Remake and Animal Crossing (even then, after a couple months I feel like a lot of people at various gaming publications have since soured on Animal Crossing).

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

It is weird considering it's the best game of the year.
Not only is it best game of the year, it's easily the best shooter of the generation, only tempted by DOOM 2016 in that category. But then again, shooters have REALLY fallen off if you don't want to jerk off to faux-militiary bullshit.

In terms of GOTY, eh, that's probably Animal Crossing for it's sheer impact and joy. But DOOM Eternal's DLC is by far the most fun I've had all year that isn't a FROM game.

Clever Gato

Oct 28, 2017
I thought it was a vocal minority that disliked the game. Personally, its my shooter of the generation.


Oct 27, 2017
Who cares if it's a bubble or something else. I personally disliked it when compared do Doom 2016, which to me was very damn near perfect. That's it. I personally dislike Eternal, which is frustrating to play, and much prefer 2016. I am entitled to my tastes and to my opinion. If the OP or the devs choose to disregard those that dislike the game, it's their call.
May 15, 2018
I solved it. They both suck.
People have preferences and express their opinions with greater or lesser flair. There is no great compromise to be found.

Now, let's make this into a The Last Jedi thread, shall we?


Nov 1, 2017
The bulk of the gameplay basically feels like I'm working on filling up different bars in order to get some brief windows of actually enjoyable combat gameplay before my resources are depleted and I have to repeat the chores again. I think I have a general problem with this school of gameplay loop design since I've felt the same way about equivalents in other games. For instance I hated what Blizzard did to shadow priests in WoW by making the class revolve around constantly building up insanity to activate void form, and then try to get as much damage out as you can while insanity rapidly depletes and then you have to start over at 0.

Basically this. I don't feel like it's a natural combat system at all, I'm having to basically hit a bunch of check boxes constantly in combat and it's a non stop cycle of repeating certain steps. Instead of enjoying the combat I'm busy hitting those checkboxes and following procedures it felt like. In the process of trying to push more varied and cool looking combat, they made the entire thing feel mechanical instead of organic. While repetitive, 2016 Doom felt like it flowed more naturally and I wasn't rail roaded into playing a specific way.

The marauder fight for example, it was not an issue of difficulty, it became boring fast as you got into a loop of killing them a specific way. Whole game kept pushing encounters to play out in a similar manner, while in 2016 it felt like you could kill anything anyway you want with the weapons you wanted. Nope, now I got to do these steps each time I fought monster X

The whole weakpoints and such for enemies also created a system where you were punished in playing the way you wanted and pushed you to use specific attacks/weapons or you are punished by having to deal with a much more difficult fight.

The idea that you had to develop tactics, no you didn't, you basically just followed a script to kill certain creatures in easy ways. If you don't play exactly like they want you to, the game basically punishes you with longer harder fight, and you waste more ammo. Maurader fights became so boring cause they become pointlessly easy once you learn the basic step to fight them. And then it's just repetition, and this is the crux of it, everything becomes mechanical and stiff feeling when it's supposed to be fun and organic.

The argument being that Eternal had you using more variety of weapons. Yes because it essentially puts you on rails to use specific weapons on certain enemies, again taking away freedom to play as you want. Some players abused or used certain weapons in the first? Ok that's just some players, and feels like they just failed at weapon balance. Instead of weapon/encounter balancing, they went with a system that has you use weapon x on monster x.
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Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
2016 is my second favorite shooter of all time.

Eternal, I just disliked the gameplay loop. They overcomplicated it unnecessarily.


Oct 28, 2017
I enjoyed 2016 Doom more. Eternal did nothing for me. I think I had 1 or 2 missions left and I just dropped it.
Jun 19, 2020
Steam reviews are realy positiv and I love playing it. I dont get the hate for this game. It sure isnt a relaxing expirience but the gameplay is very good but hard.


Nov 13, 2017
2016 is my second favorite shooter of all time.

Eternal, I just disliked the gameplay loop. They overcomplicated it unnecessarily.

My feelings about it, as well.

I'm constantly running out of ammo for particular weapons. So I'm always trying to find the right weapon to use in chaotic moments. And I have to remember to use the chainsaw to get ammo, if I have fuel. But do something else to get a shield.

Kill things in a very specific way or you're going to be screwed in 30 seconds. It was annoying and frustrating.

If you get it, I understand that it could probably be great. If you don't, it's just frustrating.

And the's not good. And there's a LOT of it.
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Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
whats the issue here? people don't like the massive changes iD made in the sequel to the game they loved. its not hard to comprehend and its ok if you disagree.


Oct 28, 2017
I certainly don't hate the game, but I did abandon it halfway through and haven't looked back. I get the gameplay loop they want you to have (constantly switching between attack methods), but it swiftly became a chore for me to play instead of fun. It makes the combat less satisfying for me than 2016. Also, the platforming is worse.


Oct 27, 2017
The combat was great but the campaign was forgettable and the multiplayer is not good. It didn't have any replay value for me. I did enjoy my time with it though and it looks great at 1440p on ultra-settings.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't get why everything is labeled as hate if you disagree.

I liked Doom Eternal and Doom 2016. For me 2016 was slightly better and that seems to be echoed by a lot of users on this board.

I wouldn't classify that as hate. In fact I would say it's a very small minority that has labeled the game as trash or bad. It seems like on this board most people just enjoyed 2016 more. That doesn't make Eternal a bad game.


Aug 3, 2020
I started the game on PC and did not really like it, it felt too different from Doom 2016.
And basically put it away.

I recently started to play it on my Series S via Game Pass and I gotta say, I love it!
The challenge is nice, and it feels even more like the good Doom games (you know, Doom and Doom II).

I do have to say that it starts out pretty bad.


Oct 27, 2017
It is weird considering it's the best game of the year.

Yes - Doom Eternal will be my goty unless Cyberpunk unseats it

Doom Eternal is an EXTREMELY well designed game. I have played through it several times

Had way more fun with it that many other games this year that try to be movies more than games *cough* TLOU2
Apr 25, 2020
I haven't bothered with Eternal because I didn't enjoy 2016 all that much. It felt too much like a one trick pony as soon as you had seen all the different kill animations. From that point on it felt like just another generic shooter and thus a slog to the finish.


Oct 25, 2017
I love everything about eternal, my only complaint compared to 2016 is the story and overall atmosphere, it takes itself too seriously and ruin the doom guy character imo

Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I really do get where some kneejerk reactions to Eternal come from, especially if you were expecting a rehash of Doom 2016. It gets a gradually and considerably warmer take the more people complain about the 100% design choices that turn Eternal in what it's meant to be. Please, just understand it's not Doom 2016 again.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the concept of a bubble of hate, as if this forum isn't just made up of various different people who may or may not have liked the game.

You'd never see someone complain about a "bubble of liking a game too much".

If you like the game great. A lot of people did, a lot of people didn't. The game is more divisive than 2016, that's just how it is. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't bothered with Eternal because I didn't enjoy 2016 all that much. It felt too much like a one trick pony as soon as you had seen all the different kill animations. From that point on it felt like just another generic shooter and thus a slog to the finish.
Same. Seemed like some sort of Piñata arcade game where you hit/shoot things watch the same kill animations over and over candy coloured gems spill out. I'll give it another whirl eventually though, maybe I didn't play enough.

The director/producers (forget which) comments on JRE about how there's no sex/swearing in it, as he wanted his kid to be able to play it, also struck me as bizarre and weird.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
The only thing I didn't like about Doom Eternal was the direction they took the story. I loved the story in Doom 2016. It was better than it had any right being. But Doom Eternal dialing the crazy up to 11 just didn't feel right. Maybe if 2016 felt that same way it would be fine, but I really wanted a continuation of the perfectly silly/serious balance we got from 2016.

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I didn't like about Doom Eternal was the direction they took the story. I loved the story in Doom 2016. It was better than it had any right being. But Doom Eternal dialing the crazy up to 11 just didn't feel right. Maybe if 2016 felt that same way it would be fine, but I really wanted a continuation of the perfectly silly/serious balance we got from 2016.
Yes, the story was abysmal, and 2016 trumps it in every regard. Who the fuck decided to reverse course deserves to be demoted.... I just don't understand how we went from crushing a datapad trying to squawk out instructions in 2016 to actually giving the enemies complicated names and back stories.... Ugh.

And the DLC's decision to insert a guiding lackey's voice during mission progress? Fuckin' blimey.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
The only thing I didn't like about Doom Eternal was the direction they took the story. I loved the story in Doom 2016. It was better than it had any right being. But Doom Eternal dialing the crazy up to 11 just didn't feel right. Maybe if 2016 felt that same way it would be fine, but I really wanted a continuation of the perfectly silly/serious balance we got from 2016.
This is exactly how I feel. I thoroughly enjoy playing Eternal and getting in to that game flow it offers, but the story was a huge disappointment when compared to 2016. I have some other gripes about some UI/UX decisions like with tutorials, but the bulk of my criticism goes to the story. I don't even find the Marauders that bad!


Dec 13, 2017
Cool as fuck, and deserves recognition and I love everything about it immensely...except for playing it. I haven't been so frustrated with a games level design and mechanics since trying to doof my way through Dark Souls the first time.

I ended up loving Dark Souls and becoming an absolute devotee of the series, but so far I have not found my groove with DE's vibe. I know I will get there as I have been a fan ever since the original Doom playing as a Senior in High school.


Nov 13, 2017
Large areas of platforming bullshit have no place in a Doom game, fight me. If you wanna make jumping flash in hell call it something else.


Oct 25, 2017
2016 was a lot more fun.

Eternal was fine, I guess. Kinda had to force myself to finish it at the end there.


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
Took a while to click for me but when it clicks, it takes your fucking head off.

Deleted member 27872

user requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
It was definitely my goty followed closely by streets of rage 4. I just think in gameplay it improved immensely on all of my problems with doom 2016. I really loved how fast paced and intense the battles were and all of the enemies just felt great to fight.