Which is worse?

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Votes: 261 28.5%
  • The Book of Boba Fett

    Votes: 656 71.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Obi-Wan was deeply underwhelming and exists to basically give Obi-Wan an "out" when explaining what happened to Luke's father. There's some merit to the idea of Obi-Wan finding his faith again, and McGregor does his best with it. But it's a deeply clumsy, sometimes amateurish show.

Boba Fett is hysterically terrible, right down to its concept. It's a show about Boba Fett taking his place as the head of a crime organization while seemingly having no fucking clue what crime organizations do. The best episodes are fucking the Mandalorian fixing up his new car. Like...

Also it features a cg monstrosity Luke Skywalker who is not only an ethical embarrassment, but is written like a fucking dope as well.

The Quentulated Mox

Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 10, 2022
My main hope for Obi-Wan was it being a very character focused, about him dealing with the grief and PTSD the prequels gave him, with flashbacks to some key moments to serve the occasional obligatory action scene.

I genuinely did not want to see Vader at all.
to be honest, i expected it to be even worse — i thought for sure they would lampshade their reunion in ANH by having obiwan tell Vader "you're still just a learner" or something to that effect after beating him. ohhhh he said 'learner' that's what vader said in that one movie!!!!

granted it was still very bad and dumb


Oct 29, 2017
Boba was so bad that it had two episodes of a better show in it.
Like if agents of shield started playing during inhumans


Oct 25, 2017
Boba gave us this masterpiece


Obi-wan didn't gave us a damn thing

What a neat trick


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Obi Wan is overhated. Had maybe one episode I didn't like. The first and last episodes were really good imo.

Boba Fett had a good first episode, but that was about it. Then it becomes a Mandalorian show.


Jul 14, 2019
The Book of Boba Fett

Fett's retconning was terrible. He became the crime boss with a heart of gold, or whatever rehabilitation Disney was trying to make him a hero.

Then they seemed to have shoved in episodes of The Mandalorian towards the end because they knew what they had was bad. Those Mando eps in Fett even become required viewing for the start of Mandalorian season 3 due to what takes place in them.


Oct 25, 2017
Both are fucking terrible.

Fett was probably worse, just for those action sequences, terrible effects, and of course, "the spin".

Also it had a good Mandalorian episode awkwardly in the middle which highlighted how shit the rest of it was.


Oct 25, 2017
It really only comes down to that one Mando episode. Both shows were absolutely pointless and equally embarrassing to watch.

I absolutely hate what these shows represent.


Feb 13, 2018
Boba Fett was only decent because half of it was a Mandalorian season.

Obi-Wan was an actually good show, imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Obi Wan was enjoyable imo. I loved young Leia and the arc Obi-Wan goes through. Pilot was great, it only fell of a bit after that. The main problem with it imo is that it feels like a stretched out film. Make it tighter and it would've been a great story. It would probably also give them more time, avoiding some goofy choices.

Boba Fett had a few good moments, but was mostly pretty horrible. The fact the Mandalorian part, in itself a mediocre show, was the most redeeming factor of it, is telling.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed them but Obi-Wan was better.

Book of Boba suddenly gave up on it's title character and turned into a weird Mandalorian crossover half way through because they had no clue what to do with Boba's story.

This is where I'm at, with the exception that I always kind of thought of BOBF as Mando season 2.5. They probably should have called it "The Mandalorian: The Book of Boba Fett." It's required viewing going into Mando season 3 (well, those two critical episodes, at least).


Oct 28, 2017
I remember next to nothing about Obi-Wan. Boba at least had some cool scenes and Mandalorian S2.5 thrown in.


Nov 13, 2017
I don't think it's fair to count the two episodes of Boba Fett that are LITERALLY Mando episodes.

BOBF is the worst.


Nov 15, 2017
I've been doing a prequel rewatch after seeing Episode 1 in cinemas last Friday and I've just finished Obi-Wan, first rewatch since it aired. I really enjoyed it. Is there unnecessary filler and would it have been better as a movie? yes. Is it awful? I didn't think so. It has it's problems but when watching it in sequence with the prequels it's not that bad, which yeah, I know in itself sucks, but I have a good time watching this era of Star Wars and the prequels are my childhood so for me it ticks the boxes. I do get why OT purists hate it though.

Boba Fett on the other hand bored me to tears and the only episode I enjoyed was the one he wasn't in lmao.
Jun 24, 2019
This is close to where I am. Each series had some really bad production elements - the fight editing in Obi Wan may have been the worst I've ever seen in any live action show or movie. Each series also had -some- good elements, like the mentioned Tuskin culture and the Mando content in BoBF. But I too give the edge to Obi Wan solely because of some good Vader moments and it managed to tell a story that made sense to the characters more than what we saw in BoBF. BoBF completely lost the plot by the time it got to its finale.
It's a shame. Initially half-heartedly enjoy watching them; BoBF for the Tuskins and Kenobi for Vader, but revisiting the shows they were obv lazy cash grabs.

After Tales of the Empire, I'm holding off from Star Wars til S2 Andor releases.


Oct 25, 2017
Easily The Book of Boba Fett. That show was pure ass. Boba survived the Sarlacc Pit only to be assassinated in his own show haha. Should've just stayed dead and remained a memory. Like it or not it can not be denied that Boba Fett was a popular character. Even after his silly death in Jedi he remained a fan favorite. I was one of them. Now though? Nah. I can say I do not care about Boba Fett anymore. This show killed him more than any Sarlacc ever could.
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Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Boba Fett is a worse show but really, Boba Fett is a nobody and can be easily ignored.

What they did with Obi-Wan just makes other Star Wars fiction worse. Which is especially annoying considering the flashback scenes with Hayden were good.


Oct 27, 2017
I like Boba a bit more only for the fact that it takes place after the OT. I don't need any more prequel-era stuff.
Feb 24, 2018
For the Book of Boba Fett, I admit I never cared for the Old EU take of him which came across as some really overcompensating writing, "Oh he becomes King of the Mandolorians but also gets to continue to be badass bountry hunter because of virus and he also kills X badassly!" etc etc. I kind of like how the Book of Boba Fett kind of called that out and aloud him to be traumatized, re-evaluate his life and actually act human, rather than "OOOHHH I'M A BADASE, THAT MY SOLE CHAACTER TRAIT!"

That said, the show has some severe issues with pacing, storytelling and the fact that in changes to an entirely different show for an episode and an half. Part of the issue feels like the writers were too focused on making the show interconnective and make them "Essential" viewing that they forgot you need a good show.

I admit I don't get the general dislike for Obi-Wan, it's fine overall but nothing special or bad.


Jun 20, 2018
Boba Fett is a worse show but really, Boba Fett is a nobody and can be easily ignored.

What they did with Obi-Wan just makes other Star Wars fiction worse. Which is especially annoying considering the flashback scenes with Hayden were good.
I actually think it makes episode 4 better. The interaction between Vader and Obi-Wan always felt weird after what occurred in the prequels.

Because of Obi-Wan (series) I find it a little bit more believable Obi-Wan doesn't see Vader as a person anymore.


Oct 28, 2017
Obi > Boba

Unfortunately Boba felt like had a better story to tell, one that didn't include the teenager bike gang lol

I still enjoyed both though, especially Obi


Oct 29, 2017
Dublin, Ireland
I voted Boba Fett, but I forgot about the Mando episodes in it. That redeems it slightly, but it's still absolutely miserable viewing. After the Boba Fett scenes in Mando I really expected big things of it, and it failed to deliver on every single metric. Obi Wan is far worse, but by that stage my expectation for it was fairly low, so it wasn't as galling a viewing experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Obi-Wan did stick the landing, but everything before that was pretty bad, like surprisingly so. I wasn't expecting high art, but even so I was at least expecting a certain base-line that wasn't met.

I saw Boba Fett later and was expecting the worst after all the negativity, but I found it to be a highly entertaining show. Outside of some really dumb elements (scooter-gang, really?) I was very surprised at how much I liked it. Again, not a high bar, but it was fun.


Sep 15, 2022
I enjoyed Kenobi. Wasn't great but decent TV. Couldn't get past the first half of the first episode of Boba Fett.


Oct 27, 2017
Both were barely above Xena Warrior Princess in levels of quality. Kenobi had more memorable moments though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd throw Ahsoka on this pile too. And I say that as a fan of Rebels. Most of these live action Star Wars shows have this underwritten, almost amateur hour style to them married with top of the line VFX and creature work. I remember some of the blocking in Ahsoka looked like a student film. Even the way the dialogue was delivered was just...odd. Like when you listen to a podcast and the people talking aren't synced up right so there's just a wee bit too much dead air. Felt like they were stretching things out for time tbh

But between those two choices, Boba Fett as worst. The warlord with a heart of gold thing is lame. If he's bad, let him be bad.

Ahsoka just makes me sad because I liked it more than these other two but Ray Stevenson's tragic death kinda kills the hype I had for Baylan going forward. That man had presence that's going to be hard to replicate.
Jan 1, 2024
Boba Fett had some redeeming qualities. The story about how Boba Fett allied with the desert people was nice and also you get Mando episodes hidden in there towards the end.

Obi-Wan was a huge disappointment for me. Baby Leia was the best part. I wish it was set between Episode 1 and Episode 2, Obi-Wan and Anakin out on "monster of the week" adventures while they were friendly. Not everything has to be tied into the overarching good vs evil lore.

Unfortunately Boba felt like had a better story to tell, one that didn't include the teenager bike gang lol
Ah yes, the fell out of a JRPG gang.


Oct 25, 2017
Boba Fett quality wise and entertainment factor is a worse show
Obi Wan is the more disappointing show

Kenobi nailed the landing so the whole thing sits better with you, but the majority if it really failed to live up to the potential it had.
Boba Fett... was a Mando Spin off. Expectation wise... I mean, who had any really? it was fine since it was pretty much what they told us it would be. It just wasn't well made.



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

I don't know if it's the same scene as the twitter reference in the first page - but that scene is just weird. I also noticed at the end, Ashoka is walking off screen diagonally left and away from the camera...Luke asks her a question and she stops on the spot. After her answer she does a hard turn and walks off in completely the opposite direction - like where was she going before!?
Dec 17, 2022
Both were pretty bad… but I quite liked the CGI Luke, so Mand… I mean Book of Fett wins out.

Obi Wan just felt like a series of missed opportunities. The ham fisted exposition, and Lil' Leia made it hard to watch.

Edit: The final scenes of Obi were great. Maybe I'll try a rewatch some day 😅
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Oct 26, 2017
Both are bad but Obi Wan is the worse offender, to bring Ewan and Hayden back after 15 years, only to fumble the bag that hard.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I keep forgetting about this, but I genuinely can't believe how much the final confrontation between Obi-Wan and Vader, which is the entire point this series is moving towards, is just directly stolen from Rebels.

-Ahsoka fights Vader
-Ahsoka cuts half his mask off so now you're hearing half Vader/half Anakin's voice
-Ahsoka makes a final plea to her old friend
-Vader makes a comment about how "he" (meaning Vader) destroyed Anakin

Lol this show's best part and it jacked it from an animated show several years earlier.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
Boba greatly improved when Mando showed up for those last couple of episodes, but the journey to get there was awful. So as a whole, Boba was worse.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Boba Fett is very clearly worse.

Obi Wan actually has an interesting story to tell, but is hampered by being clearly turned into a show from a movie, and awful production quality.