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Oct 27, 2017
It worked in 2016, and it'll work in 2020, and probably on and on. I foresee an "investigation" to dog the Democratic presidential candidate for elections to come.


Dec 3, 2018
You can bet a billion dollars Trump would be doing the same to warren or Bernie or Harris if they were the front runners.

Deleted member 31923

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Nov 8, 2017
Trump's entire gameplan is not so much to disprove that he's dirty, but to show that everyone else is equally as dirty. "Yeah there are dozens of allegations about me, but hey, look over here!"

The president directing the AG to harass and investigate his political opponents is a horrifying turn for this country. It should have horrified everyone when he tried to push charges against McCabe, Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and HRC. Anyone cheering this because they don't like Biden is missing the point, this won't stop with Biden.

He's already got the Ukrainian government to announce an "investigation" into Biden in return for his ransom demands. He's creating headlines using the power of his office, not rooting out corruption.

Yep, this is a horrible thing regardless of what you think of Biden. Trump knows he just has to muddy the waters and bring the other candidates down to his level. He learned this with "but her emails," which actually worked well and helped get him elected. And the "both sides" media will play right along.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not against the law for the US to investigate its own people. It can be idiotic, but this is so far down the totem pole of issues with Trump right now, it shouldn't even register.

Commandeering the Justice Department (and State Department) to seek out political hit jobs is actually rather fucking high on the totem pole of issues with the Trump administration. Holy shit, how can you think otherwise? Has this been that normalized? The Justice Department isn't the president's personal lawyers. They're not part of his campaign. They should be undefended of the executive and in any other presidency this would be a major fucking scandal.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, a sincere "fuck you" to whoever thinks this is fine. Approving of facist tactics because you don't like a candidate....

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
If you support this, you're a fucking idiot. There has been absolutely no evidence to support an investigation into Biden. This is clearly the President using his DoJ as a political lackey. Just nonsense.

If you want Biden to lose, sure great, but this is the most insipid way it can go. And you're fooling yourself if you think it stops at Biden.

Big Baybee

Oct 27, 2017
People who are fine with this are idiots. We get it, you don't like Biden. Now, what do you think is going to happen if Biden doesn't get the nomination?


Oct 29, 2017
All of this to try and get dirt on someone who is starting to lose ground in the primary and won't even be the Democratic nominee.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering how many people hate Biden here and will look for any excuse to get rid of him for their favored candidate, I'm not surprised at all to see so much approval of this even when there are no grounds for it and it wouldn't be acceptable for any President to sic the Department of Justice on political opponents in the first place. As though Trump won't try to create negative optics based on nothing regardless of who gets the nomination.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Trump's entire gameplan is not so much to disprove that he's dirty, but to show that everyone else is equally as dirty. "Yeah there are dozens of allegations about me, but hey, look over here!"

100% this. And whos to say they won't simply pull some shit out of thin air to have someone arrested eventually to remove them and other politicians from the playing field in future elections. I don't put it past these assholes for a second

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
This is the start of Trump's counter offense. Using the Republican Senate and executive branch to investigate Biden and muddy the waters, and not coincidently, at the same time the Ukrainian government is also going to open an investigation into Biden. Quid pro quo right in our faces.


Oct 27, 2017
Nice abuse of power, conflict of interest, waste of resources and tax money, and corruption.

if you are okay with this move you are complicit.


Oct 26, 2017
I agree no one is above the law, but this is only happening because he's the only person trump is scared of because that's who everyone says has the best chance of beating him, not because there's legitimate cause. Fuck this whole thing.


Oct 25, 2017

So we're really gonna let them go down this road again just because Biden's a cunt huh
Oct 28, 2017
you don't think Bill Barr launching a taxpayer funded political attack on a US citizen at the president's behest based on 4chan conspiracy is news or a problem?

Depends entirely on the grounds for the investigation. None of us know what that is. Would you really be surprised to learn Biden is corrupt? The investigation should be handled with extreme care but if there are grounds for it, it should occur.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
This is pretty far from 'fine'. Investigating political opponents on dubious grounds is one of the oldest moves in the dictactor's playbook. Another one is locking the competition up. That may sound like craziness but we have a daytime tv host running the country and openly soliciting help from rival nations to interfere in our elections.

Impeach this motherfucker.


Oct 27, 2017
Go for it. Nothing will happen and the worst-case scenario literally any of the (better) democratic nominees will have a better chance at election.


I'm not approving, I'm just saying let him waste his time trying.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone in this thread who thinks this isn't a problem is a useful idiot who's enabling fascism.

No wonder democracy is circling the drain when people think it's fine for the Executive branch to use the nation's resources to campaign for itself and damage opposing campaigns.
Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, a sincere "Fuck you" to whoever thinks this is fine. Literally approving of facist tactics because you don't like a candidate.

My thought for Joe stepping down from the race during the investigation isn't hate.
It's conceivable he was caught up in something that extends beyond his vision or his administration at the time.
Not saying he's guilty and mean and out to destroy everyone or shouldn't come back to the race.
It's Joe Biden. He's not going to lose name recognition. The investigation if not impeded should be fast. If nothing is turned up to corroborate. His chances go to 11 when he comes back in. Everyone loves Joe for doing the moral thing in presidential leadership.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Depends entirely on the grounds for the investigation. None of us know what that is. Would you really be surprised to learn Biden is corrupt? The investigation should be handled with extreme care but if there are grounds for it, it should occur.
You're willfully ignoring the part where the President was shopping this to other countries to open an investigation into Biden, Barr being a stooge whose rationale for not investigating the whistleblower complaint was that he couldn't come up with an exact value opening up a criminal investigation into an opponent would have, and that this is the best time for it to come out.


Oct 26, 2017
GOP are king of projection but projecting a whole corruption investigation on someone else is next level.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol. Come on. I don't like Biden either but the empty seat we have as President can't use the fucking DOJ for a useless investigation like this...
Oct 28, 2017
You're willfully ignoring the part where the President was shopping this to other countries to open an investigation into Biden, Barr being a stooge whose rationale for not investigating the whistleblower complaint was that he couldn't come up with an exact value opening up a criminal investigation into an opponent would have, and that this is the best time for it to come out.

No I'm not. That's entirely separate.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I don't understand how any Democrat could look at what happened in 2016 and say that this is a waste of Trump's time and effort. Hell, the fact that it tries to justify the Ukraine dealings means that it in of itself isn't a waste of time.


Nov 8, 2017
2016 literally proves this wrong. Hillary was leading rather significantly in the polls after "grab her by the pussy" before Comey's email about re-opening the investigation.

We're in a different place from back then. Comey had credibility and Obama wasn't being impeached. The justice department is losing credibility rapidly and Trump is being impeached. If independents are swayed by this then Democrats are doing a bad job in messaging. I expected Trump to pull this BS, I'm saying it's better that it's now before the main election and before Biden is even the nominee.

I'm not saying this is a good thing for the country, but my expectations of this behavior means I'm not surprised by it at this point and feel like they played this hand much earlier than they would have if the whistleblower hadn't come out. If this had dropped in October 2020 I'd be a lot more worried. By election time (even if Biden is the nominee which I don't think he will be) people will be sick of this crap and only the Trump base will be talking about this since the investigation will yield no results. If Trump brings it up, Biden just says your justice department came after me and found nothing and you were impeached because you committed so and so crimes.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends entirely on the grounds for the investigation. None of us know what that is. Would you really be surprised to learn Biden is corrupt? The investigation should be handled with extreme care but if there are grounds for it, it should occur.
The grounds is bullshit conspiracies, a POTUS that thinks the DoJ is a personal vendetta tool ignoring the independence the FBI/DoJ have with regard to investigations, and a sycophant AG.



Oct 25, 2017
My thought for Joe stepping down from the race during the investigation isn't hate.
It's conceivable he was caught up in something that extends beyond his vision or his administration at the time.
Not saying he's guilty and mean and out to destroy everyone or shouldn't come back to the race.
It's Joe Biden. He's not going to lose name recognition. The investigation if not impeded should be fast. If nothing is turned up to corroborate. His chances go to 11 when he comes back in. Everyone loves Joe for doing the moral thing in presidential leadership.

You are approving of facist tactics. A POTUS using the Justice Department to drum up investigations on political opponents based on no evidence is facism. Approving of this tactic "because Biden" is so fucking short-sighted and ignorant. If you give Trump the OK to do this against Biden, do you think he will stop when it comes to Warren or Sanders?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. We have historical evidence for what is happening right now. We merely need look at how Putin has retained power to see what's going on here.
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